Can Omni-Man Be REDEEMED? Invincible Season 2 & Beyond!

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Chubby Huang: I see that this video are for plebs who hasn't read the Comics

Mega83: Uh if vegeta from dbz find redemption in his actions then of course Omni man can! No questions

Big Tubby: *Chuckles Knowing Exactly what happens to Omni-Man*

RonTrez Beaugard: Does he need to be redeemed tho my guy was sent on a mission damn near completed it

Eat Me: I think he can try, but he shouldn't be. He's a bastard who ruined his own life and destroyed those who cared most for him. It makes sense, from a character trajectory pov, that he would try and atone. To fix his relationship with Mark and Debbie, to cut toes with Viltrum. But they shouldn't forgive him. I think he should die trying to save Earth from the invading Viltrum forces, but it shouldn't be some noble "oh you've been redeemed" moment. It should be painful and bloody, with Omni being left bleeding and dying in the mud.

white0thunder white0thunder: I don't know if Omni Man can be forgiven, much less redeemed... But I also have the opinion that Endeavor from My Hero Academia is an absolute scum bag who deserves neither. As stated before this isn't about the view of the public but of personal relationships and when it comes to family Omni Man and Endeavor are on absolute opposite sides of the board, where Omni Man had a loving family despite his views and eventual mass murder while Endeavor bought his wife (not even flowers or chocolate, just went to her parents with a fat sack of cash and somehow they convinced her to put on the ring) to "create" his perfect heir and ultimately became an abusive narcissist who drove his wife and eldest son insane yet he still did his job as a professional hero protecting the people and they LOVED him for it. It all depends on what you think is a worse crime towards yourself: your family member who you love with all your heart going on a killing spree or a wife battering, child abuser being heralded as a great protector of the public. As you may have guessed already I'm with the latter camp.

Ryan Awol: Redeemed? of course. But forgiven? Pardoned? After everyone that he hurt and killed absolutely no. Never.

Everything about Everything: Just read the dang comic

Dimitrije Jovanovic: If you wanna find out, read the comic... Yes, he is going to redeem himself many times over

Andre Carpenter: Until the last episode I would say he probably could but it would be really weird if they try to redeem him after the train

GhostCell47: Hell. No. Even if he's got a redemption arc he doesn't deserve it at all. No one can be evil into good. To me, it's a copout to wash away the horrible things Omni-Man has ever done. And not going to face reprecussions for his actions. That's why redemption arcs on certain characters should not be used.

A BAK3D _POTATO: Laughs in comics

Tuan Nguyen: If The daily bugle chief editor and owner can redeem himself, so can Omni man... plus I read the comics

Taylor Brown: I personally hate the trope of redemption in death

Jonathon Stephens: You read the comics and now are spoiling it for everyone and calling it a theory. Wow.

Bwuey: Honestly, for what I’ve heard Omni-Man does in the comics... he can be redeemed if the show does him right.

The Hero 132: as someone who knows how the comics play out, I wanna see how the internet reacts to future events

kenny the playstation guy: Omni man is irredeemable, I don't care, he can go to hell. I won't forgive him

Arthur Jackson: yall: can Omni-Man Be REDEEMED? comic book readers:....

The Green Lantern: Mr. Mass murderer people, forgive him??? People: YES What about the heroes??? People: They're unrelatable hypocrites!!! People who think like this are the ones who has never actually experienced loss at the hands of the criminals they worship

cool vids: I LOST MY EVER-LOVING MIND AT "Your mother is like a PET to me" WTF?????

Ceju Online: *WARNING* spoilers below ☹️

Blueknight 06: DUde if this was Omni-mn in season 1 I'm sooo exicited to see what they do with thrag

Jonus landon: I think Nolan deserves to be forgiven

This Is the afternoon sky: Epic

ZombiFeline Tuba: Yes yes he does the comics has him redeemed abd dies

Joseph Malone: I don't care if he's "redeemed in the eyes of his family", the dude's a mass murdering facist. Like, it doesn't really matter how conflicted he is, he chose to do everything he did? I really dislike the notion we've fallen into these days where every villain must be redeemed. Nolan's a monster, through and through.

Sebastian Rivera: Yo remember when everyone hated Endeavor?

Born Sniper: Actions are actions. Doesn’’t matter if you didn’t like to do it you still did it.

Green Wings: I do not believe Omni-Man really perceives Debbie as a pet. He didn't make eye contact with Mark as he said it, which is one sign. Not much to build off of, but we have already theorized that he's been making an effort to convince himself to put away his doubts in his actions as they are necessary for his mission to be more successful.

Luv Bluey&Bingo Heeler: I still won’t forgive him. Most of the characters there won’t forgive him.

Kenneth Jenkins: no

Kar1r1guzo 0ra: I have one question for you pro redeemers. Why is it that when a villain gets redeemed, it's always the nastiest people hell-bent on killing everyone? Forgive, and forget only works in 2 scenarios when people hurt you through ignorance, or by accident. Most of them or neither of those. I worry it might resonate with people in all the wrong ways.

