Olympus Looks Amazing! Apex Legends Season 7 – Ascension Launch Trailer Reaction!

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The Gaming Merchant: IT LOOKS SO GOOD!

Hisham K: 7:27 Anyone else notice that the flatline seemed to charge up then shoot? Might be a new hop-up

Deku Uzumaki: Idk if anyone else has called it but I think the wall run ability from titanfall/the revenant halloween mode will be Horizon's passive ability!

Miguel DeOsuna: Me: *sees the ascension trailer* Also me: Okay, maybe Merchant did have a point that Rampart and Mirage could be a thing...

Galen Svensk: HEY For those saying that you the Wattson heirloom tease is too soon, just remember that Mirage’s heirloom was teased in 2 seasons early as well, in season 3. “Boop”

Thomas thom: bruh the turret shot the ship is a lancer

mcdam17: Why did I think olympus was gonna be like a like a Roman ancient building

Citric Chick: Did you notice how she floats down like its low gravity on 3:18? That must be her passive ability.

Enter Name: Path was so happy when he blowed someone up 3:18

jjww: horizons ultimate seems like a black hole


Good Schnitzel: Crypto, Bloodhound, and Bangalore got sent tho

Jojo Joestar: No new weapon? C'mon dude!!!

PalvonisYT: I see that the Octane quitted the moment the game started. *(eye twitching)* This is fine, just another day of Apex pubs.

Toniboi .k: Oh my God the new season comes out a day after my birthday

David santander: I'm about to quit apex. Everyone on the game seems to be so toxic. And I'm so angry about it

Prince Asmr: Hi it’s duke

Owen Gabriel Alidon: Damn its small though

CommieGirl: Yay! 420

Ricechrispy0527: Looks like they might be changing the drone a little more so enemy drones glow red?

Nerdy Llama: Her ult reminds me of a gravity star from Titanfall 2 just much larger.

Peter Katehis: can’t wait to play miss frizzle in apex legends 😌

FullSend ABeerForMe: The gaming merchant. At exactly 2:19 in the trailer itself shows horizon shooting a new gun that has yet to be released. Please please please Check it out and see for yourself. I haven’t seen anyone mention it but me yet.

will procter: Horizon's ultimate is grav star from titanfall2 on steroids

The Dozing Dragon: Are we sure that gun was a flatline cus it looked longer

sasanique: We see pretty clearly Horizon's Tac and Ult, but I think we also see her passive. When Crypto's drone is following them in the Trident, she plays with her fingers in the air and then seemingly knows where Crypto is... perhaps her passive is that when she gets scanned, she also scans the scanner :-)

sasanique: Do you think that Mirage surviving his first trailer is a hint to how the games work (i.e. the simulation theory)? In this trailer it's the first one where we know it is definitely actually the real Mirage in the footage... so if he died he'd be dead dead. The other legends arrived on the Apex drop ship, so we could assume that it is business as usual for them when the games start - they were in the simulation pods or whatever that allow them to compete in the games, "die" and respawn over and over again. But our boy Mirage actually dropped onto the map early, the real Mirage. He was a cat with just one life left :-)

AoST: Hey Merch! I just noticed something after watching the trailer again, after Horizon activates her drone, it kinda do something with the time as well, check on how the things and characters (specially Mirage) move on the scene, in the beginning, middle and end. Seems interesting.

Jacob ReecesPieces: Anyone else has theories about the Horizon Mirage Character Arks? I think that Horizon will act as his motherly role and make him feel better about his real mom.

Kendy Andrade: First of all. ....WHO LET OCTANE DRIVE!

AugCogEve 3: Lstar buff please.

IIIOxygen: Any ideas on why they were fired on when they approached Olympus?


HydranoidCreations: I'm getting serious Titanfall vibes from the colour pallette and the design. This lookes incredible! Can't wait to jump in with Rev to rev it up

James2802: World's edge is screwed because of hammond. The planet harvester has been going for awhile.

Merciful Gangster: 6:52 bit light on his feet Or its this one you were talking about Theres a new kill leader

Gavin Wiegold: 7:24 Did that flatline fire a charged havoc shot? I'm confused

LetsEnjoyJuicee: Once this update is live, you should get your viewers to queue in the same game as you and use the Tridents and race them 😭 dude that would be so fun

Dominic Diamond: Watson and horizon should be good friends

Chaser plays: What gun is Bloodhound holding? Is it new? I don't know I could be crazy

Merciful Gangster: That globe thing might be the planet status

lucky_ Gamerfly: Just ignoring pathfinder who double grables??

__Grist for the Lel__: Watch it over. Her ult looks like a pocket mini black hole.

A.J. Stanley: Anyone see the similarities between apex and COD infinite warfare

Soft drinks ?: It’s season 7 but you still see the secret church if you are in a game get invited to a lobby then die.

