Part 1 Live Nuke Event in Warzone | This is the End - Season 3

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Desiree Stewart: So mad I didn’t get to do part 1

Jamie: I have to say I was SO disappointed in this "big" nuke event. Comparing it to the Marvel/Galactus season end by Fortnite...this doesn't hold a candle.

Stephen McPhee Music: I Kinda hoped the cutscene had been more in depth - like a ground level view of the blast radius going through each area of the map or something

Amrt77: Destruction of storage size.

rhysenna: Appears this live event was put together in someone's lunch break.

Kevin Kular: Wonder if this nerd has ever been laid

surfer soldier for Christ: you guys are beast!

AmazingAsian Channel: Lowkey wanted to play the new map today....

Gabriel Nevarez: I keep reading the update messages and I'm.wonderig what if we are supposed to "work together"

Jack Rose: If anyone asks jgod called in a tack Nuke

Alex B: Hi JGod, can i get your Nvidia Filter Settings? Your Game looks so clean and nice. Thanks man. Have a nice day.

Woops Lynx: 14:15 POV you’re a Mexican migrant trying to sneak into America but got caught

luke jackson: Such a waste of time and money. Just change the map already. Enough of this garbage.

Nomad616: I missed it... can this event be replayed or was this a one time thing?

Its Remy: tkkoooo

Its Remy: i luv twitch

Rob Bower: Can’t wait for them to change the map so it will have 100 new glitch spots and issues

Joaquín Enríquez: That was pretty lame to be fair.

beyond fear: Dysmo is the first cod YouTuber I watched this is an awesome team too aswell badass

Mr CJ: So much fun playing an event everyone around the world will be asleep for.

Exile: That has to be the most SWEATIEST Part 1 on YouTube. HAHA!

James Taschereau: A moment of silence for all the homies who worked today and are working tomorrow during the events...

Lethal l: Have a great day!😃 Aight cool so ( •_•) 9:52

J Estrada: His filters look different the man what he had before. Adjusted I think

Kris Krishna: Yo! Does anyone know when is part 2 coming up? I've been waiting and there's nothing other than rebirth island!

David Koontz: Been at work all night can’t wait to get off and play the game!!!

streetie31: Still got 3 hours to wait in Australia and it's the 22nd 12:22pm here 🙄

Jakedajeweler: people didn't realize you can heal other players not on your team

Red Hood: The destruction of the servers part 800 tbh

Chris Stroup: I wish I was able to get on during this

pcosta: I see verdanks is destroyed.. I go to JGODs channel

Kevin Barnard: Well, I have to remember it's a game. I don't know of ANY nuke in anyone's arsenal that actually impacts the ground. They're all designed to airburst over target

Dave Voyles: This event was live for about 2 hours today. God forbid anyone plays this game and has a job.

David Tucker: So you could get exfiltrated? Did you get something special? We got the containment protocol for calling card, but never got exfil so not sure if there is something more.

Chosen One: did they for real have a mode up for like no time at all? like not even a day? what about other countries that were asleep during this event? people who have work or families? trash game. trash devs

Donny D'Attilio: Too bad for people who worked that was cool. That last in game event wasn’t it for anyone that logged on for that day were you able to run to the stadium or whatever sorry everyone got it to experience it

Pablo Pagano: I'm starting to think Treyart hates Warzone

Justin Ray: Wow! That ending 🤯😄

right stuff: This event sucked!

Raging Swampert: The cliffhanger of the event. Better be a good one because people might be a little disappointed.

Seth martinez: Why is warzone off of the list?

fire ninja: I was at work didn’t even get a chance to play it

Attila RZA: Foxy Grandpa?! The MK11 player?!

Jesse Smeraglia: Can you make a video sort of organizing all the events?

StevenG: Alright cool so... lol cant wait for part 2

Nibiru: Only the dumbest developers ever. An entire season leading up to the event just for a 2-3 hour event window when most people are at work. I have so little faith left in the companies running Warzone. Whoever makes these decisions should be fired.

joe barr: The color on JGOD’s screen is dialed in so perfectly

H: Gg verdansk

AirRatchetJockey: LAME, way to go activison 🤣 so glad the people who don’t live in there parents basement got to enjoy the nuke event.

