Finally! Our First Look at VALKYRIE GAMEPLAY in Apex Legends Season 9 Legacy!

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kijannaplays: Drop a like to open a legendary Valk skin on your first Apex pack in season 9 ;)

Esteban Morales: Bro ur one of my fav apex yt channels ever keep up the awesome content man 👊Go check out Ragg Tagg. He has gameplay of him playing the 3v3 as valk

Fatratoc: Seems like she will have loadouts almost honestly if so that wouldn’t be the worst like on the “starter kit” like more defense or more damage when you start off

toxic brains good: a youtuber went into a real match as valkyrie and uploaded a video

Sith Shi: Premade squad I think Valk will be good. Solo queuing nope. Everything about her kit says a team is required.

TheHolly Boi: She seems OK in my opinion

NomeSnack: How Valkyrie was made: *2 cups of Horizon* *1 1/2 cups of Fuse* *3 cups of jump tower*

Psychadelikz: you’re never gunna stop saying S9 are you 😂

TW Wolf: I think in pre-mades she's going to be strong. That tac stun, plus a lil extra tactical awareness, combined with a solid coordinated push will be bloody devastating. They'll also be mega mobile in a way not many other squads without a Valk will be able to keep up with. In solo-cue though :s she's gona struggle. Her tac and passive rely too heavily on her other squadmates to take advantage of the stun effect she creates/defend her whilst she's in airboat loot pinata mode. And her ult will literally separate her from her team 🙃 cos let's face it, you ain't getting randos to line up nicely and hop on board the Valk Express 🤣. They'll be too busy pushing unwinnable fights or pinging their death boxes furiously

Gameyt Riser: I think she is balanced

Justin Skeate: So her hover passive is kinda weak. You can't use her weapons while doing it like Horizon can. Kind of makes Valk a sitting target if you ask me.

AcidCat247 XBL: Dude if her missile don’t sound like they’re straight up ripped off the titan imma be salty. Anyone who played titanfall knows what I mean. That missile sound when they go out is so nice In My Opinion

IcOnIc MeMe: I love your accent

Phoenix Reventon: I my personal opinion I think it would be better to 1. Hover a lot faster and fly away but without using weapons or 2. Hover slow like this but with weapon use. I mean both would be tactical and not as aggressive. I mean horizon can Shot and do all the stuff while lifting up pretty fast and can move slightly to left and right what makes it hard to hit. Valk is Hovering slow af and can’t shoot. This isn’t as balanced as I expected...

salakins: She doesnt look OP tbh. Feels like a hype up, fuse and horizon hybrid. Gonna get lazered in the air

Ragnar Balseiro: Falkery

Yung Yami: Hey one Question do you think horizon will still be good after he nerfs ???

TheCoastalAVENGER: Valkyrie seems balanced to me, she will offer a useful amount of support for her team. with her tactical helping out a bit in fights as well. she has a fair amount of drawbacks to balance out her abilities which keeps her from being overpowered. I feel like a lot of players are going to expect her to be Horizon 2.0 and when they realize that Valk is a mobile recon support they will just switch back to horizon lol

Yexom: I say buff Valk already. She seems promising, like I actually thought she'd be a Horizon equalizer, but so far I think they balanced her too hard to where she's just another legend. Her ult would be great for rotating and getting high ground, but without being able to shoot with her VTOL jets (and I assume the same for her ult) what's the point? I can respect if the sky strafe isn't strong, especially if it's only with the weapon out or during heals, but not being able to do anything while up in the air, I assume making noise and making herself a target just cuts her usefulness in half. Her tactical is pretty much the equivalent of what we were promised for the Knuckle Cluster, and hopefully it is more useful because that damage is so negligible sometimes if not unreliable because as soon as the enemy catches wind that they are in your sights, they will scatter, but at least with the stun it'll actually make you fear her a bit. I think Respawn is really afraid of pushing damage dealing abilities wayyy too much: Caustics gas has gotten a massive nerf to it's damage right after it was buffed, and the Knuckle Cluster might as well be literal fire crackers. Caustic's King Canyon acid is more intimidating than the his own ability, and Fuse pretty much just good for ambushes, third parties, and dropping mayhem on unsuspecting enemies. I'm still excited to see Valk and test her, and I really wish she ends up filling the role of a more aggressive assault legend to compete in the likes of Wraiths and Horizons. For now seems like a disappointing promise than what she actually seems in the cinematic trailer.

