Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer Revealed - 6-man Activity, Exotics & Thoughts

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Jackson Allen: ❤️ dado

john aplin: Also I can afford to get seasons now so I will be investing in this season going to get a friend or two to help me get the dead mans curse and then it’s just waiting for next week

Ghxost Man: Nooo not the vex....

john aplin: We had monatony during the curse of Osiris but seeing how we technically killed him which makes me ask how does time travel work in the destiny universe ?

N 0 M A D: Bungie is full of hunter mains and I hate it.

Joe Alcorn: Ikora Rey, now voiced by Nolan North.

Fbodieslive: Zero pvp content. Playing apex arena for a bit.

Gloomy's osu!land: I was surprised to see that S14 ends in August. That leaves at least 5 or 6 months for S15, since TWQ was pushed back so far, meaning it will be twice the length. I'm afraid we'll run into an actual content void in S15. Imo it would have been fine to stretch out both S14 and S15 equally, but maybe Bungie has some plans for the end of S15.

Simon Muscat: Did ikora get a new va? I really didn't hear a difference but have seen so many people say as such

Zachary Plimpton: They baited us with Splicer and I have to be honest I'm kind of disappointed

Melon Milk: Wow... A warlock exotic that doesn't make warlocks stronger or more deadly at all. What a surprise 😒

Louis Nolan: I swear a PvP map based in the vex network would be so sexy can we just get at least one new map

Hyoh 784: 8:02 what the.... why is that there? Wait, is this... is this a weird gimmic? Cause if it was intended... secret incoming Kupo!

Fist Face: Yes, fuck yes. Feels good to be a titan with those legs. Fuck stasis. I’ve been saying it since it came out 😭. My prayers have been answered

RogueRapidRedd: Take out a mission you do once a week on max 3 characters and this is basically no new content outside a 6 player matchmade activity which being matchmade and knowing Bungie will reward next to no meaningful items or materials and take only 15 first time you run it then will probably go down to sub 10, once again Bungie plays it safe and thinks that giving the player base just enough to be called a season is where they should stop creating more meaningful and innovative ways for the player to not only have fun but to have a hard and rewarding experience. I also am aware that they are not made of money and they do not have unlimited time on their hands but if you look at the map for the season individually and imagine how long those activities will take and what might be the reward, i just don't see it being able to grab the attention of the core player base (people that play the game for more than 7 hours a week) for more than to just log in and complete the pinnacle mission for the season. Just my thoughts from a veteran of the series. (and yes i am not counting VOG as new content because its not)

slight 45: I don't know what to say about the season 14 but i just wish the game and bungie creat better content then the last 2 saison (12 and 13) was not very good for me. Season 11 was for me the best season so far but yeah i will see if it good or no . So far i've being playing alot of cod black ops "zombie outbreak " this last season of destiny i will wait until next week to see 😉

Jason Kane: Wait they changed ikora’s VA?

Tanner: You lost me with the “normie” comment. Unsubscribed

RezZ: as a f2p player is it worth getting the szn pass? beyond light? or forsaken? (i have an option to get forsaken for cheap)

MrCakes: Did they just give a geomags but better to hunters and to every subclass? Wut.

ScalyChannel589: I hate the outlined black squares deist. For like everything. I think it just looks unfinished like a game demo and when you think back to how nice dlcs environments like dreaming city and the dreadnought were

Artemis: Season of the Synthwave

RebSteel: I’m a little sad it wasent a siva based season like “the Vex have used their capabilities of time travel and have gone back and taken samples of siva before you erradicated it. Now the Vex have fused with siva and you must eradicate its source which is in the long forgotten vault of glass”

Bradley Gallant: i really hope fatebreaker requires a flawless clear

Zebiano: I'm stoked about the new season!

Spengebab Swagpants: Honestly, I’d rather seek out the fallen babies

M1R463: Did anyone else catch the glimpses of Ada’s arsenal? I saw a machine gun, a sniper (or scout) rifle, and a hand cannon, from the Black Armory.

Νireas570: Why does season 3/4 ALWAYS SUCK?

