27 INCREDIBLE Easter Eggs in SHADOW & BONE! + Season 2 Theories

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Geronuis: i just want mal to not be as boring as a fucking brick.. seriously.. not shipping or anything, guy just has no personality other than "alina!!!"

Aazain Mujawar: They did better than the witcher ,there director should learn something from shadow and bone

Hannah Gavilan: Am i crazy? Or i feel like Jesper kinda knows about Jordie? Or just knows that Pekka took something from Kaz?

Nicole Tono: I want to see Nikolai Lantsov

Ma K.K.: Okay but who's excited for Nikolai 😃😃

Lotte Reillanne: In the German translation they just fucked up the Crows phrase 😢

Chiara: You forgot one. When Kaz tells Zoya not looking for her dead aunt, because the view could be traumatic.

zmeyettes: Bold to assume I missed any of those 😂

Ada Galant: And did you notice the hint to kaz’s backstory when he told Zoya: its dangerous to go looking for the dead. What you see may haunt you for the rest of your days. Why is no one talking about that? That was amazing foreshadowing ever

N S: Spoiler for Six Of Crows: - Jesper has been requesting a demo man for some time and that's hinting to the sixth crow that hasn'tt been introduced in the show yet, Wylan which ends up being Jesper's boyfriend

Joanne Lim: The part where Alina showed her power for the first time in The Fold - she and Mal were holding onto each other with both hands. Notice her sun was a lot stronger, like how it was after acquiring the Stag. Those who know what Mal is would get it.


Kara Pluemer: I can’t count how many times I’ve loved a book series that got turned into a show, and then got extremely let down by said show lol. So my expectations were not all that high going into this. I can’t say that it was perfect, but I definitely liked it and was pleasantly surprised :) I can see how fans of the book will enjoy the show, and I’m hoping that it will catch on with people who haven’t read it either. The only gripe I really have is that they struggled to really explain certain plot points and the history. I had friends and family asking questions non stop because they were so confused. Hopefully there will be a season 2 to cover it all ☺️

mp: does anyone know why alina stabbing the darkling in the third book results in his death? it’s been a long time since i read the books, but could it be because he was too weak then to call upon merzost to be unharmed?

bro god: I haven’t read the book but my problem is if the darkling was trying to save his people( witches) from the king brutality has his lover killed and created the fog on accident why they made him evil?? Like in the movie it just doesn’t make sense to me... especially with the flash back of him creating the fog.... the ending just have me puzzled like why he doing that, he speaks about unity of all the land why not clear the fog and unit everyone, he would get everything that way.... as he say to Alina together we stronger and unstoppable to me it would just make more sense that way to me ( my opinion) like “he is her darkness and she is his light” that’s how it should have been, again to me (my opinion) great series though

Krum Valkov: 2:56 I can read that, it say the authors name, that's cool

Random Shenaniganery: * vibes in * death is inevitable good bye darkling * flying kiss *

Bianca Tudor.: best news, six of crows will be a trilogy !

agape: this NordVPN ad has the smoothest transition ever

Cloud Wolf: That Kaz vs Darkling standoff was epic! 🔥 I was like.. oh boi!

Nicole esser: This is that one time in a million that I want the producers to change the ending of the books, Please don't let the darkling die. I do not want to relieve that painful moment

Steve Chance: This series ain't Game of Thrones.

Ivankov Wink: One of the best adaptations of a book in my opinion❤️ It was literally perfect and I enjoyed every second of it🙈

Grace Bee: this has made me want to reread the books!!

Caitsbooks: Bold of you to assume i missed any details

Shrute Farms: Fantastic show. Never heard of the books and completely loved it all. Can’t wait for the next one!!

Your Average Music Person: The video: "details you missed in Shadow and Bone!" Me A huge fan of the books for years, who picked apart the entire show through multiple watch throughs: "I highly doubt that but okay"

Sanela Husejnovic: i feel like it would be so cool if they turn Alina’s hair white in season 2, similar to the books. maybe her hair turns white over time due to her sun summoning powers. (please correct me if i am wrong about anything, i am not an expert on the Grishaverse)

Teona Baraboiu: Here's another easter egg: in the war room (I think it's the scene where Alina wakes in the middle of the night and goes there to find the Darkling) we can see a drawing of Nikolai and the Darkling even says something about an army general who is really good (I can't remember the exact words) and then this drawing appears. You can even see it in the background while Alina talks to the Darkling. I might be wrong, that drawing might not be at all Nikolai, but that's my theory.

Zoré Bn: (spoilers alert) In the books, Aleksander is stabbed by the Grisha steel laced with Mal's blood which is a very important point since Mal was the third amplifier and Morozzova's descendent. that's why the Darkling was finally killed. I hope this gets to be in the series as well.

Yukta Muniraj: David throwing a book at Jasper is legendary 😂

Soshorna Henry: This crazy thought just came to me. What if the game of thrones world met with the world of bone and shadow world. I ship them!😁

Chilzmapew wep: Not me watching the "ben barnes" videos after binge watching Shadow and Bone on netflix...

Stardust Built: The Shadow and Bone book getting a cameo in the show was my favorite Easter egg. 😂

Shadowace724: RIP Blackwillow73 savior of the Nordverse.

oh oh nenye oo: I’m on a second rewatch!!!

Jennifer Ariesta: 7:30 b-but I don’t want the Darkling to die...

Squeegie Beckenheim: Still kind of salty that we didn’t get the “like calls to like” lines or allusions to Nikolai “sobachka” but that is just a nitpick

Blue Bear: When the old Guy mentioned Hell's Gate where Matthias will be imprisoned and tortured. Then Nina and the Crows will come rescue him.

Lunar: I couldn’t have been the only one who was wondering why they killed Marie off early right? I was kinda relieved tho, really wasn’t looking forward to seeing her split open

Miss M: More easter eggs: possible spoilers ahead - Jesper wanting a demo guy (aka Wylan) - People mentioning Jesper's talent (the fact that he is, you know) - When a woman thinks of Inej as Zemeni and Zoya aggressively corrects her and says she is suli (this is something we learn in rule of wolves)

Alexandra: This show was so good. One of the best fantasy ones lately.

--: one thing that i noticed while watching was the foreshadowing/preparation for wylan's introduction. not just jesper's "we need a demo guy" but also the use of explosives by the three crows, wonder who they got those from?

howdy doo: as someone who read the books, this show exceeded my expectations and i adored it. i hope we get a season two and get to meet nikolai, wylan, and learn more about kaz and jesper’s pasts. but i loved the little hints they dropped for things that were revealed in later books, very smart and a great job setting it up.

Rem Rens: Kaz stole the show. I was more invested with the crows than the main plotline.

impactQuake: It surprised me how enjoyable this show was.

Darkest Argentum: i actually read about why they changed the antlers from a collar to an implant is because the designs they came up with for them as a collar were either too impractical to wear or in some cases Dangerous to the actress

Ry The Zoo Guy: I am love with the show. I am praying super hard we get a Season 2 as I've fallen in love with these stories.

Lord Venjix: Awesome video 👌

Myra Morales: 🙆

Double Features: Fantastic series

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