Falcon and Winter Soldier John Walker TRIAL? (Mid-Season Trailer)

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Grant Gomez: In the shots that look like John Walker is in a courtroom setting, it seems as though his left arm might be in a sling, because that thick beige strap over his right shoulder looks like padding, rather than any military service uniform accoutrement I recognize.

Alex Wilkins: Not overkill at all for Walker, he’s not an Avenger. It may have been Karli’s doing, but to the world, the Flagsmashers purposefully blew up a building with people inside. And the Flagsmashers held Walker back while Lamar was killed. Guilty by association. Now Karli should be afraid to die.

Josh Rogers: Maybe a stretch here but notice how throughout the episodes "Caps" beard goes from clean shaven to longer stubble each time. Original Cap was always clean shaven apart from the one time the Avengers lost when he had a full beard

Zylice Liddell: *Crapton America 🇺🇸

aisha ä: i am always so amazed at some comments its like they never watched the video

iameNeRG: Based off of the real life parallel that this is, I do not think that this was justified (obviously), but it still was pretty cool🤷🏾‍♂️

dakshay xcvbn: They haven't shown him take the super soldier serum yet

RedJet 607: If that scene was on a 80's slasher movie it will be my favourite movie

Enkii Muto: Walker is a jerk but... was it unjustified though? They're terrorirsts, those are super soldiers, they used lethal force, walker is alone in action and only has a shield.

Crystal Chains: 7:18, the star and doesnt match the real shield. Thats a different one.

Pat Mooney: A U.S court martial would favor the soldier acting in the line of duty eh? Ha, sat in on a lot of those trials have you Erik?

elliot gong: imagine if lemar didn't die, john would probably still be more of a good person than he is now.

krypton 78: Funny how everyone is digging at walker killing/stopping a terrorist who has killed many people and no one complaining about karli putting a bomb in a building with people in it,knowing they are all going to die,No one gets shocked by that.

Veenix: I guess I’ll get out then☹️🚶🏽‍♂️

Andre Fucking Clark: It was technically against the sokovia accords bc he's a super soldier at that point

it's super nerd: Black panther is a superhero John Walker is an antihero

Dreadknight2099: If there is gonna be a trial maybe Matt Murdock will be the lawyer

Froh Shi: I think caps was gonna go for the head but changed his mind and just went for the chest. Meanwhile with John Walker I believe that it was a decapitation and the editor was just showing different angles of the blow and its not multiple hits. That's my take.

DBlu3: When did he inject the serum

Mohammed Khaja Moin Uddin: 1:16 There is blood on the shield, this means that this scene is from episode 5's beginning

Donnie Gonzalez: Good video

Lucifer 1994: It was super cool tho

Pitch Forks: FINISH HIM! John Walker wins. FATALITY!

Darth Darth: I like to think it was a beheading. That is cooler.

Siva Kishor: actually THAT WAS COOL

Clarence Gaul II cagii: Kiwi Co will make you make your own ‘Super Solider Serum’ with making your own serum mixer.

Donnathan Dogestar: Forgetting that nico was a super soldier are we?it's possible that his power was increased during the fight cuz he took the serum and didn't know how powerful his blows were

Igor gomez: *in the last episode* Bucky : “Yeah we do” *credits start playing*

Liverpoolfan31: Me seeing that scene 😱😳

super thrive: I mean yea john walker seems like a jerk but I see where he was coming from since his best friend got killed and drove him over the edge

A Stylish Girl: I watched episode 4 again and noticed that Walker has a mark on his neck, where I think he gave himself the shot! It is right behind his ear. It wasn't there in the scene with the Wakandans.

