Opening 420 Apex Legends Packs In Season 9 Legacy

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The Gaming Merchant: Sorry for the bad audio quality on this one - OBS decided to record my webcam audio instead of my mic, but hopefully you enjoy the video, thanks for watching!

Johnathan Ram: For that many packs id watch for hours just having it running while playing apex or something

filthycig: ok but what heirloom did you get

Jay: He looks so disappointed at the end

Aaron smith: you cant get heirloom shards if you own all of them

Fadh Hz: bruh I can only afford 20 packs

Davis Ruddell: I see the message u sending 💀💀💀💀

Shadow Hunter: yea ill never get an heirloom and its so agrivating

Andrea Rodman: What up with mic dude?

Maegan Chloe Sabado: SHeesshhh, and here i am wishing i could even afford the battle pass...

May: You spent so many pounds omg Cool video

Phoenix Kasai: If you live streamed opening the packs you could do that competition thing

Bare Bonez Gaming: (insert smug face here) hmm 420 eye heavy looking hmmm... SUS <3

Ilia Velichkov: No one: Merchant:where quip space

Spartan 1337: this is sad in my opinion

Homa Edo: 50 000 craft

Jumper McLumper: 69

ST7M_ 4 _Life: okay, 19 dollar AC card, who wants it?

freefroce slaz: TGM he gets purple skin and does not care me omg a purple skin . Acting like I just got a herloom.

Dandat: not me suffering to try and connect my psn acc to apex on pc even tho it doesnt work TvT

D. A: Him: (buying 420 Apex packs) Also him: "I did not expect that heirloom"

Allteam Fl: Every one got the longbow dencoin simethinh

Galactic Gamer: He gets the shards whilst having all of them, while some of have never seen the red spark in our 2 years of playing. EDIT: No hate TGM, you earned it. Keep up the amazing content and losing your money for our entertainment.

フィズル: I thought you couldn't get more heirloom shards after you've unlocked everything

Stinky: please can you colab with thethak he is a small growing youtuber and he is really awsome. it is his dream to colab with you.

KING Dre: U really have nun to do 😏

Miguel Lucero: This is like Macro's video all over again

Oaffi: Not skipping to the end: I predict, at the end, you'll have more than 495 crafting metals.

Kumar Bhavya Arora VIII-B: Tgm : got heirloom and he is like okay lets open other pack Me who never got one : ohhhhhhhj heirloom lets get it its lit 🔥 and instant heirloom shop and kunai unlock but never got a single heirloom ...

Josh Shanker: lol 420

Valk Main: I watched the whole things with no skips an hour well spent

Plague Doc: Your vids always make me smile :>

YaFriendJay: Haha 420 funny number haha

soulreaper: His Bank account: why do you do you me

Ty Lopez: I don't know why but I just like watching people opening packs even tho there like 1hr long videos its a time killer and I get to see the things in the game since I will never see these

Tanay Sharma: What you’re here for: 35:50

Dan E: no BGM = gg

Zarkoneous: Arenas freaking sucks the devs were idiotic when they added lmgs to it

Tyrene Marule: Don't worry about his wallet he trades Doge Coin

Ostrich King: I never had a harloom :( It’s been 3 years

Dylan vitale: Wonder what strain he smoked to make this video

Yung Budd: Isnt it nuts after spending all that money you still might not be able to get the things you wanted in the first place? EA milking the whales as hard as possible

E3.14C: 11:43 I've never seen one hop away like that.

Seth: I think they should make it so the quip wheel can be separated into like a wheel that has the quips, holosprays, and emotes able to be chosen independently instead of just putting them all on the same wheel. Similar to how Overwatch separated their quips and emotes.

RoseBoi: 420 funny number

mr 5.56: Type of pc this guy uses setup i need a gaming pc f..... Console

Mitchel Wilke: I have the void walker recolor

BrummyGaming: i wish people would stop buying so many loot boxes (just for views) , it really grates me, its because of this we have this microtransaction mess in 2021 in every game ! Stop !

