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VIALIO MW: I think he's the bad ass of season 8 LOL

Sebastian Page: I love your videos

EMEE11nEvan: Nice watching the chat

Kyle Pritchard: That not the first time she said that " it's not as long as u think" lol 😆 😂 🤣

RedkaVodBull: The Octane carried xD

BBrother Gaming: Well atleast you don't have to work and deal with mental health stuff hey......... sweet gig.

Phoenix Wagner: 3:25 Lulu be sus.

Phoenix Wagner: Hello, Hello. Good evening. 😊

Константин Ухов: U bust Apex streemer <3 Thx Lu

DVAapexcrap: simp

Brittni N: And people say this is a dead game ... every season gets better and better ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Notoriously God: Wtf even is apex now

LazPaz: I think we Gonna have EMP gernade

Timothy Cameron: Just call fuse mains daddy 😂😂

xFLASH BANGx: are caustics immune to other caustics

MARIO ALONSO FLORES MENA: entiendes español

Okumura: I feel like I'm the only person that never would have known Lulus name if she didn't yell at herself 😂

hmmm: I think her reactions are fake

speedforce YT: That octane was me

Ahmad Yaseen: they are destroy the game every time>>>shit

Leon M.: I was waiting for this vid

OPJuiceBox: Still mad Gibraltar didn’t bubble

versacehottie: hey can anyone help? I have a ps4 thats about a year old. Its one terabyte and i have not used all the storage. I use a LAN cable. I live in a dusty area and recently i got my ps4 deep cleaned. It used to support cod and apex and really any game but now its super choppy, loading screens on games takes years and even then when the game is loaded up it gives me an error of internet connection. Does anyone know what’s happening, is it probably a defective consul or is the hard drive no longer useful? Thank u

Luminous Aster: Hey thanks for the tips on how you cope with mental health and whatnot, as a bloke who has the same issues I will put these tips to good use.

ready player one: My wife said the same about my hammer but it's not about the size of the hammer it's the nail your hitting lol

Denny Hamlin: They finally added a someone that's my nationality cheers apex legends

Denny Hamlin: He's from down under mate cheers


Naji101 gaming: https://youtu.be/JD7TaCfAB-4

Aussie_ magpie: My new Aussie friend 😎👑

Apex Knuckles: 🗣 👔 👖

W4RPH: Kucing Lulu cans

Granata: this whamen is a cringe i dont wanna watch anymore

Eazy Ler: I didn't know Fuse love to touch caustic butt

Gokul D j: you love a silent voice too lulu ?

Prince James J Jackson: https://youtu.be/e9WMvseldkM

strahinja jelic: Hunter BulletVile :D

Kiefer Holton: Man its season 8 , I wish they would start swapping the weapon pool around take some of the old shit out and add a couple new ones

Wakin Sarabia: Caustic was like "onii-cha-"

umar: is that random people ??cool sis

Mays_53: Ocatne- so you guys have rocket launchers?! Fuse- eh, yes mate Octane- AWESOME! can I have one?

امین محمدی نیا: ایرانی کی میبنه لایک کنه 🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷

Dani poos: i deal with my mental the exact same way xd with structure to my days and routine.

Kodgamer197 KC: I'm so glad that a Aussie is coming. So I can Maine someone with my own acent

Ash Ketchup: True Simps be like 5:13

Ash Ketchup: I hope for Fuse and Mirage to either be best friends or have beef with each other.

H F: 11:56 that's what she said

Boro Vaneca: LuLu i know you probably will not read this, but if you did, please never stop to use that lovely Hello Hello Hello at the start of the video. I love it. congrats keep growing.

Sina Rahimi: I think if you put your camera on the top right, It could be better

ExtermiT: can we just appriceate that the title of this vid is "APEX LEGENDS SEASON 8 LAUNCH TRAILER REACTION!" but she literally barelly said anything about it and barelly even had a reaction xD

animegamer262447: Who else rewound and spotted the Mirage outline?

Tony: I'm pretty sure Zeus will main fuse and Tbag TTVs

Ubaid Bakhtiar: Lulu why are so beautiful

Kirah: Best part of the video : Koe no Katachi wallpaper. (the whole video was great btw) :)

SebastianIsTheOne: Lindsey Luhan.... yeaa

Matthew: Lulu knows she’s acting sus

Alex Grady: But are they gonna take Olympus away so soon?

VIKING Hanar103: Lulu are you kileng me ✌️😂😂

Ulysses Robledo: Zeus should’ve been the voice actor

I don’t know what I’m doing !?!?!?: I’m i the only one who is worried about the people on the island ?

Jubaloop: Did they seriously ask if he was south african lmao😂

mfarrachi: Am I the only one who feels like Apex Legends is in a really good spot right now? I came back after not playing this game for over a year and man this game , to me anyways, feels really good. This is the only game right now I want to progress in. I find myself wanting to work on my strats and I’m starting to get a feel for ALL the legends now that they feel well balanced. This game should be number one right now for streaming

LCdaniel5: 11:47 thats what she said😢😢😢😂😂

James Pugh: That's definitely someone putting on an Australian accent.

Prince: at this point, kings canyon is a nuclear test zone.. everyone is just blowing it up

Rampart Gaming: 9:16 the hero we needed but the hero we didn't deserve

Julio Duran: Lulu acting like she doesn’t know what’s coming 😂😂😂

GB EING: LuLu u a legend !

DONOVAN COLLINS: hey ngl looks like lazarbeam got a job in the apex games, lmao cant wait for season 8

Mobz: Why does the new legend remind me of Lazarbeam, kinda has his accent and hairstyle too lol

Breath taking: Big stretchie after the “Hello Hello” intro 😂

Breath taking: Look at Octane man, so inspirational!! 👁👄👁

BreathlessVictor: Lulu would know that fuse is Australian cuz she is Australian in some websites as well 😂. Fuse might have her boyfriend's voice 😉😂

Breath taking: Octane came to the rescue!! What a legend 😂

mexboi017: Lulu i love the videos that you make💙💙💙

Snakpakk: Lulu has the worse poker face lol

akim Dabreau: Your crack just like us

Nicole Batchelder: Did anybody else realize that she needed one more damage to get purple armor in 5:59

ReVoTaLiZeR: 9:46 duuude.. wtf am i watching lmaoo..

saad yousufzai: We all excited about season 8 and also excited about how many lag server errors and bugs and no audio coming this season

shayne clark: Kings Canyon: gets blown up Lulu: can't wait for Kings Canyon lol

T∅mvke: I love this girl so much wtf..

Luke Blick: Hey hey

Brandon Gomersall: Poor Pathfinder, yous left his banner behind 😔

Jomal Hardy: Is this the return of caustic

Cerbius25: 9:56 *places gas canisters outside of bunker and sets them off for zone + extra health damage* Oh girl you nasty.

LUIIIGANG: Since he carried path finder .. can we carry teammates now in season 8??

Tyler Robinson: You’re beautiful ♥️

Patrick: Dat octane tho


Nayelis Bolívar: Fuse looks like the farm man of The Walking Dead's game or it's just me?

Cruz Fale: What services you on???

Joshua Bynum: 30-30 is neither a sniper or assault rifle.

Zach: Love how you openly talk about mental health not many streamers will! Mad respect ❤️🤍

Manuel Cuallado: skip to 0:30 to avoid listening women's stuff.

Ish Who: This game still alive?

Connor Tollit: There is only 1 daddy in kings canyon, THE GAS DADDY!

ChenYi_Poseidon: When gib dome is still on cooldown...

Ouroboros: 11:50 to 12:00 could be misunderstood

Malik Dieng: Where the simps at??

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