Intense Placement Matches in Rocket League Season 4
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Alexandre Géhin: "let's 5-0 these kids" this guy is kinda cringeНаписать
ShadowZeal: That Logic guy was so annoying lmao, he wasn't even playing that well
Luke: New season and garret is looking insane on the pitch. The car control is nuts
Gatecrasher: rocket league going to be dead when battlefield 2042 comes out
xc3303 YT: commenting for the algo 🔥
twiintm3: should have invited logic's tm8 to play and made sure logic knew about it.
Aziz Mandıracı: GarretG has fancy mechanics to cover up his teammate's mistakes that we don't.
Marc Eltawil: Is that Arsenal’s car?
Devin Taylor: Woooo, woooo, top tier shirt woooo
Finn: Cool shirt
QwertyWizard: Logic letting that tourney title get to his head.
Wesler218: Game so laggy can't even score on himself
Sunil Prabhu: bro does mans live in a dungeon??
Sinan Yaman: Does anyone know what the decal is called? Also, great games Garret, clean game play with clean commentary!
Daniel Glidewell: Yoooo nice HxH shirt!
TypicaI K: Garret to get a flip you only need 50% of the bottom of your car to touch the ball, so you can get half of it and make it look like you did a 2 wheel flip reset that way
MikGaming: Why we have the rank? Game bug or it was planned
Ali G: Who the fuck does logic think he is
Riley Williams: For some reason I’m so good at 2s but sooo bad at 3s
Ali G: As if logic thinks he can just get a pro to que with him. Hahahah
Tower Hero: I once again see garret is an anime fan
Todd Schott: Okay I always thought Close one was toxic. Cant be if Garrett used it
Chirag Joshi: The HxH top! 👀
Todd Schott: Logic hardstuck solely off mindset
David Pierce: I am not very good at the game, but I feel like I am getting more creative. Thats why I like watching you and some of the other professional players.
Ghost Gaming: Bro after seeing garrtteg I started playing rocket league
VerZer: I gotta keep remembering what GarrettG says now. Focus on your gameplay and not rank. Big part of players raging is caring too much about their rank. Big tip!
Atomic Monster: Yo that shirt is fire respect
Tyler Branch: That logic kid was so toxic from the start. Like chill my guy, your tm8 is right there. Have some respect. Smh
VerZer: Play with Squishy for road to ssl!
Jean Mocombe: That logic guy teammate wasnt even bad. He matched up against a pro and was the only reason they scored lmao. Toxic players like that make the game annoying
Lazy Lombax: Even against a world champ, "it's my teammates fault" 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I feel this man on a spiritual level
Brady Rideout: Just wanted to let you know i really enjoy your centent and your mental game is super strong! Keep it up and win RLCS again thia year!
Zhulls: garret that trailer was fireeee man
Tgunzz: Hell yea, my man GarrettG needs to open up the very first official RL academy.
Tgunzz: Hell yea, my man GarrettG needs to open up the very first official RL academy.
TheeNoob: Hunterxhunter shirt 😩
Darren Tan: what fennec decal is that whats the name of it?
J si: I haven't watched hunter x hunter but I respect the drip
Michael Kampourakis: BRO WHAT IS THAT SQUISHY LAUGH 15:05
jake boender: This video had it all, toxic opponents and funny teammates. What more can you ask for!
XRIP_: hate this new placement matches. went against players 10x better
FIX: Uhhhh HxH i like that 😏
NothinButNewman: Yo I thought I was the only one who could see their rank during placements, what’s up with that?
LA 012: Thanks for putting the cat in the vid
Bryan_Kun: I peeped the shirt and immediately hit the like button
TBG Auto Cafe: What is the other teammates don’t give you the ball because I took a time I tried getting the bottle please just make a goal
iZnoGouD: Garrett, did you know that bungee gum possesses the properties of both rubber and gum?
Allan Jensen: Not gonna lie. That add segment in the start was insanely well put together. Made me wanna chase a beachball down the street in my Fiat Punto!!
