DID RESPAWN FINALLY FIX LOBA??? (Season 9 - Apex Legends)

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StickyNote: If there is a thief character in a game you wouldn’t expect for you to see giant blue explosions and a shooting star that just came from a gender reveal party now would you

Sword Play: WHERES MARK.

Lorenss: Does anyone know what browser Kandy is using at the very start?

EatpielessGoodGame: Hello There Mark Rober of Gaming

Senzai Gaming: Win a lot more gun fights now and what is ring damage? She's top tier now

LukeFromNY: Loba is still very good kandy :) as she is now!

YehetSehunYehet: If only they can fix her broken heart

LukeFromNY: Loba is my main. She’s amazing. She has so much utility and makes the early game amazing. Her teleport is fantastic. Apex is a game about shooting primarily. If you’re good any legend can beat any legend! It’s not always about who has the best abilities

Xx_Coolcomninja_xX: he used a shield battery well using a gold shield...................... sus

BadGamerLife: He's like I got no recoil. So I can win.... Try no PC. You would look so stupid

BadGamerLife: It's like giving you a special Olympics award for apex and people buy into it. So messed up

BadGamerLife: I've played on PC and it is way too easy. Controller is were the challenge is.

BadGamerLife: Let's see how good you are. No PC. Plus cam on

BadGamerLife: Try no PC... And prove it.

BadGamerLife: Trash

BadGamerLife: Try no PC. You would be on the top of TRASH

BadGamerLife: Can't believe these people think your good.

BadGamerLife: 100% your trash unless you have modded PC. Hahaha I bet you be in the bronze.

Crafty: Yeah you can bunny hop. *oh shi-*

Davide Bandirali: Am I in a marco Roberto video?

Sangeeta Tiwari: Day 1 of asking Kandy for a hug

Tanner Manson: Spitfire nerf is in coming,yay

Skyler Sakrison: Kandy looks like one of those guys that comes up to you at a bar and goes "Hey, me and my girlfriend really dig your vibe....."

Kuroki: allow her to cancel her Q, allow her to Bamboozle peeps

Kep: I’ve been having bad pains in my right arm from tendonitis that has been disabling me from playing apex as good as I used to. Watching your videos is fun and makes me feel like I can get as good as you even with this problem.

wait wut: I can't believe that out of all the times, my PS4 stopped working a few days ago and I was so happy to play this season too

Jax Harless: “Yeah you can bunny hop” *gets shot at* “Oh shi...” *cuts to different clip*

Julz Did It: Hey Kandy. I think there’s a season 10 hint or season 9 story message in the tunnel that connects turbine to Hammond labs on Olympus. There is a Mrvn that plays a message?

ETr999: there should be no trail on here bracelet, only the dotted line showing ur aim with it, or at least make it viable to her only

xXLil_ShadowyXx: Isn't it funny how Loba, literally the best thief in the Outlands, has 2 of the most loud abbilities telling people excatly where you are

BaHaDaTCH _: Bow and spitfire will be getting a nerf

TestimentV: People were expecting Loba to be made op, but no she was just buffed on two of the more important things she needed

Chris: Could you extend the time allotment for showing end game statistics prior to your thumb nails showing up? Watch a whole match just to miss the final pay off??? Just a tease

Kodey Crane: loba would be even better if she could instead of making it drop to the ground she could teleport mid air and drop on the enemy from the sky instead of the enemy waiting for her to finish the teleport or if when she activates her ultimate she can steal MORE items or when the shop makes the initial BOOM any enemy in the area should be revealed because her ultimate reveals her location

McKNAST1: She should be able to throw her Q and start a rez and it'll teleport you both

FunkyV!deos: Living the loba buff I do agree, I wish I could pull my gun out right when I teleport so I'm not dancing for a half a second XD I still want my buff of just being able to teleport in the air. It would fix a lot of stuff for me. I could throw it above their cover, teleport, pull out my gun, and drop on them ready to fight

Ryko Dryden: 5:22 Holy jesus what is that what the FUCK is that 18 death boxes or some shit

Edward Chester: The suggestion of making it less visible might be key. She's supposed to be a sneaky burglar, so an invisible teleport makes sense. Just make it slow and not long range. Less fun in terms of movement, perhaps, but potential for some great sneaking in and out.

Joel Gonzalez: Now maybe let crypto use ping as a drone placement tool

IHAK REPOT ME: Can you do a 21 win streak in arenas

linkspyder: Those arrows and shotguns must be removed from the game...

XxGamerhaydenxX: The only thing I think Loba needed or still needs is REDUCED ENDLAG ON HER TACTICAL sure you can flank people with it sometimes but most the time they turn around while your putting your bracelet on and blast your ass with a fully charged peacekeeper

CTC_itshoops: Im maining loba this season and she’s fantastic and such a good movement character just dropped two 4k’s with her yesterday

SappManSensei: These lobbies seems so easy. Dudes literally shooting at you missing every shot. Or Gets you to 50 health and doesn’t push tho you didn’t even break him. So many yt channels that play with these people that seem like they’ve never played the game. I’m about to hop into some over seas servers too.

