WARZONE NUKE EVENT *LIVE* PART 1 ☢️ (SEASON 3 UPDATE) - Cold War Warzone New Map Update

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RaidAway: *PART 2 OF THE NUKE EVENT!* - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN20lpv_gIw&t

Parker: Day 36 of asking for yawadiar to come back

Pyrrhic: @ 0:58 Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuh

I love You: Zombie community 🤣

JackPeach1997 - Animation: This whole thing was incredibly anticlimactic

Slim Shady ZA: Biggest Fail in Warzone 4:26

introduce al: If this not Fortnite 2.0

D3ityCthulhu: I feel like they didn't fully think this game mode out.

Jayspeakable: WAIT IT GOT NUKED

Daniel Delvalle: ☢☢☢

Daniel Delvalle: Hi big fan I have been watching for at least 4-5 years😊

BryGuyPR: 41 trending W 🔥🔥

Russian Doggo: The new score streak is pretty much the thresher from bo4,but the stream was great.

Printer Net: Y00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Michael Hernandez: My game crashed right when the cutscene started...

Fishy brada walden: Love ur vids

SilverPhantom8: this event kinda sucked

Joaquin Bailon: Why does it not show that I can early update the game but my friends already have it updated.

Dallas Johnson: 1

Cam Cameron: One

Shaken not Stirred: 1

jixby: Hair line wildn

The Oracle: I don’t know but im not flashd like the last time...

Big Fans Bobby From Indonesian: livestream part 2 got deleted?

Ultra instinct: My bad rich it’s not to day sry but much love see u tonight peace

Ismael Rayas: 1

Cordae Mitchell: L Event

Lorrie Blochlinger: So sorry i mess it

Kyle zzz: I remember Raidaway saying that warzone its not his thing and he didnt like it..

Itsmeeeretr0: Waste of time just to show one nuke lmao

Post Productions: The fact that my game crashed 3 times before the cutscene worked really sums up the past year in Warzone.

Hong Gerow: 1

Tanner Gould: 1

Nathen Peterman: I’m nathen peterman

pen of inspiration: This should have been a mode, you play once it goes away for you. Sucks to be locked out of servers and watching YouTube streams with slow internet on congested streams

Nᴀsᴄʜʟʏ: Damn

Collins Magnon: 1

JustCallMeGrizzy: What a shammme the servers are down 🤦‍♂️

Zoltar Games: There is a part 2

Ashley Evan: I could see you

Frixsyz: 48,187 Thousand views

Jaka Jancic: what time is season 3

Angel Mendoza: Hello from Puerto Rico💪💪🔥🔥

ItsEdgar687: The event was ok

Tony The Walking Bucket: 1st

Zadies: They took the Nuke too serious and Nuked the SERVERS 💀

AjGameZ: I don’t get it is the event split into 2 different parts??

Ricky Reed: Who got the 30 kill streak???

bram deufopiloot: I have been in a queue for like an hour now, it finally said “fetching online profile” when it disconnected. Back in the queue again🙃

Jack: So when is part 2

big guy that likes onions Sibnation: There is a sos building somewhere in warzone

Ryan Nissen: It just got nuked rn

andrew Fortune: Does anyone know why I can't join the event

M Tk: I now have my account back, all thanks to *Anonymous_blackhat_official* on Instagram for helping me to unbanned my account

Lolkas Lolpez: Yooo sheeesh that was dope

Charles Thipado: 1

Bryan Grant: Not first but not last

Kris Ingle: 1

Kevin Forbes: 1

Bryan Grant: Hey

Ground beef: Isn't part 2 in a hour

Amari’s World: 1

Tarnite Gaming: I was in the livestream and raidaway that was awsome

Haroon Hindi: Event was weak

Flawless__Shadow: WOOOO

Amari’s World: Yo

bun1877: i was in his game whattt

KP: i swing my arm in a figure of 8, or i wont leave til the whole clip empty


WRLD: 1st

Blake Franklin: First like Always

Xavier Alcazar: 1


Blake Franklin: Hello

Ablaze Blox: Hi

Stuhbravo: Sheesh

Ethan RAMIREZ: Sheesh

Among Us: Wassup

chump シ: Yoooo

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