Fortnite Season 8 Carnage Mythic Weapons Venom Symbiote Locations Guide (Boss Carnage Venom)

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Fortnite TamashaBera: *like for new mythic weapon* 👍

Mpho: Phakzen

Shahid Mahmood: Me to


A Wade: Rhino246869

dawn king: I all so play fortnight

Jay Austin: Weres the bosses ??? Tanashabera

Tiger Roar: I also got my first season 8 victory royal with the carnage mythic weapon

Gyro Zeppeli: My username is Fearless_Raven40 I really want the battle pass

arczix1: This season is so nice

TL_Stagger: Please choose me I subbed and liked my username is Opt_ty

Jone army: Done username is mijen pls I want it

Gameplay Dude: thumbs UP 👍

Subtle Slight: i love your content

Finlay Godden: this guys high

Mp Beniz: Great video mate

foxynoxer: Username foxynoxer_777 battle pass pls I liked

Kaizer Moyane: O hno

Max Pettit: You voice hurts my ears!!!

gattu: I love the new update!

D&DCREW: Hey like your vids did you know that they where born with Child hood

foxynoxer: Foxynoxer_777 and my bro ushirama_ 777

Cordula Conny Schulz: 👌😆

Cordula Conny Schulz: Mi Fortnite Name is nicoderproboss

Muhammad suleiman: Your so annoying especially your voice

Dila Tatar: Dude could you gift me the new battle pass thx subed with notis on nick is HuDi4835

EpickDinosaur: is it just me or does he sound like preston with a darker voice?

LucasGaming: Good job on the vid, I couldn't find these things for like forever, you just earned yourself a subscription. My username is vixytrixie

Owen Sopazi: epic id: Anonymous3635

Dj K Money: OK but why does he have to state his every move

Ayaan Narang: 2:28 Llama at right

Anwen Lokier: Fyi the reason why you can't have both because imagine having to Symbiot on you they be one be jealous and jumping off of you

Ramanujan K: Sreeram8649 Battle pass

Mariyam Rashidha: I need a skin can you give me season 8 battle pass

Mohammed Ayaan 3b: Mohammedayaa user pls accept the friend request

ltirentius Julidenius Of The Imperial Legion: I need a male skin

ltirentius Julidenius Of The Imperial Legion: My Username is Coreysligar256

ltirentius Julidenius Of The Imperial Legion: I Subscribe

Andreas XR: Can you gift me the battle pass I'm default plsssssssssssss 😭😭😢😢😭😢😢😭😢😢😥my name is Progammer803. YT plsssssssssssss you are my favourite YouTuber 😭😢😥😢😭😭

Percy Jackson: gift me the battle pass pls - Rayaan Bhai Pro

Percy Jackson: i like your videos pls

Percy Jackson: pl s give me the battle pass tamasha bear i love your vieos pls i have subscribed and like all you recent videos with 3 email accounts also with post notifications on pls gift me the battle pass

Sana Masood: pls give me the battle pass i did all the instructions my epic games id - Rayaan Bhai Pro

Percy Jackson: i did all the instructions pls can you give me the battle pass my id - Rayaan Bhai Pro

Amir Nikbaktian: Didn’t work

HowIing WoIf: Please can you send me the season 6 battle pass I followed all the steps my epic games username is Howling WolfYT also I love your video keep up the good work

Liberty Tannous: i love all your vids can i please be gifted i did all the steps my name is Bigchungus3566 and im your 100th comment on this vid

Osana Dayaratne: ohhh my god this is the 1st time I saw your face friend request me =thunderbomb125

6A 18 Inbanithi.v: My epic user is Velu69944514

6A 18 Inbanithi.v: My epic user is Velu69944514

6A 18 Inbanithi.v: My epic user is Velu69944514

vivek kar98k: Please give me a skin please my username is VIVEKSHOUN

Kobe Osorio: Username RobertKobe31 Server Asia

JRS: i like the accent im subscribing he's actually useful too

Nikesh V: You are the first guy to find carnage mythic weapon 👌

Rio Soram: Hey bro can you gift me the battel pass it would be the best thing ever I never had a battel pass before so pls can u gift me

Brian Landry: I liked all recent vids and subed and my user is Rv2_Brayden

Nicholas Vondial: Can I have the battlepass I really want toona fish. User NickoLiicko or NICKOLIICKO

Ernand Demiri: My name is refleksiv-agent i am subscribed with post notification and i would like battle pass

Iker arvizu: Nice room

Happy gamer: Is it still in the games

Yermin Romero Valencia: I did all the steps Here's my username romero004GRR

Jicky Lackson: Im gamer tag is caltheslayer1

alixe frend: Bruh ween I go there I can't see it


Huddy wood: They hate each other

Huddy wood: There not friends

BJ Thomas: Can you gift me something

SMITHA SENITH: Can you share us fortnite skins codes



P1ebl: I liked and subscribed my epic games user is 2i59

Ιστορίες και Βιβλία: From ps4

Ιστορίες και Βιβλία: And i liek your new weapon my username epic username lakisgioulis ps4

Ιστορίες και Βιβλία: Its insanely good

Ιστορίες και Βιβλία: I just see this vid

Ιστορίες και Βιβλία: Hello

Xavier Lombera: Can I get gifted and here's my epic name yt_d47_destroys

Kid Williams: The amount of breaths he takes in one sentence scares me

Kelly Cameron: 2 symbiote mythics would be way to op

Dante De Posada Lugo: I liked and subscribed am low on vbucks Dantesinferno6

sinelnombre: Hey bro im new in fortnite can you answer my question? I didn't complete all the old battle pass but they gave me all the rewards of the battle pass when it ended? How could this happend?

Rebecca Richardson: Cbbc999

Connor McKnight: Hi

Taylor Webb-Rist: bro that was EPIC name is MasterShinRyu

Laura Walton: lz42t

Richard Hertis: Omg à vidéo Just yet😮 tamashebera yout thé Best YouTube ever

aapo vilja: My username is aironine And i like to unlock battle pass

Percy Jackson: My epic games id is - Rayaan Bhai Pro

Mikie: I need a free skin

Lewis Archer: Early

Pico_Fan_01: My epic is Dream_fan01 Plz gift me because i cant affort vbucks

Super Cuber MT: Pls me Spinning b

GameTroy: You just sound like Dora

Urmikha Ramanan: Epic shreyas_5606 plz gift me the battlepass

BlueEyedSkadi: I want you to stream again, I miss your streams very much

KingBrogames: I want the battle pass

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