The Bachelor Season 24 Episode 9 | AfterBuzz TV

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Cuty Bain: Hi, I am bacrk after a long time as from 2004! I love this show also .

Naado Edwards: This is not Maddie relationship because this is the bachelor.He is dating 23 other girls and he's not made his mind like Colton. Peter is indirectly telling her she can't control him.I hope she will keep to her ideas than to come back.

K Jaime: The best part with Victoria was when she totally scared him in the outtake at the end.

K Jaime: THANK YOU, JEFF for saying what I JUST said here below.

K Jaime: It is NOT the strongest relationship. It's the strongest chemistry (by far, and since week two). But their values are different; their primary Love Language is different, and clearly they don't communicate as much as you thought they did, or she would have been more clear about HOW strongly religious her family is and Peter would have been more upfront that maybe is mother is, but he's not. He's just not going to emulate her father like she wants. No matter how much he wants to try for her. And his actions DID speak louder than words.

K Jaime: COMPLAINT ABOUT AFTERBUZZ: OK, Boomers. Why do you HAVE TO do these shows right after the episodes air live? I may actually be an old Gen-Xer, but I've been television-free since I got Verizon "dry loop" DSL in 2002. So I am FORCED to wait until the next day to see the episodes on Hulu. And I really don't get why you're not catering more to Millenials and Gen-Zers watching the show who may not have cable either and are streaming it like me instead of live. I want to be in the live chat with you guys but I can't because of spoilers (and my comments would be a week behind).

K Jaime: So: Peter and Madison have this really great relationship... except when it comes to the communication part? :D

K Jaime: Like I was just saying about Peter NEEDING sex to move forward, yes, Madison DID know what she was signing up for. There's no way she doesn't know about the four times in a windmill thing. This was never going to be her man. And even though I believe she's going to be coaxed back by him and they're together now and might get engaged in ATFR, they are going to be broken up within six months. Mark my words. He will NEVER be able to emulate the religious morals of her father, which is what she told him she needed. Never.

K Jaime: "He didn't need the windmill?" Do you not see the same Peter I have this season AND Hannah Brown's? The man's PRIMARY Love Language is CLEARLY Touch. He wants physical passion and is openly erotic, so that's what he needs from a potential wife. He DOES need the windmill.

asil naitivad: we dont know for surewhat he told maddy and whats been edited ------she did say actiions speak louder than words- hmm she wanted him to CHOOSE her not her tell him- which is alot of miscommunication lacking is - his choice was what he did- ------- re hannah ann too immature even though her wordd sound so mature but yet too scripted like she s in the interview part of a pageant- she is all in to win for her career shes is no way going to be a wife and mommy anytime soon she got plastic surgery to pursue her modeling career- she ll do and say whatever to win- not genuine- and her daddy playing tough is ridiculous shes not 12- shes done alot of racey stuff - maybe daddy o is not in touch with her career- victoria has too many issues for peter- he needs peace and love and fun but hes serious too about things-

Rea L Woodruff: Do they know the word boundaries? Ultimatum has a negative connotation. Boundaries are healthy and you set them for yourself and not for others.

Kim Nutt: When I love someone you won't sleep with no one else

Goldcoastjewel: It was unfair of Madison to wait until fantasy suites to declare her values. She should have been more honest from the beginning.

Trey: It's more than a little shitty to say Peter's just "thinking with his little Peter" or he only wants to have sex with Victoria F and stuff like that. Sex is not a bad thing! The only thing I hate more than demonizing sex is when people who say they are sex positive suddenly flip flop when confronted with the societal flaws that have resulted from a culture which stigmatizes the act so much!

Heidi L: Mina is a breath of fresh air on this show for her intelligent and insightful comments, please keep her!

greimalkin: I like that Jeff talks quickly

Andrea Lauren: What if he didn't sleep with the other girls, but then Madison still doesn't pick him! And then the other girls won't want to be second best, so he will live with What Ifs and regrets and a big fat broken heart for long time! Probably not forever, b/c he'll be okay in then end. That's what's he's saying anyway.

maddox glow: Let’s be honest the fact that Madison even went on a show where a dude dates and makes out with multiple women...shows her morals aren’t the best

Wendy Roberts: Maybe Peter figures out how hard it was for Hannah B now, and goes back to her and says he is so sorry and asks for them to have a chance.

Germaine weaver: I love this guest😍

Karen Lee: The reason they were so happy is because he did not have all the information about her. His face changed after she actually told him.

Karen Lee: Like I said I think Madison is the next bachelorette. It's production gold to have a virgin in that position. Just saying

Karen Lee: Not fair that he did not know soon enough. That would have been respectfull to Peter. Madison has her values and they are not his.

