Pat McAfee Reacts To Players Opinions Of A 17 Game NFL Season

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Jalen Walker: We’re probably not gonna be able to compare from 2,000s to any era anymore. Another game for stats and wins and the way we play rules wise is so different. This is technically a new era now

Jalen Walker: This shows me the owners only care about money and have no respect to the history records that will be blown out now.

Smoke: Better start doing Load Management then lmao

meisdetermined: If you have to do more work for the same amount of pay then you have effectively taken a pay cut. I don’t think anyone in the world would be happy about that...oh, except all the billionaires writing the checks.

Eain Servais: 17 game season is absolutely ridiculous and stupid

Hippie JayLion: That means the lions can be the first 0-17 team 🙂 two records

Stefan Poulin: Should have read the CBA. They're surrounded by lawyers and personal management representation...Pay attention if it's your lively hood.

Scott Elliott: Poor babies, and I hate working Saturdays too bad spoiled asses

Jude Scott: NFLPA is a literal joke. Players wanna complain but this is all their fault.

Kevin Thibodeau: Feel like nfl players are the most baby players of all sports

JP: I’d doubt that the checks will ever get smaller

Cloud Strife: I wonder if they're doing it for international purposes like playing in London. That probably wouldn't even be able to happen in this season though.

ICUINHERE: FFFFFFFFF.......... That I want a new contract...... I'm paid for 4 Preseason games and 16 Regular...... I'm not paid for 4+17..... So now you need to up the cap you need to up the contracts by 1 game so if I make let just say 16 million for 16 games I now get 17 million for 17 games...... Oh CRAP..... I just got a raise....

Los O: This is cool because we won't have anymore teams that are 8-8 .you'll either have a winning season 9-8 or losing season 8-9. But I think they should also get rid of divisions and just have two conferences. Play each team from your conference plus two from other conference. No more seeing two crappy teams play twice a year. Also put the Colts, Browns and Steelers back in the nfc where they started.

Old_Head_Ted _1: They are diluting their own product. New contracts should have in them player may opt out of 17th and final game.

Randy Rasmussen: So does this mean they should receive a pay raise? Due to an extra work load?

ColtAction: Aww are the millionaires upset they have to play one more game?

Mr Sinister: Should just have one pre-season game,make an 18 game schedule with 2 bye weeks for every team, I'd be fine with 3 or more bye weeks if it meant inuries would be dramatically cut down. I do think the current system in place is great.

Rocker3829: Zero sympathy because the players had a chance to vote that down but they voted in favor of the CBA. Suck it up!

murf murf: peyton will hold the 55 tds for awhile still

John Pace: I hate this

tayrulez: I remember a few months ago seeing a tweet about a proposal that would add a 17th game but would have set a player limit of 16 games so you couldn't overplay your starters during the regular season and people were clowning it but personally I didn't think it was a bad idea. It would make it necessary to build depth, and also guys get hurt during the season and miss time anyways so it could actually benefit players and teams since it could be used as a second bye week.

Brandon One: NFL needs a 16 team playoff instead of 14.

Greg Pal: The records that will be introduced.... do they not care about that history means nothing nowadays I guess

Visual Xposed: Payin millions of dollars, better play up. 🤷🏽‍♂️

marvinshenk: Week 18 will be an unofficial bye week for at least half the teams ie the good teams. It will be "save our playoff hopes" week for teams like the Bears, Dallas, and Washington who stay at .500 until week 17 usually. Im happy. I'll gladly watch all the games they can offer.

Rico Conti: And the NFL wants 18 games

TMoney 777: Every single season record in history is now irrelevant.

Ram's 12thMan: Can't wait for my Rams to go 17-0 😁

Christopher Hall: The sport of hockey is a lot tougher, baseball schedules are a lot longer. These NFL primadonnas are getting as bad as the NBA.

Brian London: Eliminate one more exhibition game and we can have 18!

Docter Khumalo: What are they upset about? They agreed to this so what's the problem.

Michael Keller: Should just make it so a player can only play in a maximum 16 games. Sit your starters for a game every year. Adds a different strategy and gives players that extra bye week

TB 12: They signed an agreement for this, why are they surprised? 2 less pre season games and one more regular season game. Players are so soft.

