Wargames Could Completely Change Apex! - Apex Legends Season 8

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LEW TUBE: I think they should keep auto banners, as it will stop people camping on a box waiting for you to make a move. If you loose a team member yiu can disengage and try again

Keaton Watson: WTF was that Fuse at 5:47 doing? Some epic RP walking hahahaha

Bounty Killa: the health regen could be like a heat shield except it heals

Virgil Goff: Really just hoping the shield regen becomes Wattson's new passive. Huge buff, she'd be a tank

Nia Matthews: Day 9 of helping the guy who wants rich to rate his grapples again

jose miguel garcia mora: The ultra zones are amazing.

Alex C: Evo shields are shit, just saying

ABROAD98: There’s few joys in life like an iTemp video

sgtspike: Yay 5.5 seconds baby

Arata: Hİ Friends we are new in youtube and making gaming content and our first video is from apex with a song we make for it in intro we will be really greatful if you can check it it wont take your time hope you have an amazing day

James Martin: Regen mode does both shields and health at the moment doesn't it?

kingSabertooth: A Team Deathmatch mode

TNSKEY: Imagine being that "teammate" in the beginning

Paul Burgess: I love that, “The tree of giving” I’m using that one 😂😂👌🏻

David Perez: What if the shield regen becomes wattsons passive? So it's even more different from octane

Primo D: I like watching Rich and Jankz’s channel, but every time they play with so far he seems kinda bitchy...especially when he is waiting to be respawned

psychonaut038: I'm done with apex. Only sweaty lobbies. Not fun anymore. Getting matched up against pro's every damn match.

It’s just a game: I want a type of heal on kill like syphin from fortnite, it would help against 3rd parties

Chris Sanchez: I think the most balanced thing to add would be the shield regen and taking out cells and only having batts and make gold shield have a faster shield regen i think it makes the game play out better instead of sometimes having 14 cells and 0 batts and having more inventory space for ammo or grenades

HeyItsMeTrousers !: Was that actually shiv?? Didn’t see it in the feed

Mulder: I thought for a second I was watching Bad Boys 4 when I heard "Double kick" in unison.. and then they both kicked a separate door.

BBTaylor144: Imagine being on Itemps and LEAVING as soon as you get downed??? 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️

Johan Stefonski: That double kick at 7:53 was cute as fuck.

Cheance: Lifelines ultimate should be either toy soldier or the war games slow health/shield regeneration if not shot

M S A: None of the ones introduced so far this session should be put in game. They cheapen the play. We will see how the other two play out, but these three were gimmicky and made gameplay worse. But instead of this, how about they spend time FIXING THE AUDIO! It's absolutely horrendous. Just in yesterday's session, I died 3x due to poor audio whether it be a full trio running up from behind with no footsteps (even though I can hear my and my teammates clanky footsteps all game) to hearing someone, but not being able to tell the direction the sound is coming from (up, down, left, right ... who knows!). Audio cues are so important to good gameplay and when you don't have good audio, your gameplay can't be as good as it should be. Can't wait to see if BF6 will live up to expectations (esp after the poor BF5) as really want to move on to something else as APEX has run its course.

jeremy rodriguez: They’ve become my two fave apex streamers

Leo Reiser - ES1: 13:00 badass skynade

ZLOIDER: Who remember when he played with Ali A

Leo Reiser - ES1: ultra zones should be in mormal matches

Ęmmănűeļ løuise: Yeah i think these modes can be more than just a 1 time LTM. Cuz i play more when there's new LTMs than when there isn't. Usually I'll just play rank , pubs is boring sometimes if u solo queue. What they can do is make a playlist of fun apex modes (not ringflare) and make then playable from friday to monday and it would starts and ends at the same reset time. This way we can still play regular pubs and earn badges and weekends get fun modes to play.

TexanMarine 2013: 1:02 you mean... octane passive

Kage: Siphon in Ranked would be a nice edition.

Jairo Namnún: I really hate it when Rich picks Horizon cos I love Rich but I hate Horizon.

nell thompson: I think a change I’d really enjoy would be to make the 2 Lives or Respawn Mode normal in Public Games but still only a Single Life for Ranked!

