Pat McAfee Reacts: Aaron Rodgers Hints At End Of Off Season Situation?

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The Truth: He'll play, but he's not going to be happy and they aren't going to be as good as last year. They aren't going 13 - 3. They are going to be facing improved competition across the board as well as not getting personal best years and over achievement from everyone on their squad like they have been. A recycled defensive coordinator that went 0-16 with the Lions isn't going to help either. This is all going to accumulate and could go very badly and result in missing the play offs all together or an early playoff exit. Either way, Aaron's days in Green Bay are numbered. They're best shot was last year, and LaFluer screwed it up. I was absolutely shocked when they kicked a field goal instead of going for it on fourth and goal. That has got to be the one of the all time moronic calls in the history of the NFL.

Jack Bronson: If I didn’t like Pat I would think he’s a douche.

Kronos Kronos: that is not 150 yards

Trent Boyett: Aaron will prove he's just a spineless diva by slinking back to Green Bay with his tail between his legs and nothing to show for his hissy fit.

Fair Treatment: Shocking Rodgers folds like a cheap suit. Why would anyone at any point think otherwise? He was and is never sitting out. Whole lot of completely made up drama

Steven Irons: Brett farve 2.0. As a Bears fan I'm just sitting back and laughing

Jim Akin: I don't care what that Prima Donna does!

MadSolar: 3:04 - who did it Pat?

DJ Irish: Rodgers Dad was a Pro Golfer. So it's not a suprise he would be good to.

My Dogs Best Fren: it looked like when Christopher Reeves chucks that baseball in the beginning of Superman 🤣

My Dogs Best Fren: day 7,005..

joe john2: tired of aaron he is a baby.

Jaelyn Brose: Looking at the comments, even a fart is worth more attention than Aaron Rodgers.

Jacob Olson: Prayers for Aaron Rodgers retiring as a Packer 🙏🏼

Rydra Wong: Rodgers will need to have his uniform altered when he comes back, so he can fit that tail tucked between his legs.

Martin Elliot Edwards: A bunch of jabronies from Wisconsin are about to be even more insufferable if Rodgers comes back.

Tony Mork: Aaron has known all along what his plans are. he's no dummy. Actually he is incredibly smart. And talented. He is just trying to send a message to GB front office that once in a while you need to be all in to win a SB. GBs front office has always been conservative and always preparing for the future instead of going all in for a season or two to win big.

Washington Redwolves: We all know he’s gonna fold like a omelette kinda like how he does in nfc championship games

Lucky Jones: 03:04 someone riiiips ass into the microphone lmaoo

Lashay Smith: Feeling so bad for aaron Rodgers he trying to enjoy his time off not think about team that disrespect him his whole football career leave Aaron Rodgers alone

Gunzy121_ThndrGnr: Blew my fkn mind seeing Pat on Smackdown. Lmfao

Hot Girls Video XXX: The lonely mind blames the ship, how can it be,

TheWorstGamer NA: I hate all this speculation but i can't stop watching. At least I have Pat to calm my nerves with his level headed reporting.

Oshkoshdom: I live near Green Bay and guess what, most people here aren't very happy with the diva aka rodgers. Pat is so far up rodgers ass , pat no one cares anymore.

Primm Entertainment: I so hope that Aaron Rodgers leave the Packers because they're not going to help the guy win it would be so nice to see him go to a team that's going to put some stuff around him and watch him go compete for a super bowl him and Tom Brady battling it out next year maybe Patrick mahomes in there somewhere talk about an awesome playoff

Ben K: I can’t believe Pat a) knew the word linguistics and b) pronounced it properly. Good job buddy.

Douglas E. Johnson: Why isn't anyone grilling the front office? They are the ones who botched this from the start years ago. The dysfunction by GB management has been evident for a long time. They are beer and popcorn vendors, not championship caliber. Flush them.

Owdeez Strauz: Rodgers is playing 4D chess. He's said all along he wants to stay/retire as a Packer, he also wants a good situation with the Pack. I think he would have stayed regardless, but he knew if he did this leaving game he could better the situation AND stay with the greatest Football team to ever grace God's green Earth.

John Z: Ian Rapoport really wings it. He really knows nothing more than the average fan

Andracian Phillips: Was there a fart @ the 3:05 moment?

The Journey: It’s insane how Rodgers hasn’t talked to media all off season but is getting labeled an attention seeking diva 🤦🏻‍♂️ people really believe what clowns like skip say

ronn mattson: This whole situation is the stupidest thing. Now as Packer fans we have to all just pretend it didn't happen.

