Finally! Our First Look At Apex Legends Season 9...

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kijannaplays: Olympus has fallen....but Valk has risen. Subscribe if you're new <3

SHAM Factory: The arena teaser trailer apex

xXLil_ShadowyXx: lol I still cant even log in the game

Marwan Wael: bread

dabincabin710: Literally this guy is just milking this shit for views has like 10 vids on season 9 and there the only one with more views then subscribers lol 😆

C.Comics: In the lore it says Olympus is interchangeable with other man made landmass

Lucky Lion: Bring back worlds edge already goddamnit

Lisa Carter: B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's —L—o—V—e—S—e-X———❤️😘 ..👍 Clickhere : !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1 1618760711

robloxkid666: He sounds like a Guy from Death In Paradise

Heyman 23: Bread

Chris Placzek: I enjoy KC

Gamerboi开网抑云咯.: Hmm that would be so good, but worlds edge at night time or raining is what I'm truly waiting for

Fnordlearner118 ?: Bread

Andrea Shasa Capaldo: It's possible that the new area is KC near rig instead of Olympus??

Ceri Blythe: 100 Million players, how many actual unique players, when you take out the 10 smurf accounts every Predator is running?

Reese Bennett: Wait r u being serious worlds edge is coming back?!?! If so I’m soo hyped

Lucas Oliver: I don’t think Olympus has fallen as in the fight night trailer when pathfinder and the detective where escaping through the city Olympus could be seen in the sky therefore it’s most likely more natural Scenery, unless it crashes into the city below

C S: maybe that big ass storm in the sky

Lemon King: Bread

One_4 Alibaba0: Don't Know why I'm not hyped for season 9 Maybe because I just got my first heirloom Lifelines shock sticks only for respawn to announce s tragic nerf well we move

TheKeenasan: kings canyon the best map(original)

United Bacons: If an arena mode comes out, I will definitely be playing that a lot. I love the gunplay and gameplay of apex, but the br genre isn’t my favourite. I really hope they do a good job with this mode.

Arcy: if the peacekeeper returns, a lot more people will start playing bc the peacekeeper is a nostalgic weapon for a lot of ppl and most ppl who return will most likely continue to ply bc the game is in a way better state than when the game launched

Sith Shi: I don't know if people notice. There are three tornadoes in the background. Just like on Kings Canyon and Worlds Edge the background comes and destroy the map.

miichael buffong: hear me out.... what if Olympus fell on KC ????

Jsiet6: Please apex don't be like fortnite 🥲

- jungkooksbish -: "Olympus has fallen" *sad twerking*

Logi. King: I like bread

Potato cat: I know its not Viper but... he would be proud of a flying legend

Lil3 eyez JDK: 3:12 the blue pillars say oasis’s

DEATH WISH: Ummmmhhh E.A here to play season 9 of Apex Legends Y O U need to pay 50 D O L L A R S

h a r u: Hyped for the new changes in S9 ^-^)

Fynix: anyone else notice the photo of the map change looks like it is at night

Dementrion: I think the storm will take down olympus

Moist Lettace: All I know is that I wanna play in Worlds Edge again 😫

Zachary Cooper: Who wants the pk to become a ground weapon and not heirloom weapon?

Imitable Brown: idk it might be ash with some kind of dash ability

nathaniel h: I bet you that's actually relay. Not Hammond labs area....

Boguns3: Johana zamora is badddd

Leguaras: I bet Valk is gunna get Forged 😉

Kaleb Parish: I hate WE

Toyota Incorporated: the real question is how many collection events are gonna happen in season 9 to milk that player money

Dylan Just: Just wait til season 10. Bet it'll be the best by a LANDSLIDE. excited

DREWBEAR07: Bread. Yes I'm glad Olympus is getting changed and World's edge is coming back! Olympus is absolutely beautiful to look at but playing it is a nightmare, and KC just isn't the same as it used to be. World's edge is just built different. The layout is great and its just the right size to be able to get places but also reposition. I'm pretty hype and more of my content might turn back to apex soon if this season lives up to the hype

Nick Ramnarine: Nice reppin 🇹🇹

Nolan Hughes: IDK who that is but it almost just looks like horizon

Ofph: Olympus is so god damn ugly. Glad they're changing it

Andy J: Hey I found this thing called a corrupted key card

J Green: Lmao I just found 2 things in apex that I thought were interesting and that maybe were for season 9 so ya thought I would share

Zephrin Dubbed: 6:34 That might be Wattson

Relatable Randy: here me out what about 3 legends next season.