Noah Bakongo: The fact that there is a bye week in general is not good the nfl should just go to 12 games

kaydaw24: Up until 2015, the league was an unincorporated nonprofit 501(c)(6) association. I am still facinated by this.

Sean mander: they just wanna make more $ 😴

hardtoexplain32: I would've rather seen a home and home with the team you match up with place wise in the division you play in conference. It'd add to the tiebreaker as a conference and common opponent.

ibstrummin2: i have to believe these are just matchups... or are they really going to have AFC teams host all of these?

Eric Thomas: crying about the single season records. They’ve been talking about 17 or 18 games for YEARS! Don’t act blindsided. If you wanted to be heard perhaps y’all coulda made a big deal outta this long ago

Lil Cucci: I get hate comments cause I like to remind people it’s always a business first, for both sides. Thanks for reminding me sometimes I do think like a player(winner) like u bud 😉🙃

Eric Thomas: Shouldn’t hear a SINGLE player say “wtf did we agree to?” Because for yeeeeaars the nflpa has been garbage and these players can never get together and properly negotiate what’s best for them and the future players coming in

War Peace: You guys are drinking your own bathwater. To suggest that players have ANYTHING to complain about with regards to a change from 16 to 17 games season is laughable. Players are a dime a dozen. There are literally millions of players ready to take the place of these greed addicted bags of meat. NFL - 99% of fans would cheer on ANY anonymous bipedal lifeform playing in the right colours. Players have massively overblown egos and sense of entitlement that is surpassed only by politicians. Have some appreciation of your relative wealth and nearly everyone else's poverty.

Gregory Stell: How much longer till Roger Goodells term is up. He turned the NFL into a political statement more than he's kept it into a sport

Dan Krist: One more bye week to the teams that play Thursday. This league talks about player safety, showcase it. Don’t make these men play with only 3 full days between games. Put another bye week also just to show seriousness. There ya go. 20 weeks of regular season NFL action. Wild card weekend should be wild card Sunday. Let every team have a bye expect the 2 lowest seeds Number 7 vs number 6 in each conference. Then follow the regular schedule. Top 2 seeds get another week off. Carry on.

kalikimaca: They're going to hurt the game. The body can only take so much. It will hurt the integrity of the playoffs

SketchinComedy: Oh no, 17 games. What would these players do if they played hockey? Probably collapse and die after the first game of a back to back.

Rojelio Tamayo: I'm against it, and I'm against preseason games 1st string players get hurt and out for the season,

pirate772009: The first idea I heard about extending the season I heard about two or three years ago and the idea was that the season would be extended to 18 weeks with no byes and no preseason but each player would only be eligible to play in 16 games and the rosters would be expanded to around 65

Jose S.: Can the nfl add a other super bowl for the 2 teams that lose the whole season😂😂

Forman Hubbard: Bump all this babble! These guys are getting deals that wouldn’t have existed 5-10 years ago. Mfs play 1 extra game a season & they wonna complain about injury’s a pillow soft league & you make millions...if you’re not doing enough outside of your franchise’s state of the art’re asking for a short season. don’t be cheap. we wouldn’t be having this same discussion if they decided to play one less game. not until somebody misses the playoffs by a matter of 1 win/loss. this is the NFL’s way of staying in control.

SunnyD: Watch a franchise tagged player have an ACL injury in week 17

Shannon Luciano: 17 games aint much these players complaining LAZY AFF

Thomas Tuey: So 16 teams will have an extra home game and 16 teams an extra away game.... that's where it gets a little funny to me

Shawn Sanders: I love this love of the game point, pat just made! Real talk! This 17th game is stupid

Freddie White: Imagine *if* fans fully supported the players boycotting the 17th game. Powerful.

Jaden B: All record books are about to be ruined

Nick Bellomo: Plus don't each team have to go to London for a game for all the season

Nick Bellomo: Records has to be adjusted based on games in a season.

Ashok Das: Roger Punkass Goodell is the worst commissioner of ALLTIME!!! This is stupid! This is only about MONEY!!! 😡😡😡😡

David Larsen: Love of the game goes as far as not keeling on the flag! Find a better way to do it. Could you imagine soldiers saying 6 more weeks of war waaaaaaaaaaaaa! Nope that is why we won that war!

