Season 8 Official Trailer: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Paulo Alexandre Teixeira: I think he will have to build a bigger 2021 sign to blow up.

OB: This comment will not age well in the coming week. Y'all best start believing in conspiracy theories, cause you're in one and this bird beaked bastard is an entry-level info shill.

Flexgado24: This guy is a joke 😂


Paguilove Black:

Nendo Akuma: Looks more like the trailer for season 7

Mike N: Would you like me to find you a box?

M Good6591: Threatening to permanently name a sewer treatment plant after John Oliver was a stupid idea. He'll just smile and make a donation toward that cause.

Kenny Michael Alanya: All I heard was Baaaaa Baaaaa. I can't understand a word he said🙄

RazorScooterKid: So you’re telling me this guy hasn’t been Steve Munichin the whole time

AnneMarie Bliss: February 14....the day 2021 really starts!

Kurban Durdiyev: Oh wow!!! OSCAR FOR THIS MAN!!!


Repent and Believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ is coming soon. Are you ready?

thomas mabbott: 2021 - Its just like 2020 only slightly more shitter!

Birger: I can not wait

Donald Balboa: John Oliver is terrible. Not even funny. Misses the BIG issues.

Riordan: My Man JO is Back!!!!

الدعوة الئ الحق المبين: Corona Virus and Announcing The Miracle of Healing Without a Vaccine nor a Medicine Imam Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani 24 - Rabi al-Thani - 1441 AH 09 - 12 - 2020 AD 09:01 am _____________ Corona Virus and Announcing The Miracle of Healing Without a Vaccine nor a Medicine In the name of Allah, Ar-Rahman (the Most Gracious), the Most Merciful. From the servant of Allah and His Caliph, Nasser Mohammed, to all people O people, I am the Imam Al-Mahdi (the Guided Leader), Nasser Mohammed, not only am I the caliph of Allah over Yemen but also the caliph of Allah over the whole world. [I swear] By Allah, there is no difference in my eyes between a Yemeni and a Chinese person O Leaders of mankind and decision makers among their people, along with everyone that has reached their rectitude among Arab and Non-Arab and among Muslims and Non-Muslims, listen to and reason the ruling that I will give you with the truth; which is the decisive word that is not to be taken for amusement I swear by Allah, the One, the Overpowering, that I do not know of any vaccine for you or a cure for what is in the chests from the torment of Allah except that you [humbly] entreat with the following supplication without arrogance towards the caliph of Allah, Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed. And the words for removing the torment of what is within the chests are to humble yourselves to Allah and implore with supplication to Allah the following "Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.” And after the repentance let each one of them say “O Allah I am Your servant, I ask you by virtue of the fact that there is no God but You, and by virtue of the fact of Your Mercy which you have decreed upon Yourself, and by the virtue of the fact of the greatness of Your Pleasure within, which is greater than the pleasure of your heaven, to cure me of the torment of Corona or to turn it away from me as I am a believer in the caller to the truth from You O Allah, remove Your torment from us from whichever direction it comes from, so that we follow the path of the truth from You. And strengthen us to fulfil what we have promised you, O you who intervene between a man and his heart, as we only have Your mercy, You have decreed upon Yourself. If You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers. O Allah You have said in the clear Verses of Your book And your Lord says, {Call upon Me; I will respond to you} [Surah: 40 - Ghafir - Verse: 60] So the Dua'a (supplication) and the repentance is from me, and the response is from You and You do not break Your promise. Exalted You are our Lord, your promise is true and you are the Most Merciful O Allah Give us the strength to fulfil what we have promised You to follow the global caller to Allah, the caliph of Allah on Earth the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani. O Allah, make the raising of him a blessing upon us and not a misery upon us because of our turning away from the call to the truth of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni”. Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni And to read more statements which written by the awaited imam mahdi (Nasser Muhammad Al-Yemeni) Search on Google for the English section of his official websiteت

Bmore Indi: Check out our IG/YouTube 👍🏼 we’re coming out with new material soon 🔜

Sophie Amanda Leiton Toomey: We need you so badly right now John. Thank you for coming back.

