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Lachlan: If your picking up the battlepass make sure to Support a Creator! Code Lachy if you want to support me :) #Ad

Christmas: 6:57 its a *Skin-Walker*

คpēx lēງēຖ໓Ş: Fortnite sucks

King Chill: I get quite mad at Fortnite you tubers. They always buy whatever they need or want. They never earn anything. They also constantly sweat on people and are almost never nice to players when they are in a match. Don’t hate, that’s all I want to say. Thank you for your time.

Grizzly Panda: Lachyyy

Jarrett Beaumont: Did you know baby yoda is actually named groku

Yunify: Who ever sees this hope you have a great day

Shadib Afrose Rohan: this is the way

Rhiannon McGlynn: Now we have an EPIC POGGIES moment.

Pedro Ramos: 👍👍👍

XOSwiftyXO: When the only reason im about to play fortnite again is the animr looking skin

webprize: critique WEBPRIZE best game show

alfred holes: I need the battle pass

CEOof Bees: Did anyone realize that the menace skin is literally Ubisoft’s centurion from for honor

Christian Roper: You can go into the zero point

Gust Hane: Agent Jonesey is going to be Secret skin for this season 5

Bob Bobby: LMFAOO

Bob Bobby: I knowww

Bob Bobby: Oh idk to

TL AWSOMNESS 3: Anyone know exactly how he got 950 vbcks

YeetMan2Hax: the anima skin is from gost in the shel anima one

unknown: its not baby yoda

Raid XD: Next season should be anime next


OCglitch: I’m scared what if all this talk about ending the loop is a hint by epic games that Fortnite’s gonna end cause I mean if the loop ends there’s no battle Royale and the storm never comes people have spent thousands of it does end we should get a refund

Chubs_The Dog: This actually was close to making me hate The Manalorian

Optionalstew 482: That jot baby tota

Tbinn: It’s not baby yoda🤦🏻‍♂️

Baby yoda lover: Poo

Mary Jo Yarbrough: Hi

Ruben Nunez Garcia: My question is why is fortnite not called retards game

Donovan McMullen: Imagine being able to buy the whole battle pass. Isn’t there better ways to spend your money that buy everything in a dumb game? Someone plz explain

Starr Tanksley: It dooooo

Jose Isoniemi: Is that troy Baker as the narrator?

Starr Tanksley: Bell

Starr Tanksley: Turn on the notifications and the bear

Starr Tanksley: Plzzzzzzzzzz

Robert Pepper: Merch

daryl tsang: is it just me or is the iron man voice actor the same as jonsey????

Ariana Viera: Can you friend S1717V Lachlan I turned on notifications and subscribe

Adrianna the gacha: Wait TILTED

Yeezy 700: Chris and Karl already got their new 10 mil subs tattoos and I’m getting mine on Sunday with Chandler! Sorry for taking so long, I keep chickening out 😂

Zack Walker: It would be so fun if you could drive mandolins ship


Spikez_snipez 121: it’s not baby yoda it’s just one of his species when the mandolorian takes place yoda is dead

Zaid Stewart: Do you honestly think I want to watch a video for a battle pass tour

Shilah Robins: Hi everyone! I hope y'all are having a blessed day! 😁 If you are reading this, it's not by accident! God wants you to see this! ^^ Hosanna to the Lord! He is SO AMAZING!!!! ❤️😄❤️ There is only ONE God, the TRUE God, he is the maker of heaven and earth. And he made us in his image and likeness, male and female, with dignity, value, worth, and purpose! ❤️ He made us to worship him. But we chose to sin against him, to rebel against him, and to disobey him. So, as a result, we are separated from God and live under the foolish myth that to some degree, we are each our own God, declaring right and wrong, living our own life, by our own rules, and standards. And guess what! That God ♥️LOVINGLY♥️ came into human history as the man ♥️Jesus Christ fully God and fully man!♥️ He was born of a virgin and he lived a life without sin, though he was tempted in every way as we are. And he WENT to the CROSS and there he SUBSTITUTED HIMSELF for sinners. When Jesus went to the cross, he took WILLINGLY upon him the SIN of those who would come to trust him! ♥️ That means me, as a sinner, Jesus WENT to the cross and took upon himself ALL my sin, past, present, and future! 😭❤️ And Jesus Christ God who was a man, DIED IN MY PLACE, FOR MY SINS, PAYING MY DEBT TO GOD, AND PURCHASING MY SALVATION!!!♥️♥️♥️ Jesus' dead body was then laid in the tomb, and for 3 days, he was buried. On the third day, a Sunday, (which is why we worship on that day) Jesus ROSE in VICTORY over satan, sin, death, demons, and hell. And he COMMISSIONED us with the HOLY SPIRIT, to be MISSIONARIES telling this ♥️AMAZINGLY GOOD NEWS♥️ that there's a ♥️God♥️ and PASSIONATELY, LOVINGLY, CONTINUALLY, RELENTLESSLY pursues us and he ASCENDED into heaven. And today, Jesus is ALIVE and WELL and he's seated on a throne, and he is ruling and reigning over ALL nations, ALL cultures, ALL philosophies, ALL races, ALL periods of time. And he is KING OF KINGS and he is LORD OF LORDS and he is RULING and REIGNING over ALL people, commanding EVERYONE EVERYWHERE to REPENT of EVERYTHING and he is COMING AGAIN to JUDGE THE LIVING AND THE DEAD, and those who trust in him, will enjoy ETERNITY and his KINGDOM of heaven FOREVER, and those who do not will SUFFER APART from him in the CONSCIOUS ENTERAL TORMENTS of HELL. That is what we believe, we believe is JESUS!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️🙌♥️♥️♥️♥️ God bless you!!

