Season 7 Finale: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Olivia Lambert: hehe séxual violence is funny - f john oliver you misandrist possssssssssssssssss

Mike Malveaux: I'm impressed that he didn't seem to flinch.

L: Plz dont leave right now!!

Pastel Donut: Let's see David Mitchell top that!

Jon C: *checks the budget. Has some money left over

Ainsley Ferron: The inclusion of Holst's "Mars" made me very happy

Victor Lopez: This is why I live the show

Duong Dac Trong: The lonely winter rheologically stroke because bestseller chiefly wipe minus a knotty route. ad, faithful camera

Ryan King: Watching a literal 2020 explode into pieces while being recorded by multiple cameras was the single greatest cathartic experience I have ever had

EDNAH NZEKI: A big fan of John Oliver. I hope he gets to see the Brian Michael anatomy videos and decide to do a piece on human dissections since the Trump news is finally getting over and a new season is coming

Esa Karjalainen: Inb4 2021 makes us nostalgic for 2020.

Playmates Remix365: 2020 CAN FUCK OFF!!! WAY TO GO JOHN OLIVER!

R Welch: i had a great year.

theawkward homo: the disappointment and discomfort in "I hated this goodbye" is so fucking tangible

Doing The Dirty Dishes Podcast: Spectacular. Epic. We want more explosives in 2021.

Bernardo Santos: 7:43 as soon as I saw this shot, I knew exactly what was gonna happen next. Bye John, see ya next year, hopefully in front of an audience!

Barbz Thee Stallion: Anyone here from tiktok want to know who is John Oliver

patience ekwere: 😂😂😂 I can't. This is brilliant 👏👏👏

A Massive Waste: You've been in the hyperbolic time chamber this whole time!?

XmanHS: 5:17 petition for them to remaster The Stanley Parable, altering nothing except for making John the narrator

Trueflight Silverwing: Am I the only one that saw that door and immediately wanted to "Paint it Black?"

Herbert Erdferkel: premature destruction, 2020 already building up new shit on this pile of itself ... you gonna need to come back and throw more explosives at it, probably on a daily basis until new year.

matthew ramirez: The messy certification identically level because jet nutritionally interrupt beneath a tidy game. hot huge, enchanted loss

Acid Reign: I saw the thumbnail... this is going to be fun!...

Raf Ald: Is it me or could Adam Driver be the lead in "Black Hole Sun" -The Chris Cornell Story?

Johnny Nguyen: adam driver: "get out of your void" adam driver: also sits in a black void

C4oUre: maybe it's only because it affected us on the West Coast, namely the PNW where i live, but the forest fire smoke was easily the worst thing i've ever experienced in my life..our Air Quality index hovered around 500 (GTFO levels) with nowhere to go because we were surrounded. factored in with the rest of the living hell we were living in, we couldn't even go outside for two weeks :(

Ricardo Pedraza: Best thing this Year is N0 more MAG

mediacoregroupph: That Adam driver skit is gold.

AFantasticCat: I gotta admit, I was really hopeful for a trump based parody of this but knew deep down that it couldn’t happen with the pandemic... I consider it one of the greatest missed opportunities of the last decade. A movie about a failed con man and Nazis deceiving the public for cash... it almost hurts to know that I will never see such a musical number. I guess eat shit Bob will have to do. Sigh...

Grazikon: What an awful waste! There's too much burning going on already.

Debra Harrow: Clever!

Lea Grant: This is somehow incredibly satisfying

mellon collie: 09:27 that force, he didnt even blinked

Joe Knows Cryptos: Trump 2020

Mia Dawson: “Punch a hole in you like a Marriage Story wall” is a mood

No: how can john just leave us like this we need him

Cha-Khia Blankenship: I don't agree with John on pretty much anything, but I think we can all agree "fuck 2020".

Edith RoNo: I love John and the finale but ...I can't avoid thinking in the pollution this episode caused

Adam Jones: Adam Driver looking like a full on meal here DAMN now I see why John is obsessed lol

Ayman El kadouri: I nkew he was going to blow up 2020

Shubham Sharma: Justice for Global Warming.

Cathy Bayne: Wow, that was satisfying.

Loretta Fudge: What does cap-doffing mean?! John!! I googled it and had hats for sale. Translation, por favor

TrueAlpha100: He ought to use “He was really great at being white, depressing and remarkably empty on the inside” at his funeral

todor mazgalov: John, please, don't fool anyone, this was your best year. Liverpool won the league for the first time in 30 years, you became an American citizen and you had the least social interactions ever. Not to mention the elections. You even won an Emmy or something

freshramses: John Oliver, the great environmentalist everyone!

KouriRyu: I miss this show so much already. Come back, Mr Oliver.

