Season 9 Legacy Cinematic REACTION + BREAKDOWN (Apex Legends)

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Brian Lovegrove: is no one else somewaht worried about the direction change apex seems to be taking?? all this flying and hovering isnt good for the game in my opinion at all. horizon is already broke as it is with the fact her q literally is silent in most cases. i cant see a legend with the ability to fly being any better for the game. at this point whats the point on octain or pathy or wraith when horizon and now Valk can just fly up? i worry Apex is going the way of other gajmes with this roll out plan. keep adding stuff on top of other stuff but never take the the to ballance the game as a whole. Im glad ppl are hyped and stuff but me personally this season could literally be make or break for me

Kenye Summerville: Look at 1:38 it says oasis

Dustin Vang: i wanna play again :(

Edward Chester: Anyone else just feel that 3v3 isn't really enough for a good match? Team Fortress and the like rely on there being enough players on both sides. 3v3 feels like it would be really sparse.

InSiDiOuS_MaRe: These are not new pois in the Battle Royale these are the new arenas. One for each geography from each map. The first arena we see is on world's edge, the second is king canyon and the third is Olympus

Rundøwn Games: I think this is Worlds edge but this part 7:26 On the left middle you can see the faze runner the machines this might be olympus but logically olympus is a flying Its in the sky its impossible olympus magically grown Mountains when its on the sky or maybe Olympus crashed then landed in the outlands

THY TGA: This is all cool but I’m just wondering what they’ve done to the top of ash’s head

BIG POPPA: May the 4th be with you

Ian Beaver: Olympus has fallen... no pun intended lol

just se: If arena is second ranked mode, i’m hyped

Zz CrazZy Zzz Z: What if they are merging the maps

In8_ras: Valks helmet is like a colored storm trooper helmet 😂😂

The Toilet Demon: Yo we gonna get Coliseum in Apex?

Hanan Butt: 7:55 looks like skull town to me

O.J. Joseph: everytime i hear mirage i literally cannot see anyone else but sonic. (also mirage+wraith+path are the main characters! same team from the original launch trailer haha)

Toma Voinescu: I think the arena maps are gonna be new poi in all 3 maps

white rice rice: Anyone else lowkey gonna miss Maggie to?

Gaurav Baindur: DId everyone miss the Wattson and potential Loba Q buffs lol !

cameron corkill: It also looks like a Watson and crypto buff Watson's fence activat like a trap and crypto was moving while his drone was out

めふる: why crypto always use his drone to hit someone lool

MiiLL3R: No one gonna say anything about the 3 round burst G7?

MBA Top: Ok saw Costic die instantly guess he’s getting a huge nerf

Unknown_playz: My theory: I think that the maps shown are new changes (could be arena maps) to previous maps. First map looks like Olympus because of the void runner, the second map is king’s canyon, the third one might either be Olympus or worlds edge. If so, the little arena teaser we got with ash on a hologram that could be the arena map

LA BEAST: the ice place is a arena map maybe that's why it's not on any map

oni _domo: watch the playstation trailer!

gordon oie: Whats up with Gibbys ult??

Daryl Antony: Imma Crypto main; did they just tease that the drone has an auto-evade?

The Teddy Adventure: Solos

Corky: bless you

Dead Fred Dead: Burst fire g7 buff??? At 2:56 looks like more than two shots

Toast Party: The amount of screen time Rampart got in this video is the amount of attention Respawn is giving her 😞

Diego Gonzalez: So it will be like a deathmatch mode?

Emilio Baeza: Yeah, sure Kandy, like you haven't playtested the new legend, mode and weapon. There were early access for content creators in S3 & S7 when maps where released and now they're hyping this as the best season yet. I expect your gameplay on Monday

Jackaboy: I hope they make an actual pilot legend in the future

TITAN Slayer6996: She killed caustic again last time she did it was when apex first launched don’t you remember?

Zera Xtar V2: arena map ???

63Bits: am i the only one that thought the havoc was in select fire?

Sloppy Joe: Anyone notice wraith has the sweaty load out with the 99 and wingman? 🤣🤣🤣

SearingPlum 11: I hope valk has a skin that has a helmet on and I think rampart should get one that has a welder helmet on

Lucifer Morningstar: Wait maybe a angel city map where mirage crashes?

Garin P: At 2:12 in the trailer, it looks like Ash is controlling Revenant

Jay2Fyee: The cyber punk one says oasis🤨👀

Frezgi Gebru: Worst reaction ever ! You literally only reacted to the new map Lmaoo bro was talking about literally nothing but the map smh

Whinnie: 3:31 octane wallrun???

Benson Barba: The map looks like bloodhounds home really hoping we got some more lore

Nara Shadows: Aerial battles are gonna be so fun! Valk vs Valk

daisuke uchiha: I wish when octane runs it looks like this

DOOMZday05: I love how respawn is integrating more titanfall into apex

NTH TONYTHEOG: Ash wit the robot dreads🥶🥶🥶🥶

Yoxek TV: What you have twitch

travis hoch: at 8:18 it looks like the phase runner on olympus but they might have switched it so it is snowy.

Jason More: i think that the three arenas were seeing are all on kings canyon, worlds edge & olympus or at least like themes of the maps because i can't see them adding these areas into the main maps but also in the arena. in the beginning, there was all the rocky snowy mountains & it looks like epicenter or survey camp, in the middle with octane it was definitely king's canyon, & with mirage voyage, one of the buildings literally said oasis.

merlin mage: Funny how they make battle royal because they know people like it then this trailer betrays their original view by saying go beyond battle royal by making some arena multiplayer map like before they abandoned lol. Make up your mind apex legends. I dont play apex legend im not complaining im just saying its obvious theyre backtracking in their views ill let the players decide if they like apex arena.

