Respawn is FINALLY BUFFING These Legends in Season 8 (Apex Legends)

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kijannaplays: Who do YOU want to see buffed in Season 8?

Joey Janisse: why the fuck does no one want crypto to be buffed

Renorrey Morato: Revenant needs a 20% hitbox decreasion

Gavin Hernandez: does nobody realize that this guy has a strike pack

Lucas Bustillo: i wonder what would happen if revenant got a 10% sprint boost but can't shoot while sprinting.

Edenknight777 Entertainment: Only thing Rev needs is to have a silenced crouch walk and to not be so damn tall. He’s a giant target and it’s so easy to hit him. He has a rather big hug box.

Victor Leal: Revenant. Unlimited climbing. The dude was able to climb a skyscraper, but in game not able to even climb two stories?

Mark C: Rev main here. I'd be happier if they improved his climb a little more powerful. I think a smaller hitbox is a good option for now. I'd love Low Profile, but I know that may be too much to ask for.

Aryan parkstone: Rev buff: if you silence somebody they cant hear you talk with your mic in game and you cant hear them and there should be a rule for no ps4 party's or xbox ones or discord calls for pc and if ea finds out you can get banned or just cant play for a day if you do it again a week and etc

Aryan parkstone: Revant is a robot so make him take less damage because of his metal because bullets do less to metal then the human skin they hit on LEGENDS and if revant places down his alt and gets hurt in storm if his alts in storm he wont get teleported back he will get healed by 25% or 50 depending on his health and tick of the storm.

RNS Ronin: revenant main here buff hit box 100% the climing thing... i think is ok maybe clime higher when he use ulty but for now hitbox is what we need

Luciel Constantine: He should be able to sit on walls... or ceilings.... not shoot or anything from there, but just sit.

Obscery: Put a damn cool down on lifelines respawn

Wassgoood-: Crypto is the worst legend

Some Random: a buff i had in mind for octane to make him more team oriented, is that instead of having his jump pad, replace that with a team-wide stim that gives all allies within a 10m radius a speed boost, auto heal (3pts per second) and maybe faster reload speeds too? idk, that might make him op, but i think it would put him in a better place.

Kyle Fauncd-Davis: To but they still haven't taken low profile off of pathfinder after increasing his hit box dramatically last season.

QuickMaff: Increase Revenants climb height and allow him to cling to walls. Increase his Ultimate base duration and kills in shadow form increase the duration as well to a cap.

QuickMaff: Increase Revenants climb height and allow him to cling to walls. Increase his Ultimate base duration and kills in shadow form increase the duration as well to a cap.

Crescent: I hit my 200th win on Lifeline after i subbed 🤷‍♂️ true story

Brainblood 1: I think it would be cool if wattsons punches get at taizer effeckt wen she goes thought her fences

Casp3r 03: Pathfinders hotbox :|

ARIO TV: buff rev's passive, we're screaming this since beginning.

PromistNG: I got a question why are we returning to kings canyon since the apex games just went to olympus?any ideas?

lorenzo nicolo: they should buff rev so where when the enemy is silenced they cannot recharge there tactical and ultimate while being silenced this is a bigger buff then it seems think about a pathfinder his recharge rate is near 15 seconds per grapple silencing the path after he grapples with make him wait over 30 seconds which makes him an easy target

Will Gardner: I'm a Rev main, and I was gonna comment that he needs a climbing buff before looking in the comments and everyone seems to feel the same. CLIMBING BUFF PLEASE!

XxKamikazexX: Revenant’s silence should have like a chain lock effect, if there is anyone nearby someone who is silenced, they get silenced and so on

Universe The Creator: Give revenant ultimate climb! Fuck the hitbox!

Isaac Scoots: I feel like aside from revenants climbing ability i think he should have low profile to kinda fit his lengthy slippery feel at i feel like it would go good with his tactical

Xander Vancompernolle: i would give rampart 360 degrees turrut angle

Bangz: After you come out of death totem maybe a 5 sec speed boost? Or get fortified for 4 secs

Tahir Ricketts: From Jamaica btw

Lawrence Saccomanno: revenant should really be able to climb walls without a height limit like they showed in his character trailer

Ryan: They should make Ramparts turret be able to do a whole 360 rotation and be able to pick it up once to place again. Only once tho.

