The Flash After Show Season 1 Episode 1 "City of Heroes"

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BOT 2: I know I'm late to the game, but I just started watching your videos yesterday, and I like you, guys! Your as big of a Flash fan as me. I'm currently on your review of Season One Episode 5. I plan to finish it today, and I can't wait to check out your new reviews for The Flash Season 5. Are you guys ready for Season 5? And who do you want to see return for The Flash's 100th Episode?

Andrew Casali: Devon Stewart 0:36 2:14 3:20 3:33 4:35 5:39 8:12 10:29 12:27 17:34 18:52 21:14 22:18 22:58 22:35 24:36 25:16 27:57

Karen Bowen: I don't remember Harrison Wells saying anything about cutting Barry open


Maribel Castaneda: Did you know that Barry Alan died and used it clone as Barry

Onyeka Okafor: This thing was very dry

Aman deep: where to watch all the episodes? ?

1984: I remember when this show was announced I wanted to see it but for some reason I didn't. Now that is way pass season 1 I still had in mind to. Finally I watched the first season. And I love it. Am just ugh! mad at myself for not staring sooner.

joe doonan: lol

James Junction: Having never read the comics, now i understand why vibe and killer frost were metas on earth 2 and why Cisco and Caitlin are not

Kris. K: Aww, feel better!

Kris. K: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍

Pedro Boscheti: foda se

anna demug: Lol he can run fast

Tiffany Moore: The villeins are made by the bang just like in small vile where they get their powers from mentor rocks

Alrico98: Spoiler alert: Harrison Wells is eobard thawne

Ricardo Griffiths: flash is still really strong though. can be more muscular

Mase Daniels: i am rewatching the first season right now. and just watched this episode to see how your predictions turned out... hahahahahaha no spoilers for those just watching but some are dead on and some are way off! thanks for the kickass aftershow!

Braxton Palmer: Lol, " The Maroon Mud runner".

Theacbsmith: i cant believe you only get 100,000 views. you should be getting heaps more with content like this. and what do you think about viewing episodes of the flash online before they come out on TV.

Unoriginal Character: It was great re watching this episode but it's actually not thawne

cn awsom / Gangste of games: u guys r awesome im bige wach the flash right now keep up the good wark

Tarakay Biggs: Harrison welse is Mabey just sitting in a wheel chair to make everyone not suspect that he is the revers flash


Mahomed Ortega: Wait but who is the guy on the yellow suit have been watching all the episodes but just dont now who it is so if some reads plzz tell me thanks

Radagast Brown: too much spoilers  

jimmy2k4o: I like Grant Gustin and he's getting better, but I think Justin Chambers would be an awesome Flash.

Gabriel Alvarado: who is the reverse flash in the show???

Time Warp: when they said that reverse flash is obsessed with the flash and barry allen  kinda reminds me of the amazing spiderman 2 movie where electro is obsessed with spiderman and turns on him 

Jayy Menace: #bangbabies

TheCMPMOVIES: Sorry if this sounds nit picky, but Vibe is a superhero. He was a member of the Justice League

PeaceEazy1: vibe is not a bad guy

XaviD: Superhero static shock!!!! Awwwwww man nostalgia right in the feels

Kevin Day: The three other guys point out the bleeding obvious and literally donate nothing to the conversation , the black guy is the only one who knows and contributes and moves things forward. Also do they not know, Shipps played Flash in the 90's??

Darkpharoh: Doesnt barry have red hair now

#Comics FOREVER: question how do I apply for a job working for you

Ro-Mitch: Also does the Flash remind anyone of BBC's 'The Misfits' in how a storm gave everyone crazy abilites?

Ro-Mitch: Jay Garrick is my favorite Flash. Liked his persona and wardrobe. Silver fruit bowl on his head lol 19:00 Yeah Devon, no one is finding Harrison Well's secret room located in one of the 'many' long corridors in that big ass building, sorry lololololol 27:58 Devon 'Lighting gave me abs!?"

