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Macro: Mirage is a vibe

Katriane Kaiser: "I ship them dude" Me, Darksparks Shipper: You go man, ship what you ship! What'd you expect me to say guys, huh?

Wyattron: Bro pathfinder sounds like claptrap from borderlands

Royal Bomber: rip loba

Ethan Jimenez: In the background at 7:23 you could see something that looks like BT's arm

potato potato: BTs arm is also there 7:19

Andrew Hernandez: Apex: can I copy your homework? Overwatch: sure just make it different so it does not look like you copied it. Apex:

Dough Boy: Fly little viper

Jackson G: Am I the only one who thought the trailer looked like roblox apex that that shi was so choppy and stuff

mozambique here: 1:50 octane was jumping on the walls here to this may be a hint that wallrunning will be added


Symfr is cracked dude: outro song?

SafeAt4: 4:27 This is the most magnificent thing in whole game

Mr Bun: I started this game about 5-6 months ago so this is my REAL first season but anyways I’m most excited for the new legend

Sean Forsyth: Ash is robotic sheer body was killed in battle and made a robot cause her wounds were so bad her memory was the only thing that was able to be saved

Ya boi SamWell: Nice

Stolas Owl: Mirage is indeed, a vibe

MR 8F6H: The new legend has the same voice lines as viper from titanfall campaign

David DaBot1: Macro please read: Ash is Dr Reid from Horizons stories from the outlands. Because Ash's real name is Ashleigh Reid.

H H: Hopefully Pathfinder can grapple into valkerey

Fazza Bazza: This is hype also 1000th comment

The sockman: Pharaoh

Mr Milk: Lore behind Valkyries ultimate should be the hover and then missiles because in titanfall 2 the Northstar core which is like an ultimate is hovering then firing a ton of missiles

bananaon toast: Gibby in the first trailer holds a gun i haven't seen in apex

H53lsewell: The robot hair is similar to dr reeds hair

KingDogePug: I feel respawn should make Valkyrie say “ I rule the skies” when she activates her ult to commemorate her father

Harry Tremaine: They may be copying fortnite with the bows but apex will of done it better.

coolnoob_1: this game is pogs

Golden Steak: Im so close to beeng able to buy a chracter i call it perfect timing

Kris_in _the box: The robot hair looks like rocks

icee frost: Phara in apex?

Slepii: Also hecc viper

Infinity: The people that make these trailers always nail it

S1n4m0n: Day 5 of asking for mirage for noobs 2.0

Bigbooma107: When you get to hell, tell then viper sent you. Got them in the pipe 5x5 Bruh they gave her vipers lines

UnNormal: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust Jesus Christ there’s just so much (I didn’t mean to rhyme) (that’s a lie)

Royal nugget Gaming: 4:27 is it just me or does this remind you of viper from the titan fall 2 campaign

Lunix32 _YT: But weren’t apex on season 6

SandySimpsForMichael: Titanfall is all I want for Apex right now Wait didn’t ash die... like she got crushed also NOW I WANT TITANS

Aqim 20: Macro:ITS THE NEW BOW Me and My friends:RYU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAO(Hanzo Ulti)


C.O.D Hacks: Is not ash

KING TOAD: Every video an innocent octane dies

WholeSword A: 3:23 I like how valk used vipers voice line from titanfall

AnanaS1K0: what do i need to join your group in apex

Yorukunマンガが大好き: The past: *Mirage always dies in apex trailers* Now: *Octane now always dies*

Palemx: HOL UP IN 2 DAYS

I Am Echo: This new girl is very reminiscent of Viper from TitanFall 2.

LinkBetweenGames: Can't wait for gameplay... and an updated apex legends characters tier list next season

Noah B: #moonstorm To the moon!

