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kandyrew: hey you guys, double upload today! If you wanted to see ARENAS FOOTAGE, click here!!

Ezekiel A: I can see the jump pad bug being patched because someone will abuse valk in that final ring lmfaooo

xXSTYGIANXx: lucky-

Gamer KVI: That's a ship from Halo franchise

Erin Fogarty: I’m so glad I’ve been maining the wingman recently because the bow looks like an overpowered version of it😁

luke devil: It's not out for me

TheMadOnes: lair... season 9 is not here yet. Guys dont fall for this clickbait.. pls

Zurückshleichen: I can tell if your good with movement valks gonna be one of the best

bentack_33: Season 9 on May 4th and I may get my braces off on May 5th, sheesh

Mark Ampil: She sounds like every female pilot voice in a sci-fi RTS game

Dylan Bae: Lets hope my ps4 doesnt go bellow 30fps lmao

ScyyLmao: I’m glad that Valkyrie’s jet pack isn’t as op as I thought

Sebsin 12: Ya Like JaZz?

Lyness Rogers: the interstellar jokes...Im here for alll of it lmaoo

Diego Hidalgo: Your intelligent and extremely entertaining back n forth with your team is the reason you are officially my favorite APEX content creator... I may not be a good player nor do I become better player watching your videos but I become a much happier person for it so Im glad i found your channel!

Hermes Job: R.I.P Captain Kandyrew, your sacrifice will be remembered forever!

Mr. wolf: Bows? Arena? This is screaming fortnite

Hermes Job: 5:14: I thought the story of the Tower of Babel was about the ability to communicate (one language) being abused for the wrong purpose. I.E. man trying to reach God through physically building a structure to reach him against his will (with no concern for consequences to man or nature), instead of finding him within. God punished them for creating this idol to their own power by confusing their tongues and creating different languages so that they could no longer arrogantly focus their enrgy on basically becoming God or bigger than God. If speaking the same language helped us to do more than destroy the Earth to recreate it in our image or to benefit at others expenses for the sake of money, then it could be a powerful tool in understanding and bringing peace. We think we're Gods with our technology, but we're merely mimmicking and should learn to be humbled by nature and learn to appreciate and understand what is right in front of us and within us before "transcending" or seeking a higher place in this Universe,. Peace

qzert: I thought this was Asian Andy but no great content though

inmortalgamer 69: Do you recommend me getting valkyrie as my first legend

Orlando Cruz: Me see title:😧 remembers that it comes out may 4 :☹️

useless memes: Valkyrie could just fly over wattsons ability

4kids lollypop Sanji: Where is worlds edge


Alldraick Gaming: oh shit that is so cool i thinck im gonna comback playing apex

Loco26Gamer !: Can wattson ult block valks explosives ?

Gaming Crazy: Can you put a scope on the bocek?

Hitch: this gonna be the good old times in the future I'm telling you

King xox: Pk is back on floor FINALLY

blossom: they had to make olympus a sunset 😬

Googly: gaming

Alex Aviles: Any changes to the shitfire?

EMP: I saw pk on the floor an I started going CRAZY I CANT WAIT FOR SEASON 9🥵😩😩😩🔥😩🥵🥵😩😩🥵🥵🥵😩😩😩😩😩👍🥵🔥😩🔥🔥😃😃😎😎😎🔥😩😩😩😃

Gino Cole: Why can’t they just drop the new season for everyone

katen ar: why am i still in seseon 8

soccerbeast cast: OMG


Jacob Vargas Tamez: Are we going to talk about PK returning to ground?

Sky Herz: Bruh at 8:45 you mention two people and valk literally holds up a peace sign ✌️ another glitch in the matrix.

Stephen Elkins: So horizon was a better octane. Now Valk is a better horizon because they nerfed horizon to death.

Cam Herring: Double upload this is why we love kandy

Kciron: 15:08 OMG this Prowler skin is insane, can't wait to spend 10€ to get it !