Artisan1979: My girlfriend didn't like that scene with Wells either but for different reasons.

Greg Freeman: I think Rick Cosnett would have made a better Flash, simply based on appearance. That being said, Grant does a good job.

Gavin Plays Games: when do you think they will add the ring flash wears to put on his suit

Melissa Irving: That's actually the comparison I made- the explosion is kind of like Static Shock's Big Bang, and you have your metahuman Bang Babies. I'll be interested to see what happens.

TheRealMike: not necessarily "cw writers"

SSGRockFury: The 90s Flash costume is far superior to the new one, and much closer to canon... Most irritating thing though it's that "Barry" keeps taking his mask off (I presume to keep his baby face on screen as much as possible), and doesn't seem to grasp the idea that secret identities are supposed to SECRET... I do like the fact that Barry's dad is portrayed by the actor (who's name escapes me at the moment) who played the 90s Flash, nice touch there.... Didn't think Arrow needed a cameo though... At any rate, I loved The Flash and bought the comic books every month back in the 60s, so that's probably why I don't care for the new costume, and also don't care for Iris here... Iris was Barry's girlfriend from the get-go, and both series screwed that up..

Artisan1979: Grant Gustin sold it as Barry. In the comics, Barry was and is the light of the DC Universe. He wasn't brooding like Bats or nerdy like Supes, but was the optimistic, wide-eyed one. He has an inherent wonder to his personality, and that comes off great. Yes there's the pathos of his origin but the character is written in such a way that it's not at the forefront. Grant's portrayal gets get; he's determined to find the man who murdered his mother but that doesn't mean he can't have some fun along the way. What sold the ep for me was the inclusion of John Wesley Shipp as Henry Allen; that convo between the two was like a passing of the torch because I remember and loved his portrayal as Barry in the 90s series that met its demise too soon.

hemanownsyou: Harrison Well? More like G.G. Well, lol! Get it?!

AXSkn Skinner: Was she in American Pie?

Lester Medina: Vibe is NOT a villain. He is a super hero. He was forced to be his opponent in the Trinity War story. But that was extremely briefly.

sean wilkinson: i wonder if harrison wells could be a time traveler,, under a false name? maybe Rip Hunter, or the Monitor.., at furst I was thinking he was Professor zoom,, but more I think hes a time traveler who is investigating the flash disaperance or others

Christopher Thomson: I thought Harrison Wells will turn into the Reverse Flash, based on that last scene. He's obviously a time traveler, maybe trying to prevent Barry from doing something in the future. The newspaper could refer to Flashpoint, the event. He did travel back in time to save his Mom. I think the first scene in the episode shows 2 flashes! We just see one of them.

Ben Burnside: What? None of you are John Campea???

ChelloNeil: @thestreamtv Wayne Tech/Queen INC Merger Complete

Wingededge: Since they introduced a "Crisis", how cool would it be if they mixed the TV universe with the Cinematic universe during the crisis?

Michael Kibbie: Harrison Wells is the Reverse Flash, maybe

Nicky M.: Can I just point out an odd fact about Eddie.  He made an off hand comment about Barry and his obsession with the unexplained.  Something about "Have you read his blog".  Assuming Eddie just joined that precinct when Barry was struck by lighting, and that comment was said after Barry woke up.  That means the Blog hasn't been updated in 9 months.  Who reads even Facebook posts of someone that is over 9 months old.  I just thought that was really REALLY weird even if he was dating Iris, like looking up ex boyfriends on Facebook weird.  

supremejoseph: weird and creepy hearing him keep talking about a mans body who cares if he has abs the show is good.

appjackle: Really like Grant Gustin as Barry. He's likeable and easy to root for. Comic book shows/movies can't go without a central romance, but I'm getting really tired of the whole "I've known/loved you my whole life" angle they keep going for (which they use for Barry and Iris). I wish shows would go about relationships differently because it's hard to connect to a relationship that's supposedly existed and grown for years, while we as the audience have only just started to see their interaction, Also, what song is used in the intro? I've heard it everywhere but I can't find the actual music.

popeye697: Why no mention of John Wesley Ship playing Barry's father on the show? Do none of them realize that he played The Flash in the 90's TV show on ABC?

popeye697: What if Harrison Wells is Zoom? He may be using a fake name and is actually the descendant of the man they think is reverse Flash.  