Chirpy n Sleepy: The clip is at 8:01 for the Raid Secrets folks

Mango Juice: why doesnt cosmodrome have a day night cycle

Rosie Murray: how the fuck is there not a single crucible map as part of this?

GWENT KENYA: 'Logistical problems' with the voice actress? Didn't Lance record his pieces for last season in his closet?

Lian_Ruins: 5:04 - I feel you, man. I feel you.

Lenexus2118: New Warlock Exotic : I seeks out allies and buff/heal them as a projectile. Lumina : "Am I a joke to you?"

Otto Lees: We never saw baby Fallen buuut we game ended boat loads of them.

Ben Stanfill: If more kills made the new exotic freeze for longer, that wouldn't be broken. Like 1 or 2 kills was just a split second freeze and getting like 5 was akin to a normal freeze, that would be reasonable.


Fuji Gerry: So, the Vex eh,? I'm not sure I can take much more of this originality from Bungie. It would be good if we could have a few older weapons, raids and enemies making a return......

General Kenobi Daily: Someone check the breaker for the lights

Lyric The Bun: Bungie better not make me listen to the same Week 1 dialogue, 9 weeks or so in a row, for this new weekly mission

Drift Dad: This season is gona suck ass. Another infinite forest shit once more...vex public events again..nothing on fixing trials..still no pinnacels to chase after..still no land beyond...nothing on anti cheats..maybe time for 4months of apex instead..

Malluc: Oh datto. Love the outro.

Evan Giles: Wow it looks... really fucking bad imo..

Cultivate Mystify: The yawn intro encapsulates my excitement for this season besides VOG

ballisticdemonz n: class specific swords seem to be coming back as well

Wesley Parker: I like quickfang gib now

thelegendofpit: I love Datto's thumbnails do much

Ж Том Ж: these fallen babies are so cute...

Uber Dueler: With how overwhelming stasis still is in PvP, the new Titan exotic is basically our first instance of an "anti-meta" exotic. I'd love more items like these.

The OldWorldWarrior: It's been so long since I've heard Ikora that I didn't even realize it was a different VA

Ricardo Montoya: I feel you datto on the disgust of stasis the fact we’re getting a stasis energy or kinetic weapon just seems like it’s gonna get exploited really fast especially during pvp which isn’t gonna be fun at all pve is different of course but I woulda preferred if they sticked to heavy stasis weapons we need some more heavy exotics anyway

iamotaru: Well, big reveal, vex ultimate final boss is Bungie Breaking ultimate 4th wall

Ayush Raj: Vex are just glorified computers. No wonder there isn't any sentimental story related to them

legendarysnip3r: I saw spliced and I was like oh no not another rise of iron type of season but nope more vex

Evan Walker: What's going on at 8:03 Datto?

RÊÅPÊR R: Imma be honest I like sidearms I have 8 of them and they pretty fire

MyDailyRoutine: It kinda sucks when a voice actor has to be replaced but I get it…

Jake Ewen: Wait what was that as he talked about the exotic/seasonal mission?

StealthHunter: Ikoras last VA was more soothing I liked it better. Both her and Eris together in the taken King sounded great together cause it was a far more serious sounding tone even quite literally so Im sad to see the old VA go but I understand that they may have not been able to get the last one back cause of COVID.

Bryan Richardson: so usually I'm optimistic, but I bet this will be the worse season of all the ones for beyond light it sorta looks like season of the undying 2.0 I think they are banking on the vog having. ppl keep playing but I have a sneaking suspicion that this will be the fatigue season.

Nick Joseph: It’s been so long since I’ve heard her voice I didn’t even know the VA changed

voicedrifter: Honestly didn't notice they had swapped out Gina Torres. Should be fine.

Biak Skull: Im gonna be real with yall. I'm not a recurrent viewer, I only watch one of dattos videos like once every 3 or 6 months but everytime I do he sounds more and more tired or frustrated with SOMETHING

AdvancedVac -: I really liked Ikoras voice actor, rip.

Scott TYRRELL: I like the new transmog system they hinted, so many more options for aesthetics now!

Console Fragging: Still no new pvp maps

Fly-Orion: So apparently I was the only one in my clan to think that Ikora was recast. We all that that I was crazy but now I think that I might be right

Cody Schlenker: Wish they would make stasis specific exotic armor.