Karen Lee: I think she should have told him after he met her parents. Then he would have had time to think about it. She probably would have been sent home because Peter is a very sexual person. Which means he is not her type. I hope he picks Hannah Ann she knows him better.

Winter Renee 41: Okay im confused....everybody is saying Madison...Peter has said what happens at the end has never happened on The Bachelor before.... If he ends up with Madsion well thats kinda the samething as Colton&Cassie.. Cassie leaves Colton goes after her.... So that leads me to believe that he's not with Madison either

AngeLEyes8100: I don’t think that it was fair the same thing when Luke did not want his possible fiancé Hannah sleeping around He was crucified for the same thing that Madison feels. It wasn’t fair because its normal to feel what they felt.

AngeLEyes8100: Peter wanted to mess with the others and didn’t care what Madison felt. But I still hope they can work it out at the end. I don’t see it lasting that long with any of the others. But I can see it long haul with peter & Madison.

Nelson Tam: Who in here still remembers JC and Cathy Kelley?

Maria G: Yeah I don’t think Madison and Peter are good together. Their families don’t match. Her dad must want to kill him now that he’s seen her hand on the shower door 🤚!

Let's Eat, Ebay and Other Things!: watch my recap

la liz: does anyone just wants this season to be over so we don't have to watch peter's and victoria's stupid faces and also witness his terrible decision making?

Me Me: How is no one talking about how Victoria F has broken up multiple marriages and was literally straight up lying to Peter about this?????

Traci Martin: By far, this is the most balanced and fair analysis of Madison's conversation that I've seen on any podcast. It's good to see an intelligent discussion about values. It is not "closed minded" to ask for boundaries when you're considering getting engaged the next week. That's just normal. I'm a fan of this show!

Paulo Neto: I think neither Madison nor Peter are totally in the wrong. It's perfectly legitimate for Madison not to like the idea to possibly be purposed by someone who just slept with someone else a few days prior, especially if Peter has expressed that he feels more strongly about her. In real life, many of us, religious or not, wouldn't be totally okay with that idea. But I also think that Peter (just like any other lead) has the prerogative of exploring what he thinks he needs to explore in the fantasy suites, including sex, if it gives him a better idea of who to choose and at this point, he doesn't owe a vow of fidelity to anyone.

Naado Edwards: Well I think Peter wasn't sure of Maddie because when he told her he is falling in Love she didn't say it back.Peter didn't know they were on the same page.Anyway if her whole life her faith the she should have gone to look for love at church where she can get believers. Luke P said if Hannah B has slept with any one he will leave and Hannah sent him picking.Peter is a gentleman I don't think he will sleep around, if he gets married but the woman have to be"good'😍😍😍

cyndi williams: Am I the only one over this season...sigh

Steph: People have been commenting for a long time about how Peter was acting in love with most of the women he went on a date with since the beginning of the season. Well, surprise, now Peter says he's in love with three women and doesn't know what he's gonna do. You can't pick between the three women at this point? The man needs help.

Aquetea Goodman: Double standards...Luke P did the same thing. Madison is look as wow she has values and standards. Luke P oh he is controlling, trying to put down Hannah and her right to have sex. Lol

roter13: I don't like how people are going easy on Madison because she's a sweet southern girl. She is judgemental as health

D. Deborah Jones: This has been the best commentary/episode breakdown that I've heard so far. Might be the group dynamics or might be that the content of last night's show lends itself to some great discussion. Probably a combination of both. Enjoyed the discussion!

Joseph Boza: Give me a break. Lets take the virgin talk out of it. Madison is using her morals to run how fantasy suites is ran. She is a desperate bitch. She wants to be the only one that hooks up with Peter. She doesnt want him to sleep with the other 2. In her mind, she is married to him and it scares her that they are at Fantasy suites. That is why she was the meat of the episode. Hannah Ann probably did sleep with him but the producers chose not to air it. If she is really a virgin and that is how she felt. She should have told him before hometown dates. This is a case of double standards. Luke Pell did this same stuff to Hannah last season and nobody ripped a bastard but Madi is getting so much shade thrown at her. I felt for Hannah Ann and Victoria. They want to get the full bachelor experience but Madison is trying to control it cause she is a christian. Why do Christians like her sign up for this show if they make it this far? Dont they know what they sign up. To sum this season,if there was a REAL theme to this show, it would be Dream's hit He loves you not.

Kathty Best: If you took a shot every time Madison said LIKE, you would be wasted.

David Cosloff: I hope Peter makes things right with Madison.

My two Cents: I Agree with Mike, honestly I don’t see how if you truly love someone (like peter says he does Maddie) then how do you sleep with two other women the night before, virgin or not virgin, in ANY relationship this would be a deal breaker. Plenty of bachelors used the fantasy suites to just talk and get to know each other...