Jordan Sharpe: Each day that the world continues to crumble I miss this man more and more. This is the best Valentine's Day ever.

cHaNcE: The hero we don't deserve, but the hero we need.

Jesus is Lord: Believe it or not, this might be the most important post you'll read       Everyone of us has broken God's moral law, the Ten Commandments. We have all lied, stolen, hated and lusted. And James 2:10 states that breaking one of the Commandments makes us guilty of breaking them all. Problem is, we can never outweigh our sins through good works because the Creator is perfect in Holiness, meaning His standard is far above ours. And He is also perfect in Justice, meaning not a single sin will go unpunished. And the punishment of sin is being cast into hell, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth with no end. Ever.         Fortunately, God is also perfect in love, so 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ left His throne in Heaven and came to this earth as a man. He lived a perfect, sinless life and He so loved us, that He took the punishment of our sin, when He suffered horribly on the cross. Isaiah 53 tells us that his face was marred beyond recognition and that he suffered more than any man. But right before His death, Jesus said "It is finished" meaning the the debt for our sins was paid in full. But on the 3rd day, Jesus conquered death and He was resurrected. So that means now, we can go free from the wrath of God's judgment not by earning it, but rather as a free gift of grace, if you accept Jesus. But, a gift can either accepted or rejected.     So if you want to accept the free gift or forgiveness, of grace, and of salvation, this is what you should do:      Humbly admit to God that you have sinned against Him, and through gratitude in the sacrifice of His Son, repent (turn away) from your old sinful ways. Then, confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, your Savior. Believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried, and was resurrected 3 days later. Roman's 10:9 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 says that if you do this you are saved. I'm not telling you to get religious, because Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship with God.   And the moment you do this, God will grant you a new heart, which does not take pleasure in sin and He will give you eternal life. Nothing on this earth even close to compares to what awaits believers. What you do with this information will determine where you will be for Eternity; meaning accepting Christ is the single most important decision you'll EVER make. And all of us here, believer or atheist, know that this is very true.     Jesus Christ wants YOU to come to Him this very moment; don't even think about sleeping until you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, because your tomorrow isn't guaranteed. You could die at any moment.  Hebrews 9: 27 "It is appointed unto man once to die, but after this, the Judgment." Seriously, please think about your eternity.     All praise and honor to Jesus Christ, King of kings, Lord of lords. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain

Kara Ayn: Miss you JO!

Lucy Ortega: While Oliver was off the air, I constantly found myself saying......”wish John Oliver was on, to scream and rant about everything going on right now on my behalf.”

هناء هناء: مرحبا اشتركوا في قناتي

Krissie Lundy: Finally!!!

Ojie Id: Wowwwwww.

Arthur Ayers: you think the last 4 years have been hilarious? get ready.

chrisjacksonuk: HBO Max.....WTF !! 😠

PrincessAriel: Wow, this was great. Im all kinds of down with that explosion and tte mask after, well done crew! The America's bitch scene just sums up Oliver's show perfectly lmaooo

