Vault of Glass Release Date REVEALED! - BIG Season 14 BUFFS! | Destiny 2 News

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KackisHD: DUST YOUR LINEAR FUSIONS OFF LADS! NEW AdvancedGG Flavors ► Join the Discord ► Save on Astro Products ► More Destiny 2 Videos ►

DrFeelgood: Thats great an all but I hope soon we can swap all those perks for what we want on whatever gun I personally am sick of shit RNG and just want to play the game for fun not for the grinding of the same wepon

Garbodor: i hope you can push atheon off the ledge

Thomas Cock: im glad subsistence is getting a buff, i got pallindrome with sub+rampage, gonna enjoy using it soon

Ryan Weiss: Been away from Destiny for a while. I thought they were adding D1 raids like over a year ago....

KingLee79: DMT is definitely OP in pvp, I can't count how many times I was killed by it when I shouldn't have -_-

Riley Noodle: now we just need a good catalyst for last word and boom, best looking and amazing performance hand cannon

Sir Costa: hyppedd😍😍😍

Alexandru Tudose: Still not coming back to the game.

Christian Nedziwe: E

Nick Lasagna: If linear fusion rifles are getting buffed then Vex Mythoclast will become a linear fusion rifle.

Alex Evans: I got a good roll recently, it has dragon fly, and 4th times the charm.

Donald Hatch: Haven’t even played since I started playing outriders

Lee Cummings: Noice

lolicon gaming: AWWW YEAH LAST WORD BUFF

wanton7: Noooo couple of weeks ago I dismantled all my Ikelos SMGs with subsistence :(

Brad Libby: I'm listening to this because I love destiny but I just work a 12-hour shift and I have a 50 mile drive home and man I have never wanted to crash my car so much after every time I hear him say moving on from there

DR2.0 M: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand what about trace rifles??????????????????

Paul Diaz: I know we've heard this before, but does n e one still play? I came back for seasons 11 and 12, but 13 was SOOOO disappointing. I mean, terribly disappointing. From 10-man crew to no one, at all, playing n e more.

Suubi VII: guess its time to farm the sleeper's catalyst lol

Avallach: Trace Rifles, forgotten again!

Reymar Ga-ong: first raid open for free to play? hope so

Jeff Love: I thought the whole point of using a rifle was for its range!? Stupid Bungie just stupid as usual. And still no trace rifle mods?? Ridiculous

IcedTea: My subsistence IKELOS SMG is about to get good

Snakeeyes831: Do guardians change there weapons often..i'm still using my regular three since coming back with beyond i see no need to change them except for doing bounties..

GlovenDaKing 319: Absolutely cracked out of its mind

Dog face: Subsistence ikelose smg players rise up!

Jon Smith: 7 years ago bungie released vault of glass, 7 years later bungie release vault of glass but at destiny 2 standards! that sums up everything wrong with destiny.

Bryan Bernas: Mr . Kackis gets a like before I even watch the video . Content is just that good .

Za G: Aren't "blue" (rare) bows in the game. I have one In my vault

HoCo Productions: Good thing I kept my subsistence/thresh palindrome...

Ben Crew: I could not be *less excited for this new season. 🥲 they’re not updating the raid, or fitting it into the seasonal story, in any way. I already paid for destiny 1...just give me ONE. NEW. CRUCIBLE. MAP.

suicidal coffee: But does the door glitch still work or the hidden chests still there also why do they keep giving us old content as new

Mr. Boom: So no arcstrider buffs? Well, too bad

Randy Arriaga: Day 13 of asking Rick Kackis to say drip Kackis for an intro

pomppompnfadem: My palindrome with subistance and one for all and range mw just became a god roll.

rockero1313: I'm sure a lot of people are getting mad for dismantling weapons with these perks that are getting buff, me included. LOL

Kyle Lawson: Looks like MIDA Multi/Mini tool is back on the menu boys!

Corey Wagner: I think trace rifles an grenade launchers ruined destiny.. I miss the old days hand cannon sniper, or shotty, or auto sniper.

Mark: Wtf. So will VoG have nothing to do with the d2 storyline? It's just a random space created solely for raiding?

Alexlava X: Rick "moving on from there" Kackis

Owen Replogle: Bungie needs to give an exotic and legendary combo like sturm and drang or mida and mini again but this time with a primary and special instead of double primary

AgentWash117: challenge mode should be permanent and on all raids

Xavier Shipe: So ready! This is gonna be fun 🔥🤙🏽

snow- _flake: Destiny died because solo players cant play and enjoy anything,its limited if you dont have people to play with. No new players, just the same entitled toxic fanbase that's slowly shrinking

tiltedbrim04: Lets give you back what we took from you AGAIN!

Saber SCTH: Still need a nerf for jotun

Spenzonius: Vault of glass isn’t a new raid...😒

THE NIGHTMARE YouTube: I hope we new light players be able to play that raid

THE DUDE: What shotgun is that

Laric Parker: Did they buff or nerf the mida🤔

Crash: So does this mean that *hopefully* the sleeper simulator I spent hours on doing the exact same thing over and over again will be worth it?

S4R1N: The content Vault of Glass containing Venus. ;)

Master Vaaeevje: ooh subsistence on my Dead man's tale let's gooo

Spencer Lone Fight: Why do people think stasis damage will do that??? Its not like solar weapons impart burn or arc weapons suddenly start chaining lightning lol

Eazyology !: It would be so easy to add Venus, like it would not even be a challenge

skullkrusher1999: Khakis no linear fusions!