Ethio Eri: Day 15 of asking for brawlhalla for noobs series. btw its free

P3ndragon 232: Make valk god like her father

Durable Walker: They added a stormtrooper!

themayoman: im gonna be honest i dont watch these vids cuz i play apex, i play titanfall and just like the lore, the characters, and you as a content creator

Khristian Solis: Valkyrie is vipers daughter

Meta Run: Please say they’re taking peacekeeper out of the care package

STK: me when stkpog

Achill Karas: for the new legend

Techno gamer: Nowhere to run nowhere to hide VIPER

NotSoGoodPlay's AltAccForYTVideos.: I feel like the arm and body at Valkryie's background at 7:21 is actually BT-7274. And by the time of reading this comment I just realized that's probably BT's old body before he was transferred to the FS-1041 Titan (which was originally Cooper's).

Abdelrahman Hamdy lokman 5D: when Valkrey come to the game she will get a lot of nerfs

Rayyan52: Ok so ultimate maybe the rocket thing and the passive is fly

HooK: is it just me or does wraith remind me of billie eillish

Rxzor B1xde: macro when the new legend releases can u pls make a new legends tier list, pls for me?

The Chad-inator: Ash got rid of that yee yee ass haircut

Caio Jones: She has some of vipers voice lines

La familya Albitos: 3:17 B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's —L—o—V—e—S—e-X———❤️😘 ..👍 Clickhere : !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1 1619242754

Master Dabz: Ya noob

Yellowgamer1622: Can we talk about when octane wall jumped twice in a row at 1:50 and how fuse’s ult switched modes into a square at 3:07!?!?! Looks like we get a circle, triangle, and square on fuses ult!!!

Marc Barron: Ash with dem robo dreds

Green Hatter636: I want ash

TheRealJavi: Loba’s thickness broke the light

discount.elonmusk: She doesn't have hair, its Branthium. Branthium is the material human ash and Horizon got from the black hole

Derric Delos Santos: When Marco sees the new season: “Let’s go!!! Da baby: “No no..” Da Baby: “LET’S GO!!!

T Rex: The helmets is vipers helmet and she is vipers daughter

Rift Void: The first thing I thought when I saw valkryie shot rockets was " JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE" also SHE'S PHARAH

Netherking707: I’m kinda angry that viper is officially dead and vipers titan is gone but most importantly SHE PAINTED THE HELMET

mediumCased: Everyone’s talking about Ash’s braids, but not the fact that she has eyes now

Wraith main;-;: I love ur k stAr song dat shit a vibe tHo no cap big facts look it up in the dictionary no cap 🧢

Women can’t drive !!!: I just got my first heirloom out of a pack

Leslir Wright: Pls try brawwlahallaaaaa

S1n4m0n: day 4 of asking for mirage for noobs 2.0

Si hyun Lee: Time for a new tierlist???

Mikibooy 2007: "0:69 ━❍──────── -4:20, ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺ VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 10000%"

Stormy_478: Ngl,Ash looks kinda ugly

Doge Fidelity: I honestly think all the things you saw as game changes are simply just animation changes cause you can tell a big animation change happening with this.

Liam Stroud: Yo Phara 300.0 looking sick

Alessandro Cervini: SHE IS PHARAOH FROM OVERWATCH !!!!!

Nathan Burnett: She is vipers daughter

Juho Partti: They should make a ultimate voiceline which would be "justice rains from above"

taxIran: No! This is not season 9! This is soooo neeew thats just "legacy" huh

littlecubes: I think that Crypto killing Horizon scene is foreshadowing for his heirloom, it might be a drone bat or knife????

Stop motion Studios: Viper daughter?

Mark Evans: phara from over watch in apex legends???? confirmed oh and marco if your reading this plz dont feed the fan fiction

Haeda: 1:08 isnt that fuses q ability changed?

Orayo Urayo: I feel like that map macro is Olympus, if you look at the trailer again you can see these portal this that olympus only have

darthjames 08: Is that vipers daughter?

Neon gamer: Is no one gona talk about the fuse buff 1:06 (exited fuse main noises)

Drift 2 Go: PK is grpund loot, and triple take is now in the care package 🥺

Anonymos Hacker: 3:05 theres no fall damage right?

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