Khaled Mohamed: #The_only_solution_for_coronavirus_is_here 👇👇 Quotation from The awaited imam mahdi's (Nasser Mohammed Al- yemeni) statement:👇 it is for you to know with certainty that the disease of the suffocating torment of Allah that you call ‘corona virus’ will not be removed from you except by Allah only. So let the people repent from the worst of sins, the gross indecencies, the injustice to the people, and from the injustice of associating partners [with Allah]. And say: “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.” And after the repentance let each one of them say: “O Allah I am Your servant, I ask you by virtue of the fact that there is no God but You, and by virtue of the fact of Your Mercy which you have decreed upon Yourself, and by the virtue of the fact of the greatness of Your Pleasure within, which is greater than the pleasure of your heaven, to cure me of the torment of Corona or to turn it away from me as I am a believer in the caller to the truth from You. O Allah, remove Your torment from us from whichever direction it comes from, so that we follow the path of the truth from You. And strengthen us to fulfil what we have promised you, O you who intervene between a man and his heart, as we only have Your mercy, You have decreed upon Yourself. If You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers. O Allah You have said in the clear verses of Your book {And your Lord says, “Call upon Me; I will respond to you.} [Shurah: 40 - Ghafir - Verse: 60] So the Dua'a (supplication) and the repentance is from me, and the response is from You and You do not break Your promise. Exalted You are our Lord, your promise is true and you are the Most Merciful. O Allah give us the strength to fulfil what we have promised You to follow the global caller to Allah, the caliph of Allah on Earth the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani. O Allah, make the raising of him a blessing upon us and not a misery upon us because of our turning away from the call to the truth of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni”. And whoever refuses this supplication surely the torment of the so-called Coronavirus will befall them. And did Allah make the sign of the Corona virus but a sign of confirmation to the challenge in the statement of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni that was written on the 10th Rajab [5th March], titled “Corona virus is of the lesser torment short of the greater torment, that perhaps they may repent”? End of the qoutation of statement for Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani At: 19 - 05 - 2020 AD Its title is: Corona Virus And The Decisive Statement That Is Not To Be Taken for Amusement The full statement in this link👇 These statements which written by the Awaited Imam Mahdi (Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni ) read it to know the fact of coronavirus and the only solution for it 1) From The Caliph Of Allah Over The Worlds To Xi Jinping The President Of China 2) 22 - 05 - 2020 AD 3) 👇👇 4) 2) Corona Virus And The Decisive Statement That Is Not To Be Taken for Amusement 3) 19 - 05 - 2020 AD 👇👇 3) Corona virus is of the lesser torment short of the greater torment, that perhaps they may repent 4) 05 - 03 - 2020 👇👇

Sly Disciple:

Pradeep Sharma: Hello America if you are going to start a civil war can you please wait till John Oliver returns. I want John Oliver to tell me how bad it is.

Atrilla The Young: Thank God.

Alexis Mireles: 1:00 I can't believe I missed that

Pyrosium: get it guys, he blew up 2020 because it was so bad haha wow im crying from how funny john oliver is.....

Audi B: Hbo must have bought billions of Bitcoins ten years back....😀😀😀

Brian M. Jones: I quit my job with the help of 𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆𝗽𝗮𝘆 .𝗰𝗼𝗺

ginny not-ginny-weasley: this will be a great early birthday present yay

Zeus: Wonder what he gonna talk about now trump is no longer president😂

GT & More: Now this is why I cam to this channel(Ian Duncan voice is a must)

TST BROTHERS: Let’s goo 🔥

Karen Raposo: Can't wait! I've been binge watching his old episodes. Love Ya John!

Birte Valkyrje: Best. Valentine's. Ever.

Daniël van Ginkel: Can't wait to laugh out loud and cry inside at the same time again!

Juan Martinez: Its today you mad it OMGGG

Roll No 38: Fake hair😉

Daily Pog: 14 February are you fucking Donuts?

Creative Name: Good to know, still not funny

tuban body slammer: "I'm America's naughtiest bitch"

Psyara: can't wait for the british man to talk about insurrection 😅

Vitruvian: Feb 14!! that's one month far away! With so much happening right now, I am missing this show so bad. I wish it was sooner.

C_G North: Poor John leaves and the Capitol is attacked and looted for the first time since 1814 by a gang including a shaman with Viking horns incited by Trump. Biden will be the only president to have less people at his inauguration other than Trump exactly because of Trump, and DC is divided into zones like Baghdad. And he returns just as government is about to get boring - and sane - again. He has to be bitter because of the timing.

IronsteffL: Finally something to look forward to on February 14th!