Fresh Isyk: came for the loba content stayed for the mark rober music

Sanny: 2:39 we love placebo

zwappo: I will say it until they put in the game: Loba should be able to control her bracelet mid-flight like how Jett controls her smokes in Valorant

SlowSteppa SoundCloud: Wtf all the kids he goes against are shit

Bigears Boi: Did you know there is something called headphones, omg 😱

Marc Hermes: The bow is just op.. it sucks

Maddy Moore: Im a loba and octane main and loba has gotten buffed so much

david harutyunyan: Havoc+ turbocharge is da best weapon in this game

Alfredo Solis: can we talk about how much stolen kills this mans took

broom beacon: loba adjusted? Wattson weakened..

SamHwy: The mark rober music 😳😳

Foxer Fox: Loba?, or Valkirie?. Which one should I buy?

ALMOSTNKKD: Bruh Apex players are so stupid. “Dead dead!!” When they’re actually knocked. “HES ONE HES ONE” when they actually only did like 1 damage “HES CRACKED!” When they aren’t. It’s funny but annoying

Conny Vogel: Chiter ?


Gnarly Emperor47: The first part of the video Jesus kandy pop off my guy XD

Yojansel Cuevas: When is there gonna be a day which all legends are S tiers? My main finally is balanced but I hate how most of pros put her B tier

Xen0m0rphing: The sbmm is so bad in this game I’m not even that good and I get sweaty lobbies this game is not that fun

Jose Ortiz: Kandy , can you switch parts with the apex pcs after you buy them

Mad Suren: bot lobby

Melvin Donovan: Kandy goes pro with the volt...daily

Michael Jenkins: *showing us if she can bunny hop with ring* *somebody shoots* kandy: oh shi cut the cameras

Static Shock: I wish I was this good 😂 love you kandy now say it back… NOW

autistic turtle: "Yeah you can bunny ho- oh shit"

JWA79: More gameplay emphasising just how utterly busted the bow is

Ann Su: Hi! Please, check your email, wrote you with sponsorship offer about Apex Legends :)

Reyna Alright: Is loba finally op or is it kandy who’s just cracked?

Retro Blue: Aceu sees Kandy using a spitfire unironically

HYDRO: They didn’t change her much I don’t feel like they changed her at all

Chugalingus: Kandy with the bow is straight unfair

LSURGaming: Lol... Kandy has enough crafting to get all the emotes

Apollo Rezonate: The main I've always wanted, just couldn't do it with the brokenness. Waiting for the new animation. The movement speed isn't an crazy buff at first but when you can throw it in the middle of a fight and move and dodge in their face then it becomes way more obvious.

Bae Giby: the ads timing when he about to do kill animation

Euan C: I was gunna comment mark rober music but I was beat XD

Luna X: I need them to fix wattson quick😭

AlexGaming: When that Mark Rober music hit nostalgia hit.

DJTHEDAN gaming: What is up with u and these weird faces stop pls your hurting me😟

Bernardas Kricena: Imagine if you could cancel her q in mid use.

Lucas: can someone name the song in the montage? 0:20 - 1:31

Tricolour Llama: So Kandy hates horizon too

TTV_ Miles: Your face is bad

Daniiz: YO KANDY what FPS can the apex pc get on valorant

J4n1X: Sorry, but I can't respect you anymore because you're using the most overpowered weapon in the game regularly.

madi hawk: Literally an hour ago I was playing loba and I got stuck in the Icarus ship and couldn’t get out. I teleported into the walls and stayed there the whole game and I tried everything to get out.

JDom1nic: 3:40 anyone notice kandy's grenade didn't explode

Tour1st: This is so weird after watching aceu. Hes just so fast.

Odinez: Yup. If they increased the flight speed of the bracelet it would be great. Just enough to make it a bit harder for enemies to prep for your teleport. Right now when you see the bracelet fly you have time to cook breakfast and clean the living room so it's nice and tidy for Loba.

Odinez: I've been waiting for this one!! Now I know that this is silly but I've always been hesitant to try fancy jump shots with Loba because I can hear her heels as she walks and I'm afraid she'll twist an ankle.

ACEINTHEHOLE 02: 3:22 yeah yeah you can bunny hop, oh shi-

Axbthegreat: Loba’s are so annoying especially in ranked, all they do is run off to get loot and not stay with the team and fight

Siri Nai RaLda Koi Aj Kal: Loba is Bearable Now Kinda 😐🤷

Yessy Mercedes: They mostly win it gets kinda boring bc you guys win all the time

Ryde Holiday: Candy love your videos man keep up the good work

Darkthewolfboyz: Kandy ish our father ❤❤

Sally Yuan: Kandy:”Kraber, Imma grab it” *cue montage of missing every shot*

i dont wana name: Yet they still never fixed voice chat for Nintendo Switch

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