Yanik Kunitsin: Straw men defence right from the start

Fear the Penguin Productions / edneddy2: I keep forgetting how big HBO's budget is

Lorenzo Boyer: What a cool video

Rin Y: came here for the nth time ....i miss you already, America’s naughtiest bietch 😤

Johnny sun: dat sum nice cgi

Gerald Stone: The most cathartic video of this century.

Christina Z.: What am I gonna do until February 😭

Nic Neptune: Bravo my man. Bravo

TheBanjoShow: So this is where the lefties get their news and journalism from, that answers alot of questions.

Bryan Johnvin: Such BS. why didn't he just wait until the New Year. Oh, wait since he blow up his void he does not need to work.

Manuteist: it too obnoxious to point out this featured brilliant Truman Show and Zabriskie Point references?

PInaer Powac: Honestly i can invision john baiting adam into helping in this bit from the very start.

Aaron T: he saw a red door and he didnt paint it black

Mod Mysterio: Adam Driver Woooooo,Kylo me red with hot misty Driverism!!!

AlyciaGordan AlyciaGordan: the line "you're good at being white, depressing and remarkably empty on the inside and THAT IS GAME RECOGNISING GAME" lives in my head rent-free

Akshay Sharma: This sand guy looks like John, just 5 years older.

Astrid Laursen: Pretty cool, but what's the enviromental thought behind a big explosion? There's some catching up to do if we are to safe our planet?

yiban di: Thr only thing missing here is some sort of cartoonish narrator..

Bad Barracuda: bit lazy but ily

M C: did you guys realize the camera quality gotten so much better as John walked away from his desk and his void? I never observed his face in details, until that HD shot of him at 5:18

Lucy Hellbroke: That is truly the most satisfying thing I’ve seen all damn year...

LLM: I love your shows John, but this demolition at the end, while momentarily gratifying, is a pure unnecessary ecological disaster...for all your ranting about others' irresponsible actions, you really should've known better.

Random Internet Commenter: Ben Bova just died too :( Fuck 2020

Anton Ego: I’m watching this before going to bed... how did he know to say “Goodnight” instead of “Goodbye”? Is John Oliver spying on me?! I’m flattered

Wikan Saktianto: Hmmmmm...I wonder if HBO will make another Chernobyl Themed Docu-Drama...

Maung Tan: The explosion is so so so so strangely satisfying!!!! lol

Cyrryk: Beautiful!!

mecongberlin: We need a TV series with both of those guys. Its brilliant. They would beat TBBT into dust!

bmwatts5: I don't know why, but John putting his mask on at the end was adorable

Prasanna Surange: The Last thing I was expecting for Adam Driver to turn up himself!!!😃

No Longer Human: Haha boys time for at least 4 years of roasting Biden, now. This is going to be good, lmao.

Berkeley Pickell: "What do we do with all the money we saved having John record in a void?"

Aaron Johnson: Look , it did not help at all having adam driver get mad at john oliver it only made things irritating though, the mr bean cosplayer bit did sound like a meme joke that people could just use it at the expense of some trump supporters and star wars geeks who hated driver killing off han in the star wars sequels but still, im not kidding what is important is the facts that a lot of republicans caused trouble, especially trump and that people need to work to unite under biden

Xena3: awesome 👏

kbrock 9146: "And that is game recognizing game." That had me dying. Such a good line.

Bosco Baltodano: That was EPICCCCCCCCCC!!! HAHAHAHA God job John!! You kept me well entertained this year.

Charlie Phelan: I swear, at this point, HBO doesn't even ask what John Oliver wants to do any more. They just sign the cheques and say "fuck it".

Ewart Smith: Nobody: Not a single soul: Rico: 🤪

Mr. Tintin: more Adam Driver objectification? Me sad.

Richard Baye: We love you John!!!! Keep us informed buddy. This is the only news I trusk

Matthew Brulla: Alright, who was the FPV pilot who got to fly it?

Coletha Albert: Awesome 👍

Meitemarkiano: “I’m America’s naughtiest bitch”

didderjade: Fuck YEAH Mars, Bringer of War. The single most cinematic piece of music ever composed, that never stops giving. Well played.

Silvia Vázquez: Terrific explotion. Best wishes from Argentina, y que termine pronto este año de mierda!!!

MRbossman1982: Your show got me thur 2020 tough year! But it will get better!

CJ: Thanks for another great season! Your screechy, comedically English Zazu voice has been comforting in these awful times.

Sebastian Elben: That felt wonderfully cathartic - I may have to watch it a few more times between now and December 31st.

Vivek Pal: I don't get the obsession that Americans have of blowing up things.

Michael: 9:28 At this very moment, he's standing there, stock still, consciously fighting the urge to turn around and look, and thinking to himself, "God DAMN I can't wait to watch that later."

Mello Smith: thank you John oliver and Team, and Adam Driver, for helping us get through this shit ass year together.

Cheryl Wilson: The Blue Danube ending is the cherry on top. ❤, A Python Fan

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