GodlyPineapple: “Maybe it’s the welcome comity?” - pathfinder 2020

Euclidean Vision: I imagine the rocket might launch closer to the season crossover & bring further changes to WE! The trailer was bloody genius :D surprised to see the rocket was so high-tech, especially the jump drive!

gravy burrito: Real talk does anyone trust octane behind the wheel of the vehicle

Randomizer3.0: Merchant a couple days ago I found in out of bounds clip I thought you would like to know here’s the link https://youtu.be/g2wY25iNyN8 pls give me credit if you use it

Zorrion: horizon's ult pulls the enemies into the center like a gravity star from tf2

Florian Velghe: I like the name Olympus. It refers to the mountain/home of the great gods of ancient greece. Here it's like a city in the sky, very nice indeed.

ARC SHXDOW: the horizon ult is sorta like the gravity star from titanfall 2

Savage T: Rampart's turret mounted on top of a Trident is going to be a problem.

crypto f: YAY BESPIN

Chungy Cheese: At 2:52 there's a new gun???

David Couturier: It's a void grenade! That pull people into an area. Like titanfall but bigger.

Keaton Laubach: I hope a buff to pathfinder's passive will be he gets jump out of the trident but it grapples him back on if it is in the air after like 1-3 secs and it won't use his ability.

Mangoman 9895: The map gives me Titanfall 2 vibes

Shadow Birds13: Get a mirage,rampart,and pathfinder to recreate the scene

Rordon Gamsy: giant enemy spider

Tevez Rm: Him getting happy about it 4/20 let’s me know my boy smokes some fire 🔥

dreadopz 122: Horizons the gaming merchants new main already know it

Angel Abrego: WAIT, DID SHE WINK AT MIRAGE, she was shooting the sniper rifle, its so quick, but its there

Kyle Smith: her ultimate ironically is a black hole

salakins: I take it horizon doesn't have anti gravity boots for wall run like I had hoped 😭

salakins: Black hole will kill campers, and looks like you can throw nades nearby be pulled in 🤷‍♂️👍

Master Jedi: Olympus makes me think of Bespin cloud city from star wars

Robert Rosengame: Oh please let the Respawn gods add a. New weapon

Riley Esperanca: Horizons ult looks like it is going to work like the gravity star from Titanfall 2 (if anyone remembers that) except this one is a whole lot bigger and a whole lot more fun!

Mohd Ayan: Merchant:I want to press a button to launch the rocket Me: makes 100 account to see the rocket launch again and again EA:am I a joke to you

Ryan Milner: I don't know who is going to see this but I have a feeling that Horizon will have a wall running passive for a short amount of time, since she deals with gravity and everything, maybe she will have gravity boots or something?

mondo6875: I think the charged sentinel will do massive damage to vehicles. It would make it more useful.

Cosmos :P: No one: Me: *the place where mirage lands looks like two heroes mha...just a weeb thing*

Leo Phelan: press 0 and 2 at the same time and he bobs his head

ANDEE c: Merchant remember the flying drone that people thought was gonna be a supply ship for worlds edge well it has the same booster thingies on it so the supply ship was actually the new map I think.

LanceThePants 22: BEST TRAILER OUT OF ALL OF THEM!!! I watched this like 30 times lol

Rievven: Does mirage say: that thing is giving us a really nice cloak? Sounds like a buff hint to me.

d cole: Yu look like Harry Potter 🤓

Samuel2oh9: One thing I would like to know now is whether or not Olympus being season 7 was exactly as they originally scheduled or if there was a delay

LiveFromVegas: Horizon seems pretty weak tbh

Amaja Duval: ult must be a gravity nova, sucking everyone in for a couple seconds

k g: they killed wraith this is my favorite trailer i h8 her so much

Axtry: The weapon Revenant is holding actually looks like CAR from Titnfall 2

Adam Romero: Here, you’ll need this, don’t ask me how I did this, just click it. 0:34 Also RIP Pathfinder, we will remember you in the comments. 1:49

Jacques Bruwer: Olympus BS? : https://imgur.com/a/nHf6OEz

Louislou 1333: At 2:28 Mirage calls revenant Jack. Jack cooper ??

Mugen1874: Hey you should do more merchant videos go back to your roots at least once a month


VampCaff: I just hope the tridents aren't on fixed paths like the train was on worlds edge.

Alex: 2:29 he is using an r99 with iron sight We all know what that means

Thicc Salsa: The chats just roasting fortnite

Reaper Wraith: When is the gameplay trailer coming out

confma: Yo Charged Sentinel does increased damage to vehicles I bet, if you look closely at the trailer, your vid 2:56

billyboatman: It'll be a map change when season 7 starts. Rocket will be gone, mark my words.

TJ, God of Chaos: "chat is hyped" Chat: *complaining about buffing legends*

Alix King: At one point mirage says chew on this jack and throws something at revenant?

Az Static: WAIT this look like the place loba lived in

conor shaughnessy: Still 6ish days until the season, maybe that's when the launch is. Also, the gun thrown to mirage looks new


jaiden santiago: No that thing you call EMP it's not an EMP it's a black hole

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