The Farm Arm! - Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 8 #17

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That One Guy: You could put that water stream further left so that it naturally ends before the soul sand block. Just dig a hole in the wall.

loqk loqkson: as The Night Sniper said, you can put a normal block on the end to harvest the pumpkin

O.K. Productions: That first one you lost is some how going to end up in boatum and cause even more lag

Santa: *Can we all agree that when He uploads our days get better! 💖*

Jacobo Blanco: I want a Whack Whack Whack shirt.

Zike: Note: science makes things sound science like, such as the power of Zedaph's advertising skills

OldManWestie: Move the dripstone up one block. The dripstome blocks are likely stopping some of the bamboo getting through

Caroline: A zedaph video is just what I need today. Fun with blocks!

Sekroy's Sektor: Drip stone growing is stopped when hitting water, if I remember correctly

wobelong: Hey Zed! There's absolutely a way of doing kelp I reckon, as kelp growing through flowing water turns it into a kelp block!

Peeekaaay: More Tango colabs! Just sayin


IknowRedstone: you can put the observers on any side of the slime block. so you can make it flat and you can have an actual slit without the big part Also use a glass block at the tip of the arm so that the dirt doesn't stick

Sushila Bhatia: Zedaph in a nutshell : 31% efficency 69%Fun and science

Vyliad: arm fAHArm!

Ian Robin: Zedaph, how about doing some sience on whats hapening with the moon?

Apintilesei Claudiu: 1:00 are those bdubs original clocks ?

Kasimir Valentovic: You can use the arm to harvest pumpkins and melons if you replace the outermost slime block by any movable non-slime block, e. g. glass. It will be dragged along with the rest of the arm but it will not do any dragging itself, leaving the dirt untouched.

Ayaan Ahmad: 16:11 Zed just completely ignored the earth shaking thing.

Eric M.: Talking of clocks... what about the clock you've built in the 1st (?) episode? How much time has it counted by now?

Vikingphoenix: Zedaph's redstone is just like mine, incredibly inefficient but fun. Love it.

Arnel Banogon: i just wanna test something shit

Peekaku Chu: I think impulse did something with his cactus farm... He had dead spots that he fixed with stuff ... Watch his wonkifying his farm you were the inspiration btw hehe

CLOSER TALE: You should change intro that before laying on the text you thing and it dont fall

mr kalaspuff: The Fa-ahaa-arm

LightningAussie: I’m absolutely loving this science series Zed!

WATCH.ME. DIE.: Just thinking out loud - could you not have the pumpkins and melon one level lower, so the arm picks them up and then have them popped off by....cactus? Would that work? Or would you reach the push limit by collecting them?

matsku gaming: When more create mod

Tiger Lilly: What if you had a flying machine that moved back and forth with a dispenser filled with shears on the end? If you could figure out a way to power the dispenser each time it moved you could use it to farm vines! Or even farm wax! If you made one filled with bottles you could use it to farm honey as well!

Blaze Hammer: If you were to place the drip stone at the very end instead of in-between it would immediately stop the items from flying further. That'd make it so more of the bamboo makes it into the water stream. It's also give you the option to allow the drip stone to "grow" more and you could get a larger harvest out of it. You could also put drip stone between the rows of cactus to prevent loss and have those items drop straight into a water stream. Loving to arm farm ya got going lol it's got me thinking on what I could do farm wise :)

Joel Herrey: Great work, Zed!

Säschchen Reichert: I really think you should try to include the melons and pumpkins. For science

Maurice Léon Mertens: What I like on the arm, the base is so small. Didn't know that.

Mimic Infinite: Does the ice slipperyness work from the bottom? Maybe you could replace the glass with ice and the items would keep moving

R C: Use a scienciy sign INSTEAD OF A PRESSURE PLATE!!!!

Razzle McFrazzle: A way to fix the pumpin/melon problem with the dirt sticking is to replace the last slime block with any normal moveable block. It will move with the arm and break things without sticking to the dirt

DrHenchman: You always find the most creative ways to automate things in Minecraft. Love it!

JonathanGaming: I may be wrong but I think that kelp turns non water sources to water sources when it grows, so I don't think it needs to be a water source

Warren St.George: Add glow berries to this everything farm arm!

Owen PlaysAndCreates: If you place some blocks under the slime, you can harvest a lot more things e.g. Melons and pumpkins also you can do nether vines with it, so you can add a lot more things to the arm tunnel

Kashi: You could put a string on top of every crop so it only grows two blocks and no item will land in the ground

Kyle Bosley: Zeds season has been awesome

Tom: Why doesn't he play Create... it was inadvertently made for him

TechBandit: You should make this into a cute little minigame in your own base- make it have BOTH a manual button AND an automatic harvest. When you press the button all the drops will go into a separate chest than the ones that are automatically harvested. Your job is to try and guess when is a good time to harvest and collect more resources with the manual harvest than the automatic harvest. It's a fight against the machines!

Demented MK: You could also grow nether vines with this I think!

