First placement games of Rocket League Season 3! | Ranked Doubles

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Vayca: what decal is that

Fir As: the first game is all gc 3-ssl gameplay till this points 6:02 they started to restore memories when they were plat

Joshua Rupprecht: The controller cam is super helpful Garret, thanks for the great content!

William Helman: :algorithmbumpcomment:

Krystal RL: Who else saw NRGs clean 3-0 sweep against ghosts yesterday in rlcs?

Hex Sausey: Garrett is just to good

Azerty Jr: What that decal its so dope

Matt Kelly: Garrett's the rock that holds NRG together 🤜🤛 Jstn and squishy are goated but garrett keeps the rest held together lol.

Haroen Ringoot: any other diamonds that got placed into champ first placement game?

khaled khatib: What is your camera setting G??

James ELLERBECK: When u gonna be back up at super sonic silver

Esteban Aparici: Mu friend played with you

Adam Whittington: garret at 6:48 breaks his oppenets ankles again

Adam Whittington: garret at 4:36 just breaks his oppenents ankles clean


benny bet: Yesterday I unlocked the '' samurai'' what do you think about it?

Jeremy: What overlay is he using that shows mmr?

Alejandra Luna: controller cam is great

Julian Meza: Idk why but these videos are so calming

Syfer88: What's that decal?

Luis Garcia: do road to rank 1 trios or duos and try not using quick chat or u have to throw

Lakmiry: I hope you can use the fennec more. You use octane to much😞🥺

Justin S: I've never heard of anyone actually liking the Playstation controllers. Cool overlay though looks clean

William Lozano: Garret keep doing 3 games per video. The two games shit is wack

Dancin' Mowgli: So is no one gonna talk about how impeccable this mans Jawline is?

Surxey: What’s that decal? It’s heat

Jared Ketchum: Controller cam is beastly

Alex: Beginning: "you know the first week of a season isn't that fun for me" End of vid: "beginning of a season is so nice bc you get so many points" Lol

Theaminator 22: Cool controller cam

Rene Ros: I like the controller cam it looks clean


Velocity 05: is it just me, or does garrettg and musty look related

Adam Wohlin: Been gold 3 for months solo queuing threes and ranking up is straight impossible

how not to game: Only two matches!!! Rip

how not to game: I don't know about anyone else but I feel like my camera settings are off since the new update

Ethan Wells: Controller cam is sick in my opinion

VinyFrog: What decal is your car? its sick!

Pixy シ: i dont understand how hes so goddamn calm and positive

Joseph Quaile: The controller layout was amazing Garret

Irgendsoein Typ: I'm glad you are not gonna lie

AnothaLaggR: That controller overlay looks pretty sick! 👀

JayUchiha: what decal is that? fire af

nhmtlck: I was hoping musty would be here

Minh Nguyen: can someone explain to me what it means when people ask pros to sign?

Risisawesome: If u guys win the next tournament u have to give me your alpha boost😂 sorry I don’t make the rules

ZeRo_Skillz3: I heard playing with an xbox controller is a game changer. You should try if you want

Wxbstr.: How do you get no coral or flashy things in aquadome arena like on your last game?

Connor M.: Hard loss against G2, but y'all fought hard. GG

Just_ Berlens: I love how arsenal calls you gare bear so that’s you new name now

Capaan: more vids ty

Josh R: Controller image is clean af, really tho.

x2Shinsei: Love the new controller cam, great game play as always garrett 👍

Trax: Nice one. Feels a little short. Best of luck!

Reecespuff: Controller overlay is nice I def prefer it over the blue one

#GATEofFATE16#: I like the new controller cam

Simp Security: My mans is recording on negative 1FPS

Nacho: I can't grind the game anymore and the fact theres season three out alrrady is crazy😔

forge smith: For the algorithm

Big Feet Yoda: BRUHHHH

Robert Lynn: On a New level g.

yacer: That's sick man

SnappyIsLost: I think Garret is the best rocket league pro to watch play he is entertaining and funny

mxsab385i: Love you Videos keep doing it

Ninjas dad: TLQOOO: Sayyyy word Garrett: yeet - garrettG 2021

Tim de Winter: My first match. Omg GC.. 5-1... and then my teammates started own goaling.. the community 😩 I went to play Eurotruck simulator ...

blxke.: Garrett with the Squishy thumbnail tho

GMBL: bro we need 3 matches.. 2 matches aint enough especially when they ff

AnzietyRL: Yeah yeah yeah yeah, I had some really really random queues ;0

Ayman abadi: Who here after NRG got scammed out of a 0 second goal against G2

Caleb Christopher: Yeah the games this season are REALLY laggy....

Declan Gregory: whats the decal?

Synatra Gaming: I hit champ 2 because of nrg man i really appreciate everything you guys do garret! One day i hope i get good enough and known enough to one day face yall in future tourneys imma keep up the grind you too man road to 1 million!

Ben Hansen: I cant believe that 0 second shot didn’t go in bro im devastated 🙄

Avery Jones: GarretG is the best player in the world

Arsenic_: What decal is that

HitTheTarget105: New controller overlay looks nice

apple909 tearful: Bruh u hv the best content keep grinding❤️

topaz: what decal is that

jerry robles: Did anyone get placed higher than usual

PengWhy: decal?

TacGamer02: you actually had a 50/50 with the dude at 7:00

Alonso Duque: Yo yo yo mr white

hontr10: 5:57 was that someone different speaking? :D :D

Ian Hasanoff: Bro I got d2 im pretty happy bout it

Tony Castles Gaming: The Song at 3:15 is called "Things to Do" by Ballpoint and i like it.

Savagesalad: bruh a 12 min vid please make them longer

Stelur: PS4 or Xbox one Controller, which is better

Reno: You are beautiful my guy

Handoru: The fps dies during demos and goals. I think running high fps causes that when recording or streaming.

Simun: Is road to ssl coming back?

wiggxns: maybe dim down the brightness on the middle logo just a tiny bit, looks actually sick tho

bblvrable: I love watching Garrett completely miss a ball. It reminds us that everyone, even the best in the world, can still whiff.

its benjy MU: I guess I should really wait a while to play ranked, because, my gold 3 teammates aren't gold 3

Oskar Bringle: can someone explain what it means when someone asks him to sign their profile

ryan furney: The look on his face when he pinched the ball off of that guy was priceless

Blanket: 2:13 69 mph noice

Cxrs GG: Garrett I need the Camera Settings

Santiago Rodríguez Albarca: love the vids

Mrsleo P: in every rlcs garretg never quit witch is good cause he is a great example so ty

Kevo: I love you garret 😂 my idol

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