Kathty Best: They seem to like the chase, what they can't have. I think he chases Madison after she leaves. If he picks Victoria, I swear I'm done.

Vickie Casey: Madison had every right to say that she wouldn't be comfortable getting engaged knowing her fiance slept with someone else 6 days earlier...and we all know that this show lives in an alternate universe but regardless of sex, who in the real world would feel comfortable getting engaged knowing your fiance was torn between you and 2 other women just 6 days earlier??

Cheri 430: OMG that know it all host needs to go! I’d rather have 3 than her.

C M: How is Mike the only one who's onto Victoria? I'm sorry...this girl seems shady af. I'm not buying it.

Danyellels: So yall whole conversation is about madison forget about the other two?? Im not that big on Madison, but what I will say is say what u mean and mean what u say which she did not do nor has she ever said she is falling in love with him so Im sorry but this a show is where everything moves quickly and he is a very sexual person so she is definitely on the wrong show. She definitely annoyed me with that first conversations where she barely said anything..🙄😑

Abby Rose: Here’s the thing: Madison had to have known how sexual of a person Peter is going into the season. I personally don’t think that Peter and her are compatible at all because her being a very very very religious person and him not being very religious at all can be polarizing. I think one of them would have to give up a part of themselves that is a huge aspect to their lives in order for it to work and I don’t think that’s fair to either of them. Madison shouldn’t have to give up her values and Peter shouldn’t have to turn into a religious person who is a born again virgin haha. Religious differences will make for a lot of problems, especially because Madison says that religion is her entire life. Nothing is wrong with either side but I don’t see it working in the long run. As a non-religious person I respect those who are religious but I would never want to change who I am just to meet their “standards”. With that being said, I also don’t think Peter should go for Hannah Ann or Victoria either. I am also really hoping that Madison is not the next bachelorette because I cannot deal with the whole virgin thing again. This is THE BACHELOR/ETTE, give me good tv not saints who are saving themselves for marriage lol

roter13: I would have read Madison for filth if I was Peter. If she wanted a man that would not have sex, go to your local Church and find a guy with the same values. She clearly went on the show to become an influencer. No one can be that naive to this show at this point.

Becky Black: I agree with you, Mike. The hate against Maddie is not right. Jump that fence and leave it in your pants if you love her.

Belinda Nfuka: As much as people are saying oh Madison should’ve been more clear, I think she was clear enough and also I bet if she said I’m leaving if you have sex with the other girls, people would say oh she’s giving him an ultimatum, that not healthy and people would crucify her even more than they already are. I think she got her point across but I do agree she should have told him that she was saving her self for marriage.

Sabrina Buchanan: Why was she even on the show. They know this is part of the process

Angela Brown: I love Madison. I am a Christian and stand for her values, BUT - WHY DID SHE COME ON THE BACHELOR?? Of all shows! Didn't she know that the show is filled with promiscuity? They kiss ALOT, and they may even sleep with each other - But that's what they do. Did she not see Peter on the Bachelorette? He is a very sexual being - he does not share that particular standard of hers. End of discussion. On the other hand, if Peter says that he actually LOVES Madison, why would you sleep with someone else - spend the night talking, learn more about them, but not sleep with them.

A K: Could barely get through this. That girl next to Jeff is sitting five miles away from the mic and is of course just stating the starkly obvs with an annoying voice as f...

Real Mom: I do not have a problem at all with what Madi said. To me, if he cared for any of these women, he would not have sex with one and turn around and have sex with another. Her virginity has nothing to do with it, it is just a matter of being a decent person. You don't sleep with one person one night and another the next night when you know they all know each other (ala Blake sleeping with two women who knew each other back to back).

Holly House: Madi never told him she loved him. She came into this wanting her own show next season. Absolutely

Holly House: ???? NOOOOO

Patti R: Madison doesn't seem to really care that much. She is being wishy washy. She's playing a game. She never told him that she was a virgin. Should have much sooner. Very business like.

Ticora Adams: I love Madi but her and Peter are definitely not compatible. Madison has been clear what type of husband she wants..mainly a spiritual lead and Peter is not that. Also, the whole sex before marriage thing will be a strife in their relationship constantly..she wants to wait and he doesn't...the foundation is already off. And as a Christian myself, whose faith also means the world to me, dating someone who is not on the same page faith wise is difficult and hard and most time provides more hardships than necessary. The Bible clearly states to not be unequally yoked which just means marry someone who has the same values, morals, and faith as you and yes that means Peter and Madison are unequally yoked. So while they may have the best relationship out of the ones left, long term it won't work. But I don't think Madison leaves the show just yet..i think at some point she may, but as of now, no.