Beau Dyer: Listen to this sound at 3 mins 5 seconds someone let's a kart fly 🤣🤣🤣

Danny: Did someone rip ass at 3:05 or was that just me hearing things?

William Wacker: DENVER? Mahomes twice and then the playoffs? HELL NO… The team that makes the most sense and jumps out at me issssss? DOLPHINS!!! FLORIDA weather Jets twice Pats twice WIN THE AFC EAST HOME PLAYOFF GAME PLAY AT CHIEFS TO GET TO TOM!!! IT IS A PERFECT SET UP FOR HIM AND THE DOLPHINS. 3 YEAR 90 million deal… Done by week two when they see he is not coming back and he only wants MIAMI. MIAMI IS ALMOST JUST LIKE THE BUCS LAST YEAR… A QB FROM THE SUPER BOWL AND A LOT OF OFFENSIVE TALENT THAT ROGERS MAKES INTO PRO BOWL PLAYERS!!!

joeylawn: 3:04 was more information than the whole offseason of Rodgers speculation. You at least know that that fart stunk....

James Houston McIngvale: We gotta find out who farted at 3:04

Damon Seldon: He just wanna come in late and he don't wanna say it

Kevin Stamey: You think the packers don’t want to trade Rogers to Denver because Denver has everything that the packers refused to give him aka WR’s? An he’ll have a defense basically makes Denver a Super Bowl contender

vversusv: Great show

Madison Litteral: Why da hell do we still respect Rapaports opinion 🤔

Josh Patout: Rather be Pat McAfee for a year..

Lamb: 3:04…this show stinks

Q Crew: Rodgers will be a Packer this season

Tucker59: just like the last 40 years and last 12 months ...... not caring any more

Dale Hartmann: I am sure Rodgers has been laughing his a-- s off at all the media garbage all summer long! He is no ediot . Even if he hates the front office. He knows he has a great coach and great teammates to continue his career with. Not to mention the greatest fans in the NFL!

Clay Maxon: I gave a thumbs down. Why cut off mid sentence and end the vid? STUPID!!

MELA-D GOAT: lol brady 1 year in the nfc and everybody wants out

Greg Mike Bastounis: This is gonna sound weird, but what make are pat's tanktops??

Andy Rushing: Someone totally farted at 3:04

Revenge: True. Anytime people mention decent players in an Aaron Rodgers trade everyone says, “that’s too much to give up.” Well Green Bay is going to want a lot, so what do you expect? They aren’t going to trade him for a bunch of picks when whatever team he goes to will be better, making those picks worth much less.

Fantasy Couch: Who farted? 3:04

Sam Rosendahl: He’s 37, 2 first round picks, ideally high to middle-even as a reigning MVP that’s fair trade compensation. Not sure what Ian is on, it makes sense to me.

Alex Munoz: Fart at 304

Alex Munoz: Anyone hear that far at 3:04

L-e-gendary: you know our boy Pat is becoming big time when the AFL result are running in the background with other sports ( west coast Eagle)

Stephen Grahn: I got an idea Pat. Why don't you call him and ask him? He is a friend of the show.

Brett McKenzie: Anyone with the last name “Rapoport” shouldn’t be listened to, taken seriously, or paid to give an option on any topic.

maxpowr90: Reason AJ Hawk wasn't there was because he was in Cinci trying to get them an indoor practice facility.

Will Jenn: Aaron is not going anywhere, never was. They all played the media just like he was all upset about Love being drafted.

Jesse Crozier: Who farted at 3:07😂😂😂

Michael Syvius: IF Green Bay works out a trade for the end of this year with the Broncos and Rodgers knows he can come in, blast out another amazing season while training up Jordan, and then get to go to a team with a front office that actually wants to win, I definitely see Rodgers coming back. Other than that............doubtful.

RampagesFTW: Just traded Watson for Rodgers in my dynasty league you better be right rapoport

Ryan Guzman: Apparently paying a man a quarter of a billion dollars just isn't enough. I mean, I feel just terrible thinking about this man's `mental health. Having everything a man could ever want must be so miserable, right Erin?

Big Will: Please leave that 💩 hole Aaron. That organization is garbage. An absolute dumpster 🔥

Charlie Murphy: So what about all those Packer fans that said "just get rid of Rodgers. He's asking for too much money. Not worth it." *Can we take away their Fandom license?*

Tom McDonough: Rogers DOESN'T have a plan?

Tim Bo: same story different day

Brent N: The guy is a big head POS. I hope he comes back and they only win 6 games. The man is truly the most over rated football player since Montana.

Love one another as I have loved you Jesus Christ: Who farted at 3:06???

