The Season 9 Battle Pass is TERRIBLE! (Apex Legends Update)

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CALL OF DUTY MOBILE GAMING: Any school or college students watching here ❤️❤️

Matthew Kress: The Asian hate badge is just pandering to the shitty woke crowd. It's disgusting tbh

K K: Worst battle pass ever

Lipy: always keep it real please, i hate how fake people are

Andrei SO: I switched my location in the EA account to Belgium so I can get crafting shards instead of the ticks. Don't need the random garbage.

Jackal Rust: Garbage

Foxer Fox: Nahh, I think it's pretty cool, especially that Rampart, Wraith and spitfire skin 😍

J J: Nocturnalelegance is still the best Devotion skin

Joseph McConnell: I only paid for the first battle pass, ive just used the coins to pay for the next one every time I just dont like walking for minutes just to die like all that work idk im kinda getting done with BR games just cuz making progress just to fall short is just like boring then repeat

Rin Shenso: The Devo probably gonna be popular in arenas since you can buy it with turbo charger attached

Patti Mayonnaise: true, the battle pass is a disappointment ... but Arena is dope

Rin Shenso: The free side has the better rare skins but hot damn are the legendary skins Sheeeee

InfiniteQuakez: They need to add more legendaries in the battle pass. 2 weapon legendary and 4 character legendary

Rin Shenso: Best Rampart skin can't wait to yoink it

Spaciestsquire: Nice you could get in a unlock val. I can't even log in

Fro: lol stop asian hate that’s so funny literally a political move and apex bought into it it’s actual garbage

Dev: Battlepass sucks this season, but if you are going to complete it might as well buy it since it pays for itself.

Shmitty F: Honestly Zeus I think the battle pass is a lot better then last seasons. You didn’t even let half of the items load up to check them out your kinda just hating

Cameron Graves: You're not wrong this battle pass is a dumpster fire that even the fire Department could care less about putting it out

Jay Mdz: it took me two years to realize Zeus has a lisp.

jan janssen: why do people even care about battlepasses. they always were garbage

Sukayame: The biggest let down of the seasons

Stargazer: Valkyrie is cool and all but she needs a separate button for her jetpack. I died so many times after accidentally activating it when jumping.

Elias Kieffer O'Hear: Am I the only one thinking that military Grade looks a bit like master chief?

RevengeGMS: I do NOT like the Battlepass! There is a lot of stuff in there that is just not looking good to me. Even the Skins Zeus thought where cool. The Emotes and Voicelines as well as Music and Backround are great as always. but the rest... I think they didn´t forget the Battlepass they just put more Focus in Gamplay the new Mode New emotes. And other content. Fixing bugs and (hopefully) taking care of some Serverproblems. (allthough they already had a rough start) I like the new Content they added and i am looking foreward to Arenas and the new Map changes. Even wanting to play the new Legend. The last time i was excited for a Legend was Revenant. And he was kinda bad at first. Looking foreward to see you in game. The actaul worst Player online

Simon Dillemuth: 6.7/10

Erik Iharosi: We need the stop white hate badge to

EnVy Clawr: I’m not even gonna bother buying this battlepass

Typicalmolly: tf EA givin free money coins, like last season they got 100 free coins, now 200 mm

Flamingooo :D: I don't think that badge is supposed to stop people from hating Asians. Its to show their support on the AAPI community. :)

Australian Bushkid: Looks pre trash but still gonna get it haha I’m lvl 500 have been since like season 4 been playing since season one but I want my fucking heirloom like still haven’t gotten a single one

Biko: Why can't Respawn just add a tier 100 skin for a gun everybody uses, the battle pass would sell better

Apollo Rezonate: Battle pass is trash

Last Word: Did they change valks skin ?

Dylan Softley: Wraith gets favourited way too much.. the gun skins look the same as previous seasons... I don’t understand why they can’t make more skydive trails so that every legend can have one per season

WhyDoPpl: its not ass it could be worse like season 7s

MrSupasheva: I've decided not to get the battle pass this season. I am sure the devs were overwhelmed with making Arenas, Emotes etc so they couldn't focus on legend skins. Hopefully season 10 is better

Confusing Pluto: Fr last bp was soo ass i already forgot it

armina zaer: Apex legends is becoming trash in every form and meaning.

KYS: Ngl the epic skins actually look epic on valk

Kil0 CTO: I always thought they came out w some ugly looking skins 😂

Antony Ramirez: Battle pass stuff does really suck. Good thing I got free coins from last season to pay for it

Myles ;-;: I have been to busy playing rust on my xbox that i forgot about s9 of apex lol.

Samarth79: People who dont buy battle pass let's go we get 300 free apex coins

Naruto Zsolti: I agree, this battlepass is ridiculously cheap crap!

