The Best Weapon Combo In Season 9 Apex Legends?

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KayToFunny: I use volt and the bow

Chris Frye: You are the GOAT

stormz exe.: people actually think that combo beats peace keeper and wing man?

Jon jonsson: Considering you cannot solo play in this game other than leavers or the system fails to give you a team.. i bet his teammates were super happy..

DOOMSLAYER: Bow and r301

Geed: 11 dmg on the mastiff 3 times wtf

NaeSyn: Merchant: i think the bow needs a nerf Me: NAHHHH U NEED A NERF

Itz Lewis: No in my opinion its bow flatline

Gaming kid: I dont use the bow so much since my aim is potato but highly recommend it if ur aim is good

Nick Hutton: Try out the bow and the L-Star

Andrew Guintu: does the bow have drop? or is is hitscan

YouR_Avrage _W0LF: Just when I thought I was getting pretty good at the game this guy comes in with the solo trios and starts slapping people around

deliz: why are you always playing against bad players?

Lil Yeet: A really good combo is the Eva shotgun and R301 with bloodhound

Rasmus Holmgaard Nielsen: I think that the if the bow gets a nerf it should be in fire rate and in the time to pull to max force

Urban Ranger: I really wanna see that kraber shot from his view lmao

Dillon Surratt: Valk is op along with the bocek

Jordan: How are you solo?? I can only play duo or trio

Alydas: Golden bow is probably the most disgusting thing ive ever seen.

Scarecrow Games: That end was hilarious

E3.14C: When is it appropiate to usethe anvil receiver, with the flatline it's not the worst. But the r301 doesnt land as accurate as the flatline over long range to justify switching to aingle fire.

darius sumling: Yo this guy is a beast

Douchopotamus: Anyone else think they should just put the bow on sniper ammo?

Borgatiger Games: Best combo: Sentinel and Devotion!

GamerSe7en: If ur traveling with a child... this is a blood sport, what's wrong with you.

Garra Armstrong: Try my favorite combo, pk and the bocek. 3x sight with the bow is wonderful

AlienFromMars: The bow is OP but only when the enemy has it

Taco Bell’s Bathroom: The spitfire and the peacekeeper is my favorite loadout

Kyle Spencer: Could be controversial but I believe a projectile speed nerf for the bow would balance it out more so. That way you keep it’s excellent power but it is now much harder to hit long range and moving targets. Really cementing it as a precision weapon that does well in a high skilled players hand but I mean I’m no game dev nor a pro player so I don’t really know

Aiden Flores: For me it’s the r3 and pk or pk and bow

Micah Dells: I feel like a weapon combo is all about choice and preference ... I like a ton of combinations. one of my favorite is the wingman bocek combo

jackson perez: Bruh you did not just say it’s hard to hit bow shots

Claudia Borges: 14:10 oh the irony “Oh they mad” [156 damage]

Claudia Borges: We all got a lot of timing to master this season

Claudia Borges: 9:00 look at this bold bs

Claudia Borges: 3:30 Lol imagine being able to keep opening and closing a door -this comment was made by controllers gang, the prioritization of the buttons are really bad, out of all the things a button can do, reloading is the last. This happens with some other button but I cant remember now

Ahmad Naffi: why does my bocek only hit 25 dmg?

IamNotTheReal: I just started playing Apex Legends at the e d of season 8 (I play pc only for 1 year) and managed to get to gold within the last 4 days of season 8 thanks of your videos so i just wanted to say THANK YOU ur tips helped me very much. And i will watchout for more tips for season 9 and maybe i will get higher this season since i have mor time left lol. Greetings from Germany

Nereik: Can we please get respawn to make it so there is 2 seperate banners. One for arena and one for BR mode !!

cain035: Uploading videos at 1080 60fps is the dumbest thing, just increases the amount of data that has to load for us to watcha video. Is not like we are competing by watching a video or anything lol...

Jeff Mathews: Bow shoulda just been the carepackage weapon, mega busted

YaBoiRetard: No p2020 is better than both

Alex Hernandez: Bocek bow got hi damage at 70 to body and around 110 to 117 to the head, quick fire rate even without the hop-op, easy to understand bullt velocity and drop, basically infinite ammo without a reload, extremely clear sights (that’s subjective to me), and a spreadshot hop-up that makes it a bit more easier in close encounters to land clean and damaging shots. Oh and the bullet drop only happens like around 100 meters or so, so just holding and shooting on target instead of leading the shot usually works, the arrows are near silent so hearing where the shots coming from can be difficult, and the movement speed of a marksman rifle on top of that... yeah it’s pretty bodaciously good. You find that on drop and you’re set bruv, mostly with how often at least I see them around.

ItsMeMinato: Man you’re good

E Plahmer: I think the flatline is a great weapon to go with the bow aswell.

Chris Quintana: What a way to end it

koolkiller35: Can we please as a community agree that the bow is way too good?