rextk 47: Its grogu no baby yoda

Larwaz: 0:33 Is that tiko's line?

MrLocke 2004: You cane see deep down he's sick of the game

Ayham Safwat Lotus: Next: SAO X FORTNITE

Brown15 Brown: I see simp

YeEtErSoN234 eXe: Baby baby yoda

Arham Mulla: Ok

Brittany Sylvester: I can’t even get on fortnite it keeps saying loading error 😩

Jason North: Scorpion420

Jason North: I need a battlepass

Ninja Kitten: Did you do the galactic tornamant

Kandice Shiels: What you are the best YouTube are lucky lucky

zach bean: Bro I'm mad they copied warzone with bountys

FritoTheLay: fortnite is bad

Vincenzo McCullough: Lachlan: baby yoda Star Wars fans: it’s grogu

R-Mix Music - Bass Boosted: The “Scrolling through the comments while listening” squad

Joshua Adams: Pancakes are good 👍

Eric: man just skipped over the razor crest and called it a "glider" bruh

Trae Casteel: Your my fav YouTubeer if you reply that would be awesome

Ricardo: Mans on top trending

Triston Handy: New secret guns in the game click the link to find out where these guns are so over powered

Thecbommer 41: Grogu actually

AVFAbove: 7373737373737373737

Carlos Cavazos Jr.: ITS THE GUY FROM FORTNITE ⚡️

NZ plays !!: who als sore the comments and watched the video again???

Logan Kelichner: I’m a lil jealous because I’ve wanted crackshot for a long time

Brandon Whip: I bought the battle pass with your code

Speed.Sketches: Why do all Australians say a as er

Sarah Greely: baby yoda's name is grogu

starla story: Can you do squad fill with random

SpecsTube: Only OG gamers would notice that the headpiece on Hunter protocol is similar to Kaos’ crown from skylanders super chargers

Derpalerp: Grogu*

Mr. X: I quit the game lol

mcHRISTMAS PARTY: May be someone ll listen my sirius

Chance Reid: Imagine being exited for baby today but you haven't even seen the mandolarian

Yeet: Hunger games in Fortnite would be cool

Matthew Holland: Baby Yoda’s new name(in the series) is Grogu

Melania Slatan: Lachlan: uhh nice pass Also Lachlan: buys 110 levels

Baby Yoda: You already know I’m in this season

Elzie Bibbs: @elziebibbs

Olye: That moment you realise this season the teir 100 was a back bling. But it's still the best teir 10 ever.

Lars Gaming: He sound so sad

andy antunez: Only Ogs will remember this man played Minecraft

Brittni Wyatt: Lachy I used your code buying the battle pass

Bryce Buchanan: Agent Jonesey is going to be Secret skin for this season 5

Yeet Khad: Both

Yeet Khad: I bought your skin

JP GAMING: Lachy maybe the agent Jonesy is the secret skin. Do you think?

XHøney_MîlkX: Lachlan: What are thoseeee? Me: *Thinking of the what are those meme*

Ashlee Ciccone: I bought the Lachlan skin bois

Christopher Disaverio: We are in the end times. Get right or get left. The gospel of your salvation: Admit you are a sinner in need of a savior, confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, believe he died on the cross for all your sins past present, and future, that he was buried, believing God rose him from the dead on the third day, believing all that in your heart fully, and repent (Meaning changing your mind about who God is) you are saved! John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Thomas Jones: This is by far the worst battle pass the only redeemable items were flapjack and mando and nothing else all of the other items were so ordinary and filler and this battle pass has the worst tier 100 its not even really a skin either its just mando with his armor and baby yoda

Peter Ramirez: Hey add me killerdawg_707 I'm a girl

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