A Wren: I love Valkyrie's voice

Chris Metz: The fact that you didnt notice that its a part of bloods origin story is amazing

Dzikra Athaullah: Who here loves Little V/Valkyrie finisher

Holy Clint: my guess is that mirage has crashed into that place from the path finder short film

Charlie Terrell: “#44 on trending for gaming” Way to go Kandy!!

Lordlovelover Lovegrove: Did anyone else notice the g7 fire rate? Burst fire maybe

Pariux: Kandy, kandy, kandy... these are entirely new maps made for arena 🥱

Armando Cagigas-Bermejo: burst mag for the g7scout is what i herd

jeremiah lewis: The first map is the arena map

PredaKING333: I think and hope that Apex leads into Titanfall 3 somehow through the story.

Aiden -: 4:47 ash isnt controlling rev is she? What is this

Dusty Herrin: Calling it now... you can airburst Fuse's Q

Sabr Piggy: Am I the only one hearing mega echo like he's in a stadium?

xd skullface678: My guess is the city on the screen in the secret door in caustic treatment is under Olympus so he will crash into one of the engines holding up Olympus and then Olympus falls and we are introduced to the map that was on the computer in caustic treatment let me know what y'all think

Speedi Boi: When wraith said remember me and again mirage that was a reference to the first trailer to apex

Malik Dabon: Does no one remember the train game mode?

Chris Gonzales: He means airbase lol he keeps saying artillery

monica deac budac: 9 25 look at wraith s face

Chayah: any tips to get out of gold :(

Jeb Clarke: Ever mentioned life line new revive

Joe Rod: It looks like all the maps combined together plus a lil new more.

Joshua Hufnagel: In the concept art for Olympus they said in the lore the entire Olympus map is modular and can be changed at will. So feasibly the cityscape could still be Olympus

Holden Judy: What do the numbers "2375" mean? They said the phase runner prototype number is 2735, and they said they ran a diagnostic snd found 2735 errors

Nathan Jones: so at 1:40 the background looks like the corner of skyhook. Like mirage crashed into skyhook.

Drayna Flaire: Anyone thinking the cyberpunk type of map looks ALOT like the place in Pathfinder's origin stories with the detective stuff? Also the big tubes in the snowy map looks ALOT like the phaserunner tunnels in Olympus

Nathan C: I think Olympus is going to crash into Kings Canyon??? The whole Phase Runner thing was there too.

Kuya Paul: Season 2 Cinematic: Finally, a worthy opponent.

Aeros: Hahaha "in your voice.. I detect, stress.. and.. fire. would you like me to call emergency services?" Unreal comedy.

HappyBDOG4444 YT: I miss worlds edge

Tron Yo: I think there bringing back pk

Bass: Considering the thing at the beginning, maybe the phase runner has an endpoint in multiple different locations for the arena 3v3 mode

This is where the fun begins: This dude really called Ash edgy :'(

That_Asian_Guy J: What I’m thinking is that the part were they are talking about the phase runner could’ve collided between maps cuz when kandy paused to talk with him, the cylinder thingy looks like Olympus’ phase runner thingy

Gabriel Longpre: there's leaks for valks skins and yes viper helmet is one of her skins, the map for the arena mode will be there (say goodbye to kings canyon and let the place of WORLDS EDGE)

RAS902: Mirage Voyage is in the trailer on olympus i think. the part where Wraith gets stabbed by REV!

Eogan Berr: The arenas are essentially Ash test chambers from "Into the Abyss" level but on the scale of the Apex games

Genchi Violet: It would be so fucking cool if the arena mode is 3v3 and they use the respawn token idea with it. So you fight a team and have to win a certain amount of fights in order to win, maybe it's a multiple team thing so other teams are also fight while you are and then you fight the winning team. Idk if that's what they're going for but it definitely would reignite my love for apex.

Bype Me: Justice rains from above!! =Pharah

Francisco Rodriguez: Bro i feel like olympics falls into kings canyon

Codex: Can't believe they gave Valkyrie Viper's lines from TF2

yungbasedjedi: New map I think

Martini Linguini: I think there's gonna be 3 arena maps, one in an kings canyon style, one worlds edge style and one olympus style.

Evan Moak: I think Respawn wants to slowly turn Apex into Titanfall 3 with a Battle Royale mode attached

000SubDelta000: My prediction for the new mode. Each match has multiple (more than 2, maybe even up to 20) squads participating in it, but only 2 squads can fight at a time. Everyone else is spectating. Once one active squad is defeated, the winner squad has limited time to loot them and/or heal up before the next random squad is thrown in. Maybe later in the match squads would spawn with better loot to balance with the currently winning squad having better loot and armor from actually participating in battles. In the firing range teaser sequence you could hear Ash announcing the last standing member of a squad being finished as you were ascending on the elevator, and then Ash announces the new challenger (probably you) as you get closer to the top. And once you're there, you can see deathboxes with red-tier loot already being there. I'd say it fits pretty well.

Festivealin: Noice

Brian Bryant: Did anyone else notice bangalore using double tap on the g7 at the beginning? Look when she shoots at bloodhound.

Jack: I think they also were teasing Lifeline’s new res with bloodhound slowly standing up with a knockdown shield!

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