PLAN BEE!!! - Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 7

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MangoesAndGrapes: Everyone saying Beehave really reminds me of Austin FLOWERS (Get it? Powers, flowers? I’ll see myself out)

Neel Tendulkar: This was one bee-ast of a project

Madonna Firma: this unbeeleaveable

Sunroot songs: You are the most under-rated crafter of mines of the hermit variety

Ferris the Red: Perfect episode-length project! I particularly enjoy the honey-drip alert system, and was thinking of something similar just as you revealed you already had it in mind. I like using water drips to make hydroponic planters and lava drips in portal chambers, and the other hermits have been making interesting use of the crying obsidian particles - I love seeing alternative uses for those satisfying drip effects. For similar reasons, I think I'll be using skulk sensors for plenty more than just redstone once 1.17 comes along.

Levi Davis: that is the exact content i came for XD

animewolf16: Beelloons xD

Wild Potato: Winnie the pooh wants to know your location

More Videos: “That problem kinda solved itself then” D a r k

ArchNiki: Maybe you should join podzol

Nagisa Shiota: LINK! INTRO! MUSIC! PLS?!

boudicaa storm: I laughed so much during this episode that my cheeks are literally stinging. Well done lol!

Kohl Miller: Am I the only one who laughed at the "Im lonely" more than the "Honey Im home"?

ColinKaro: its also the Bee's Tower of honey

Phillip Henry: If you fill all 9 slots in the dispensers with glass bottles, you can guarantee that a honey bottle will pop out when you harvest the honey.

Sorceror Nobody: "I think I'm gonna have to have a little bedroom up here" Don't you mean beedroom

Kevin Tao: you can use observers to detect when its honeyed

Amshu Amaraji: The BEES tower

Viola Halogen: Well that intro made my day.

The Nug: When you spent an hour looking for an ultra rare item but forgot what you needed it for

Tony Hamilton: Love your episodes Zedaph. Thanks for your great work!

admanajw: is it the BEEstower, BEE stower, or the BEE's tower?

We are the champions: "We need to get them pumping stuff out of their butts!" - Zedaph 2020 Timestap for anybody who wants it: 3:56 Also that honey block elevator tutorial was really funny!

Wite Rabid: 2:56 Comb, sweet comb. 🐝

The stupid villager: Stop the puns !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Davis Azarya Lahope: I BEE-live that this episode is going to be SWEEET as a bee making fresh HONEY to feed another bee to make more sweet HONEY but the trap episode are kinda NESTY like going to a beehive and will also bee STINGY. Well. imma BUZZ off

Tucker Jung: Man these jokes are just plain PUNishing

Theodor Tobiassen: Anyone else that has seen the movie “plan bee”?

Lucas Miller: Beestower is also bees tower, and from the contraption image it looks kinda like a tower

Adam Watson: wait!!! Doc is on Hermitcraft?

cyclopsboi: i beelieve honey is vomited up from a separate stomach and wax is actually secreted through the pores.

Lord Giblets: Even though I've seen all of Zedaph's Hermitcraft this episode, I don't recall if he's gotten up to any major shenanigans with Grian. The two of them would be a great team for pranking folks.

131Leonardo 01: the puns are beeutiful zedaph

Jshodgson: If you had flowers around your base the bees would not fly away and escape. They only went outside because they couldn’t find enough flowers nearby. Having bees flying around your base would bee so cute

Highland Figure5: I'm confused why are you using diamond tools and armor

Jade Harrington: You really BEEleive the only thing in the comments will BEE SWEET puns? You must BEE crazy, HONEY.

Luna: 13:50 Don’t mind me, just walking my bees.

CouldIBeColin: So zed if you are going to get to over 100 contraptions you should create a video where you make like five - ten mini contraptions all around the base

The AquaEagle895: Hey Zedaph, you should start a Minecraft talk show, you have the voice and everything

ScooterFett: keep them smoked when you go to pick them up smh

Krista Johnson: Lol can't forget about the teaboy!

BeetleCrown1068 xX: To make honey, bees eat each other vomit, then vomit it out again. Sorry to put you of honey lol

JimJam James: God, I love your intros. They never fail to make me laugh sldbglskhb

Alan Diaz: B

OWNED GAMING WASD: Could have used crying obsidian so it would have been easier to notice

Toamastar15: Zedaph your episodes are always wonderfully entertaining and alway leave me smiling, thanks for all the effort you put in! :)

Jon Barton: With the honeyvator out front it's also a bee's tower? Might be reaching a bit there. =P

Blas_de_lezo: loved the intro!

delco2035: And now in order to store all this honey, you are going to need a pot farm ._.