Dr Strang love: I just got a swarm with subsistence. Glad I kept it

Draegoloth: Khackis ive been playing for 6 years. Your. Intro. Is. Exactly. The.same. Kinda shows hollowness but dont let the incoming money stop my salt.

Anon Anonme: Explain to me why I lost the Heir Apparent I got last season and to f'ing BUY because those like me who did the last season quest EVA WILL NOT GIVE YOU THE QUEST THIS SEASON? WTF BUNGHOLE...

TotallyNotOwen: I mean like you want to say what’s good about the next season, but make it a surprise so the season can be much better

jonah lassiter: Oh yay another event I can't do because I have no friends

Crayon Eater: *Looks at his Adept Subsistence Thresh Pali*

John McQuade II: I just deleted 9 Dead Man’s Tales that had Subsistence. The other three I had got Outlaw. It would be nice if I could get one with a different friggen perk

Doged: pls make an updated vog for dummies video

John McQuade II: Now I regret dismantling some great roles that had subsistence

mario jumpman: They better not do the dead mans like they did last word

John McQuade II: Loved this raid in D1!!! Now I need to find an active clan. Preferably with some guys/gals who are 30-something plus who work and have kids.

Ryan Pulsipher: Do you need the season pass to play VOG?

TheReddFlash: So is fatebringer coming back?

Alex: Thank you Kanye very cool

Cats Game: I'm sooo excited

DaddyySeth _: Crazy how there was a hidden chest in VoG never found

Dark Newbie: the new final raid boss should be all of the error codes combined

Conor Eliot: My favourite weapon sleeper is back baby

Lightning Gold: I can already tell they are gonna ruin heavys with that news, that not how I should work, rocket make sense being a boss damage focused weapon but the rest dont like lmg rapid fire frames make sense being an ad clearing weapon except certain few that may be better for boss damage like the heir apparent, then percion frame would more likely be better at burst damage, then aggressive frame best for boss damage like the xeno (some will be an exception to it all like the thunderlord being better for boss damage but usable for ad clear bc of its chain perk), then sword on general are either burst or boss damage but if they make smaller lightweight swords then those can be good for ad clearing, then grenade launchers are a strange one but they can fall under both boss and burst damage almost always, the best ones for boss is usually sticky or impact launchers, impact launchers can be mostly considered burst damage weapons the wendigo and anarchy are probably best examples of boss damage but for burst that's tricky to think of a good example in destiny, the rapid fire being good for ads basically applies to all weapons except for a few damage focus weapons like sweet business (sniper, scouts, handcanons, and linear fusion rifles are not included due to the fact that they are better for burst or boss damage or both at the same time, handcanons are mostly gonna best for bust damage tho) precision frame weapons best for burst, and aggressive frame best for boss damage, also bust damage weapons are not gonna be good for phase damage scenario, especially when compared to the taniks where boss damage weapons is the only play to run or else you die, now if bungie mean phase damage like the one in normal persage then burst damage weapons are probably best, but once in master presage, then again it's better to go with boss damage weapons (especially due to being timed(

Davey Jones: Yesss my god roll time worn spire is now a Jesus roll time worn spire

Henry Addy-Grigsby: Poor trace rifles they get no love still.

Hilary Lounder: 1h

Dziki Rekin: Field prep + vorpal Threaded needle is gon be op

Socal_ D21: Vex mythoclast........

Big Boss Aaron: I've never played This Raid in Destiny 1 this my first time experience it

rodney johnson: Guardian Games Is Screwed Up from the Hot fix It removed the Contender Cards and now you can't get more as it says there still there.

divinity: Nobody PVE meta after vault of glass: fatebringer

JohnOTron: 3 of the Dead Man's I've gotten have Subsistence; guess the buff will affect those?

Opulence: Things I wish Bungie looked at and buffed: Sniper rifles (like, seriously) Bows (I love my Le Monarque) Sidearms Scout rifles Trace rifles Grenade launchers The amount of exotic variety. Seriously, the amount of hand cannons compared to anything else is ridiculous. I’d like some more sidearms, snipers, machine guns, and grenade launchers of any kind.

Pat Ing: I have an ikelos smg with vorpal and subsistence. Will that be good now?

mmmosh: Gg

The other guy: Hands up you Day 1 VOG players 🙋‍♂️

Clay Jones: Lmao "Yes, new crucible maps will change what weapons are overly used moreso than a nerf. No, are you crazy? We're not giving you new maps. Go fuck yourselves with this incoming nerf." How long until they sell the old D2 maps back to us with a "new darkness theme"?

Oliwier Rogula: VOG release date: I sleep Weapon BUFFS: THATS THE REAL SHIT

Grey Mask: Goood

DownFall: 11:30 If Bungie adds Stasis weapons that slows people when you shoot them, they might as well delete the whole crucible.

kittens: watch the raid exotic gonna be ghorn

Xander Bradley: I deleted so many good rolls :(

l_myers14: LFR’s get a damage and reserve bonus Sleeper Simulant: My death was greatly exaggerated

Revan 1: Good news, but i was waiting info about trace rifles tbh.

alan G: So day 1 emblem is from finishing the contest mode , not from doing the full challenges ?

Lil_Lunch Trey: Gamersups is better then this shit and g fuel

Jester Boykins: Oh cool more re-hashed content! Can’t wait 🙄

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