Slick The jew: I heard that he had a second set of abilities when he went into shadow mode. Apparently they got scrapped before his launch but id love to use those playing with him

Tom: I would give Revanent unlimited climb

Triston Lindstrom: What if mirage got changed to recon legend since he already has an ability that shows where someone is. They could either 1. Let you control the decoys pov, scout area and shoot blanks or 2. When an enemy shoots a decoy the enemy gets scanned like crypto or bloodhound. Just an idea🤷🏾‍♂️

Brany Brany: Let’s go daddy

Not sure what to say: They should buff aim assist for people with my gamer tag

Prismancer Mason: Revenants got to have his silence nerfed if your fighting a good one and it get thrown at your face your effectively flashbanged

KidMonkeyKing: If I worked at Respawn I would definitely buff revenant in other ways than decreasing his hitbox size. It’s two simple things that would turn revenant from a legend that is completely reliant on his team to a flanker that can give your team the advantage just by getting a single pick. The first thing is when he climbs he has infinite climbing height. (About time they give em’ that buff) The second thing is when revenant silences a legend not only are they unable to use their abilities but the player’s screen (The one who has been silenced) flashes with orange every two seconds until the silence wears off. In exchange for this buff, revenant would only have one charge of it instead of two. (Maybe the cooldown is decreased from 25 seconds to 20 seconds) These buffs allow revenant to sneak around and surprise enemies easier, rewarding players for thinking of the unexpected routes. The buff to his silence gives revenant a chance to escape but it also rewards good aim because you actually have to hit the ability and you don’t have a second charge which means you only have one chance.

Sbeve Yeeve: I play Wattson in pubs because I love watching people struggle to navigate my fortress

Sbeve Yeeve: I just want rev to have better climbing and the option to cling to walls, he never seemed to have that "skyscraper climbing" they teased him to have

D C: Death protection needs to be longer

ItsK4mii: REVENANT BUFF: if Rev Throws his silence at a person and the person gets hit,That person's silence will also get transfered to their teamates making so the have to sperate

Ya Yeet: Just buff his climb, thats literally all I ask as a rev main since day 1, specially on his very slow climb time at the apex of his climb

SkylerTDesign: Well there goes Crypto main for S8, he’s going to be even more lackluster now w/ other legend buffs. Would love to see some improvements to his drone’s mobility, for Pete sake we’re going on season 8 and he still can’t fly his drone through building windows amongst other spots. (Lord save me if I use the drone on the Trident I’d..)appreciate it if respawn could fix some of these minor issues in his drone. Would make him more viable and harder to get shot down.

yaboi: 8:21 thats just not true im a predator and my main is octane

Kleckscraft _: I would give Revenant a buff so that Legends gain Revenant's passive on top of there own passive if they use his todem

Amadeus Martinez: Watson and Octane fit into their respective role in the game perfectly actually, it's just they are made for the complete different ends of the player base. Oct is meant for fun casual gameplay and Wat is meant for sweaty ranked play.

Mirageyboy: I watched a kijanna video and got a legendary hemlok skin he isnt lying

StockierPuppet1: Season 8 friendly fire all around ultimate included where it's truly skill based

Jitse Valkenburg: Wat is his Discord server name

A person: When revenant is in the death totem form give him a teleport like reaper from over watch so he can waste no time getting into the fight and get some kills or Re position

Ajubbz: I think rampart should be able to pick up the mini gun but move at the speed of a downed person, or even slower. It would be very easy to nade or quick peek her, but the added mobility could really help the minigun effect fights

Adrian Vargas: Bangalor should get buffed

IAmCorrine: I don't think they should mess with rev's hitbox at all

Elias Martinez: aww man no buffs for loba

Kangwa Master: If we’re changing Rev’s hitbox, he could tuck his legs up when he jumps. Something similar to how the commando droids in battlefront 2 do

BrnT POTaTo: Bread

The Iyrosthenes: The one thing I really ask for Revenant is for him to be able to wall jump. It’s inexcusable that they still haven’t fixed this. And if this was on purpose then it’s a stupid decision

TTV_Revenant_main: I would say yes he does need a buff me and my friends have a great play style it’s just when I play rev I’m good but I need an advantage

Random Gamer: As a rev main myself I think they could buff his hitbox and make his totem last longer like 45 seconds instead of just thirty because the majority of the time in my totem is spent finding the team because they ran away and it runs out once I get engaged in a fight then I die

Jace Anthony: Loba needs to be like wraith passive she needs to be able to move freely and cancel after thrown

AntBoiUnleashed: When an enemy is struck by Revenant’s orb, they are highlighted and tracked for 5 seconds.

Jiggy Gets Boxed: BREAD

101 aSavage: I'd like to see how Far Respawn has Veered Apex Legends off Course. There was 4 things that made Apex Legends Stand out from the Heavily Saturated Battle-Royale Genre. Those were: -It's Ensemble Cast of Unique Legends and their abilities -Methodical Fast-Paced Gunplay -Buttery Smooth and Addicting Mobilty -Emphasis On Team Communication and Play. Legends like Pathfinder and Lifeline are clearly going through an Identity Crisis. As a combat medic, Lifeline should be able to use her Doc Drone to revive downed players. However, doing so doesn't activate the D.O.C Shield. Organically Reviving players should give them 50% More Health and The DOC drone engages the Shield to provide Cover. She should also be given two exclusive slots for healing items.

