Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Official Mid-Season Trailer (2021) Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan

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Jay Dog: Hopefully after they beat him, he gets redemption and becomes the U.S. Agent of the comic books.

toscar22 Link: The Fudge...is this a Spoof

Aadil Zaheer: His beard just grows every ep lol

Jack Freir: since when ign for movies

Something's wrong I can feel it: I'm just here to see if the Omega Red leaks are true.

Gabriel Ty: movie looks just horird

Muhammad Tanvir Ahammed: captain america 😆😆😆😆😆

MAXIMUS: Cpt america made in china


NoCappinNateShorts: " I'm JOhn WaLkEr "

*h *: basically civil war 2

Komyeta: Captain America but in reality

Morgan Morgul: Steve Rodgers Voice

Joey Macek: I'm really hopeing doctor doom is the true villain

Kellz: Bucky outside John’s door: “Come outside we not finna jump you” 🧍🏻

Captain Price: Walker is literally fighting The Winter Soldier also being Steve’s best friend, and Sam who is The Falcon and Steve’s best teammate, and Walker is still being a menace towards them. Gotta give it to the guy.

SILENTGD: Mephisto confirmed XD

Snow Puddle: captain looks like a turd burglar

TDItaly98: Out of curiosity, is anybody watching this show? What do you think, worth watching? I’m asking cause none of my friends watch it

Greg Deep: This series is boring

Paradoxpizza: No one: Comments section: stop hating on Wyatt Russell!

AirBorN Gaming: I'm calling it, YouTube is suppressing dislikes on this video.

Romeo M: “He’s captain America, he’s captain America, you’re captain America,I’m captain America!”

Beelow Beehigh: Spider man ganna show up and woop everyone

Jordan Mc: Sorry but his big ears remind me of the wings on Cap's old helmet.

Monster: So There's going be a mini Civil War. 🙄😆 can't wait.👌

Chi Vang: so only 6 episodes instead of 9??

The Vault The Official Channel: Can’t wait

Captain Balls: Falcon- MLK Bucky-Malcolm X 😂 😂 😂

Junior Veerasammy: did anyone just got flashes with bucky and cap vs ironman vibs

Arslaan J: New captain America is awesome probably better than old one.

Thomas Moriarty: What’s better this or Wanda vision

Crowned Gambit: Disney is killing it making their shows film quality

Vinny: 0:23 Oh man winter soldier Steve would absolutely obliterate him 😑

Dimitris Kontos: Much better than Wandavision

Clumsy _bear: Marvel version of homelander right there.

Meer Sahab: When Bucky Says " Ya We Do " it's like awes0me man..

Daniel Ryder: Iron man and thor would place john real quick, imagine steve vs john

wholly_unholy: A full minute of footage we've already seen, then 15 seconds of three people standing in a warehouse doing nothing. Anyone who liked this video is way too easy to please.

Chicagoleg20: Can someone explain to me why every superhero is from New York at lease falcon and new captain America are from the south

Midnite Reveries: This show is really disappointing me.................... :(

Jr Haagen: ooowh a mid-season trailer ..............REALLY ? like nobody like surprise ir ?

Sunstorm Clash: If we all hate John Walker so much that means Wyatt Russel is doing a phenomenal job. Don't hate on Russel, hate on Walker.

Shishir Pradhan: Only 2 ep left 😭😭

Kait Bottone: Starts cheering for Season 2 but is then sad that it is only a limited series

عرفان ار.بي.جي القناص: Why mot real charcter capitan amrica?

Ender Tobias: This is getting me so freaking hyped

Marco: Yikes

cody the lego master: What there is going to be only 6 episodes???

Villkar: Taking back the sheild BABY!🎯

Lost Poet: USAgent:"Stay the hell out my wa-" __gets swatted away by bucky__ Bucky:"Hey did yaul hear somethin?"

GREEN: Anyone else think that John Walker is an awesome character?

