Season 2 vs Season 3 Players in Rocket League...

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Helical: Be sure to download RL Tracker, it’s legit a must-have if you're on PC

Zarya Gamer: 👁 👃🏻 👁 👄

Dylan Browne: I went from diamond 1 to champ 3?????

kenma ': if you decide on their game, then you can say that I gc playing on d3

Katya Zygadlo: u know hes good when he didnt stretch the video

Leonardo Gonzalez: Ummm is this god that last season in s2 I was plat 2 and. Now in s3 in diamond 3

Haiden Rawlinson: What was the dominus in the diamond games decal

Terribu: Season 3 diamonds kinda depressing

Toxyyx: so i was stuck diamond one and then the update happened and i think its amazing because i jumped up to diamond three and im about to be champ.

Joseph Pecoraro: Violent panda goes to my school no cap

Alex McCormick: Y you get fake diamonds

City Renovations Inc.: Like one two minutes away 🙂

Phil Ahn: season 13 d3 felt the same as s3 d3 lol

William T. Spears: I went from gold to plat and I can feel my difference cause I've been playing alot of casual 2v2s with diamonds and champs

Kasia G: AFW

Mahdi Saifi: no no no the first to where brazils

Lok Unlock: I remember s1 (Maverick) how ranks used to be xd

Tarik Tarik: Last season I was dia 1 and now Champ 2 I mean I practise well. Xd

Filip Wakabayashi: i ranked from p3 to p1 whyyyy

Peyton Dorn: I’m a season 3 diamond and look better than both sides 😂

JaYy RL: Yes man! We needed this. 🙏🏾

Ian Gregory: I went down 😂😂 went from plat 1 to gold 3

Team FaRb: I love that I’m plat and I’m better search me up I’m on Xbox and my name is L2 Nick7418

Jonas Dresler: Can i try to play against the season 3 diamond bc im that too and i want to improve my skills

Unbeatable Three: shouting out TRN is like shouting out google

Tortuga: I went down mmr, I was plat 1 at the end of the season and then my placement matches were against gold 2’s

shxrtly: me who went from plat 3 to gold 3: -_-

Hamza Asif: Helical: Nice bit of teamwork there reality: Bonk steals his teammates goal

Luka Herroelen: I was plat 2 and in s3 i am plat 3 but now diamond but i fucked up those placement matches


the theehenk: the orange team in the first match how are they daimond they *suck*

Isaac Jones: Doesnt epic own it now

Enzo Tiger: The season 3 diamond were bad

Enzo Tiger: The season 3 diamond sucked

Cody M: “and that’ll just go in!”

Jake Swanson: Tbh I was p3 last season and I’m ch1 this season but I have a friend who was champ last season and I still beat him

Jezworld04: What did u use to get that purple-pink color onto your car?

Guilherme Leão: It's literally, the game of the season

Yordi Cheung: I see this title, i click immediately

Yaria Yap: I am still plat

Chizano: Me being the same rank bc of ppl who literally can't fast aerial in c3

Lafu Erl: This vid is dumb because the s2 peoples rank obviously improved for example they could’ve been d1 in s2 but they obviously improved since s2 but the s3 diamond 1 just got there so it’s like a 2v2 but one rank is much higher then the other

Pyrotics: My theory is that S2 ranks have more experience in higher rank lobbies than an S3 rank would and that's why they seem to have better game sense than those that just got in that rank this season, but that's just a theory....A GAME THEORY! Thanks for reading.

quad 2304: It's really annoying with those changes... I grinded my ass of just to barely reach Champ in S2 and then I just got Champ 2, but seriously everyone in Champ 2 is now so much worse than S2 Champ 1, it's so annoying to always get people who were D1-2 last season and can barely hit the ball... I'm not saying that I'm losing games bc of shit teammates, but holy cow the skill in Champ is nowhere near where it was last season...

Mwolf: NOOO SHOT THEY r diamond I could beat them

Sam Hofmans: I didnt go up at al, i was diamond 2 in both seasons

Ab145ood: dude... I was champ 1 in season 2 and now i am still a champ 1 why are you bullying me Psyonix


ThiccDaddy: Everyone ranking up 3 ranks, I finished last season champ 3. I’m now Champ 2 and have teammates from Diamond 2 trash talking and offering to 1v1 me 👍🏽

Duvid: In S2 I was C2 in 2s. After the S3 placements I got C3 div 1 and somehow after some matches got GC 1 :).