Artimus Branesample: I think what the world wants to know is, "Can Aaron Rodgers even pass a drug test?"!!! I feel like we know that he's going to Denver one way or the other, don't we?

Rick Long: Anyone check to see if AJ is ok? Hope he didnt fall asleep at the wheel again.

Romulus: I mean he says "We'll figure it out" which could easily mean figuring out to get tf out of green bay.

Tommy Metz: In a straight trade for Rodgers you would have to give up the farm. But this isn't a straight trade. What do the Packers have if they don't trade him? A player who won't play. What is the value of a player who won't play? It can't be much. In this situation the Packers should be trying their best to salvage anything they can because they already screwed the pooch. One question though....What would happen if Rodgers just showed up and refused to play? He just sat on the bench? Would the Pack then be obligated to pay him? Maybe that would be Rodgers best tactic. Show up. Sit there and do nothing. Imagine the shitstorm to follow! LOL.

Vinyl LP Reviews: I think Rogers wanted to send a message that he wasn't happy and Greenbay needs to get their sh!t together.

Chief-KT: duh we all knew he wasnt leaving cmon now

Chubbs: In the words of love em or hate em Brett Favre Aaron should take to weeks off then a golfer or host jeopardy or whatever he wants.....let's face it he doesn't have enough years to ever catch the GOAT

Two Dogs: I have said the entire offseason the owners will not let the Packers trade Rodgers because you "can't have the inmates running the prison" as the Texans owner once said. NFL will not let QBs act like NBA players.

devonte bennett: Damn all he said was “We’ll see” and they still think its a hidden message 🤦🏾‍♂️😂

Scott: Fart at 3:06

Anthony Cirinelli: IDK Ian, “figure it out” is sort of all inclusive.

fads90: THERE WAS NEVER ANY DRAMA IN THE PACKERS LOCKER ROOM!!! IT IS A CONSPIRACY MY FELLOW GENTLEMEN. Obviously the packers upper management and Aaron Rodgers colluded together to PRETEND that there was locker room drama to get the hope of the plebs of the NFC North up and make them feel like they have a chance. Only they don't realize the PACKERS ARE TIGHT with one another. When the season begins they get steamrolled and wonder what the hell happened. It's a cruel SADISTIC way to torture the fanbases of their rival cities. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!

j s: I’m praying Aaron goes to New England some how

REALLYINDIGENOUSDATGUY: Sounds like Aaron been bumping Too comfortable by future

Ryan Fleharty: I think tom Brady hit the nail on the head when he said “he has no options” RODGES BACK TO GREEN BAY

Trip Aces: That boat toss is just silly good .......... you cant be a great WR without good QB play. I just want to see Rodgers move to LA, play for the RAIDERS........ Something about Gruden's memory for football and Rodgers being the Jeopardy host.. and a supreme talent QB... IDK.. it just seems like cant miss Sunday's Coach QB combinations. plus gives Raiders that 3 year window to be great .. then piss about after adrift at sea looking for their next 'raiding party'

Kevin Blake: Rogers the "Drama Queen" is coming back after working VERY hard to make himself the center of attention all off season- gosh, what a surprise?! Sure, he is a pain, but at least he wins the SB every few years as he should...oh, never mind.

RJ Villa: Is AJ Rodgers new agent lol

jesusoftheapes: The Packers put an offer together that is on the table. All Aaron has to do is sign it and we are at take off. When he resigns and stays longer in GB will the press apologize for creating this farce?

Patrick White: Can’t wait to see Aaron re-sign and lose the first round of the playoffs.

Dannr310: He’s gonna sit out and wait til Jordan Love struggles. He’ll comeback mid season. Win enough games to make playoffs. Get paid big money and retire a Packer. Meanwhile Packers will trade Jordan Love away for a bag of peanuts.

narski82: The NFL is a what have you done for me lately League and this guy hasn't won a big game in 10 years and he still gets a pass

Chuck Hamma: Knowing AJ, he purposely didn’t show up today because he has zero desire to talk about the Aaron situation anymore and they can’t figure out that he’s not snitching lol

Talking About My Generation: Who was the butterfingers in the boat - Was that MVS?

Cooper S: Rodgers ball hung for like 3.5 seconds- what the actual fvck?

Brendan Clays: He’s the MVP. He can do whatever he wants

Jeff Coffield: No way, Pat McAfee is talking about Aaron Rodgers?? Color me shocked

Brandon Smoot: The amount of coverage on Aaron Rodgers nutsack is insane. I wish they'd just let the guy be.

Toon Toon: If he does play this season it will be his last in Greenbay…….BOOK IT!

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