EzclapZach: keep it up man luv the content

El Squiggly: I’m from 268 and main 6000 kill octane idk if you would wanna play sometime

aasaasino creedo: A massive update...hmmm sounds a massive bugs and glitches( I love the game but recently they got the habit of glitches after updates)

Julian Jallo: 2:55 I think that’s not hamondlabs if you look closely to the left blue building it is saying oasis, so I think this will be in oasis

Stormyz: Totally grinding for masters next season

Joshua Estrada: When does it come out??

TheKingsClips: The legend looks like horizon

CUTTXXN_CLASSIX: It’s valk Hover and wall run .. they said we would see titainfall material

Preston Laird: I really hope that they rotate worlds edge and Olympus. From the leaks, I think they will.

MRATH HQ: I see he is grinding for that Mozambique charm😏

Rishi Agrawal: His mic was open

JuicyDuragoat: sick of kings canyon and love olympus? heh its the opposite buddy

Miguel Carneiro: I wish they'd add a pilot already, like a genuine pilot, not Wraith who used to be a test pilot.

Miguel Carneiro: mans said the word "valk" more times than I can count.

The Cruiser: Season 9 gonna be bussin np doubt, but no Apex trailer will top Season 3's

Haztract: valk is probably gonna be a japanese legend with norse greek-like abilities and skins which is so awesome since they'll be a very diverse character

Crescent: I don’t think anyone expects Ash anymore. Really haven’t seen S7.

LIL GOAT games: Ayo olympus looking 🥶

Stephanie Cheney: Did you say wraiths Naruto run might come back

ELpickle 022: I hope Olympus falls into kings canyon so we have part kings canyon and part Olympus

KLOGAN: But are they gonna get servers?

Pero Miitheus: You tubers when they hit their sub goal: Do it again

Ulla Mohamed: When are they going to fix cryto drone bug whereby you can't emp whilst in drone???

GreenPro 10: bread

უწმინდური მამაო ღორმენ: game aint gonan change bit time at all (the br part)

DeUt Pigeon: I think its either talk or just watts

Gelson Correa: Valk I bet is going to be the new legend with ash being the announcer

Artsy Gaming: BREAD. Expect everything from Respawn.

Yaaseen Salie: Fake

Vladypas: Dislike bcs I love KC and hate WE sorry 🥱

Sdy.DeathCall: Hello. Where do u get your info from? You said people are sick of kings Canyon? Speak for yourself. We're sick Olympus!!! We want kings Canyon and world edge. Olympus is worse map ever

pohoude4012: I love your content 😀

pohoude4012: BREAD

MarcelPlays: 4:10 "with no mountains in sight" as he proceeds to look at a giant turbine inside of a mountain

JellyBeangivesthe_L: Worlds edge yesss

VirusBudhi12: the two tall blue structures might be OASIS MAYBE because it literally reads OASIS

Zeez: No I'm sick of Olympus its garbage map put kings canyon back in ranked

Yojansel Cuevas: The game is losing lots of viewers on twitch so I hope devs with season 9 gets them back even more.

Kagumbarr: Day 2 of asking for kijanna's settings

igxr 4k: about time they bring back worlds edge omg

Eminaye Art: 6:29 ngl when I first saw it I thought it was mirage's decoy that have accidently stepped on a octane's jump pad

Der Pfandleiher: Am i the only one who thinks they fuck up apex with that s9 update?

Gabosi Reka: I just saw something... at 4:10 is you showed the picture about Olympus and right after you were looking a turbine. I think the mountain might just be the mountain/ waterfall in between turbine and hamond = maybe its a picture about hamond changing

Diggy Dee: Im guessing the entirety of olympus is going to be more so shifted around as opposed to core changes as it was said to be very modular

juicy reindeer: Olympus might have fallen onto Kings Canyon

Uriah Windham: "No mountains in sight" *Proceeds to show a mountain* lol

The modern viking: With all these smurfs how can they celebrate 100m players 🤣

Gaurav Baindur: I actually like KC, old one and the new one. I don't hate it.

Squiggle: Hi y G一∝设i」,

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