Arya reunites with Jon - Game of Thrones (Season 8 Episode 1)

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Brian Connelly: He knows the answer "Once or twice." is a vast understatement.

John DAgostiono: The first episode (or least the majority of it) actually has pretty good writing. If only the last five had any semblance of it.

Sooraj Agrawal: Best brother sister pair of GOT

H B: Such an underwhelming scene and so irritating half of it was about Sansa

Martino Danvers: Love this scene

John Ochiltree: ‘She’s the smartest person I’ve ever met.’ Okay I know you can just say things, but gonna need some evidence to back that up. The problem with GoT season 5-8 is it’s just a lot of dialogue of people saying attributes and not showing these attributes. Lazy writing that just degraded into giving the fans what they wanted after years of ‘subverting expectations’.

ALLGODS AREFAKE: Sansa is so smart she almost gets her entire family killed

Scott Dickson: Too heavy valyrian is lighter than regular steel you weak bitch

JeremyCuddles: Jon and Arya are apparently super close in the books. Shame we didn't see more Jon and Arya interactions. We got no Arya and Dany interactions. If only we got more seasons. Like everyone wanted. Almost everyone.

Rimfire Junkie: Maisie has a pretty nose

Sam Nieves: “...dont forget that...” That hug just before, basically not arguing with Jons love for “his queen”.

Is The World a stage: Beautiful writing and dialogue between Jon and Arya Arya "You used to be taller" .....She no longer sees Jon through the eyes of a little girl where he was a giant hero to her, she nows sees him through the eyes of a young woman who had just as long of a journey as Jon

Lauren Fraser: How are these comments so recent

For the love of cats: Arya was the last person to comment on anybody's height/size, let alone Jon's. She accepted him unconditionally, even if he was just her "half-brother". Daenerys and Gendry could joke about Jon's height, but Arya? D & D should've reread the books before writing this dialogue

Gul Ah: Shame Dany and Arya never had a dialogue with each other.

SmallmoneyYT: I don’t get it. Sansa is not the smartest person Arya is met.

Bodhisatwa Sarkar: Would have been fun to see jon and arya fighting together in the battle even if only for a moment

jonathan koch: By far the best reunion. Too bad the writing murders the whole season though

Justin Pohleven: Sooooooooo many unanswered questions with season 8. I will say though that this scene is probably one of the better ones from season 8, although the dialogue in this is still pretty awful compared to earlier seasons. Oh George, why didn’t you just finish the books in time? Such a shame 🤦‍♂️

8/10 was an inside job: Arya stabs him "The Lannisters send their regards"

Bagus Nurdiansyah: uploaded 2019? 4 comment in a single day in 2021??? I will never understand Youtube algorithm

LionsGate1997PT: Why only 3 comments

King Arthur XXVII: You used to be taller

Yasitha Abeyrathne: 2021 Anyone

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