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Luck _got_you: Teach me how

Pale: The peace keeper is op

John Nicholson: Them t take shots was clean asf 🤝💪🏾

Zachary Lewis: No more ring death for us. Thanks Valkyrie lol. Took a hot minute for your aim to get on point but solid 4k man.

HYPER Gaming: Op gameplay bro I am also plays pc games and mobile plzz support me.🙏🏻

Saeed Hashi: Please these lobbies are hurting my head u shouldve died like 3 times and they choke

Wyatt Birk: Why sweat. Elaborate

Officiallycorrie: I literally can't get in the server😐

Vini SThrill: PK is back to mess the whole game up.

Janfrederik Van den Berg: So what did wraith do?

Polar Operatr: “They need a heavy smg in this game bruh” Prowler: .

Faze leg1nd: At bro sup

Sir Crocodile !: Valk, Horizon, Loba, Path and Octane all can reach hight positions fast but HELL NO to give Revenant a climbe bufff...FU Respawn

Wayne-_-Ty: I got 4K with her to 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Astro: That rampart was awesome

Hizzo: The prowler

MR-BOSs 900: nice vid bru

Chris Conroy: End of that first game was nice

David Lee: tbh she definitely getting nerf, the frequency of flying ability is just too op rn. so enjoy while you can

Gladys Friday: the embodiment of 500 kills day one 😂

Tokcaa: So pro my heart hurts while watching 😌

Dimond _devv: Already

Raptor_ATP: Ohhh your supposed to farm the 4k and let people heal,not just kill them 🤦🏾

Waylon Hope: The second game looked so much more promising damage wise

Sayre: In arena I got 4K damage but no badge lol

UNLUCKY Gamer: I’m a loba main again. All they needed to do was fix her bracelet and I would go back to maining her.

StarBright: Imagine playing valk on the first day of the season. I couldn’t

Nomadic: Its finally working

Ajnassudah: For those wondering yes I farmed the 4K badge and it’s because I wanted to be one of those first CC with a 4K video out. Ik some of ya feel it’s not “legit” in a sense but I can assure you I have a lot more videos coming out that I’m sure you can agree with!

Adwag 123: U can thank the aim assist for u 4K🤦‍♂️

Apit bauk: I love your gameplay

LegendZew: how do u control recoil so good i can barley control it at mid on controller

bpsc: Titanfall 2 had the CAR which was an smg ar hybrid that would be nice in apex.

aesthetic一人で: Fuck the masstiff 12 dmg *peacekeeper supremacy!*

Strehyed: Nice

Vittorio Colli: Brother this ain't a 4k..

Johnathan Bro: What’s your sense

Chris Ricardo: never fails to impress

RaG3 Tac0s: amazing video excited to watch your journey with valkyrie like i did with fuse man

Shypa: 11:25 wenn Octane isnt yor char xD

Josh Spontak: 3:23 outplayed

Josh Spontak: Bruh I can’t wall jump with her she just boosts...I put jet pack to hold instead of toggle and still it’s rough

GetGood Life: 5:22 Sheeeeeeeesh!

SoFloVw: Demonnn

JD_MASK134: What a goat.

jakiśty: you too good

XAM: Good stuff

Pastey Ok: Yessir

Splash Assassin: Yessir

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