Superb: Can’t wait to pk her out the air😂

Jared Rayzur: shes gonna get beamed in the air lol

titanfall fun!: I dont care if shes trash i just like the way she ties to viper and her lines

YoungEmDubb: Can wait for Valk but I made it to Daimond 1 trying to get to masters

Undetectableninja: I think her tactical would be good for disorienting a group of enimes and finishing them off

Meme Lol: She’ll probably be average, her abilities are probably gonna be good for fast pace team looking to get into fight after fight

ex_.Wiccan Maximoff: Why can't she use her guns in the air....there just making another loba with how loba tac ur defenseless kinda stupid on there part but let's see how it plays out

Shadez: I think they should’ve just made her tactical do a large stun and like no damage

Josh Marsh: Valk’s passive is to loba’s tact as pathfinders ult is to wraith’s ult

maytrix Divine: Do you think they will still buff warith like in the 100million players video tease

darkangel083013 no life: Buff she needs a buff

Roger Roger: Dr. Seuss been real quiet since this dropped

Tim Kelly: I'm still confused as to how that dev said he was scared Valk would be too strong. Nothing we've seen indicates that feeling to be true. Not being able to shoot while hovering pretty much eliminates any chance of her being OP in any way. And the way these YTers have been describing her missiles, that also seems to lean more towards underpowered rather than overpowered. I'm not sure how much I'll be in a hurry to select Valkyrie right off the bat. And this coming from someone who mained Horizon and Fuse hard at the start of their respective seasons.

Pyromaniac 096: She actually seems pretty under powered tbh

Stony62ss: Well she seems useless with her air strike only doing 34 damage

Real_Life: Looks like her abilities are for countering third parties... maybe 🤔

Tony Blouin: She is useless, her only good ability is her ult, her tactical can basically only stun because it does no damage, and not being able to shoot while hovering is just gonna get you beamed, her ult is ok but thats the only good thing about her, the ready up time after landing is stupid, either the ready up or the not being able to shoot is gonna make her passive unusable in high tier games

Nara Shadows: Underpowered

IQRIS: Nice she has a skill gap thank god

ayá kid: tbh i'm more hype for Season 9 Loba y'all can sleep on Ms Andrade all you want

ayá kid: She looks like a solid A-tier legend atm

Mirageyboy: Will she be fuse or will she be horizon

Yourself Gaming: 34 damage is really good for an ability, especially with a stun on top of it. I was honestly expecting it to be like 10-12 damage, but 34 that’s 15% of someone’s health. That’s not minor!

Zrybfty Tcdrghh: She's fuse.

D V: Made a mistake on your video a while back and I just had to actually apologize. I hope you've been well and do enjoy a lot of your content. Take care lad season 9 looks insane and exciting for us all who love this game. Not expecting anything just hoping for a second chance

Darkside Gaming: Bread

Klipz god: She will be, she will better in rank and for ppl who like to camp

Klipz god: What her passive

محمود وفيق: It dossnt make sence but it was amazing and took my intresst

Random Human: Everyone is saying either she is OP or trash.. I just think she's actually balanced.

Apex Bot: I think she will be good against the 3 stacks holding hands

Noella Monyuy: She looks like she’ll be hard to play

Zac Catella: Man you always a few steps behind other content creators

Thierno Gaming: Her passive is better than her ultimate

Sewingmink160: Notifications say 30 seconds ago...

Ryan Bridges: “ or will she be ash...that didn’t make sense.” Lmao

Clarity-Stigma: I'm on the toilet rn

Star Got Game: Not gonna lie from just this her tactical looks TRASH

RoninBlade5321: Mannnnn I just want the patch notes to come out.

MobileEthan: I think valk is perfect

ZantaeOniKing: She sounds kinda doo doo lowkey

Alexander Martinez: The engineer blog is up on the ea apex legends website if you guys wanna check it out

Eric Gonzalez: Looks a little weak!!

