The Forgotten Weapon of Apex Legends (Season 10)

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SUN ZERO: How Apex mobile like PC ??

Daniel Hruaitea: "Bow bro" sounds so wholesome!

Bjonik: 2:40 Also i have to say i like it the way respawn nerfs. Lets be real - Better Nerf Hemlock (As an example) hard then nerfing him over 1 year to a point where he is balanced. After this they can buff it slightly now and then and ta da a perfect balanced weapon. thanos.jpg

Bjonik: The Bow ... mhh to be total honest - I feel like its a high mid range Wingman. There is a range at ~100-150meters where i feel the bow is better. I actually did land a 4k bomb in the first 2 weeks of Season 9 in gold ranked with the bow. I had arrows, i had the higher Ground and was shooting on ants like crazy BUT that was the only Game my memory can tell where i went super omega crazy with the bow. If i think of other weapons i cant tell how much more good games i had. Like the Rampage allready gave me two 4k badges nearly alone. And i dont know if more ammo would fix picking the bow instead of Wingman, R-99, R-301, Volt, Flatline & Eva8, PK *Edit: But lets be real: Hitting a non zoom HS over like 200 meters is DANG satisfying

Travis Rossidis: Bow is fkn OP. It's not just the dmg that matters. It's easier to ignore a soft sound. You can 3rd party so fkn hard with it. You can craft arrows cheap af. It cracks in a single hit below Evo 3. Which makes people immediately panic

FluffyCorgi: id use the bow more but charge rifle is love

pccalcio: "bow bro, I'm stuck"

Hermes Job: I think the world be a much better place if we stopped inserting our dominance, lol! 😂

nathan higgs: Shattercaps still need a buff

KeenKiyoshi: 4:26 BRKHMPTN

Rich: I love the bow and can land my shots consistently but nobody runs it and ammo gets so easily scarce

kelpo: I think the seer nerf they did was great

SauceLord66: Nerf small body movement characters!!! I’m going to keep saying it. It’s not good for the game.

Xx Snugs xX: Honestly I completely agree with macro, new legends and new weapons always get nerfed down to the point where they aren’t useable and I would personally like to see so other meta in the game. I think it would make it a lot funnier imo 🤷🏻‍♂️

Nicholas Llanos: When you hit 3 shots and your teammate throws 2 silencers and takes the kill 🥺

SuperSilver759: The bow went from being busted to never used lmao

Ancient Buns: That’s why I’m happy the L-star an prowler are stronger, there real contenders for endgame. Cause now we have more op guns besides the common 301/eva

Michael Dubya: I could endlessly watch the Boom 1V1s with Macro as the ref. 'I'm literally peeing,' 'Stop! I'm gonna shit myself,' and 'Your grandfather was a foooooool' had me in tears.

Lucas Walzer: Ngl, I think the bow is still extremely strong and op

domonator5000: Can we please nerf the rampage though? Like that’s the one weapon I think should DEFINITELY be nerfed because the rampage is WORSE THAN THE SPITFIRE

Robbie Ovlovian: Quality laughs were had. Bow bros.

The N7 : that ending lmao!

dmaster2: I love kandy's content... But booms pop culture references kill me every time. They are such a good combo

Ksavage2010: Kandy brought up a great point about the community’s reception in weapons.

Brayden Cram: Bow is still overpowerd if you hit your shots

greg paul: you can make the argument both ways. it's like saying why don't you pick up the re-45 over the 301 , it's bc the 301 can do it better , so why would i wanna pick up a bow when i can use a wing man and get much better results

Uzii: Your Grandfather WaS a FoOl

Anotherboi: when bow came out everyone used it for the power it had because it was literally on par with base sentinal and now since its been nerfed so much people don't see it as consistent as using the buffed longbow and more consistent marksmen guns

Pixelschubser2: I think "new" Weapons like the Bow should basically be on the same Level to the R301, R99, Wingman, Flatline, Volt etc. This Weapons are in a very good spot right now as mentioned on 3:16 "it feels fair to die to them" because they are not Overpowered and not too weak. You need some skill to play them but you dont need to be perfect at aiming to get a kill. The Bow on the other Hand is already very silent and therefore its too OP to make it stronger then the Wingman...

