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Finn Marsden: as a octane main i can confirm this sucks

Jason Gibson: So, what does Valyrie do? Basically Titanfall's Northstar.

Limitless1204: Such a new low of the low, imagine teabagging that Gibby. Why would anyone want to sub to your shit content if this is what you're putting out.

Juan Doe: Haven’t got to play the new season and sadly don’t think I will😢

C M: I'm not even sad about the stim changes, more speedy stuff for me

James F Rankin: What happened to his editing now it’s just watching someone destroy in apex. Bring back old content with funny editing pls

In Namjoon We Trust: any other switch players having problems with their stats not being counted i have atleast 5 wins this season and it only says i have one and my kills and damage are never counted and it’s actually really hurting my progress on my challenges bc i have to play like 3 games before it even registers 1

Xavier Gordon: Man I love you videos

Zeta: lagcy

GalacticGore 516: Ok fine ill sub

The Rainbow 6 Seige man AJH: Pog

A Cheese Meister: Stim is still 1 second. Whats the problem?

Shitao Lin: season 9:Is TIMe tO geT DobLE PeaCeKeEpEr :3

Eltra Pito 7w7: ¿Qué pedo con la música del intro de "el mundo de pao"? XD

Eltra Pito 7w7: ¿Qué pedo con la música del intro de "el mundo de pao"? XD

Canal da Tatá: Valkirie is so beariful❤️

R6 main: Everyone does know the prowler is fully quto right?

OVEL Ution: Rip my free assists

LoL4Ik 228: Im not died i main horizon and oktane

SHAP3R: Legitimate fantastic editing, definitely going to be subscribing for future vids

ImSoTorn: Mans used the Mida multi tool sound on that g7 clip

Mytical_ Ardley: Welcome to my world ;(

Ibzforever: I know I'm late but I'm an octane bloodhound main :(

Jared Diaz: Nice videos dude

Bacon Banana: Mida multitool baby, nice job

Kieran OK: Bruh, apex, of the rings, the arrow, and the Mandalorian. I would like to speak to the manager of this 🔥🔥🔥

max gaming: I want your level XD

Ryny: oh boy that ssx tricky soundtrack that game was so good.

Colin FOSTER: 0:45

Brendan Sánchez Bishop: Rip Horizon

Sebastian A: Bottle cap makes it look so easy

Painter: Didn't expect Mechwarrior references ngl

olifromspace: you edits are so funny i fucking CAN'T, you keep your spot as one of my favorite channels

Agustin Pineda: And main lifeline ☠️

Onice: So mucho people bot

Gholzee: Face reveal?

Gautier Midoriya: 3:18 It's the noise of Mida Multi-Tool to Destiny 2, you can't cheat on me.

Hi i'm Euro?: I'm starting to believe Valk is a rather easy character. The entrie time you were nuking those poor souls they couldn't move at all as you beamed them

The Sweefage: No one: Literally no one: Valkyrie: 'your ramen hand it over'

S K: And of course they had to add a "stop asian hate" badge...

Boomer Virgil: I love the resident evil 4 and I love how you put the merchant in there

lost youtube: Wow so funny

Maksud Bhuiyan: As an octane main, I have been stabbed 69 times by respawn and decided to QUIT apex

Huesardo: titanfall 2 in apex 4:24

Loxley Millwood: 1:57 That arrow reference was elite


Gabe Culler: The weapon sync with the music is fire at 6:43

SniffidyLlama: the editing on this was absolutely magnificent

uzknistasis: uaahahahahaa snoop dog part was when i pissed my pants :D

HempExpress: FINALLY A BOBA FETT AND LEGOLAS EDIT. Perfect for season 9! Wow good job Bottlecap!

just a random commenter: You are making really good edits

XeneLi: how did you deal 21.75 damage? 2:15

Kringgle: i like that funky music white boy

TheFunnyWaffle Vidz: I have a feeling this guy really likes Star Wars. POG!

ISAIAH CASTILLO: 2:14 21.75 damage?

Ivan Dimitrov: Me realizing he has w as emote: 😃

Ryan Stanke: mans doing 21.25 damage

Lucas: Who can say me from what video is this moment? XD 0:44

Zero Alpha: Already have 700 kills with Valkerie. Get good kid. Not even 1 week out and I'm almost 1k . Get good

Manman Man: Nerf Bottle cap

Owen Van Maaren: Legolas edit was one of the best 😂

LowkeyFPS: lifeline died too were is her honoring

Jürgen Bleicher: Nice aim and nice content ;)

Precious Shatterings: 3:17 What sound effect did he put on the gun... I’ve heard it, but can’t put my finger on it, and it’s annoying me

V K U M V: I did that 2 lifelines thing and the server shut down 😭😭 like we actually got in arena and played for like a minute before it shut down

Andrew: you literally JUST destroyed me in Apex.... it was the best thing that's ever happened to me :D

Darío Somuano Cicero: The bloodhound shit isn’t bad at all

Owen Slavens: 19 dollar fortnite card guy

Yad: This is the way

OzNess: **waking up for a coma** seeing my fav YouTuber has a lot of videos I didn't see **satisfied**

Kaung Zuida: you crazy n’wah your editing is insane

Asgore Dremurr: 6 days later and I still get server issues

Lorenzo Lagier: Hey 100K nice

Sensationally Psycho: CONGRATS ON 100K!

Pro4791: Damn what gpu you running to get those framez?

Jrman513: Octane is my main 173 kills most I had on a legend now Valkyrie and wraith are

Jrman513: New season new bottle cap

King, Kyoto: you guys stopped stimming a lot with the new update?

MOG Najaxa555: Fearless but from amazon!?!?

Lorenzo Lagier: Shit i am horizont main

Samael: Back with my useless comment to help my brother out!

Gavin Hines: The you have failed this city hits differently now

Gavin Wolmutt: i like the skyrim music

Chie Sturmwaffles: Morrowind oh boyyyyyu

Reilly Reese: You get an upvote for Morrowind

BamboozleBTW: The first or second day of the new season I was playing arenas and could still only be original characters and I was gibby and both of my teammates were actually lifeline I had two lifelines on my team but later we got kicked out of the game:(

Sanny: 100k so segxc and satisfying lookibg

Sanny: So everyone just good at the bow EXCEPT me waow

Holdin Tisdikk: EA needs to give respawn more money

VE-dish: Mechwarrior XD

RoanS77: n I c E

windows xp: octane when stim nerf Me a casual player: who throw that piece pf paper at me

stuff i found in the deep web: Its been 5 days theres still no servers..

Origami: Damn bro they just put us Octane mains down. Time to go back to pathfinder again.

de123 45le: 100k subs

Jerson Marcano: LOL I HAVE BEEN LF THIS MEME FOR A LONG TIME 2:28 any idea ???

Jerson Marcano: how can i find this nani sound effect 1:39

Okja 【オクジャ】: How did you bind that thing under character portrait

それいゆ のゲーム部屋: OH... Everybody's golf BGMs...

Me Myself: I appreciate the green arrow reference

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