Mid-Season Sneak Peek | Marvel Studios' The Falcon and The Winter Soldier | Disney+

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Dev Yadav: Who else thinks Bucky deserves the shield more than Sam do?

Anirudh Gupta: We want spider man new movie 🙄🙏

Collin Smith: John Walker gotta run his fade against Karli....its only right.

Collin Smith: So theres gonna be another 2 v 1 scene similar to Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

DLBish6: Only one new clip out of the entire trailer but that clip got me hype af

Shatterdice: Ahhhh man i cant wait but i dont want this to end , loving the series so far

mohammed ameen: "yeah we do "🤤🤤

Klaus_Dark Phoenix: A.I. Zola return ... last episode... Mid season? 7 8 9 10

Topcats Lair: Only 2 more? But.... I could do this all day.

gobluebuckeye: Woke idiocy.

Mizhay And More: we better get a season two for only six episodes

Kyle Kringle: Hans from Frozen was a better villain than John Walker. At least there was SOME ROOM for being likeable and good.

Fırat KARA: Demir yığını tony kadar olamadın onur ulan onur çıkacaksın thanos' un karşısına.


Mashup Buddy: I think in 5th ep. Or further govt. Will give that shield to to Sam. Spoiler alert 😋

Al Capone: After watching this i realize just how good of a guy Steve was bro man literally did nothing wrong

Randy R.: plot twist: "There can only be one Walker. I know a guy. He's from Texas, and he's a Ranger."

Shuvo Khan: want to see bukey as new captain america

Robert Garcia: Bucky should of said that shield doesn’t belong to you

Krishnarjun AR: Bucky can take him alone, Winter Soldier or not

Aditya Kumar: ooooh this is turning into Civil War

marvin johnson: I'm going to need bucky to go winter soldier on him

Katalyst: Dc better have u forgotten iron fist

AhBao阿宝: wow this is shorter than wandavision

C-RicksMusic: Only two more episodes? What

Karthick Partha: I want captain america winter soldier bucky in falcon and winter soldier that bucky is way too powerful

paraglide01: Mid season in a series of 6 episodes ??????????????

Arihant coaching: Marvel pictures is unique and everybody wait to watching

Jackson Beaulieu: They gonna fight each other or fight together?

Lina Brito: I already want to see the next episode of falcon and the winter soldier, I love this series😍😀😁

Lina Brito: 😮😀😄i love falcon ad the winter soldier

Zakjac Da gamer: In stead of 6 parts why not 16 so it has more time to detail Karlys back story like what happened to her parents also give us an episode on what Sharon’s been doing this whole time

Lorenzo Camacho: John Walker is NOT Captain America. Sam is!

krunal thumar: Wtf is this? Wasn't the shield was broken by thanos?

MR. ROYAL CROWN: I want this series to be 8 episodes long please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I am so sad that only 2 are remaining 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔

Rai Hiruisa: 0:05 That outfit gives me CW flashback

The Archer Of Infamy: I think the Winter Soldier is coming back..... to fight John Walker

bq Azman: Mephisto confirmed

Reii Channel: 2 episodes left?? :'(

Keith Brown: I can already see a fight like the end of civil war this gone be epic

sultryjmac: Trash

Md Saif: John Walker being a newly made super soldier has no advantage over Bucky, since Buck is alot more experienced than him in the field of being a super soldier. Also has a better control over his emotions over time, I cant wait to see their faceoff .

Jaydevsinh Sodha: Trailer Rannav atyare thi to na muko guruvar A mukta jav kevu jova nu man thay che😍


Ming Erik: take it Sam

Cats: Am I the only one that laughed when the dude got his face smashed in

Athrawne: The moment John Walker stained that shield with blood, he stopped being Captain America.

First name Last name: They really just killed off Battlestar like that

star dust: and we will see captain russia in black widow's movie.

STOCK PHOTOS: I smell a jumping coming

CAP10 T: Mam Wyat Russel, Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie nailed it. Awesome acting. Did I really forget about Danial Bruhl's Zemo acting and surely his Zemo dance gas become one of my favourite scene in the MCU now.

Jono L: This started out pretty slow, but dang I'm caught up now in the action!

Tee Serrano: 2 episodes left?🤦‍♂️ how.

이동재: John is just one of agents. Bucky is Bucky. Sam is Falcon. Only Steve can be Captain America.