R. Oger: RagTagg was not impressed either. Maybe Respawn should involve content creators in their creative process more. :D

isaiah swain: Dude I thought it was just me!! This battle pass not even worth it

MTB Send: They always been terrible

SANGEETA SHEJWADKAR: Were do we get octane skin

Ross Brown: Ivory :(

Orlando Eca santos: 6:58 whatever i get 1000 apex coins from the last season

Aaron Pugh: Thank you for making me feel less bad about not getting this season's BP Zeus

iitzFairy: So basically apex is free up until level 500 where there you will have to start purchasing items 🥲 rip

iitzFairy: Honestly i feel like every season is ass loot they give us in the battle pass 😂

78treize: TNX for me the game still want to finish downloading , 2 times at 91 %

ojou saikou: Some of the backgrounds are pretty dope tho...

Wojtek Piasecki: I also think the battle pass is kinda meh, But i always save 1000 coins for the next and at the end i still with end up with 1000

Real Dreamz: Cannot please everyone

Jacob Zink: Battle pass is ASS not guna but it this season.

T-Virus Terrance: Hello, Humans. If money and practicality weren’t a problem, what would be the most interesting way to get around town? TERRANCE OUT

INSANE: The wraith and Rampart skins just look like rare 2.0 skins. Honestly I’m hoping I win a battlepass giveaway from Twitter I don’t think i can bring myself to paying $10 for this pass 😂

CRZ: I only buy the battlepass bc i have my region to Belgium so I get 2250 crafting metals

S M: tis season Battle pass = Battle ass

Mir Waqar: So they are giving free apex coins now in battle pass.

MissdermeanerJ: I grind apex so much I'll never have to worry about buying a legend again LOL. Unfortunately my Apex account hard crashed today due to server malfunctions (as we've all seen) so I couldn't access ANY LEGEND besides the main original 6. I have every legend unlocked but the update screwed me. Hoping it'll be okay tomorrow lol...

mahikan: I’ve gone through 4 battle pass videos and they haven’t shown the 110 tier badge 😭 my wifi slow as shit so my apex isn’t finished

Mir Waqar: I totally agree.... It is useless....

I For One: The dopest Valk skin is the one in the store and it’s 3000 apex coins 😑

Echo Space: dude this battle pass really sucked wtf

Raghul G: where is the Octane skin that we saw on trailer😭

Sand: Why does asian hate even exist? asians are epic

Jonas Møller: Why not but it? You get packs, skins, crafting materials and All the EA coins back. Bought BP in season 4/5 and have spend the EA coins from BP every season

Bro show Mate: Battle pas sux

John Appleseed: The battle pass is lameee

Mauseratti: They better give valkyrie a viper like skin. Or at least the helmet....

Chakra_controll_joel: I thought this guy was muselk

alim808: Once I saw Valk in the military grade suit I personally stopped all Asian hate across the world

AKS: If you hate asians... You better start eating bland food again 😤


Dj Diddles: Battlepassses are terrible in every game, all the good stuff is in the store. Lol

Alleyhandra: I think ea just made these badges so they seem like a better company since they're know for just being money hungry

Alleyhandra: I agree I don't like this battle pass I mean ANOTHER WRAITH SKIN disappointed

Tiago Dellacha: Free pass lvl 4... Thats all what you need

iznom: It's trash xd

Qonra: glad I'm not the only one thinking this, this battlepass exists for sweaty wraith mains the rest of us don't need it

TheRealDaBiscuit 0: I couldn’t even get into arenas or trios, and when I loaded a duos game for 10 minutes my game crashes

erddun 2662: I mean atleast the free battlepass has 200 coins so yea...

Amr3S: this battlepass disappoints :/

Danny Yun: It's not "Stop hating Asians," it's "Stop Asian Hate." Racists gonna racist, but lately, especially in the US, they've felt empowered to be more openly racist. So it's sort of a request for non-racists to act and not ignore it... many people won't stand up for others... Anyway, APEX LEGENDS!!!

Jhon Angus: Valkyrie has a cool viper skin in store

Gerald MP: Took hours just to be able to get into the game then couldn’t even access the battle pass, legends, or store and then on top of that could only play season 1 default characters. Great job

d3rkn4ss: I like that wraith skin

Salahuddin Greeff: It's always garbage

Ness: I was so excited to play season 9 but I was honestly kind of disappointed. Because of how the servers were ass and how it was glitchy and made me re put on all my skins badges and etc. and all the new stuff honestly ended up stressing me out and I just wasn’t having fun in the games I was playing 😞

D C: Me: no server found

Dude Mgee: Think of the paid battle pass as an investment. You generally get more apex coins through it

Dead Eye: Man i was SO excited for the battle pass only to get let down, dem damn ground emotes update is better than the battle pass, the emotes are worth their price at least

Hunter Watson: I like the battle pass :’(

Adrian: Hey Zues uhh we met in an among us round.

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