Agriarch: people are used to dying to 301 or 99 or flatline so it does not feel weird or annoying to be killed by these anything new feels not right and a nerf is demanded 😂

chichay: their friendship is so wholesome :')


Math: i feel like the bow should be care packaged, that way the loot pool is a lot less diluted and it can be as fun and broken as it was before

Strela: The problem you described at the beginning doesn't happen with majority of new guns, there are literally only 3 guns that are very strong on release and to be fair volt is the only one that keep it's "power", you can argue Rampage too but seeing it's getting used less and less despite no nerf means the community just balanced the gun itself, finding a glaring weakness which made the gun not a "must pick" anymore. Same thing with Legends, only Seer actually relevant enough on release to be that broken, Horizon was even buffed before it reached nerf worthy status. So blaming community for not wanting to play with certain guns or legends is in my opinion is pretty unfair, sure there's always that one loudmouthed brat like the one from TSM that I shall not mention, but when community wanted a nerf on certain things and Respawn listened, big chance the thing was actually problematic. Obviously different case alltogether if Respawn didn't listen to their demands (keep trying, might get your watson's rework soon)

Brianna C: Kandy's speech at the end reminded me of the guy from Berserk who had the technique honed from his family for so many generations speech and then he died lol

Brady Byork: the bow is actually still pretty strong imo but the hivemind in apex is STRONG

Jeff: Your grandfather was a fooooooolll

Bowen: 10:11 Boom sounds like Conan for a brief moment

Joel Conolly: Should we get a slight buff to the bow? I didn't realize a 10 damage nerf could impact the weapon so much. I guess trying to balance something is a difficult. I think the bows weakness is it's rate of fire but both hipfire and ADS are kinda nuts. Maybe it should have a Quickdraw attachment to it.

ad mobile4: The problem with the bow is locating the enemy. The sound fx are too obscure.

Fil Lovely: I like the bow but I don't think it's fair to say it got nerfed into the ground or 'obliterated'. They reduced damage by 10, and that was it lol. It still has insane projectile speed, no drop off, no reload. It makes the sentinel obsolete in my opinion. The patch notes also say they increased the drawback animation by 0.02 seconds. 0.02! If you notice that, you're some sort of time god.

Marlene Parbst: If u try to ever Play Arena u know hos bad tre L-star gets, it should be nerfed somewhat

boostmymint: The Hemlok is definitely the forgotten gun. Kandy didn’t even think to talk about it being the just forgotten because it’s that forgotten

Liam Ninja: Caustic tries to desnsitize himself from people yk not showing emotion or love so he doesnt get hurt

マウ: because no one like getting 2 shot from long distance and not even knowing where the shots came from and the potential / TTK for 1 prenerf bow shot is equal to 5-7 shots of a 99 and 301, while not having snail movespeed ads and clunky animation that a sniper have no reload, fast ads, no drop off and fast bullet travel time, the bow was asking for nerf when it was 1st released

MATH.: I like your take on the meda, Kandy. If you leave everything strong nothing will be weak. Gunfights might be shorter, perhaps fewer 3rd parties 🎉🤔🕵️🔥.

Исаак: bow is caca no cap

Grappler: Kandy's giving free dental surgery? Sign me up

Fun For all: Woah that octane was a badass at the beginning, he gets stuck with an arc star and full sends at candy

Alex Gangadin: People ARE ALWAYS CRYING FOR NOTHING..... GET BETTER!!!!!!!

Arc illusion: kiss

Woodly Etienne: I think they should put the balancing in the Players hands. Like take a poll on what we would like to see balanced and by how much. As long as it's fair.

BigBoyReem: The only reason I don't use the bow is because nobody carries ammo so unless your loba then it's useless

DragonCurse69: Fuck the bow

Aaron S: As long as seer keeps getting nerfed I will be fine.

Genji: Really hate to see when a bad gun like Lstar actually becomes a viable gun, people immediately start complaining and screaming for nerfs. Like why does every Andy want to have 301, Flatline, r99 and Volt to be the only viable full auto weapons in the game? I like the Lstar bcs its unique and a lot of fun, but if it gets nerfed back to the original state then Im “forced” to go back to Flatline/301.

LordJoesef: Can I have 10 bucks?

Skygabbs: Unpopular opinion but lately I've been using the 30-30 with a 1x-2x Holo optic and it's working so well. It's actually fun using different off-meta weapons sometimes

TheSurgePhoenix: They have a bad habit of over correcting the balance changes. Stale meta means stale game, so if you return to the same meta over and over then it gets old fast.

chessfan10: Should have said, "I challenge you to a bow-down".

MusicMemer: The forgotten weapon is the triple take, I SWEAR i havent seen that sniper since 2020, like i ACTUALLY havent.

iCraqii: Not forgotten, Just bad to the point I want to forget it.

10 Second Channel: The bocek was really good. Now it’s trash and no one picks it up

chessfan10: Imagine if society could have disagreements like this but talk about them and voice their opinions appropriately.

Nathanael Milam: 2:00 “I think it’s pretty okay”, gets beamed by lstars that they thought they needed to buff

YOSH!: I agree with Kandy. The Apex community does gatekeep the meta. Way more complaining. Like for once can the community let a character/weapon upon release instead be good instead of complaining so much about massive nerfs.

Gay Tree: The bocek needs a lil buff bro

TheVillainOfTheYear: If every gun is fun and effective, nothing is OP. If only ONE gun is meta, that's a problem. Look at Titanfall 2.