Marshmallow: Revenant tact insta kills

Daniel Vargas: I think if they improve the Revenant's dead totem will be awesome: for example, when you activate it, you can choose ( pressing x or o ) if you wanna fight and run in close combat ( wall Running included!! )like a shadow OR fight using the guns (like we know). That will be fun!!! Other good one will be: if you use the silence ability on your enemies and when they got hit, they run slower, or the impact range of it is double than now, and the player feel the hit like a "punch" effect: they got move from a little distance when they are hit (15 damage?). And, of course: if he can climb higher and a little bit faster will be good too.

spoopy arg: Revenant does not need a buff, other people need it much more

cheese balls: We wanted to buff rev but didn't have the time... Yall had 3 months

Darne Watson: I wish rampart could rip her turret off and walk around with it bt if u do then you no longer have unlimited bullets

Cody Wager: Octane Buff: wall run ability for a short period of time Rampart buff: almost instant walls when in a panic situation Revenant: doesn’t need a buff imo Crypto: ability to control drone without being inside it (possible double tap tact button to move the drone to where you are looking)

Master Trickster: I love Watson and play nothing but solo que's, one of them rare Watson players

Damian Rivera: Revenant is so powerful with his Totem, Rampart for sure needs that Buff i main her and can’t stand losing my walls by a single bullet. I feel like Wraith wouldn’t be getting a nerf if she was the size of Revenant and revenant was the size of wraith. I think it was just a mistake no one saw coming to make wraith the smallest legend and giving her these god tier abilities.

brandon holland: Please give rev a buff I love him

B W: Are you African and Irish?

Becoming Golden: Bread

bruhtwiste: feel like mirage his decoys had wayyy more potential then it has now like when u kill them thsy could do a deathbox and if u gk and pick something up from the deathbox it disappears and say u got bamboozled or his decoys when u drop seomthing they drop it aswell but if u go to pick it up they dissapear and say the ssame thing and basic ones like climbing walls, using jumptower maybe? oh yeahand weapon skins have the same kne as u and when u switch gun it switches aswell. Heres one i feel like it will be op but they can maybe try it: it can block doors just like a real human, fake bullets i feel like that one will be op in some sort of way like ppl will be bamboozled so badly it will be op armor maybe that one will be op probs OOH OOH HERES ONE I FEEL LIKE KT WILL BE OP WHEN U SEND A DECOY U GO INVIS FOR ABOUT 1 2 OR 3 SECONDS this will feel like u have the element of surprise like look at the first apex trailer when mirage sent that decoy straight to bangalore she shoots it but then he right beside her maybe u can put this into the game? and the it can be maybe when mirage ults he go invis for a sec they can make that invis a sec longer or .5 longer OORRR you cane make decoys of ur team like there will be a option to choose who to make a decoy of or u can do all of them like walking beside of each other and when u ult u can do the same thing just that theres 2 deocys kf each teamate cuz u can shitalk me here but i think theres 6 decoys in mirages ult

n3Xus_: The jump pad is kinda team utility since your teammates can use it

Crasher Game's : Wattson is the worst

asaue: I really want Loba to get a buff... I think that her Q should teleport you if you throw it before getting downed, it would make more sense since u did threw it before almost getting killed

Charles Seward: Buff mirage!!!

Phanatic Droll: Love this content man, looking forward to more of these videos!

LostVortex: Ive stated this before but they should incorporate mirages invisibility into his tactical as well kind of similar to his old ult.

XT_bigg_ killa: I think Revenant should be able to stealth walk at like 80%

Matthew Downey-simpson: I would also make his silence do like 20-25 damage on impact

Matthew Downey-simpson: It would be cool if they made it so when you interact with the death totem, your shields protect your aswell, and you spawn bac with full health but not shields

DarkMadness Yeayuuh: Give Revenant wall running and faster movement in todem mode


diego sosa-chavez: Lol jankz plays octane

Lultay3x Yamsayin: To make revanant complete they would need to nake it wherre when u get the totem you should be able to super jump and wall climb like in the shadow limtied time event that would make him almost complete the finishng touch infite wall climb and hit box lowerd for a higher chance to dogging bullets

Actionbastard: Bangalore will never get a buff she never gets any love

THK King: BRO I SWEAR they better look at Bangalore

Nick Norton: Ramparts Turret needs to be mobile as in it mounts on a backpack and shoots randomly in a 360 range as she is running.

Sham Tactics: I love that revenant is a counter to lifeline. If you silence her she’s essentially useless. It’s also hilarious watching lifelines trying to use her fast revive when they are silenced 😂

ArmaanKhanTheKing: Kijanna you should ask revengeful about the new Revenant buff.

HNT_AutumnLeaf: PLS Respawn just remove totem and make it like in the teaser

IronCobra #1763: Ha rampart wasn’t effective in s6 me getting 13 kill game with her

LiT TV: They didn’t Buff Bangalore? I quit

PootisMann: Buff forge to be in the game

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