Cherry Squash: Is s2 I was plat1 and in season 3 I’m plat 1 like explain this

proplay93 Gaming: Now wonder why I fell out of diamond, my teammates aren't skilled enough 😂

Meverless: i was like low diamond/high plat last season and this season I'm still the same :(

Quickillz 85: I was d2 and now I’m champ

Minibando: I also got bumped up two ranks. But what I don't understand is why many people had a rough start this season. I mean sure you're now in higher lobbies than in the season before, but wouldn't it be the case for your opponents as well?

chugispro: hollins is carrying and dancing clowns team8 sux

Vukan Jocić: Hristo vaskrse . Happy Easter everyone 😊

jarne dewitte: I love your match commentary Feels like i'm watching a slowed down rlcs match

luxs: its akward im not in champ jet

Sharon Gilmour: i was gold one now im diamond one what the mmr difference?????????

RattyVlogger: I was wondering why i went from unranked to gold 2 division 3 or 2

xlFameboy: I pushed from Plat II to Champ II from S2 to S3

Stealth Raidz: s2 champs just went for bump plays

Slimey 24: I always hate to say this but- those s3 diamonds look so bad

Csongor Jeges: Probably im the only one who dropped in rank in s3 compared to s2... :(

Doge Official.: I was gold 1 now im plat 3

Alex: Me who’s plat 2 but got gold 3 in placements

harel elul: Like everyone got 100 mmr higher and i started 100 lower? I was 1350 and started 1250, i guess i play with diamonds now

W4Y: Yea I went from D3 to high C2

Holden C: Damn I went from gold to diamond and thought I just got that much better :(

Milan Westdijk: I was plat 2 last season and now i am still plat 2/3

Panda: I didnt got 100 mmr more, i got 50 mmr less. 😭

I am Gamors: DAMN these diamonds suck I'm gold and reckon I could stand a good chance😂😂

I don't know Anything: Me when I see the thumbnail oh he is gonna time travel

crizzlibaer: the one S3 Champ just ballchased too much

Yeet Maestro: I was curious about this but didn’t look it up. I went from d1-d2 in tourneys to c1 and then won 1 so now I’m c2.

Hunterglory8S: I am way better than the s3 diamond 1 players and i am diamond 1 s3 aswell

Chris Conlon: I went from low diamond 2 to champ 1 in season 3

Dylan Kelly: Bro you guys went up? I went down after winning 7 placements

Rydisco: in this video 2 people had alpha items,lucky mfs.Ive been playing since 2015 but i missed the alpha :(

cickennonngyy: How to do they go from g2 to d1, i went from d2 to d3/c1.

kj Powell: Feels bad I thought all my training was just paying off

Jonas Van Durme: Why is your voice so cool?

FlameyFreeze: I was wondering why platinums started being so trash

21kShxdows: -people who lost like 100mmr instead of gaining 100mmr gang 🥵🥵🥶🥶🥶🥶

leo mickhel: bruh this s3 Dimond sucks

Yessr Bergsma: Haha arondeappel HAHA he’s Dutch lol (Aron the apple)

Ak33f Pl4yz: ik hookzinio is a season 3 diamond but i am too and i feel that i am more mechanically skilled than him

KingSlothTv: 2 days ago my friend and i Played agianst a S3 Diamond tournament winner and a S2 Platinum tournament winner. My friend is a Gold 2 and i am a Gold 3. We won 6-3 and they forfeited. The differnce between the seasons are quite off

Liav Levy: C2 last season c2 this season

Cllassify: Went from plat 2 to Champ 2

Katrina Thomas: Yeah so I went from Plat 3 last season to Plat 3 this season when I first ranked, and managed to get up to Diamond 1. That’s a bunch of bs man.

Ace: well it's kinda sad when you think you are getting better at the game but you actually didn't get better at all

Ewnicorn kelp: Anyone else realise bonk (the S2 champ) has Goldstone and alpha boost?

Ewnicorn kelp: I didn't go up any MMR :(

SKIDOOS: s2 champ casually has alpha boost and goldstones lol

ThornyPickled: So since I peaked in diamond last season I must be a true diamond right

Sn1xy: Here to write the compulsory "Im ______ rank and can absolutely destroy ______ rank"

ADerpBlock: Can someone tell me the car design in the intro if they know it? I've been looking for a while without an answer. I'm just trying to find the car color combination. Edit : I'd also like to know how he gets half of the colors in one design

jamalhotcold: blue team Champs were very good they can be a hard challenge and orange team Champs I think I can beat them My epic user:valcon_1997

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