Anvimo Thebooiii: 12:30 ooof man this was amazing... that flick was soo good

Pimento TV: 0:07 how did you make 28.75 damage??🤔

Clay Tillman: WiNgS uP

THE REAL M: Him being solo with a bow gives me rambo vibes killing whole squads

JJONASs: Is it just me that likes havoc and the bow combo in arenas

Zhatka: Can you make a video analyzing/ explaining your thought process/ giving tips and tricks on (your) positioning and overall your gameplay? Kind of like the ultimate guide to Improve in apex? That’d be an awesome vid.

LF K: When I play Valk it doesn´t feel like I´m playing Valk, it feels like I´m playing Viper

Zhatka: I think the fact that you have to really hit your shots for the bow to be good, in itself, means it doesn’t need a nerf.

Hyfryd !: Why are you soloing in Trios? Like I get it if it's a flex but jesus.

Colorful Souls: Did those losers actually chase you across the entire map cause you're a solo? Imagine being that desperate for a kill in a non ranked lobby

GG GG: Even the pk and 301 are powerfull

NaC1 _: Hemlock bokec combo op

Plank 1: in that first clip i feel bad for wattson she was going to buy a few seconds to heal up but just got destroyed

A n: Valk is very balanced The bow is not

Johny Bauer: It DOESNT NEED A NERF. it's hard to hit people with so therefore making the damage output legit.

WolfPack`sCove: Lol I use that combo in arenas

Duval Jesus: After this season I'd be happy if they put the bow in the package.

KazeTheForsaken: This whole part on 8:50 wtf? hahah

byron debrowsky: 99 and a bow

TAJAE FF: Me who cant even aim with a wingman:yeah I can definitely do this

Parmeet Singh: Why does valk look like Sigrun from Gow 2018

Memory Foam: What are yall running in Arenas? First round I usually get a Havoc (for the base mag and dps), mozam and battery, and as soon as I can afford it a blue R301 with a mozam or a volt if I can afford it.

Andreas Ettl: 13:30 that’s me using the bow C: can’t hit shots for days

Shamanfire: I like the fact majority of the teams you versus would miss either 90% of their ammo or don’t even push you like crazy

Giuseppe Vaccaro: How/peacekeeper

sauusa: the bocek is stupid. I'm fine with the damage but it is way too easy to hit someone with that travel speed. how tf does arrows fly almost as fast as wingman bullets?

huh: I'm rocking bow and r99

TACOCAT_15: I was using bocek and devotion

Qonra: A quite, faster shooting sentinel with good hipfire accuracy, less bullet drop than AR's, and can use both hop-ups available to it at the same time instead of choosing between them. Respawn has really outdone themselves, a perfectly balanced weapon just as they intended. Glad they listened to the testers feedback before launch! /s

BlazeNarutoShippuden: Valk can destroy wattson nodes she cannot see if you missile the floor but I don't think you wanted to push them 3:41

Illyaas Ibnluqman: Video Concept: Winning BR solo without touching the ground (Valk)

Pancake Potato: I use bow and wing man. Also can you make a video of best ways to use the new legend?

NutNut-Chan: Every time i watch your gameplay you leave me speechless about how good you are. And the amount of content you post is so nice. Keep it up.

Blorb B: Why is Valk's voice so weird?

Mudkip: Volt and bocek

Theo Waller: Lol I'm in this

ETphon3hom3: Why r301 over volt?

Onni Kotiniemi: hello gaming merchant would u want to 1v1 with 13 year old finnihs boy im lv 196 and it woukd be fun pivose theres not mutch apex player in here

Theo Waller: Best loading R301 triple take from air package

name's Zeus: The servers fixed yet

Nathan Quintal: I legit won ranked games using this then i see this.

Jakub Coufal: 7:44 when you have the arrow drawn, press R to remove the arrow from the bow - btw nice combo

barbatos644 yes: I've been running bochec and r 301 since the beginning of s9

[GD] Hdelafuente: Just yesterday I did a squad wipe with the bocek from 70m and killed all the last squad with the R301... Me: "Apex youtubers will notice this"

Fifty finger Joe Savage: I love the bow. It needs a nerf. It feels so dirty and I'm not super good.

Bob Ross: Tried playing this for the first time in a while cause the 3v3 mode seemed kinda fun.. then noticed aim assist has been extremely nerfed to the point where long range is next to impossible

blueboywonder9: The bow should be a care package weapon

Anime Club: Valkyrie has a rare animation when she flys.

Muh. Fadhil Anugrah Fasya: dude you're so cracked...

Stevie Z: Love the content as always. I agree it needs a nerf though. You should also convince apex to release the Dino mite wattson skin again. ;-)

Tango: bocek bow best shotgun in the game?

EatYour Cereal: I’m glad I figured this combo by myself 😌

explosivepig: Honest opinion, players like this should post videos about the best loadout, cause for them the best loadout is their aim plus any gun in the game

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