Ash's show: Love John walker

Jake Kent: If you wanna watch a good movie of Wyatt Russel going berserk. Go and watch him play Andreas Cain in Goon 2 it’s quite good

Mari-Viki Uribe: I’m proud to say I saw this coming

nam3l3ss z3r0: I wonder if they'll make a Dark Avengers/Thunderblots mash up team. Abomination, US Agent, a villain from armor wars, maybe taskmaster or Yelena depending how they end the black widow movie. Make a TV series with lesser known villains as "heroes" who answer only to the government (Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross could lead them and thats why they are called the thunderbolts)

Zachary Darkes: As soon as you mentioned black lies matter you got a dislike

BAT-TALK!: Honestly I don’t think Nico or Lamar died .. they probably just got injured badly they’re all supposedly super soldiers

NOLA NERD: John walker is a hereaux. He was totes justified in his decision bc (nico) was an accomplice to his partner being punched to sleepland. He should not be on trial at all. Time for him to be Ernie McKracken and Walk, and get back on the streets to do what he has to keep the public safe from these parasites. Watch your 6 Karli. Watch ur 6 ( ° )( ° ) \ \ • / / ( ¥ )

P M: Notice the star on the shield as he kneels in insanity, is upside down......

Garret Tously: Real question is will Karli face any consequences for killing Lamar....

Kevin Boudreau: I do love the 3D character of John Walker and it bothers me we won't see more of him as it would make for great story dynamics before he's "removed".

Marts Travels: So naive.....

Damien843: Am I the only person who just has a random thought of where vision flew off to everyday 😂

big thunder: When you look at walker shield he has two different shield

Jonathan S Durham: Incorrect regarding court martial versus civilian trial outcomes bias.

伊长老Elder: Damn I feel bad for The character and the actor

Angel Garcia: I’m kinda mad that it’s only 2 episodes left

The Hunter Gaming: To me. Captain America is not just a symbol of America but freedom. Wyatt Russell is doing q great job and I am enjoying how he is handling the character.

Captainbat37: Shouldn't all the avengers have loads of scars from their battles

Eddie G.: The scene with John Walkernsaying I'm am Capt. America is def a court marshal...you can see his military uniform (top of shoulder).

Daniel Wang: Say all you want but if a bunch of kids just killed your best friend you're not gonna care which one of these kids get it in the head

Ricky Vasquez: I can kinda understand where John Walker is coming from. "You're one bad day away from being me." -Frank Castle

Mattchu: what i don't understand is that Nico was clearly holding walker back, in the fight in the building, without much trouble.. solo, at that... then on the streets he's just running like he has no strength? huh? bad writing? He clearly could have put up a fight against walker

Hecticmanx Gaming: Can you please not keep bringing up BLM when they did more bad then good for this country.

Eric Mosher: I dunno, if a person with super powers partners with an organization that blows up innocent people, I'm pretty okay with them dying, too. Sympathetic causes, like displacement, don't justify murdering people. I think this is less cut-and-dry than people are acting.

Sinan Cana: at 0:27 the sign in the background is in Turkish, so idk if there could be a Turkey location ?

CantStopDraco: Got my shirt👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Cody Sites: I can't stop from thinking the epic cameo in ep. 5 will be Thadeus Ross

Rkthekidd: I can’t wait till they reintroduce John walker as the us agent the character has been untouched since the 90s

Darth Plagueis: I mean, Niko was literally grabbing Walker so that he could be stabbed to death minutes before...

Ricardo Molina: Civil war trailer/ movie vibes anyone else see the similarities and got goosebumps like crazy

Marcus P: can you say Us agent

pratyush kumar: I saw a meme in which it was written that John Walker was the true representation of America.

J.O.R.D: Walker “you don’t want to do this” Bucky “....yeah we do” 😂 F*cking love it 👏🏽

Ryan Newberry: Woke culture is hilarious condemn the law enforcement for making a mistake in the heat of the moment but forgive the terrorist that killed innocent people Marx would be happy to see this kinda of entertainment/propaganda demand accountability from law enforcement yet excuse people for criminal behavior that put them in the situation to begin with

jimsto7453: I don’t care for most of the flag smashers so it really didn’t bother me. Billy Butcher would have taken out all the supe terrorists.

RoCk ShaDoW-WaLkEr: Niko was prepared to kill John Walker, if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. He definitely got what he deserved. Rot in Piss Niko, Rest in Peace Battlestar.