Rick Quick: OK so we know A reverse Flash killed Barry's Mother, does anyone have a theory as to why? For me that is going to be the real story of the season. What did people think of them bringing in John Wesley Shipp on the show? I know the younger fans might not know or care but for me that was super cool. I was in high school when his flash show was on and I loved seeing him again. I hope if  they get the change they may use a bit of the old theme song from the original show. Danny Elfman classic.

Dylan Landon: Hey Streamers! We wanna know who your Dream Casting choice is for THE FLASH in the Zack Snyder DC Universe! Use hashtag #StreamDreamCasting  on twitter to let us know! Your choice could be featured on next weeks aftershow! 

Howling Wolf: Anybody else notice when he dropped the static reference? "Bell rings, back in school, nobody knows what I do. SUPERHERO STATIC SHOCK! SUPERHERO STATIC SHOCK!"

DCUHokie: I'd like to see Flash face Mirror Master.

tonybcamara: Reverse Flash doens't want to kill Flash, in the new 52 I believe  he just want to torture the Flash.  On side note,  the Reverse Flash could be a descendant from the character you are thinking because the first names are different.  It's possible..

Absentgood: Actually reverse is coming real soon there are photos of the reverse flash and they already shot arrow and flash cross over so he will be here sooner then y'all think

tonybcamara: Could Harrison Wells be a H.G. Wells??  Built a time machine and wants to help Barry reach his potential?

Absentgood: Who's the reverse flash?

Gerald Valentine: Eddie Thawne does not equal Eobard Thawne neccessarily.  I don't think Eobard has ever been referred to as Eddie in the comics.  Could be that Eddie is a red herring and is merely an ancestor of Eobard.

Rodney McKay: Harrison Wells maybe Metron.

peasinacan: I hope Grant Gustin goes the Hugh Jackman route and buils muscle over the course of the show. Also, damn, you guys decided not to say who the reverse flash is, but the viewer question totally spoiled it for me. At least I called it xD

Denis De Plaen: I'd love to see TWO versions of Killer Frost Louise Lincoln first than Caitlin Snow becoming Killer Frost herself. Maybe becoming a monster to stop a monster, but loose control. Louise could be in Central City on mission for Amanda Waller?

smdownh9: i thought vibe was on the hero side

davelanger: The flash would have a runners build not a body builders.  He should be cut and not jacked. HIs super fast metabolism would keep him skinny like a track runner.

Zombeastsqurl: I agree he should be a bit more built, but flash is not Batman or Superman. He is typically leaner. He could bulk up though.

N L: anyone notice berry's dad was the old flash from the tv seires

Dre5ds: so is this after show going to be live 9 o clock eastern time which would be 6 o clock west coast time, or will we be bale to watch it 9 o clock west coast time. They are in the burbank studios which means they wont be done with the show untill 9 unless they get to see it the same time with east coast? What time will it be put up on west coast????

