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kandyrew: HD quality isnt ready yet :( but it'll be higher quality soon!

Umberto Faralli: They could have just added 150 damage to the res sheilds and keep the stupid drone like it was , it's already the 2` time i have to completely change my gameplay

Pinto_Bean: Man, the music is so nice

sheesh: hell yeah respawn, now thats a proper character design

Joe Carbajal: How exactly do thet get that skin for valk

MGOATG 14: They made her better

Dana Thomas: All they should do to LifeLine now is give back her faster revives or the faster healing. Tweaking the care package isn't doing it. I could see it as a spawn beacon too. The Original LifeLine was by far the best.

Antonio Rios: shes stil bae, the doc revive is awesome

Danny Rodríguez: Good people, it happens that I do not know if it has happened only to me that it does not let them play because of a message "can not connect with EA servers" I recently discovered 3 ways that can be used to solve it this in my channel my intention is to help this community. Thanks and good day

Abramion: That's why i main bloodhound now

MrKawone: Wtf when did sam start playing apex?

Tanaka Sasha: They should do a broken legends ltm

Axvll Watches: It’s a nerf. If no one has noticed, she has a 100% useless stat tracker now. The tracker revive shield: damage blocked will no longer have a use since you’ll never get to block any damage with it. No other character in the game has to deal with that pain 🥲

Izawa: She would be one of my favorite legends for this season arenas but they fucked up

Combat_Av3nGeR: No she's actually good

Hari Kanani: It’s a buff lol

Bat Gamer: They buffed lifeline more than nerfed

Kirim_kumbasar: Lifeline is pretty good in my opinion

DEVIN: She ok

Steemed_Milk’n_Eggs: That thumbnail is uuuuuuh I don’t know man kinda sus

angel padilla: Well time to find a new legend only reason I played her was because of the healing shield and lifeline all ready has a 2 revive there’s 2 other people not 4 so it makes sense that she would get a shield and have to revive the other person. It also gave have her a safe space when reviewing and for the team mate to so they won’t get instant knocked again Honestly big as nerf for her been playing her senses release very disappointed. It’s Like imagine if blood hounds scan can only scan 3 people and not Other teams in the area and short range

Toymahzie Taylor: Nah I think she is balanced

Overseas: Ur aim not lifeline

The Relevant Nerd: I only need her recovery without holding the heal button so I have to say she works for me.


DEVILZ: She just went from one of the best character in the game to the worst one in the game

Zane Fayaz: is that Sam from Alpha gaming?

Kat 0: No now u just relay on ur team more

Strela: No more low profile, you know what that means, half of her damage taken are now landed on her big ass legs and it deal less dmg. Res shield? Ayyy eat my eddie capoeira legs.

Chase Harrell: If anything she got a buff. Able to res multiple at once with the ability to cancel it, major buff to her care package, and a buff to her drone. Who cares about a shield when they’re behind cover, plus the shield gave away positioning for 3rd parties

muñañyo: I WAS a lifeline main and now I think she is kinda useless

Tyler Hodge: Kandy are u gonna grind for pred this season

Sips Tea: I thought she was gonna be dead after nerf but man, she’s way better now than before. I still have a ton of revive and her heals now are amazing. Don’t even get me started with them making her hot useful now. Now, there are reason to play her instead of using her only for her passive back then.

Lenny E.: I think the classical music in the back of the hectic gameplay is really soothing and worked better than expected

OP Skully5507: is gold armor better than red armor? i just don’t know high one to take if i have a purple evo

HeimSenpai: that thumbnail... Sheeesh Valk

XplosiveBunny: I don't think Lifeline is nerfed, imo she's balanced this way. She lose the shield but gain tactical buff, passive buff, and ultimate buff.. 3 for the price of 1..she can double auto-ress at same time, thats a good thing..I hate it when fighting/team up with a lifeline who brainlessly ress people in the middle of open wide area..just for me to being shot down again after the shield dissapear..at least now Lifeline main considering to ress people when they get to cover first..her tactical is much way better than before, and her ult guaranteed a better gear unlike before where your ult could be a waste.

slippyn: you know, someone could make an entire compilation of the times kandy got hit by his own arc.


Nighter: They killed lifeline octane wraith now if they kill mirage I’m practically done or taking a long break from apex I’m tired of all the bs

Isam Jabour: Bring old lifline back

Kevin Ruiz: I'm the 1000th comment that's all have a good day. :)

Versace_Sheets: This thumbnail is actually outrageous wtf man

Urban Vendetta: If you think lifeline has become useless you have a dent in your skull. It makes less noise and is extremely hard to see if you’re even slightly behind cover

BbuddyBraden Elswood: I’m so good with the bocek

DropD1saster: That thumbnail tho

Carwyn Weller: Dat thumbnail tho

Creeppergamer-525: Rip lifeline

Keigan Morrison: I love y’all’s call outs “He’s over there” or “right there”

Askim-MilkB: Could have made lifelines shield like destroyable like a strong as a blue shield or something like that

The large Fish: Lifeline has flatlined

Callie: No, you see, lifeline still has a revive shield, just not in the way you think...