Tree Frog Blues: Much ado about nothing. Most guys will just sit out the last 2 games instead of just the last game.

Krauss Audio Books: As someone who cares about the health and safety of our players, I find it PREPOSTEROUS that the NFL is making these men prolong their seasons. It may not seem like much, but an extra week of football is havoc on every tired body thats been going to WAR for months. Absolute GREED from NFL shame on them.

EZM EZM: 17 games and complaining seriously, keep wanting more money but just want to do less. If your that against it get a different job.

D Sato: NFL Players should be mad at the ppl who agree to the CBA.

chet karwat: Aj you can shove it anywhere if she let's you

True Saiyan Power: how long till we get the first 0-17 team

chet karwat: It's only 11 more minutes that's how long the ball is actually in play

Joseph Flanigan: Players got hosed by the new CBA with the extra game and now it’s impossible for players to hold out for contracts and it did nothing about franchise tags. Can’t believe they voted for it

Cody Zenaty: How hard is it to figure out if there is a week 17 they only have 3 preseason games?

dadirtyone 1: Sorry I Can't feel bad for the Player! Getting Millions of Fuckin Dollars! Man up! I Don't like the Uneven amount of games though

THEmfGOBLIN: Nah this isn’t it, keep it 16 games

FokKiSs_02: I mean if you make millions from it

MegaMurph13: Imagine how many player will sit the last week of the season now

Matthew Stufflebeam: Hey Pat all pro athlete are over paid. Get over the 17 game season.

il cevin: Time to place more emphasis on percentage records.

Grant Wellborn: NFL regular season will eventually (maybe at 17 games, probably 18 games) be like the NBA/MLB regular season. Teams will rest more and not play defense because you have to survive the regular season to make the playoffs...

Logan Watterson: 17 games in a season and you have to practice outside for all of them in Cincinnati. SMH

Garrett Workman: Did they not read the cba they agreed to? Lol

T.M. Samuels: If there is a 17 game season; a game on a short week should be unnecessary now

adomdyer: Pat, take another adderall. You were cool and now u are coming off creating bs. Lame duck like ur punt vs the raiders

Scuba: There goes all the single season records. Also, these players give up more power every year during the CBA negations for more $$$. Maybe they should be better at negotiations next time.

Darren Gray: are telling me some teams get 8 home games And others get 9? WTF is that?

King Gudda: Derrick Henry will have 3,000 yards this year

Fenix1861: I have ZERO sympathy. This is the nature of collective bargaining, some good some bad. As a player if you don’t like it, retire.

Ivan Catalan: An extra game to the regular season meaning another chance for players to get injured before the playoffs. This extra game is gonna ruin and change a lot of things.

bvrsqzr: I'm curious. Do you think there was this much beeching when they went from 14 games to 16 games? The players voted on it. Of course the ones that lost are beeching. Its one more game. Everyone makes more money. Its all about money anyway.

Steve McVay: Yeah all records are fucked now... players make less money per game on their contracts cuz they’re making same money. Absolutely fucked all the players and just the fans/ owners win really. Pretty fucked up not taking care of the people who make the games worth watching!

Bean 32: Why is that guy who always smoke cigars never in person

Hunter King: They shouldn't have ratified the latest CBA.

Cameron Beaver: Go cry in your millions of dollars.

ggpaintballer: Yes we will complain if they add another playoff game. This isn't family feud. This isn't the NBA. Regular season needs to count for something.


Steve Connors: PA voted in favour of the new CBA. End of discussion.

Jesse Lund: BRAAHNS GOING 0-17

Amara Dumbuya: roster needs to be 60

Rick Long: I guess all records will be easier to break... Except 7 rings😂😂😂😂GOAT

BlackAfro77: "when you played in high school..." Was some shade I wanted to see lol

Michael Patrick Miskulin: If anyone is mad that they have to play an extra game in the NFL, they are crazy. Do they know how lucky they are. People don’t appreciate what they have. I get injuries and wear and tear but man you get an extra opportunity to shine and get paid.

Nick Myers: A second bye week would have kept the stats in place.

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