Sh9rky: 3:16 it’s actually mad looking idk what people are thinking of when they say it is bad
Sam Scott: Nice shirt there, Mr. G
Kevbot_20 !: Who is your favorite character in Hunter x Hunter??!
Diegochillz: Love you bro <3
Ethan McCarty: Your car doesn't have to hit all four wheels, the ball just has to hit like a "rest button" on the bottom of you car
mystroh: people like logic who just completely simp over pros piss me off
Kyzyl: Technically, flip resets don’t require all 4 wheels to touch the ball. I’m pretty sure rocket science did a video on this. There is a specific origin (point) underneath the car that triggers if it touches the ball. It just so happens that if all 4 wheels touch the ball, it’s one way of guaranteeing that you have the flip and in most cases is required
John Bayer IV: Garret rocking the Hunterxhunter shirt niceee🔥❤
Colin Christian: For the champs and above, I wish you the best of luck in your placements
sardar mustafa: after my placement matches i got diamond two and last season i was plat two
XotikRL: hunterxhunter shirt is poggies
BH: As if i couldn't love you more Garrett then you pull up wearing a Hunter X Hunter shirt...sheesh
Zach: Why does it give you a rank even when your unranked tf
Anthony Travers: that hunter shirt is hard g
Caleb Gillings: 7:09 I mean I see no real reason to forfeit here. They're getting gameplay experience versus a pro so they could save the replay and vod review it and see what they need to change and what mistakes were made that got them scored on, etc.
Killeqcarl: THE GUY
Jacob Conlon: People like Logic are why I always have my chat off. Way more chill that way I can’t stand the toxicity. Instantly gained 100 mmr
MSG Clan: I wonder how many subs I'll get for this comment I'm at 3
Sirsellalot: Getting a flip reset isnt about getting 4 wheels on the surface its about a certain hitbox on the underside of the car touching a surface because theres some cars where you physically cant get all 4 wheels on the ball to prove this
Olivar Klay: The motivation u get from garrets coaching is very naice sign?
Elliott Willis: For some reason it didn’t change my ranks😔
Joelle Defaur: Nice shirt Garret! greetings from Chile. Awesome videos man :)
HEATED: Logic guy literally a walking L
andrew ladwig: Great vid
Jxnnik _18: Broo garret looks so hot in this trailer🥵🥵
k13r4n1991: People like logic are the problem in rocket league. Full of kids who think they are pros and just blame their teammates and cry and spam chat 🙈😂
EndlessRL: Cat🥱😴
Penguindrummer: That HunterXHunter shirt is subtle
Mohammed Alshehri: Maaan i just like to say that you're a humble person, that thing alone makes you so much better than a lot of other people
Suvan De Silva: Honestly respect to garret, Logic was being so toxic and was just asking for Garret to add him up. Thing is Garret is one of the most respectful players in the game, honestly Logic is just one of those people who thinks they are better than they really are.
XD_ P_: I have never seen Garret play this GOOD in one of his vids before🤩 Crazy first GAME.
D1 hamaad: Your cat looks the exact same as my cat
Egwubbaduck [GD]: I am glad you are a hunter x hunter fan it made me like
Ender Shark: I’m GarrettG and this is my Masterclass
StahliCell: 4:36 you are absolutely insane what was that placement Mr Garrett HELLO????
samura98: I'd rather play with LS than Logic any day. Might not be as consistent, but at least he isn't toxic lmao
Icey Lufo: I wish i had this calm and not toxic m8s like garret in champ 1 😐
Harold Santiago: 4:31
Camingo/R6: Logic is crying after seeing these comments lmao
TKsfordays: I wouldn’t forfeit against you either! You are freakin GarrettG
Axeslit: That last match was something else
Icey Lufo: This fennec immediately reminds me of Arsenal 👀
Ryan Torre: garrett watches peak x peak
Josh R: “Intense placement matches” Uh yeah, intense for the people who play against Garrett G lol.
Tom Oliver: Hunter x hunter respect
Jhersson: dank
Surxey: Am I the only one that finds “close one “ toxic?
bna goe99: Y r u not playing with squish and jstn?
Nejc Plesko: what they mean when they say if he can sign them?
Surxey: Logic low key being annoying af
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