Misael Santos: he makes me cringe anyone else

Misael Santos: hes boring not funny

0fficially Mii: 2021 didn’t quite start out the way we wanted did it? But we knew. We all knew

RachelBee: John Oliver is America's Valentine date i guess. We couldn't do better :)

SirBearingtonOfLondon: yes!! The near-sighted otter has returned!!

rodgerfox3: We made it!.... maybe.

Sean Mallon UK: I like the title ‘last week’ as in this may well be the last insufferable week one has to bare with this bafoon

Stelios Avramidis: Hey does anyone know the name of the song?

Mukesh Das: I stopped my 9-5 because of 𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆𝗽𝗮𝘆 .𝗰𝗼𝗺


labber: we have to wait a month until this best episode over made???? i guess the longer they have time the more shit they can find happening on this awful day


Steven Code: Yeah I definitely can’t wait for that

Ali White: 🧨💣💥

Ea Novak: I miss you, naughty bytch.💋

JuICyBLiinGeR: I still am unsure why these types of shows need trailers. You’re not a movie. You sit down and talk.

Amy Staudte: Best Valentines Day gift ever!

Ashling and Hurricanes: on Valentine's Day too...he knew we'd need it all sitting single in quarantine af;khksfdaslfja;sd

Jerome Faria: Yes, please.

JearBear: He is one of the worse late night hosts ever. He is super biased against Conservatives.

Cal Alaera: Maybe some day he'll come out of the closet and just announce what we all already know - that he's a furry. That would be amusing.

Skaralan: CANT WAIT!

F Maz: For 2021 are you gona make your videos available in Canada or will I have to watch freebooted copies again?

Ariti Naomi:

billie day veerappa: “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words. Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.” #LordJesusiscoming

Shelley Ross: February 14th?!?!?! That's like seventy nine days in Trump years. I'm going back into my self induced coma. Wake me up when John gets here.

Pete Lester: English fruit

Sandeep Sharma: Can't wait!

Fienite: Hi every one I literally said MRBEAST for 6000 times straight. Let’s show this video to the own #mrbeast thanks everybody Love y’all ❤️

Lucas Fūr: 🥴 This guy makes me sick

Stephen Enders: I used to really like John Oliver. But the more I see ..and take a step back..alot of purposely divisive people on left and right seem to be almost playing parts instead of saying what they actually believe to further stir the pot. We are busy fighting each other instead of seeing how society is kinda fake in various swaths and we are being played by different sides and emotionally primed. Kept unaware and distracted from what is even going on . I used to just see how the far right was fake ..but now I am starting to see how it is different prongs of what seems to be the same thing and we fall for it . And humans are super easy to coral like talking cattle and we really don't think independently like we think we do. . We are just getting jerked off by different sides of the same larger thing 🤷‍♀️🍆💦💵

Nitin Singh: It was a bit cringe.

25thFrame: The only reason to watch HBO, like if you want 2021 to be the best year for you!

Major Kong: We need you John Oliver

Litetrail DRZ: John is the best. Dudes just hilarious

j w: I think I’ll just stick with Conan

Rob Schofield: Day-um!

HANNIBAL: he missed last 2 months funs , Shame

Teleported Bread For 3 Days: I wonder if he'll be back at the studio but with a limited audience like a lot of TV hosts have been doing.

Fiyaaah: Get out the dynamite again because 2021 deserves to be blown up already.

سجوع البلبل: Please, my dear generous people, help me. I would like to complete my education, but I do not have money, as I am from a very poor region, and it is difficult for us to eat and drink. You have a wonderful sister or daughter, and I will stand with you, and I will not let you down, nor will I forget your beauty, and I will pray to God to force your mind and make your heart happy

bg808s: You can't do this to us John Oliver!!! You've been gone WAAAY too long already, feels like last season ended a year ago already... It's bad enough when Colbert takes a one week break, and here you come and take a 2 month+ hiatus?? You need to have a serious conversation with HBO Execs to expand the season to jan 3 to dec 26 or something like that in the future! Pretty Please...

Ninetails Tailianna: I cant wait til he takes on the fake left like tyt and tim black

E-Money Production Studio:

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