Meta Man: “You don’t wanna do this....... yeah we do.” Bucky be like - “LETS GO JOHN!” 👊🏿 🥊 😸😹😀😄😁😎

Milton Mejia: Karli and Walker are so ready to go at it, they hate each others guts

Marcus Cassells-Youssef: When the dislikes are at 420

vjollila96: bucky barnes should be the new captain america its only logical. Samuel Wilson is the falcon and dont need to became cap (pls dont spoil)

ashish chauhan: You make meme,I saw potential

8801 Abhishek Rebinal: Then, Iron Man V/S Captain America and Winter Soldier Now, New Captain America V/S Falcon and Winter Soldier

prabowo tarantula: Oh boy oh boy... There will be blood

DEGOLYER FILMS: the how to bore 😴 viewers real title 👍🏼

Sith Lord: This trailer is so done just right!

Daneta Senique: Theory for the last scene: 1: After they take down Karli they find John in a warehouse and they are about to fight 2: It was immediately after the episode 4 and they finally become ok with John and they team up to take down Karli


Anthony Svenforsic: 1:08 he’s channeling his dad as snake Plisken!

Quent Pizza R.: Only one can be the true captain America

ace andrews: Please don't send any hate to the actor He is just playing a role,you may hate the character but please remember the actor is simply playing that character they're human beings like you and me at the end of the day

Dark Logik: Lame

Francisco: Idc what anyone says. Wandavision was way more exciting than this show 🥲🥲🥲

Edward Gil: Hype

yonyunior: So it’s mostly scenes from past episodes except for like 5 seconds..?

FancyBastardFewd: is there a symbolic meaning to the shield, like the arc reactor?

roolee2k: John Walker's jaw looks like that old man from "Up"

titibaba Titibaba: tf wasnt it 10 épisodes?

Kenneth Kramer: They forgot to put 30 minutes of credits

Reflect Card: "(YouSeeBIGGIRL - Reiner Bertholdt Transformation Theme) Plays" Sky Sunlight gets Brighter; Sam: "BUCKY! ARE WE DOING IT?! RIGHT HERE? Bucky: "Yeah. We will settle this... right here, RIGHT NOW!"

Alex Smith: Man John Walker is a rookie Super Soldier... Bucky been doin this for almost 100 years. Light work

Phoenixs_ Legend: Finally they gonna beat the crap outta this guy and take the shield.

Brandon Angeles: Steve Rogers will always be the best captain America

John Lloyd: Bucky is finally back 👌🏽

Love Angeles: only 2 episodes left? why!!!!!!!!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: He can never be Captain America, even Steve Rogers


kdaalder: Thank you for putting bucky as captain america in the thumbnail! Sincerely someone who hasn’t watched The Falcon and the Winter Soldier yet but is planning to watch it

Andelu Uledna: Civil war vibe

DeepmedZ: mid season: 2 episodes left lmao

Marcos Lowe: Anyone else disappointed by this show so far? What happened to Batroc? What happened to old man Yori? What about his date, Leah? Beginning these narrative threads and then dropping them is awful writing. Not to mention all the race bating in this show, it’s at a distracting level, we never had that much talk about it before in Marvel media. Yeah, that’s going on in the world and sure they can comment on contemporary events but at the end of the day it’s entertainment and meant to pull us away from the stresses of daily life. For half the show there hasn’t been a clear villain, the flag smashers were presented as just a smaller thread, we all figured Walker was bad, and then our heroes just sort of moped around and followed random threads dropped by their arch nemesis (Zemo)?

Insert Name Here: They will win against walker on the scene in the end they have the shield in the first trailer

Nicko Rafael: 0:29 is that a new shield?

Vishal Sadwal: tatakae tatakae tatakae....

Stinkin Dinkins: Seeing how easy any of us could turn to vengeance. It makes me respect Steve Roger's character so much more for his strength and resolve.

Ray paul: Marvel literally snatched my wig like both wandavision and falcon and winter soldier did not expect this wow 🤩

Juan-Carlos Gomez: John walker now with the super soldier serum will not only become a sycophant but a really strong guy

Vyon Galaxy: John walker is an interesting character

common man: enna koduma saravanan ithu 😂😂😂

Quý Dương Tăng Ngọc: 0:47 that transition is sick af

Magido89: Captain America also killed people, he just didn't do it in front of a camera

Francisco Reyes: Captain America looks like a nerd.

Haruchai: Another cheap spin-off, oh for an actor with some self-esteem and dignity for a change.

Devin Michael Roberts: mid "season".... you mean 240 hour movie that you cut up into 6 43 minute episodes (after credits and opening and recap etc.)

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