Jenson Trietsch: I feel like Zedaph forgot about headphone users at The beginning.

Sophisticated Lad: the honey sounds like someone peeing

Sαετοή мΛи: zedaph: 'i'm lonely' everyone: same

Spike 365: Don’t I’m lonely too 😔 But wanna know what cures that MINECRAFT

MajesticMrP: Doc is back!

The Z Family: Thinking bee!

Luis Elias Bruckböck: its also the "bees tower" XD

Kenneth De Wever: Silk touch needed for bee nest and bee hive

killroy42: Oh bee-hive! ;)

Kay Cee: Bee-stower or Bees-tower? That is the question.

TrueKing: You should make a tube from the aquarium to the ocean to transport turtles and dolphins to the aquarium

Rens Beek: his intro need to chance because there is a new nether

Hiznogood: 12:49 Aha, the Doc is back!

Lieutenant CatBolt: The beestower is actually a triple pun-- the bees are bestowing you with honey, you're stowing away the bees, and it's also the bees' tower XD. And as an added bonus, it looks truly bee-autiful.

Mumma Bia: Damn you crack me up! That intro is gold!

champion gamer: I will suggest u to place bees nest in multiple places in there homes

champion gamer: I don't think that zedaph know what is happening outside

champion gamer: Seraph is not thinking about how he gonna decorate his base

Dante Sjölund: Home #idea name "Hollow Rock"

Lil' Nugget: "I'm not a bee ,i can't fly" *then why not turn into a bee?*

Joppe Mertens: Honny is actually the food for the bee larves, the worker bee's chew on it and puke it out. Sorry for my bad englisch if its wrong writen.

The gaming north: 10:17 nice joke

Danilo Martins: ... Aaaaand, it's a "bee's tower"...

Just Some Jersey Devil With Internet Access: Why were you Tea Boy for yourself?

Sajjad Ali Khan: "Shut up and take my Like!"

Sanjay Sahu: Join restiance HQ

Aathi Sankar: Bee-buddy

ex nihilo: aww, i was hoping you would name it the homey comb.

tamstertx63: As gross as that sounds, the way bees make honey is actually an amazing process. Bees collect nectar from flowers and they store it in their honey stomach, also known as the crop. Bees have another stomach, the ventriculus, for the food they eat and digest. ... So, honey is really the vomit of many bees combined.

Aunty Googol: Great episode and wonderful contraption!

Jacksonjameswan: The best part of all of hermitcraft is “I’m lonely”

Andrea Castro: *not even thirty seconds into the video* *hits like* :)


Jasian101: Honey is actually bee vomit.

Murdervator: I cannot fly...while wearing elytra haaaa

Lapis Septo Flufftail: Why do you jump off the honey elevator, you literally showed sliding down honey at the beginning of the episode only to not use that mechanic the whole vid

Felipe Didio: Bees eat polen and vomit wax and honey, they don't poop it out

Jesse 444: It’s a triple pun, since it’s also BEE’s TOWER lol

fg aircheese: Now that’s done We can start the episode like a normal person-zedaph the person who is as far as I have seen his channel or the other one he uses He is not In any way A Normal person And that’s what I like about him

Watrmeln: Try hosting another is that sheep looking at me game!

M4YH3M: “Oh Doc went to bed and caused some lag!” DOC HAS RETURNED

Matt Lewandowski: Since Zed was bringing up bees in the rafters and calling exterminators (as a part of his intro jokes), I would like to bring up that BEEKEEPERS will often remove bees from your house for free (though a bee hive in the walls or rafters will often result in damage that will need to be repaired) your community agricultural agent can usually put you in contact with local bee keepers who can capture and transplant a colony. This has been a PSA from your local bee keepers association :)

Steven kole: Too prevent it from putting the honey bottle back in the dispenser fill the dispenser fully with bottles. So like instead of putting one stack in, divide them upon each slot.

David Provencher: Zedaph: "Now we can start the episode like a normal person." Me: Waaaaaaay too late for that, Zed.

Matt-the-Yipper: It's also a Bee's Tower.

Ethan Smathers: Loved the intro

Youmaa: I love how Zedaph is, by far, the hermit that makes me lol the most =D

The Education Beacon: You could use some of your honeycombs to craft hives for the homeless bees

MWM: 3:57 *bees actually throw honey from their mouth.... not from their butts*

Sam: Goodness we’ve missed you! 💜 🐝

Sonny: BeeloonsXD

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