Dio Brando: Can’t wait to see how nerfing the aug caused the stim glitch to come back.

Jake Atwell: Anyone else noticing he is super quick to tell people no or they are wrong only to back track but not really admit they were actually right?

Some Brandy: So you're basically getting the same scene with and without exfil?

Shinobieyes: This event was a waste of time, getting nuked via cut scene. I was over it instantly, was hoping to play some normal warzone but then we get nighttime rebirth only. I saw a few of the streamers try to over-sell the event like really lol , I'm just going to keep checking back on Jgod's channel to see when the new map is ready.

Oliver Grewin: Why, why did I have to go out of town now! 🤦‍♂️

oneSENZ: I don’t even have the game mode

Chownsee: Anyone know his color settings? They look way different then mine.

Oh Yeah Yeah: When is the Part 2?

Doraemon: What happened if you die before the nuke?

JuMunjiii: All this build up for this. I'm just waiting for the new map.

darrenmadden82: Wait where was the missle launched from????

kppersing: @dysmo crossover is something I would never have guessed in a million years. Hilarious and awesome.

MONSTA 23: Is anybody else kind of miss the old map already

Isaac Copen: Jgod did M4A1 get buffed it’s shredding for me

Shikhar Bakhru: Please try FAL BURST

Hoff Pock: Anyone notice sleight of hand doesn’t work on the AS Val?

MoeMeta: Always dope videos bro 🙏

NOAH Baumgarn: Am I the only one who sees that JGODs bullet spread is hacked ehy it us so small!!!?!?!?

Asksjshcsnakkzx: anyone else friends list not loading?

Jumpifyourcrippled: Yo guys check out and JGod check out rebirth island you can see verdansk and the nuke cloud and some changes to the map

jerm opp: Noooooo i missed it! Being an adult sucks.

Jelani Herrington: Wait. Why isn’t battle royal on the screen ??

Richard Wilkes: Another let down. How do you release a super limited time game mode in the middle of the week when most people aren’t able to play and then make it available for only a few hours.

Giovanni's Daedra: I can't wait to not be able to get in for part 2 as well!

Jimmie Jam: Ur the man brother!!!

S0ut137 Tamsen: Jgod... I REALLY HOPE YOU GET THIS... I just did the weirdest thing.. I went into the training battle royale mode and verdansk looks WACK... PLEASE go take a look and make a vid

Ayzlxn: So when is the update?? 10PM PST?

Henrikas Daktaras: Nuke the Verdansk not a servers

Hyde: idea 7/10 implementation 0/10 keep continuing JGOD

DigitalTech: Worst event in gaming history! 🤔😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴

jgil: When is part 2? They won't let you replay part 1 now 💀

Alexander Lipski: What a fckin boring event that was....

byz byz: 10 second clip lmao

Mac Mac: "its a nuke so it should radiate the whole t hing" lets see the numbers on that!

TheBarryvdh: TKO <3

Jay-Z On A Jet Ski: The destruction of WZ by Ravensoft

Josh Harris: Is it gonna do the nuke event only in battle roya?

JETSTONED: So if you have a job and at work till 3:30 you cant play the 1st part anymore

Nick Garlick: Wow sick a 10 second cut scene.... these devs are unreal

Smoothling: Jgod: I am speed!!!

Epsilon Xero: Foxy Grandpa? The MK11 mad lad Foxy Grandpa?!

BiOxMilch: The changes of facial expressions at 8:34 was way too funny

batmayn: JGod and TKO! love these guys

Taqua: Tko and Jgod omg 😍😍😍😍

Danee: The only thing I'm hyped about is new ground loot

GGum: The queue was too big man i missed out

Syed Sabeeth: how were you able to play with friends?

Brim Fyshin: This "event" seemed phoned-in to me. Halloween zombie event but worse and a 30 second cutscene. NICE

Kenn ich Nicht: So when can we play a battle Royal on the new map??? Thx for the answers Soldiers!

apicspaco: Its should of been in game not a cutscene x.x

User1 Raf: That was it? A new game mode and a cutscene?

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