Baby Yoda being ADORABLE in SEASON 2 Episode 3 (cutest scenes ever!!!)
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agameofantasy: What was your FAVOURITE Baby Yoda scenes in The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 3?! Use "SPOILER" to tag your comments if you're mentioning spoilers.
Baby Yoda being ADORABLE in SEASON 2 Episode 2:
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Blu Raz Matoran: It is Grogu not Yoda
GLADYS VILLANUEVA: Baby Yoda is so cute that's why I get baby Yoda Lego set
SHOPIN: 0:31 batuh 🥺
Samuel Markert: SO Its bugged me that Baby Yoda literally ate like 10 of the eggs, and mama frog frog didnt seem to care. But now I'm thinking, was he only eating eggs that wernt going to hatch/had no tadpole??
RedOphelia 13: "The audacity of your genes" I'm going to be chirping that in the afterlife! 🤣🤣🤣
dave choy: Grogu
Emma Gachalifegirl: baby yoda is the most cutest baby EVERR I LOVE HIM
Victorian Reaper: I actually felt bad for laughing when the Razor Crest fell over into the water, but it was just like: I got it, I got it... I don't got it.
FortniteTutor 3: I think you mean Grogu, I honestly don’t like that name
Mario Rosario: “Mando weak.... need to cool off” 😂🤣😅
Mario Rosario: The Mando and Bo-Katan interaction is hilarious !! As soon as I hear the 🎹 I start rolling 🤣😂😅 you’re killing it bro 👍🏼
Baby yoda: Thank you for being nice to me I like frogs and eggs
The Annoying one Pt2 j: Hipity hopity your eggs are now my property
Angel_girl 13: awwww❤️
Micaela Gibson: 0:31 HE SAYS “PATOO”
luis Mazariegos: M a r t h a B a r b e r :D
eliabvice: If yah wanna see more of the cutest baby yoda n stuff i made an edit... 🤷🏼♂️
Galaktix ZX: "my food trying to kill me"
john preston: It is not BABY YODA
El Negrito: Grogu
Marcy Marcy: Be single forever This is the way
Sammy The Bull Martin Studios: Yo what is it about Mando that makes him such a ladies man!?
Jason Dooley: I love this little series!!! Of the Child or baby yoda! And when he sees Judy's. Kid pop out of the egg the noise he makes is sooooo Cute. The dads gonna cook me....
Mary Furse: Mando sees the fishnets in the cockpit. "That's not regulation." Baby: "I kinda like it!"
Cat Jamz2020: Sooooo cute
Øu Mý: Good to see the ship back again we missed u flirto 🥺😂
Ronald Cai: It's the child not baby Yoda!!!!!!!!!
Galaxy_Kitty_2009: #WhereTheresJudyTheresaParty and ofc #YodaBeat
ElectroBronko: Your editing and these subtitles are destroying everything, just show the scenes man
Jaylin Brown: i think this scene where they threw baby Yoda in was more crual
Denise Hinton: So Adorable And Cute As Baby Yoda!
yorhiness Sherell Heinz millionaires club srv: Always keep arriving
Devano Adyasta: i 💗 your channel!
bebbeh yoda: :(
Alexa Bessee: 0:31 Patoo
Marcelo 0_0: 0:49 It was that moment when I was shocked, and also to the entire audience of everyone who was watching it
Gavin Gunstream: yodat waz cool
Llewellyn Lee: what's the titanic music and yoda beat? song titles please ;-;
Ticci toby: Was that alien from the alien movies attacking baby Yoda what the f***
10117김강헌: 0:39 facehugger?
Jordan: this vid is funny #baby yoda
Armin Rafeian: Demon in mi soup 🤣
Zach Hessing: So many alien Easter eggs
Chazlee Cornepillo: So no one's gonna say anything about the facehugger in the soup?
MissSallyB1: "I have enough pets" that is your SON you uncultured SWINE
ARIJIT LAHA: 2:38 dude that part man is so good.
Om Chakravarthy Rajkumar: When the frog family reunited I cried for no reason lol
Robin Johnson: Cara Dune IS the way. Bo Katan is NOT the way.
Mr cat Lover: Boi who posted this Bo Katan is WAY older than din djarin
Goferek 583: Luke is dead leia is dead (in cannon) ahsoka is live In my mind : wait a minute
Magnus Guglius Vuglius: 0:34 RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!
bad boy 360 gang: He was soo cute when he said my sibling☺️☺️😍😍
Lukas ChalTec: 1:30 hehehehe
Lukas ChalTec: 0:26 ----- 0:36
Husrav Homids: Could you not add those comments? The jokes might be funny, but not for all audience
Elton Lanon: Bruh baby yoda eating hes sis or bro haha
PheonixEclipse: it was soooooo cute when baby yoda got hit into the octopus monster!!! 😍😍😍😍😍
Glitch Bear: 1:27 wide yoda go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Professor Games: I like that the other mando held his highness so gently
Jeff 2: But like, Bo Katan is like 20 years older than mando
Vibe Checker Dude: 0:33 *DEMON IN MY SOUP-*
Pedro Hugo: I so happy for sasha
peanut moose: We all know that he wanted to eat the frog baby
Trash Panda: #teamcara
Cortos Films: Acá pueden ablar todos los que a len español
SamuraiX: Bo Katan's last name is Kryze
I'm Tired: 1:28 He saying there his siblings... Would that be he ate half of his brothers???
Moroha X: *What Song, is this??*
Drago Ender: I love baby yoda just making noices
abstract draws: he just ruins the mandalorian culture
abstract draws: i actually hate baby yoda
Teddy bear :3: baby yoda: my sibling! me: alll that we found of your kind is yoda also baby yodas in his 50's
Ana: People hated the baby eating eggs, but he is a baby!
Ana: So facehuggers are in Star wars
Spencebasset7: OML LOL
Landon C: 😍😍😍😍😍😍
ksjalf sdf: baby yoda translator: *patu* *i wanted mcdonalds*
The Doge: 0:38 next cute part.
The Doge: 0:32 cuteness.
Helen Waldeck: Demon in my soup, you will be punished!(so cute I love da king!) I must make it known dat I'm an Omeralorian shipper! Omera is da queen of Mando's heart lol
Youtuber: 1:28 thank me later
Isabelle Licarião: (Mando): Bo-Katan or Cara? *OMERA HAS ENTERED THE CHAT*
UnclePhil2k: I hope we see Judy & her last Husband again in the show. They were just too cute. 😊
DJ 7: Baby Yoda eating scene was just made my day and the episode 😘
my productions: baby yoda wanted chikken nugies and chokie milk
Parker Smith: 0:31
Sam Warrior She_Her: "Cara Dune is not the Way" EHEHEHEHEHEHEH Best line ever, =D
Kieron Spiteri: THAT'S MY SIBLING
max v: .-.-.-Pr4cticing alon€ is fun 4lthough som€tim€s not..-.-.- Ther€ are no instructors of the martial 4rt that I practic€.
DoggoMurph: 0:32 Alien Reference?
Lara A: @agameofantasy Wooahhhh I didn't see that coming....Mando having naughty thoughts, oh my....
J Sailer: Baby Yoda's gonna have a lot of moms before this show is over...
James Allen: 0:31 Lol he says “Adoo”
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