dante sigler: The difference between Luke p and Madison is that Hannah B already had slept with Peter so that really matters because the way The producers set it up made it look like Luke was judging her and she Felt judged not because of what Luke was saying because she had already did it so for Madison it was before. So Peter have a choice now how do people no see the way the show set it up this double standard BS is killing me think 🤔 people think

Jamie Anne C: I think it's perfectly valid, to have the expectation that your future husband, shouldn't sleep with someone else, 2days prior to proposing, to you. Regardless of what you "sign up for" in this show, sharing someone, with 30 other contestants, is effed up. Expecting them to value your relationship, and respect your feelings, isn't. If Nick Viall could keep it in his pants, during his dates with Rachel, and Raven (the latter of whose advances were allegedly difficult to tactfully rebuff), for the sake of his relationship, with Vanessa, anyone can. I believe Lauren Bushnell had difficulties reconciling the fact that Ben Higgins slept with the others, during his fantasy suites, which led to the demise of their relationship. To be clear, I am a very sex positive person, but I think it's perfectly fair, and reasonable, to go into fantasy suite week, with the belief that "If I am your person, you shouldn't want to sleep with someone else."

Sarah Pontius: This is going to be long, I have a lot of thoughts! Madison should have said that she would leave if he were to have sex with the other two women. She wasn’t clear enough. Her conversation should have started with “I am falling in love with you”, because that would have given him an indication of how deep her feelings were, which in turn would have given him motive to not have sex with the other two. He could have been thinking that she is the only one who hasn’t said she loves him yet, and in his mind, why would he waste the fantasy suite with two women who do love him on someone who hasn’t said it and could potentially not “get there”. However, he was fully aware of what she meant when she had that conversation with him. I really believe that he thought he could talk her in to staying even though he had sex. He had the “I’ll do it and apologize later” mentally. P.S., as terrible as Victoria F is, I think Hannah Ann is incredibly fake and I don’t know how i’m the only one who sees it! P.S.S. Madison needs to stick to her guns and stay away from him!

Rachel Heller: I like Madison however, if Peter picks her, I don't see Madison and Peter lasting and getting married. I think that Peter picks Hannah Ann. I think Kelsey will be a good Bachelorette.

ahumblediva: I wouldn't really say she dated someone high profile. In an interview, Chase Rice referred to her as an extracurricular activity.

Jamie Nystrom: I prefer Hannah over Madison

Deborah T: It is about honoring your future wife. If Peter knows who his final pick will be then he is cheating on his soon to be fiance.

uc francess: Your guest is on point, if he knew he was going to pick her at the end, while sleep with others.

King Alaska: Tayshia for bachelorette

Stephanie Scott: Victoria F's lack of self love isn't from past relationships. It's a deep seeded childhood issue.

Gladis Gamez: Love this panel ! Everything on point

CassperLive: Okay, not only did 'angel' Madison sign up for the show. The bachelor was the guy known for having sex the previous season in a windmill. She and everyone else knew who Peter was. It's not fair to wait til the end and throw out a weak kinda ultimatum then act like oh "I didn't want to control him" but that's exactly what angel Maddy tried to do. No Maddy is dead wrong.

Selia Ashida: Thank you tin foil hat guy. Respect is hugely important.

Avalon Eckert: Not a fan of Madison

Bonnie Barto: I don't see a true connection with any of the three girls left. Peter lit up way more with Hannah B., so even though people say there is no way it would be Hannah B., I still hold out hope for her. Especially since it is obvious that they have feelings for each other and there is a lot of stuff that needs to be worked out.

That Marble Life: Do we ACTUALLY know that Madi wasn’t the first though?!? I’ve heard from past episodes they don’t actually air it the way that it’s done so idk. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was first but they just aired it differently.

Xxmilkshake202xX: Nick Viall didn’t sleep with anyone, but his final choice. Peter just isn’t there.

Xxmilkshake202xX: “I don’t think” isn’t clear.

K Parker: I am still one to believe that Peter and Madison could have worked out, especially because she seems to have some of the things that he lacks, like extremely clear standards for herself, and what she will tolerate and not tolerate in a relationship, and they could have grown and become better people together. (The whole "having clear standards for what you will tolerate" is in stark contrast to what Peter has taken from Victoria this season, and although I am a Victoria F. apologist and have kind of liked her all season and think she has some maybe intense baggage and isn't right for Peter, what she and Peter have is simply not a healthy or stable relationship.) But maybe I'm just projecting because I am a strong Christian yet am 100% okay dating people outside of my religion, and although they may not be on the same page, they could have gotten there after a long time dating even though difficult decisions would have to be made.

K Parker: I just think, although it may have been tough, if Peter slept with none of them, he could have continued to date all three and decide at the end who he wanted to propose to. Sleeping with any of them essentially automatically eliminated one girl. Also, he could have slept with the person he chose (if it wasn't Madison) as much as he wanted in literally a week.

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