Koanos: Man's got to do some soul searching himself to understand what he wants, what he believes is right. There is no turning back and while he certainly doesn't deserve a 2nd chance, it looks like the man needs to find the resolve to confront the difficult questions he's forced to face.

Zero: vader killed children murdered an entire tribe of sand people and hunted down countless jedi he was redeemed so if he can become good again even omni man can return to the light.

Oriel Osbourne: Omni man beat the crap outta invincible! Wow

Anonymous Misnomer: Invincible isn’t Steven Universe. Omni Man has killed thousands of people mercilessly in cold blood. His disregard for human life is ubiquitous. He might regret his actions but I can’t see a storyline where he is “redeemed”

Harpy81: In the comics invincible had a chance to stop the guardians deaths and a lot of other dead heroes but did not because it would mean his children would never be born.

tenshi: Man this video is kinda pointless if you read the comics lol, but hey this isn’t a bad video the editing and the construction is pretty good it just doesn’t work for this bc it’s a comic lol

HolyknightVader999: It depends whether or not they follow the comic story all the way. If they do, then yes, if not, then maybe no.

dracohalo117: Does Omni man 'deserve' to be redeemed, to many, no, to many, yes, that is why the term 'deserve' has always bothered me, it excludes the effort they put into 'earning' that chance. Deserve is entitled, Earned is merit.

HolyknightVader999: SPOILER ALERT: Yes, yes he can. And not just him, but his whole damn race become guardians of Earth after Viltrum goes kaput.

Armani Danemabye: no, no he can not

A pimp named SLICK BACK: He will be redeemed. But its up to you personally if you forgive him and he'll never be able to live on earth again

Pizza time: Show watchers: Man, Omni man is a monster. Comic reader: Heh...yeah totally **flash backs to issue 141 of Invincible**

Jinx: Can you really blame Omni man humanity is a terrible species all we do is create for ourselves and destroy everything else we deserve the destruction and death he caused

Robert Ostergard: Dude if you want to know what happens just read the comic book

Nora Quartz Universe: *Question (not about video* *Are you ever gonna do Steven universe theories again?*

Flak Lognon: Needing to die for redeemption is one of the most stupid Cinema Trope around. it makes no sense whatsoever. the only purpose it serves is in storytelling because the fallout of such characters would derail the rest of the story in most case.

Jake Andrews: Is not that crazy from his point of view. I mean, we already have such a thing as "control population deer hunting season". And the argument we use is that "it is for their own good". We already consider it justified to kill individual "lesser lifeforms" for a greater good that will "ultimately benefit them". In the case of omni-man, that greater good is Viltromite technology and imperial support.

The Curse One: There are a lot of Omni-Man apologist in the fandom. The excuse and give a pass to many of his fucked up actions. All for the simple fact he "changed or he does care/love". Redemption shouldn't come easy at all for him. And in my opinion he got off really easy in the books.

The Batpig: I’m pained that I legitimately might have to unsubscribe from this Chanel. I love the content dont get me wrong. But I have yet to see Invincible and this thumbnail and title tells me way to much. I don’t want to spoil the shows I’m going to watch. I’m upset but I think I am unsubscribing.

wesley mowbray: What Nolan did was unforgivable but you can see he tried to steer away from his Viltramite ways but Mark's powers awakening brought him back to it.

Cookiecatus: is this the gravity guy from agents of s h e i l d

Big Papa: Comic book readers already know the answer

ROy ‘: according to the comics, and if the show follows the comics all the way, he very much will redeem himself

Only Android: Eggmanland

Keyanna B: That man called his wife and mother of his ONLY child( I'm talking about the show not the comics) a pet on an international summer jam screen 😂. I'm not sure how you come back from that but I'll be interested to see what happens. It's nice to see one corner of the internet try to extend some grace even to Nolan.

Slasher Cat: i kinda hope he doesn’t die. The redemption = death thing always bugged me and I'd rather see him have to live with the consequences of what he'd done and try to be better. If someone wants to change, I feel like that's enough to start doing better. However none of the people have to forgive him even if he does change

OakleyHasAFoot 787: Like sandman said at the end Spider-Man 3, we shouldn’t forgive him but we should understand him. Why he did this and how he feels. But not forgive him 100% at least

Sith Jawa: Hold up, hold up, hold up. Mark does NOT represent everything his father was trying to do on earth. He represents the facade his father put on, while pretending to be a hero on earth. Mark IS what his father pretended to he.

Nyleve A. Vanger: Nolan's character is so complex that it makes sense he might be redeemable. It will take a looooot to redeem himself though.

Sith Jawa: If omni man is given a second chance, I'm out. No interest in that kind of garbage.

Leo Garcia: manga readers be like🙊🥶

Aliyah Powell: Omnistan 😍

Animal508: Invincible #24

Unlikely Suspect: He can change shure but if he has trully changed then he'll go spend the rest of his verry ling life in jail for multiple crimes against multiple species

0megaJ0ker: Am I the only one hearing Cells' final boss theme from DBZ: Budokai 1 playing in the background?