TheBulletKin: Hope that fuel meter is a placeholder, it looks very basic

WassupOmar: Hey man! You’re gaining subs so fast! Keep up the good work doing a lot for the apex community 👍

Enable Adrenaline: Is this the 2nd time you used this gameplay footage? Also, it'll be tough for a new legend to top Horizon on the OP scale but Valks tactical seems like it'll be strong in the sense of slowing an enemy team, in a game of movement being able to slow and damage an enemy seems insane.

demize casper: Can you Ned and hover

XOTIC_RAT _: I think a good fun way to balance Valkyrie would be u can use like a p2020 or secondary in the air

demize casper: I like her but I’m probably not gonna main her

Viper: Been waiting since season 2 for valk I don’t care about anything else in legacy I don’t care about and future legends I don’t care about any leaks in the future I will be completely satisfied with valk and I need nothing else in game.

just hxdes: I was like 1000

Lil Frozt: I think she’s good but I’m sticking with my boy revanant

Aerra: Bro had sum magnificent word play

dave apex: I think she will be strong because mobility is king. Her cluster bomb should be weak because she so mobile.

TheGreatGamingKid: I feel like she should be able to at least shoot as soon as she stops hovering considering she can’t shoot while in the air and is an open target, but we’ll see on her trailer and on launch how good she is. I think she should be able to throw grenades, arc stars, and thermite while in the air as well but idk could be a little much.

brady Scioscia: If they nerf valk instead of buffing weaker legends I will quit

Evan Price: It said that she scans while in the air. So how does that work is it just an auto scan?

DSCbam offset21: Valk will be LEGENDARY and I mean if Valkyrie came in with a lot of damage to her kit people would be complaining so I’m satisfied With VALKYRIE she is going to be a FUN legend 😊

LionHeart gaming: In all honesty I think they should buff her missile swarms damage just a hair. But not too much

Night Reaper: People would hate Valk if she was paired with the ultimate of Bangalore, Gibby or Fuse If you ask me that would be toxic in an open battlefield

LionHeart gaming: Bread

Liam: I think she'll honestly be trash...

big baby: any ability that takes away the use of your gun is useless in my opinion I was hype now I'm not but well see

JohnnEH: oh, almost forgot, B R E A D

IronCobra #1763: Day 3 of asking kijanna to play with me 😞

IronCobra #1763: Immmm laaatttee agaaaiiin

Lilylake: Valkyrie is not the next legend kajanna is the next legend I knew from the start

Ace Glorinz: i think valkerie will be horizon easy mode

Ben Calloway: Crypto players gonna like valk I think

Kevin Castillo: The fact that she can’t shoot while hovering kind of makes her jetpack meaningless. I’m still going to play her since she looks really cool and I like her ultimate but yeah, I’m a little underwhelmed.

JLIVE: will she be fuze, or will she be ash? lmfaoo broo FUUSE IS SO shit. You're hilarious, I wish you got invited to the playtesting. Thanks for keeping up with the apex legends content!

IG_ADO: Her flying should be a tactical not a passive, her tactical could be whatever she still op

ingalook: Hover in the air without weapons... Sounds like you are just painting a target on yourself...

Xclusive Mahje: Btw tomorrow at 1pm all of the youtubers that got to play early will be able to post the footage of their gameplay, and Maybe at like 11AM EST / 8AM PST we will get the “Meet Valkyrie

Russian Pussy: She's so underpowered in my eyes also what happens when she uses her ult inside? Btw I'm a crypto main and really prefer legends and guns being the better you are the better it is crypto needs skill he needs strategies while octane and horizon are more noob spam legends

Shane mccrory: Underpowered

Chas Lynch: Ughhh

Maitreya Manasvin: Valk won't be top tier I'm calling it.

Mike Verjans: I am very afraid she is going to be fuse 2.0...

Aspekt Gaming: Respawn: SHE'LL BE OP!!! Gamers: Bout to beam her out the sky for free 99....sadness i was looking forward to her too.My Loba better be phenomenal....

NeXgen: But you can shoot in the air or so I heard you can pull your gun while falling out of your jetpack That's what I heard from some people

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