Crescent: Respawn mode should be added to the game fully. They should make it so you lose your token no matter what after round 1 or 2 or something, and also make it so you don’t have loot when you respawn

Yag Onu: Respawn mode the best mode so far

Alpo Hub: Regen is good but I hate the big dome, it's really distracting to fight inside of it

Gary Bishop Boggs: Implementing health regen would work against octane since that skill wouldn't be selective to him anymore. And implementing a shield regen would do the same for wattson.

SHEEP: Oh congrats you go to 1 mil

Jordan Cribbs: I'm just saying.. I've never seen Rich and Path in the same room at the same time. 🧐

nochilltayyYT: the only regen i see that would be fair is that it’s like a siphon (as you kill enemies you gain a fixed amount of health/shield)

zickbone: gold armour should regen armour or add a green armour that has that regen and keep gold as it is, the gold knock down should send ya up in the air (on knock), lifelines ultimate should be her drone creates a small ultrazone. could be sending down a ultrazone generate from orbit so it's as visually revealing as her care pack to weaken it a bit.

RL 666: Hella good content between you two as always🤙💪

Gigger_: Ok hear me out, health regen like warzone so like a delay and for octane quicker delay or extra base health like 120 or 110.

Bobby Howell: Armed and dangerous was so fun. Wish they would've brought it back.

Alex: Congrats on 1 mil! Probably late to the party haha 🥳🥳🥳🥳

TikTik Boom: Yeah they could have a pool of effects or modifiers that could or could not kick in at random at the start of a given match... but they have to watch out with some of what they do cause there encroaching on legend ability redundancy.

AbsalomIndustries: Passive health regen wouldn't fit the design of the game IMO. It works sort of for Warzone, but I think it's antithetical to the way that Apex's game loop revolves around breaking off to heal vs push to ensure kills.

Olav Pfzorvsky: how about there’s a third item other than the heat shield and respawn beacon that is like a combat syringe

Carl Lewis: These two and Jankz are my go to Apex guys! Much love man, keep at it!

Gonzalez: I really hope that the already braindead devs take everything you said as a joke cause all your ideas and opinions on what should be in the game is absolutely retarded.

Neo Nanogerm: Now that we have an equipment slot for mobile respawn or heat shields. It would be cool to see more equipment. Like something that recharges your shields 2% per second when not in combat but you would have to keep the charger charged with shield cells or bats

ImSorry Ehh: I would like it if respawn actually made an LTM playlist instead of adding it into the main game because I don't enjoy having to either play the LTM or play ranked. I've been playing less and less of Apex because of all the different modes they make you play and the weird legends changes.

LEAZY FPV: Just after the intro, im sold. Rich, you should be a dev.

owen woods: Amazing!!

Just Tim: This game has been becoming so different mostly due to me getting stupid teammates that randomly run off and get killed, then quit immediately, I’ve literally finally stopped playing it now, and I’m only lvl 150 on my alt acct, my lvl 500 acct I can’t even get my sight on someone before I’m instantly fried/downed, I’m not a terrible player either

Cummins07: I don’t think I would like any of the events be a norm.

Ju-hyeok Park: Double KICK! *kicks different doors*

Miguel Gomez: I wish they gave your team quick self heals if all three members of an enemy team were eliminated by your own squad. this needs to be a thing

Brody Dentinger: I feel like the main game mode could use pieces of a few of the LTMs so far. Multiple hot drops for sure. Ring shrinking faster if more people are dead. Possibly a rare Respawn mechanic that can be looted

MrAliLonghorn: If it's not broken, don't fix it!!! Just work on fixing the glitches and servers, then improve on other things that don't matter that much.

Nathan: Plot twist: that Bangalore actually was shiv

rafael cruz: 14:51 that swap made no sense

Brayden Smith: This dude and jankz the dynamic duo of my daily must watch youtube

YoInTIMidator55: Shield regen is probably the one most likely to make the switch over but it would essentially nullify gold shields if you took cells out of the game and would be a massive nerf to the sentinel. I just don't see any staying over.