Kremis_: I like how down-to-earth and non-youtube meta your videos are, just some chill, well made apex content

Lefthook Lito: That shield gave people bad habits. Now you can't just pop a res in the open during a fight. Good riddance.

Fil Lovely: When you buy the gold backpack, it still looks purple on the tab screen. Probably just a bug!

Xolgic: It’s so sad that they are destroying all of the enjoyable characters so other people get more of a pick rate

ResidentRecon89: The Shield on the Combat revive was useless and was a huge give away of your teams positioning from far away bringing in their parties on to you. And it was kinda OP as well cause well…. Just cause it was just stupid.

Gregimus Prime: instead of completely removing the rez shield, they should have made it destructible, like give it 100 or 150 health like a body shield.

passtheremoteplease: They should have kept the shield, just make it far weaker. It’s a great tell for her reviving because of how large and bright the shield is. Now it’s hard to tell if she’s doing it in high pace moments. Keep the shield. Lower the power of it.

Jan Stuller: Can you not give the shield back but the shield has like 100 hp or something like that, because with the shield she is to strong and without she is not that good

Darkness19Z: I think they balanced her more because before it was like "Watch me 1v3 this team with these human meat shield".

BREAD: I just want to put a psa out, use the L-star in arenas, it is God tier and if you get the resources you can max it out in the second round.

Caleb A: The shield would've been fine if it had health rather than being unbreakable.

Josh Richards: Bring me season 1 lifeline then we'll talk.

Badger: You did buy the gold bag but for some reason it becomes purple when you start the game. It still has the effects of hold though. At least that's what happened with me and my team.

Lordlovelover Lovegrove: Dont hop on the band waggom play her and actually realise shes more offencive due to the rapidness pf the drone, tougher due to no low profile, the lack of shield is actually better as its more subtle and you can get both team.mates up. And her care package basically removes the risks of not finding good loot. Shes so much bettet now. Try her and see for yourself

Luca A.H: Lifeline is too powerful in every way so i think apex did something good this time

VoiD7: I've lost all Interest in lifeline after the nerf, haven't even played her once after the update

jomeo trash god: It feels a lot less obvious now you don't see that fat blue shield but I'm wondering what would happen if they replaced it with just whatever knockdown shield you have

ItzNoahLol: Idk if u figured it out yet but when u buy the gold backpack u don’t see it but u actually have it

paranoid gaming: I love that face he made

Michael Putintsev: You should play as fuse, you'll be able to carry even more grenades. nadymule

chase pringle: I think they should have keep the shield but made it to where you can destroy it kinda like and knock down shield

Hutch theBOI: Psssssh stop acting like the Shield even did anything, being able to duo rez and defend is way more useful and the Care Package is fkn useful now

Iman Button: Ll is way better now

Vincent Cardona: Lifeline useless? *PSSHH* She's quite annoying lately. Whenever I knocked down 2 enemies and push afterwards, i get insta clapped by 3 enemies with PKs and full health. Her unli revives and fast drone heal can help your team recover a fight much faster.

Silas Tallio: i think lifeline's res shield should've been given a health bar instead of getting removed completely

Benjamin Phillips: I like it better without the shield, it always drew too much attention


FendergodGaming: Nice thumbnail

Pawn. dering: I would say double res is okay but only one gets a gibby type shield that you can shoot through.

Djextinct: They could’ve just made her shield have a health bar

vaporr: "Was Lifeline's lifeline cut?" I think this is a good one for a title

Jaigarau: That thumbnail is actually valid ngl 🤔💯

vexy: U talking tk my girl lifeline like that

Beast Hi: You need to use the 30-30, because it is actually good

recklez100: Yes rip lifeline......... nice vid Kandy

FuterCheifG Grimes: I liked shield it made people push

Jadon James: Lifeline’s pick rate actually raised by 2 percent so she’s not that bad

FuterCheifG Grimes: Lifeline is going to have lowest win rate season 9 confirmed

xVentus00x: They nerft her out of orbit

Jonikalus: Did the lifeline break in Season 9? :P

Deep Seeker: Make it so it just makes the person being resed unkillable

Kyler Kotyk: Said it when patch notes were released Lifeline got a buff. I honestly prefer it now. You wont get to the final ring and lifeline res be a win con. In normal fights its more discreet and doesnt scream here I am.

RedEnvelopeMedia: She basically has no combat utility now and is full support. You cant heal or rez during firefights safely and she no mobility abilities so she might as well a deafault character. I think she should get the manual rez shield back.

Danxlrs Gaming: That carepackage is kinda op though ngl i got gold backpack on the last ring and that literally won the game for me that one time

jeffylol9 jones: [Tears]

JusDion: Boycott lifeline

POPEY:P: She isnt im not the best player ever but i got a 2.7k damage and hard carried my team

Randy Ohm: Lifeline is a bit op in arenas, where she can buy a gold bag nearly every round. Still extremely frustrating to play against, and mandatory for every squad comp. I honestly feel like her combat rez should have some kind of cooldown mechanic. Maybe after the first two rezzes.

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