SavageCJC: 42,000 crafting metals

Hunor: 3k

Herman S: This was really chill, just playing in the background. 10/10 would watch him empty his wallet again.

Lucky Boy: Just asking for anyone who bought it but is the new Valk skin worth it?

DoomiC: Hey TGM weird question but I wonder where's your accent from?

Flynn Goddard: I hope for mercy’s sake that he doesn’t share a bank account with anyone

Angus Chen: You know this guy spends way too much money on this game when he's happy to see legendary crafting materials

Vinny Lam: Dude got all the blue rare items so they all gave him crafting material 420 later and yet he still haven't got enough to craft the emote LOL 😂

Gert: Dank

SxldMyKid2Coles: Literally doesn't care about heirloom shards

TJ Markavich: Hehe 420 funni numbr

Harun Marušić: I just watched a man open apex pack for 1 hour and 5 minutes, I feel acomplished and I truly have nothing to do in my life

Back Scratch: “Line a fine” me too

Gaming Wizard: I don’t know why, but this was actually really satisfying to watch all the packs open for the full hour.

Target Masta: I bet you, watching this video is looking thru the comments.

bubble tube: If he guesses 40,000 then i guess 40,001.

Slobbery: TGM looks like hes not allowed withi 100 feet of a school

Young Msani: "I don't know why you're still here"

Headshooter186: 50k crafting metals wow I was HIGH

Daddy Ray: Sad that this couldn't be on 420

Yoyono 07: As a fellow rampart main, what do you reckon the rampart heirloom will be if not a wrench?

Jonathan Vince: Ah yes, a business expense.

NichtStern: I was finishing the 1st chapter of "METRO 2033" while watching this on TV 😂

UniverseMonkey: Can u show what the new rare badge looks like from the Ash teaser?

TDSplayz: Merchant i got a question for you: what did you play when apex was not out yet

GoodBois: 3800

Jonah Hertz: Nice

Erik Levack: I would never leave half way through the vid

SS Sharky: I’m level 70 and have a heirloom 😁

Rowan Segerblom: i love your vids gaming merchant and this 1 was really good!

ً: nice video. it's a pity that it's paid

sebas-qt: who actually stayed the whole time

The dark Phoenix: I didn’t think heirloom shard packs dropped after all heirlooms were collected, was that changed recently or did I misread the disclaimer on the heirloom info page?

Yummy_Lemon9817 TTV: *Everyone watching this*: nice

Jonas: Actively promoting microtransactions. It's what scum does, isn't it? Pathetic. But wait! It's also loaded with ads.

Austin Schaper: If you think that o actually sat here and watch TGM open apex packs for an entire're absolutely right. I love this man's content

Unicorn Pack: wanted to watch something chill this was nice :>

DustyTheMartian: 7:36

CookedDevotee42: If you have all heirlooms you can’t get more shards

Heart Love Story: 1:18 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 ➜ 》》 iPhone Giveaway 《《 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候%^%^ 1620481710

Judas Blewit: That's alot of packs!

Axl160 W: Is revenant heirloom confirmed?

Bran Mike Frye: All the worrying about how long until the end — it’s not the destination it’s the journey!

Apex You bot: My ges is 35000 cm

James Booth: So can he do 420 and smoke a joint very worth it

Alan McFerren: Tgm swapped his heirloom quip for a holospray

Exshi: I wish I had the money to buy packs this season

Moicster: i started paying attention towards the animation valkyrie does after canceling the jetpack(passive) i saw her doing a "kamehameha" move. Was kinda cool

PHaSEDxz: Nice

Charlie Walder: Some how I got six arena wins in a row

James Luker: Where do u get the viper Valkyrie skin eh 🤔

Cinder Luna: ''you're not guaranteed a common item'' *laughs in common+common+rare packs*

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