B Ward: how about adding only 50 health regen, or 75? that way you cant regen to full and it keeps syringes and the loot pools balanced. Also octane could keep his passive, maybe a little nerfed

Sebastián Macjas Macias Salazar 5oF: Man, you got FIFTH PARTIED. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL! Soox Octane was saying "There's another squad!" Every 10 seconds!

kingofalljokers909: Loved watching them get melted by the bang & lifeline

interrupts165: I know apex is fun and takes up day. But has anyone looked at the outside world right now. It’s burning down and flooding people are being forced to take the VaC Ceeen or they can’t do anything. Guys this is just what God told us would happen. This is straight out the Bible just stop and YouTube this crap for yourselves. We are 2000 years from Christ death and resurrection and look at the world. It’s time to repent and put your faith in Jesus because the Bible also says the rapture is coming and people are going to have to make it when they get left behind.

Samuel Addison: i think that the hot zone should heal you cuz there is no meds there

PonyPewPew: Can we please have a fresh settings guide? ❤

Djaydee !: This is why I wish rank had more game modes because I hate playing pubs now because of what rich and sooxfar randoms always do!; They leave !!! I take out teams of 3 all the time by my self and my 1 or 2 randoms can't handle they go down and leave smh!! I need players to play with

Nabil Abdul Rashid: rich can i be your friend

Ruben Skorstad: Bring back the gladiator challenge! 🤣

Matthew Hammer: None of them theyre cool game modes thats all

Drew McCurley: God I love watching u and soofar

Addicus Slain: Day 34 of asking rich to rate his grapples again!

Slurgman: If one of the War Games events were to be integrated in base Apex, flashpoints would be best imo. Specifically replacing the 'hot zone' with a flashpoint. The other gamemodes are cool, but idk.

Richard Guerra: I think the circle closing will be life changing in this game tbh

SlyScyther: So Far has adopted Octane's voiceline and I can't tell if it was on purpose. "I'm going in!"

Volka Racho: I just want to be play Winter Express all the time

jarrett hamilton: Everybody keeps talking about the spitfire they’re going to end up making it a care pack gun like that did the 99 pk and prowler

SpectrumGoated: All of the changes would be good! Apex NEEDS change. It's a little too boring right now (with the notable exception of the war games modes)

Mattias Mendeloff: algorithm

Collin Bustanoby: Looks like Horizon tempted ol Itemp

Ethan Hema-Jones: I think what could be cool is if they were to add a bodyshield maybe that allows you regen as quickly as the body shield event does right now, but the only downside to the regend bodyshield is that it only has 75hp (so the equivalent of a blue body shield) I think that could be cool but thats just me! Also loving your vids Rich!!!! Keep it up dude 👌

charles west: I love the twin dragon...."double kick"....but both chose an opposite door....lmao

Bassam Halabiya: Is it just me or the audio is too low?

ChiefKief: I personally think it should of lasted longer like the modes I missed most of it seemed kinda short I guess but it's a good change , I still just miss worlds edge it's the goat of all maps

Michael Teeter: I love the Itemp & Sooxfar duo so much❣️ never would've thought but geez it's so good

Hotboydixon 8: This game lets you streamers do all types of stuff

Andrew Vigil: Another Wall running ltm would be cool but not no rev bull shit or night time just another movement system to make it just that much more competitive please

Sleepy: Spitfire is OP, it has no recoil and the damage is really great.

Sleepy: War games mode is really fun. Apex Legends is getting addicting for me. Ive beeb playing since the day it got released. Its obviously my favorite game.

Gachagames Suck: Sofar has a thermite

Ryan Sledz: I feel like the big healing bubbles could be a good lifeline ult on a smaller scale

Chad Mendiola: Permanently adding the regen in Hotdrops/hotzones would be pretty good.

BOI Ray: Nice vid

ScootyPuffSr09: I love the "I'm not with you" miscommunication. 😂

Darryl Henderson: I love how no one thinks it’s console hackers please fix the report system before constantly throwing game modes 😑

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