EDDIE VALDEZ: in your next video can you show the season 9 battle pass

go to my about page: Pk floor loot oh no

Itsangelwow: The ship up in the sky give me Halo vibes 😂

Malachi Kehl: Did they make PK ground loot again

Callie: “Firing for effect!” “Oh you completely missed...” had me dying 😂

Jay: We want Titanfall 3.

Tophat Comix: It’s a bit obvious what you wanted to do when you grew up kandy Armstrong

Blood Slayer: The new character has her uses but in ranked I think her ult will be crucial plus early game aerial scans

Linda: i actually thought that she would be a support character. Also after your gameplay she does not seem OP at all. i was worried she would be OP because of the missels on her Q but they actually dont mess u up as bad as i thought. She seems really balanced now.

clay N spray: The end was really funny to watch while stoned

The F4te: Now we know what one battle pass item is thanks

brown liou: Help your team mate

Official_UrMumPlayz: 7:22 how isn’t nobody talking about how there’s a nessie plush next to wattson’s ult, looks cool ☺️

BarrelTrain4129: The tendrils look like the end of the presage mission in destiny 2

DiamondDestroyer: Is season 9 rlly here?

M H: “Season 9 is here” really dude 😑

Bibin PM: New comic?

adnanmir302: So Halo flood specie make there way to apex😂😂

Jackson Yanuska: Instead of finding keycard can you use Loba ult near it

WhAT d0: I wanna see one wattson ult vs like 10 valk rocket barrages.

Flying Raijin LEVEL3: “space. The final frontier” 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣

Mclovin In da house: Bro c'mon kendy what is this title I turned on my ps4 faster than you can blink

Andrea V: Homeworld is an amazing series. I wish they'd make more

Diana Rivera: When he said when two people land here the new character did a pose like ✌

alexander edward kenway: I from indonesia

alexander edward kenway: Kandyrew but why

Anirudh Anant_2125: But I'm still playing on season 8

paul adejo: 15:33 they should just make a whole movie 🤣🤣🤣

Benjamin Harutyunyan: IM hypin for season 9 emotes Will come

Elias mit S: The playerlevels are not reseted, arent they?

Rathalos31a: When I see this roots Why am I reminded of the qliphot (dmc5) Can we suspect a bloodsucking tree

Vronize Aian'eirian: Seeing pk on the ground makes me nervous


Aidan da Garcìa: One thing that I am still wondering is that, if Valkyrie is a better mobility legend than Horizon. Since Horizon's tactical(main part of her movement) was nerfed, will Valk with all the VTOL jets and her ultimate, overall be a better mobility legend than the s9 nerfed Horizon?

comic sans: Toner of babbel

Aidan da Garcìa: One thing that I am still wondering is that, if Valkyrie is a better mobility legend than Horizon. Since Horizon's tactical(main part of her movement) was nerfed, will Valk with all the VTOL jets and her ultimate, overall be a better mobility legend than the s9 nerfed Horizon?

Ömer Efe Çeker: why we cant play these

Neel Schwerdt: Is the peackeper beck in

unkiledsoldier -_-: Dose she have the most abilities out of every character

normanac !: pls don't say s9 is here... its just for you bro :( were still waitin hhhahahha

Qc_PeWPeW: Peacekeeper 's back :)

Joe Withey: I absolutely love these guys humour ❤️❤️❤️

ImperialNoob: mass effect vibes!

Katana: 8:39 wtf!

DrikendLP: How the fuck do you have the character? The new season only begins at the 4.may

Dogg0izcool: Wait does your levels reset when the new season comes out?

Rahfeeezzy: Spitfire peacekeeper main here(finna bust)

Sans the skeleton: Shit shit shit im late


DarkShadowsPlayz: Zombie ltm coming????👀

Timothy Jordan: they moved the dead scientist from titanfall here

Christian Trent: Bruh what the fuck you playin season 9

aFlicker: id sub to her onlyfans

Azr Arouf Fg 0_o ψ: Nobody gonna talk about the fact that we can emot now

todd vincy: show 3vs 3

Lozzy at yt: She’s already my second person I use

Paul Howard: this man got early access

LegendOW: Is the world's edge map coming back??

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