Numobi Creative Concepts: I wonder if the show will be following the new 52?  if it is... I honestly don't see #TEAMTHEFLASH  going to the dark side.  Has in my research on Vibe aka Cisco Roman;  he is a character that joined the Justice League of America lead by Steve Trevor and he is depicted has a hero and not villain.  even in past incarnations of the Character he is seen has a hero. Harrison Wells being a new character I think his idenitiy of who he might be lies in story lines dealing with creating or destroy Metahumans since it was him who gave the human with ability the title. So, i wonder if we going to get a Static Shock introduction or implied. the Caitlin Snow aka Killer Frost - I can see her going bad because the accident did a lot to her from killing her fiancé and so called crippling Dr. Harrison Wells.  But if we are flowing the new 52 storyline has she was introduced during the Forever Evil story - she kind of fought side by side along with Steve Trevor while the Justice League and Justice League of America was said to be dead.  Yet, she was looking for some what of cure to keeping her body warm has Firestorm was said to be that cure, yet in Forever Evil all the evil was lead to believe that the heroes were killed by the Crime Syndicated. if they do make her Killer frost then I think they would make some kind of Anti-hero.  My theory on Harrison Wells is that i think he is Savitar and old enemy of the flash that dc comics don't use anymore.  I only bring him up cause he possessed the speed force in a way too.

Shawn Mathew: have to agree with devon, he is way to skinny to be a superhero, he wouldnt last in snyders world, and i also do wish his suit was a little more brighter, but they did show his future costume to be brighter so maybe it will change, also not a big fan of the design itself looks a lil cheap

Michael David: It might be professor Zoom instead of Reverse Flash.

Igotoeleven: So much better than Gotham. Kudos to the team that made the pilot.

Mah Cj: The one behind the star lab explosion = harisson wells.

Mah Cj: Edward thawne is an arrogant character.

Mah Cj: Why harrison wells has grin smile?

jack thao: So Devon Stewart mr. know it all, who wins in a fight... professor zoom or zoom?

Matches Malone: Question: For the Flash fans out there, Iris has totally always been Barry Allen's "Lois Lane" since the 1950's, but this whole thing with them growing up in the same home like brother and sister is brand new! What do you think of them making that change??

Matches Malone: While I'm at it, I might as well just get into Eddie Thawne too. Even though he's named Thawne, he's actually closer to Hunter Zolomon from the comics (a character that Geoff Johns actually co-created) who was a former FBI agent and came into the story as a criminal profiler for the police before he ends up getting a variation of speed powers and becoming Zoom who was Wally West's personal Reverse-Flash, although, generally the Prof. Zoom Reverse-Flash is the more dangerous one. Giving the timing of Eddie Thawne becoming a detective and comments I already made on Wells, I wouldn't be surprised if Eddie Thawne is working under/with Wells or if either or both of them have speed powers.

Matches Malone: I have a theory on Harrison Wells! I think that at least in part his character is going to be this show's Eobard Thawne (Professor Zoom). I like how they totally named the cop Eddie Thawne and there may be something to that too, but I think if you look at the Wells character, things line up more. Basically Prof. Zoom was a killer from the future who found a way to develop speed force powers because of his obsession with Barry Allen who he read about in history. He finds a way to travel back in time and when he and Barry don't get along, he gets his feelings hurt and later makes it a point to go further back in time and personally kill Barry's mom (Barry's mom was first just killed by a burglar during a break-in, but Thawne kills him and replaces him in history just to be a part of that formative moment). So for now, Wells is my prime suspect as the Reverse-Flash we saw killing the mom and framing the Dad. I think when the collider exploded, maybe his legs were temporarily injured, but his speed abilities long since healed him and he's just been faking it and biding his time.

nemass26: My casting choice for the flash/barry allen would not be grant Gustin. He's an awesome guy talented actor but I think he'd be a more interesting casting choice for peter parker/spiderman. My choice for flash is patrick wilson

Joseph Redlitz: Vibe is not a villan! Do your research!

Joseph Redlitz: How is it that you guys are experts? Vibes a hero

Stavol2Dual: Always been a fan, and Cold Looks neat in the stills. Saw the Pilot first and it was good.

Eric Curto: The preview also hinted at Mirror Master, excited for that 

Eric Curto: There are two characters in this that are potential Reverse Flashes, one version is actually Wally West's version 

Eric Curto: Great to see we still get an After Show, John Campea wasn't able too

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