Ready To Love Season 3 Episode 19 Opposites Attract - HD 1080p (May 14, 2021) Ready To Love S03E19

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Nichelle Nunya: Listen ... I would be sincerely ashamed to admit how many times I played back every scene with Joel 😍🥰

Cameca Edwards: Liz looks nice I love that outfit

Gabryella Sylveta Civil: I want Joel for serious. Someone find him over here to me pls.

Sam B: Things that bother me: Liz's shoulder pads, Dietrict's facial expressions, Crysanthium's immature behavior, people saying AJ is handsome and Kyra wearing too much make up.

C B: “If I have a man that I have to lead, it defeats the purpose to me of having a man.” - Verneisha

Ann Ball: I can see why Vernisha is upset Joel hasn’t even given her a kiss on the cheek with all their time together. Both women are beautiful. If he wants more kids Amber would be the best choice as a younger woman.

Patrice Slater-Lee: I’m still watching, my azz just scrolled to the comment to add my two sense that I think Dietrich is going home this week as he should because he is not ready to love. He is too under the radar and he really is not connecting to anyone, he wants a young girl not a mature woman.

QT Q: Amber! I like her... I think she is intelligent, cute and stylish. Where did Liz get that body suit?!

natasha stewart: Alexus just shaded Chris and AJ don’t even want her she not a real catch to me

OMG I’M OVER 40: Is it me? But I don’t find AJ attractive, so I don’t know why everyone thinks he can get over by his good looks. I’ve seen better.

Dijaworld World3: Amber is beautiful inside and out

Queen pretty 3: Liz....David is not ready

Shanika Brown: Alexis is a bird

eclecticsunrise: Detrick too busy analyzing everything and everybody.

Naa Antwi: He asked Verneashia abt expectations and she says leadership ...thats basic expectations of every woman and he 🏃‍♂️.. disqualified..she knows her value .

Fefe Pierre: Joel 👀 I'm side eyeing you brother LOL asked for a kiss smh!

Christ Chick Conversations: Awesome and clear upload thx u

Carlyon Blackman: I like Chris as a human being. He epitomises the show's theme, that is, he is ready to love showing his sweet, vulnerable side. I like Joel's playful, sexy energy; he isn't arrogant or aloof but grounded and serious. Jason comes over like he's eager to prove he's a grown ass man. AJ seems like his spirit and his face don't match and this makes him appear conflicted. Dedrick is a piece of work.

777: Cmon AJ, the women are telling you that you give off a sexual vibe and even in that moment you go on to do it🤦🏽‍♂️

SHAKOYA: Joel is fine as wine.

Tumbrysnt Reynold: Can I just say Verneshia. ???!!! Is there a dress code. Stay away from the crop sweaters and no under garments. .

karao palesa: Thank you admit 😊 continue to do this

acidalia doutora: Oh Joel, i love him as a whole person...

jane wawira: Thanks for posting

Fochi Perezu: Okay Amber read AJ down lawd! I think they only let him stay for Kyra because even as Alexis was telling him what the women felt, he was doing exactly that.. anything to get what he wants. I still think Jason is only physically attracted to Liz, she was trying to have serious conversations and he was just agreeing with everything and trying to kissing her smh. Dedrick dismissed Vaneshia? Like really? Ron is the man right now, I hope Alexis gets it together for him and stop trying to be everyone's top. Joel, Joel, Joel.. I kinda like him with Amber she compliments his young playful spirit but still manages to ground him.

Raine Phillips: Dedrick gives me the creeps idk why 😕

Keiasha Brown: I really like Verneisha! But, those eyelashes...Girl! Looked like she waa gon' start flying.

StyledbyAJ: Thank you for sharing!

Karabo G: Joel giving me real grown and sexy. I like that

kichw: I think liz will go with David. Jason is too thirsty

Jojo2013 Johanna: Chris and Amber!!!!!!!

Karabo G: I like Alexis and Ron

Stephenni M-A: When are those eye lashes going out of style.

Loui Bostic: Why did Alexis tell AJ that lie that all if the women put him in the bottom 2? Because it wasn't true Kyra was the only one didn't and that she enjoyed her date with him,and that he had redeemed himself I think that she didn't like it when Krya said that. AJ opened the car door,and had roses for her,had dinner and more flowers set up with candles .

TheMiss600: Love the way Amber checked Kyra in the Ladies Lounge👏🏾

TheMiss600: Dietrich has this way about him. The women he dates are all too this or too that or too the other

ANEDRA Goodwin-Miller: I like Chris and Amber. Chris was straight he was like let's not waste time.

precious j: What kind of duplicated insufficiently malnourished boy in a man's clothing tells an open women that she makes him so nervous he lost his appetite and is still equipped to walk her to her car so they can leave? Smh

grace sento: This season no women drama

TheMiss600: Since when is cheek-kissing such a big deal? Is that an American thing? 🤷🏽‍♀️

Aidil: Kyra, girl, that something with AJ is a warning sign for you to run. I din't hear nothing about him making you happy but how you can make him happy, smh.

Ursula Virgilio: 🤣😂😂IM trying to hear KYRA.....the Lawyer.... what is " im highly COMPENISIVE"😂🤣 what on the planet is compenisive??? Aah jealousy makes you speak in hoopla🤣🤣😂

Sabrina Grants: Jason mouth is disturbing to me.. Sorry

Diane Silva: Thank you very much for sharing 😄👏👍🙋

BlameMe BlameMe: Geesh, Joel is GROWN MAN SEXY💯 Whew!! He's very very nice!!!!

Taylor Duvernay: I am still trying to understand what did Chrysantheium mean by " I don't do relationships "

Taylor Duvernay: I am beginning to like Alexis, she is very authentic.

P Hugh: Was anyone else surprised when Joel asked for a kiss from amber?. I know I was surprised. Their date didn’t even start and he already asked for a kiss from Amber, yet he hasn’t even shared any kiss with his so called number one, vernaisha??? I smell trouble in paradise

Bridgett Wings: I thought I liked David for Liz, but I'm loving her and Jason. And yes Ron! Let them know! Be clear on where you stand! I hope he ends up with Alexis.

L W: Season FOUR!!!

Shine Bright: Thanks for the upload

Jacob: Thanks uploader 😁

Syl B: Thank you so much for the upload

Shine Bright: I’m rooting for Amber and Chris, they would make a great couple.

Jess Baby: Thank you for the upload this is the only show you cannot find any of the uploads

Amber Kay: Thanks! Great episode! This getting juicy

Nicole Imela: Thank you for the upload.

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