The half Tooth: Can't think of a cool comment . But , pin it

Amal Dev: He is not Captain America !

justme0411: I love how these "trailers" are a minute and a half long but we only get about 6 seconds of the upcoming episodes.

lonely gaming: Chris Evans we miss you in captain role😥

Lil T Elite: Hi Marvel

Neelakshyar official: That means a trio showdown of Falcon and Bucky vs the new "cap"

Gravestone999: 0:29 There's a cool detail here where Walker is finally living up to his namesake and walking down the street. On the left hand side, you can see a traffic light flash red. This is probably a reference to how John is descending into evil and needs to be stopped (if I need to explain that, then your not worth explaining to.).

K C: fake Captain America. lol

Mike Dhillon: 1:08 height difference

ÆGON YTPH: CAWS: Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man TFWS: Falcon and Bucky vs Fake Cap 🤣

William Choochootrain: Wait this show's only gonna have 6 episodes total?

Ba li: love steav roger

Luana Milfont: Bucky is my animal spirit.

Jesse Thompson: They fight stupid john walker and kill him and take the shield back

Moon Light: The urge for me to beat up the new cap is overwhelming

Geeky Bros: It’s a great time to be a Marvel/Dc fan!

Gracekim22: Oh man😅

Devan Beadle: We need a season 2

Riley: I can't believe how woke this got 🤣 thanks Disney

Isaac Kuo: I'm calling it now - there's not going to immediately be a fight between John Walker and Sam and Bucky. Sam says, "We don't want anyone else to get hurt." This includes John Walker also, I expect. And when John Walker says, "You don't want to do this," Bucky says "Yeah, we do" without looking at his partner for confirmation or anything. And then Sam side-eyes Bucky. So, I'm guessing Sam will try to talk rather than fight, and Bucky's not going to get into a fight without the unambiguous support of Sam. Of course, Bucky's going to be furious at Sam, but maybe not get into a big argument with Sam until later. In other words, it's an MCU teaser fake-out. We'll be mad at them for a minute, but then ... we'll think, "Yeah, Sam's cool."

shrey kumar: Wow!!!!!

Anthony Villanueva: You don't wanna be sad this is ending. Yeah we do.

Miko Erz: Why it's only two episodes left......

SANICDAWEREHOG: I have a feeling that we'll get a post credits scene in these last 2 episodes like WandaVision

USMC03: Sorry this show has turned into garbage, bad writing, filled with lots of woke politics and things that make no sense. Wish this was written by the people who made the Marvel Netflix shows, they had great writing and new how to bring in social awarness that made sense and wasn't getting you over the head. Where wandavision let you down at the end , this one starts to tumble shortly after the second episode. If is where the MCU is headed im out, thanks for the good times but the party is over.

2861 Dinesh Kumar S: Bucky be like: ini nee shield ah thotta nee ketta

Brisk Pepper: Yo, Bucky just going, "..... yeah, we do," LMAO he knows what the hell he wants.


arijit gupta: This series deserve a movie

Alison Romero Sánchez: The Trailer: Wakandans Fight With John Walker me: wakanda forever

Christian: only 2 episodes left?! wtf, no

HD 04: John Walker is really dangerous...

Jedi Knight_47: That final scene gives me chills "you dont wanna do this" "yeh we do" so dope cant wait

Zeph Capp: Bucky when he looks at the shield before answering john : "Im sorry Steve, I have to do this"

Ronak Christian: That girl kicking the Shield looks really badass!!!

C 41 DINESH RAJ P: Vera level And then waiting for last 2 episode

Evyn Stewart: Oooh they finna jump John Walker like Cap and Bucky did with Iron Man

Vivek Singh: I love Bucky 🙌💪

rush gaming: Orgsm

patsfreak: If we wanted to reintegrate media. I have a job for Jon Bernthal’s Punisher

Abd Hussæn: Only two episodes left so release both of them together. Please Don't make us wait.

Bean U: thumbnail : sam & bucky want to take that shield from walker

DKL gaming: One thing is sure now.. an epic battle is coming betn. New cap vs FATWS

Gellobee: If John somehow beats Bucky in a fight, I’m not considering this canon

Juan Carlos Huaylla: Wyatt Russel is doing a heck of an amazing job. He makes you dislike the persona that is John Walker. Everyone on this show has been outstanding.


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