Grant Weise: That BLM tie in he tried to make was complete nonsense😂

MK: Everyone :Is shocked how brutal he was. Me who watched Daredevil:😬

Shaggyone789: In some sense I actually feel sorry for Walker. A soldier with serious PTSD and other issues just trying to do his best. And he watched his best friend get killed... I mean, what would you do? Still... For Nico, that was so sad. This scene genuinely blew my mind and made me feel sorry for both sides. I understand the Flagsmashers side and likewise, I understand Walkers side. Although he IS crazy and should NOT be in that position of power

Morgan Roy: Why does he have to bring up BLM it’s a program

Robert Berliner: I feel like Walker killed Nico to take "an eye for an eye" revenge on Karli. "You took my friend and ally, now I take yours."

MICHAEL CHEVILLOT: I also thought of Blank Panther when I saw the title of this episode. : 0 )

Anshul Kumaria: Walker's shield is different when he is walking down the street.

Angel C: I love the detail from Civil War when Captain America rips off Tony Starks helmet/mask before deactivating the suit by smashing the arc reactor so he wouldn’t suffocate. Idk if it’s MCU cannon but it’s fun to think about when rewatching that scene.

Mr. Geo: Atleast Walker killed a terrorist that was just there when they killed his best friends. Most cops who murder, murder innocent people

gavman888: I always felt that Cap didn't catch himself and stop himself from killing Tony in that scene. To me, it felt like he went into that battle knowing he would incapacitate Tony, and the very moment he lifted that Shield up he knew he was aiming for the arc reactor, even if Tony didn't. To me, it was another signal that Cap was in the right, and was always guided by his moral code no matter what.

Matt Smith: This episode brought to you by BLM 🙄

Dawn Eckert: I think it seems John Walker’s spiral down seems so quick, but its Only 6 episodes...they have a lot less time than Cap did through the movie phases. This is just quicker, but still well done. Wyatt Russell is doing a great job. Loving this and REALLY REALLY REALLY hoping for a Season 2

jennifer terrebrood: Are you going to go over suicide squad trailer 2?

iWreckzOmbie2: Bringing up BLM is unnecessary, spread your propaganda somewhere else Erik. This is comic book characters

JustGavinBennett: Yo imagine hes going on trial with Matt Murdock. And thats the big cameo :()

Dwiki Arif: I thought walker will just throw the shield and decapitate niko.

iWreckzOmbie2: I was so happy when John got revenge for Lemar. I loved lemar and that hurt to watch but that final blow to the guys head was so satisfying

Mr. Manager: Walker is a fantastic villain. I hope they don't kill him off in the end.

Slobodan Nikolic: why do they kill one of the hottest guys...couldnt they kill somebody else

Boojahideen Gaming: Walker and US government overlords are going to convince the courtmarshial judges that enhanced humans are WMDs and need to be controlled or destroyed. Going to play a role with upcoming Mutants in MCU 🤙

Christian Law: Nico kinda had it coming

Star Films Gaming: Russell should definitely get an emmie nomination for this performance

conordmcp: it's never right to kill someone when they're defeated on the ground. The parallels between this and real life are astounding.

LA3G462: Yeah, wanting revenge for the murder of your black friend who died saving you should be seen as bad. Damn dew is the Evilest

klasiduden: its hard to tell if you are telling the truth when you sey you are older then 9😂

Iain Ray: So basically one well placed sniper 50 cal Vibranium round could render Ironman useless!

StarCrazedMike: I think at 7:23 the confrontation between Cap & B+S predates the (presumed) trial. The blood is still on the shield making it immediately after the murder, they are likely the ones who brought him in. I suppose the question becomes whether the Cap gets let off or ends up going rogue. Likely the former as opposed to the latter... However I wouldn't be surprised if they try to shock us again.

Alvin Mahendra: The serum's side effect must be "grow beard faster"

Wolf warrior: I can't believe that scene would be allowed in Disney+

Damon Pajak: Wait, are we going to see Batroc again? Maybe he's the working for the Mandarin (who's the power broker?)

Phantom Titan63: Oh I see the similarities between the flag smashers and blm they are both terrorists but hero’s in there eyes got it

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