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gattu: Who loves the NEW Venom Update in Fortnite? 👀 also thanks to jovan for the early venom gameplay! ✔️

Bshzad Burhan: Please add me gattu

Bshzad Burhan: My name is b_khoshnaw

梶本博司: 「せ

Karen Martinez-Quintana: You are the most annoying

Youssef Ghazal: You are a bit guto

impa sta: Who is watching in season 5 and we never got venom or Thor boss

Eenuu Nawaz: Who feels bad that in fornite before the event we have killed iron man and other heroes so many times and they save us in the event

Zachary Carter: That is my epick name

Zachary Carter: Pickle Zac

Haydee Reyes: Ho likes season 5 so far

Maansi Muraliprasad: Iron man dancing be like at the beggening

Duckyy pro gg: Me ur biggest fan can u give me 1000 v bugs pls i supported u from Fortnite item shop and subscribed ur channel and i liked it

Duckyy pro gg: Hey gattu

Caleb Johnson: For me it happened already

Tobias Bochenek: F

Blake Pace: 😀 me I love venon

Flikrr: Yologic

Brian Mckechnie: I used you code gattu when I purchased something x

Julie Kelley: I do I do

Malik Coleman: Irom man is to power

LiL Wolverine: Omg I just realized season 5 starts on my birthday

Zahraa Brkaawi: Faks lo,

Bassam Bou Orom: 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💙💚💚💚💚💛💛💛💛💜💜💜💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💗💗💗💝💝💝💞💞💟💟💟💟👍👍👍

Jaxongamer official: I'm coming to get you....

Ollie and Alex: Me I do



Isaias Perez: Done! I hit the like button and i subscibe

Zahran AL-Abri: Hi my I’d:mohghosen

Gabriel Cimms: He makes himself look so good but he is in a private match

Donnelly Brooke Martinez: NEW Venom

Nishaaj Aryan: I have done everything pls can you gift me the battle pass Dark _knight 9275 and and you are my favorite fortnite player

Nishaaj Aryan: I have done everything pls can you gift me the battle pass Dark _knight 9275 and and you are my favorite fortnite player

Mark Wood: What would you do with all the super powers in Fortnite🦾

Lizbeth Gonzalez: I got venom

Lizbeth Gonzalez: I love your vids

Lizbeth Gonzalez: Im shark ca0s in fortnite

Brook Bailey: I used your code😊👍

RNGKIDSFIRFLASH: Plz stop clickbating

King Andrei MCPE and more: I did all My Epic is KingAndreiGaming

Dhruv Tambe: Liked and Subbed from a long time. my fortnite username is 11Dhruv

Kit: He always goes into bat lobbies, just look at the kill feed LOL

Rishaan Reddy: five8998

Stats: I did everything can you add me Epic STATS_ON_240FPS"/

Khalifa Al shehhi: GATTU can I have battle pass in fort nite my name is social verity8

STAYOUS TV: Yes is heling and wolverine heeling to

Subhan Randera: Can u gift me my epic username is Randera

Char Anthony: Lubstax_0420 my user name

Jimisha Smith: Hi

Jimmy butler Kraehenbuhl: Galactus

Terrenz Brown: I cannot wait till the next season

Alexander Gbarjolo: Can you please gift me the venom skin please i have been asking for a skin for a long time so can get the venom skin

Malakai Morning: epic: DOMGF56665

Rick Stegman: Him: **Try’s saying Thor** Him instead: *TORE*

Rick Stegman: Him: **Try’s saying zone** Him instead: *ZOM*

Kalyn Linden: I don't have the venom skin in fortnite

LaToya Sims-Walker: There are only 3 iron man dr vic von doom and wolverine

LaToya Sims-Walker: Venom isn't a boss

LaToya Sims-Walker: Bro

xBlue Playz: xBlue Playz is my epic name i dont have a mic and i wanted the ghost rider skin

Precious Mukwavi: I did everything my epic name is fin_daring948 I would like the Battle pass please

Brian Reed: your the best fortnite player ever gottu.

Karol Grudziński: I use code gattu in the fortnite item shop

akram tube hd: Im 550 comments gattu I liked you full video please gift me (akramtubehd)pls

Frugal Active Mama: your dumb dude yous and keep wolverrinegs powers

Ariel Williams: My epic is Crumby_cupcake0 and I want the blade skin please

Jessica Stanley: When someone wants fortnite vbbucks, only use They are the real deal when it comes to this! ଏସ୍ତଙ୍କସ୍ତଙ୍କହା ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ

Manouchka Couch: Have been subscribing can you give me the venom skin

DPIGGY 06: I subscribed and liked and used code gattu in the item shop my epic is Kagerager28

Liam Thomas: Hey gattu my fortnite account is Delbaby2gud (I'm a big fan)

Rocking Gamer258: My user Id is Abhishru

Moda Mohammed: Stop laughing I will stop watching you again you are a bad youtuber

Munawar Hussain: my epic needo761 i did everything you tell me. I want battel pass

Devesh Tripathi: This update was very cool

Life with Anas Shehzad: gattu please give me a skin i am an defoult my name is anas shehzad in fortnite please give me a skin

jolanta fróg: Name foxyartur

Thomas Barker: i would like a skin

Rolando Riano-Guerra: Please add me

Rolando Riano-Guerra: My epic is Rolandito307

دحوم 77: 👑🐝

Pierson Ourada: I did everything my name is PiersonTheGamer

Mariel De La Cruz: can I get venom my epic is brooklyn Hunter 80

Shawn Chenn: Nice video i sub with notis my name Akanbiツ

comedian T: hello gattu love your videos keep making them

Rahul Chaudhary: Me

Jaqueze Santifer: You got the Venom skin

Jacqueline Gonzalez: Gdfxr

stephanie smith: I

roger g: Omg

Jaime Matias Solis Diego: You don't get galactus

T Temelkoski: gift batle pass dodo_creed username

Diego and Jenni Garcia: Hey am a big fan I subed and used ur code and hit the bell Epic is:Jenni_Bosz

Tayloroo: "7:34" this is the best way to get 𝗩𝗯ucks atm- ➡️➡️ 𝙑𝘽𝙏𝙍𝙊𝙊𝙋𝙀𝙍𝙎.𝙎𝙄𝙏𝙀 κυνήγι ευκαιριών

Abdulaziz Alsayed: I have a way to kill wolverine easily

Flying Penguins: How long has he used this song in background

Colton Sorensen: you hurt me i want wolverine

Ferron Griffioen: I have subscribe you a long time a Go and i want the blade skin my epic is Lordkingone

Jonas Mohsen: I don't have venom

Mckennah Kigerl: gode

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