Brett 95: I loved this video it felt like a comedy skit more than an apex video 👏🏻 (slow clap)

JP L: The bow did the same damage as the Sentinel in addition to having a faster fire rate and an additional mode, THAT was the problem, it does 10 less now which is okay if they wanted to be conservative with the nerf it couldve been 65 but at 70 damage it was too much. Kandy is right about people "gatekeeping" the way the game should be played and not having something shift the meta/way of play but when something overshadows another thats when we have problems. (ie 70 damage bow >> Sentinel)

Jayce Mckinnis: What are you doing step bro

nifty-shotz: They gotta add the sheild to lifelines revive drone back.

Overhaul: O yeah I completely forgot that no one uses the bow 🤣🤣🤣

Derek Brandon: Remove it at all cost.

F1lpS1d3 Clickxz: thats why it sucks now

Boomrazzle: Me and Kandy are BowBros but we started off as Bownemies

Eric Gehres: Well the bocek was stupid easy to use and silent so yeah the wingman should be one of the most powerful guns in the game. It’s very difficult to use so the skill gap on it is what makes the game healthy. Look at what everyone complains about. It’s mainly super easy things that ruin the skill gap. (Rampage, seer, spitfire, bocek, tap strafe removal, hemlock, havoc, caustic) those all got nerfs because it lowered the skill gap and we are playing apex not Warzone. Reward good players and smart plays not braindead weapons and broken abilities

partykrew666: 1:00 guy just gets casually annihilated.. "yeah, so anyways.. with new guns..."

KuuBluhKahn: I main the bocek BUT here lately I've been enjoying the longbow. The bocek with that 3xs? I think? That thing is hit scan deadly. Cross map pissing people off 😂😂😂

PacifistRoot: Thought it was gonna be the havoc :/

AstralAvatar: BROCEK!

Keagon Chavoos: I loved this

federico leonardi: i think the justified annoyance with the bow is that it was dealing more then the longbow , is silent , has a faster fire rate expecially with the hop up and has a very accurate hipfire , it pratically outclassed any sniper or long range weapon , you could just hold doors hipfiring and killing peoples easly , also it has no reloads wich makes it unpeekable and thats the same with Lstar pretty much , incredibly accurate does high amount of dmg while retaining a fast shooting speed , bullets are big tennis balls and if you use it correctly you dont need to reload pratically outclasses any mid- close range gun without having a skill cap to master it

Edward Chester: Totally agree with macro about the way Respawn goes about buffing and nerfing. It's ok to just add 5hp damage, change a cooldown by 3s etc. Less so actually with weapons. Generally they have been appropriately slow and steady with those but a lot of other legend stuff seems surprisibgly heavy handed.

Black Chackoo: I hated the bow when it first came out and wanted it to be nerfed. Now that’s it’s nerfed I decided to pick it up one day and use it and I’ve fallen in love ever since. I feel like the damage is fine on it and it works pretty good for long range encounters. The only problem I have with it is there’s not enough arrows to go around. Gotta be Loba to get a comfortable amount, if not I’m looking all over the map for arrows the whole match.

Tyler: Kandy I absolutely love your videos!! I legit have tears from laughing when Macro was getting hit with the bow. Keep up the great content!

Prafful Shroff: You are so true., every new legends get super nerfed and then player switch back to their main.

Saul Arizmendi: It’s crazy how this crybaby community cries over Nerfing everything. I’ve been playing since season 8 I have so much fun then crybabies complain about guns like they can’t just get better with different guns 🤦🏽 shits worse than call of duty’s community

Anthony D: Why put a gun in a care package if you feel it’s overpowered? Then you’re just making it even more overpowered in the fact that most people can’t have it. (besides the Kraber)

Phoquus: The problem with lstar compared to r301 is that is much easier to touch people due to width of the bullet and yoi can shoot for longer cause of the heat mechanic and have a good recoil too

I Am Evan: I find people cry about anything and everything and it's impossible to make everyone happy.

Caphalor: 1:15 THIS!!!

Biscuit Boi: Why was boom so good at the psycho voice lmao

SirWayne: Gibby: *wingman here!*

Yoshikage Kira: I always thought the bow was fun to use because it just felt cool to use something that wasn’t a gun but now it’s so nerfed it’s just not really worth it

Badger: I really love your take on that gatekeeping meta thing you said. That's exactly what Apex feels like

yeetskeetmedeek: want a good definition of good weapon system? Hunt Showdown.

Jonas Raidle: Imagine how different this game would be if respawn made all the meta weapons rlly weak for a period of time. There would be so many new and refreshing metas to explore

Joker L2: Kandy 🏀

Greg Maddox: kandy i love u brotha but…WHY DIDNT U PICK UP THE RED EVO AT 6:50😭

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