Sycho- Tech: Your dad, who you thought was a HERO, used your face to murder an entire Subway train full of people. No. Not even an ‘I doubt it’, just No. but I’ve read the comics so I mostly know what’s going to happen. (Only ‘mostly’ because the show Really amped the gore, not really by a whole lot all things considered but still.)

Nijah: I love the little infinity train plug there

TRENTON JORDAN: i bet in season 2 there will be a time skip and mark should be stronger

Thato Mkhize: True I love villains but I hate this guy discuss me and I love all villains

Chris Blaz: The comics did it so I'm sure the show will

waflwolfiee: Ha ha bait them with an Invicible thumbnail and trick them into watching Infinity Train nice

Obaid Aldhaheri: I’m so happy for you to get 1 million 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Slothful: Just want to say that Nolan calling Debbie a pet could be interpreted as a lie or justification to himself. I don't think he actually sees her this way he was just trying to justify is actions.

Kuci Mąka: Invincible is incredible

trashaliencat: I honestly don't want him redeemed. I believe he can't be redeemed, at least in my eyes

Christianna Taylor: I think he was never authentically "trying to be human". He started loving his family, his love for Mark is because he's the only person Nolan is "allowed" to love. He left, because not killing his son is a slight against Viltrim and he already broke that rule so fuck it. He ruined his life in both worlds. Deep down he had that prejudiced, why would he ever want to be a primitive animal.

Crazedviewer: Short Answer: Yes The only thing I hope the Show does is make his Redemption a phenomenal one, and I have faith that they will do just that, seeing just how emotionally confused they made Nolan feel in the season finale. Some people won't like it, but Nolan get's the Endevor treatment. Personally, Nolan has one of the best Redemption arcs in comic history, and his change is supplemented by Mark's own evolution. If the show can Make it even more impactful than the comics, then I'll die a happy individual. It's okay to hate him now, you should, he's done horrible things. But his willingness to change is inspiring.

Adrian Aye: I just got hit with PTSD from that intro

#kwabns: If winter soldier can be redeemed so can Omni man

Jarrick Hillery: Who else tries to guess which of the 3 will be hosting before clicking a video?

Micheal Storm: Omni-Man cannot be redeemed in my eyes, but, I'd love if they pulled a Steven Universe and held him accountable instead.

Bro-Brah Sama: Nolan *was* changed by Earth. Mark was correct when he pointed that out during their fight. But Nolan wasn't just speaking rhetorically when he said he has no choice in the matter, he truly believe that things are set in motion, because even if he did side with earth over Viltrum, if he abandoned his post, they would send a large number of Viltrumites, just as strong as he is, to kill him and everyone on earth. He's an incredibly conflicted character who feels like he has no control over the situation despite being so powerful. I think one thing that goes above people's heads during the fight is that a lot of Nolan's words that he says to cut down Mark, even the stuff about Debbie being a pet to him, is just Nolan repeating Viltrumite propaganda about the superiority of their race to himself because he's so deeply in denial and ashamed that he loves humans.

Jub Jub: That shit with the train alone makes him irredeemable. The guy murmured dozens of people and forced his son to watch. The fuck are we even talking about redemption for?

Илья Игуменцев: Well, he was redeemed in the comics (more or less) so there's no big surprise here

Wolfgang Schwaiger: Not Redeemable in the slightest. Has the option to at least help compensate for the incredible atroscities he did. Some people compare their kind of the Alien from well "Alien" having been born into this and seeing it only as a matter of perpetuating their species.... no honey, their species or at least a large portion fo them made the conscious choice to enslave or straight up annihilate any species they deemed inferior. Not redeemable, unforgivable too, but at least he can be a useful asset to rebuild things potentially wherever the show goes.

Emese Molnar-Kovacs: I mean if they follow the comics even a little bit he will be redeamed.

Reshawn Drezen Barriga: I don’t want Omni man to be redeemed. I feel like he won’t be redeemed because look at what he done. He done so much horrible things to his family and the people his suppose to protect. I notice that a lot of heroes in this series are dangerous maybe the government might kill all heroes because of Omni man.

Akuma3671: For those of you who say you can't forgive him for what he did, I hope to GOD you're not an anime fan. Vegeta and Sasuke anyone?

Strahinja Kojic: I think maybe.


Ronny Meow: no.

Otar 3000: Redemption is personal, so he may get it sooner or later so there's a good hope

Harry Hamzat: Like I’ve read the comic book. And Ik he has been redeemed but I…will never forgive him and I don’t think the characters have to…because he’s kind of a horrible person.

wolfman 65: Oh heelllll nooooo

Joshua Drogmiller: will he redeem him yes will he be welcome back on earth hell no

Vounne Rahouelle Ubaldo: Wait 'til they introduce Freddie Mercury and that bitch-ass female viltrumite and realize that Omniman is much more tame than the others

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