Hydra YT: 10:04 I think you can see the new hunter aspect, the glacial grenade size is way bigger than normal. Shatterdive will once again be nuts, great 😔

Joseph Young: New Ikora sounds similar to Eris

BigMac5: Next season make The Scorn the focus

Game Hunter: Vex sunsetting the Sun

zech270: 8:02 you good my man?

AkumaBKK: Scraping the barrel.

Guy wiesel: My biggest fear is that this season won't continue the story of the chosen...

L0rd Sea Bass: Saint 14 is going to be super pissed this season.

infernalcoin s: You really can't fully pronounce voice actor?

Eli Maya: why do people care about ikora?

Sadan Ahmed: Bebe faklen

John Jackson: Hopefully optimistic but......disappointing Rehashing seasonal public event as usual kinda burnt on these old raid, exotics seem kinda boring tbh warlock support ehh ground breaking Titans get potentially obnoxious boots and hunter well it’s another pve exotic filling a role that wasn’t needed no new pvp maps no over haul to currencies/removed caps no new modes no party playlist such as infection sticks and stones class war jump puzzle race no curated rolls Do better bungie plz

Neddersass: Seasonal ornaments look like crap. Warlock helm has ears. Looks ridonkulous.

W1cked RcL: Destiny: Tron I'm stoked for the soundtrack

DeathsPit00: Yeah so the Vex are actually the biggest long term threat to the universe lore wise. Their main goal as a species regardless of subtype is to find a way write themselves into the rules that govern reality. Basically making their entire species a Paracausal entity on the level of the Traveler and Darkness. This would fundamentally rewrite the rules of the universe making it to where everything is only Vex. No Humanity, no Cabal, no Eliksni, or even Hive. Just Vex.

Dronlothen: Uh was 8:01 intentional?

H-Mx: 8:03 that scare the crap out of me!!!

MariustheHuman: Swords…..class swords are back. As a titan I’m happy to be reunited with helm-splitter again. That 6 player activity shows 3 classes with the 3 class swords on their backs. I’m so excited for more swords

Poison Pen: The babies will turn on the lights.

Ziqwah: What's the best class to main if playing solo?

Janithor, Custodian Of Nigel City: Sidearm exotic!?!?!?!?!? GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME

Derek Berexa: I disagree... the babies have the knowledge, obviously, not Mithrax.

Lord Synergy: Wtf happened at 8:05... haha

DeltaJackal635: Ikora got a new voice actor or, yet another way to tell you that the character is going to die

noble: Ok my one main concern is lack of known exotics, normally bungie drops the seasonal quest exotic in the trailer as a guardian holding it or something, we only saw the sidearm and we can infer that Mythoclast will be returning with the raid but maybe not, it just seems like less to do then last season but I could be wrong, I don't want the seasonal weapons and new world weapons according to bungie to be so easy to obtain, now in those 30 you have seasonal, the new strike guns, the new playlist weapons including iron banner, and VoG, and world pool. But if they arnt good I have no reason to get them, for example if fatebringer comes back with lack luster rolls I don't even have to go get it because I have my Nation of Beasts fatebringer roll that does the same thing, I just hope everything this season adds some new perks and ideas for perk combos to grind for, I also think a seasonal mod set would be good for builds

Jiblitz 07: Gina Torres leaving is upsetting, but it’s gonna be refreshing having Ikora back in the game regardless of who voices her. If anyone has any lack of faith in Bungies choice with this new voice actor for Ikora, I wouldn’t worry. Lance Reddick, Nathan Fillion, and Gina Torres was our OG vanguard... they’ve got a knack for fantastic voice actors.

Mowmaster: New Warlock Boots + solar Middle tree + Lumina meta?

Brett S.: Ahhhh the cycle continues!

Paul Mitchell: Is that all there is, feels like an empty season ahead. It was a great opportunity to introduce new adventures, new enemies, hell just something new would do. Same old, same old. I'm not excited 🥴

Alex Can't Snipe: the elvis hunter ornaments are hilarious they really gave them jeans

DortmundBVB22x: Get aired again G

Jared S: 8:03 Ummm, was this intentional?

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