Aidenpons: I love how happy this contraption is!

NinjaMagic: Zedaph? Making something actually practical, useful, AND smart? Impossible!!! Heresy!!!!

Eathy: Is there technically a dead spot? Won’t the items stack as they swoop by?

Aditya Karmokar: you need a better intro

Paul Reads the Bible: You are a wizard Scientist this season Zed. Way to conqueror redstone. I can't wait to see next season and season 10 and all the things you entertain us with. Thanks, Professor Z.

A Z: To solve the dead spot in the water stream, consider trying a two-layer water stream! Anything in that gap falls down another hole into a 2nd water stream, which then brings it to the item elevator!

Selah (AspieGamer13): Dripstone won’t grow into water (and needs water source above to grow) Why not move the perpendicular water line in some so the water can flow all the way to the end and not create a dead zone? Potential angled water flow to help avoid dead zones if the water is too stubborn to cooperate

Yee: Arm farm's are great, but have one fatal flaw: There is an extremely small chance that one of the blocks grows at exactly the same time the arm is in that position, causing the arm to go above it's block push limit and stop moving. I'm not sure if this is the case with every plant, but I've made a similar farm for dripstone and it occasionally stops. I think the only way to fix this is to make the arm shorter, thus having the ability to push more blocks so it keeps moving. However this would effect the efficiency of the farm much more.

Toms Money Magic: You can add the nether vines to the contraption

Yee: The string under the dripstone actually makes the farm less efficient. Dripstone can't remove water sources, so it just uselessly stops it from growing to it's full potential.

ItsCliffGaming: For the water leading to the bubble column, couldn't you break out blacks to make it have exactly 9 blocks of water stream ending directly next to the bubble column?

robert johnson: Just add another source block that pushes to the opposite of the collecting tube and it should push the water horizontal side

Titus Wasick: There is another fliying machine build that is flush! ==<{ } >== =Slimeblock >Piston } Observer

Icedra 4444: Each section of farm could use a different hopper mine cart by powering the trap door to drop the mine cart. I believe warped and crimson vines can be collected in a similar manner. The mob farm is a great idea and could give the "long arm of the law" some more pushin work.

Bruh-dy: i read the title as "the ant farm"

Gaming Guy Rob: I ordered my plushie when you first announced it. I can't wait to get it! Still loving the videos. You are extremely entertaining and I'm always laughing the whole time!

Korban Pyke: The f-aha-rm!

abj: I love this so much i think i’ll build one.

FLAME26: what about weeping vine and twisted vines ?

lanatsif: You can easily make the flying machine 1-high so the holes in the walls look prettier

TheKazragore: Zedaph is Cave Johnson, confirmed.

GreenKnight 1315: If you rearranged the observers on top of the flying machine to the front and back of it, you could make the passage one block tall all the way, which would look way cooler

Nathan: Uh, idk about the water source thing with the kelp, but if you place the kelp, it definitely becomes a water source block. Saw that trick lots with bubble elevator tutorials

talk2mearth: I'd love to see u use the shulker boxes as your storage for the farms and everything else

Tyler Wood: Very cool. I feel like this is like those people who have tiny gardens in their basements and do amazing work. This is something I may implement at some point.

Old Soldier: Well, now we know why scientific terminology is so convoluted. It’s because they have so much trouble pronouncing normal words, like harvestable, that they want the rest of us to know how it feels. 🤣😂🤣

Matt the 2nd: You could make the tip of the arm a stickable block to harvest pumpkins and melons.

Latte02: everyone is talking about the moon.. but why scientist Zedaph not on the case?

Michael Gage: I got excited watching xb crafted’s video because I saw zedaph had logged on and I was hoping for a video, and here it is!

Philip-Antoine Chevalier: Honey blocks might negate the bounciness of the cultures

JaydenMazz8706: 15:40 the return of the 12 bamboo

Citation Needed: Zedaph! I had a weird, kinda scientific idea! Yknow how you can use explosions to shoot arrows? It would be cool if you used tnt dupers to create a rail gun to shoot off those arrows to kill stuff in a mob farm or something! You could get infinite arrows for this by having a skeleton hit a zombie and then let the zombie hit the skeleton, then intercept the arrows with a block while the skeleton is shooting at the zombie!! You could even give the skeleton a better bow that has flame and would cook meat if your target happened to be a cow or pig!! This could be cool to just go off every once in a while and shoot across an area!!

Jordan Tierney: If you want to not waste as much, you could make it so the mine cart runs back underneath the farm on its way back to the start. Then it would just unload with the next harvest

Charles Enbom: Obviously I'd add an alarm to the farm arm

BeautifulNova: I wonder if using 12 bamboo was intentional.

Anungmation【アヌンメーション】: It looks like some items are getting stored on the shulker boxes when the hopper minecart passes by

The Tradon Network: Put in weeping and warped vines.

Crow Soup: Absolute alpha doesn't give a damn about the earthquakes

Eli: im pretty sure kelp regrows but it will turn the water into source blocks

Daniel Haupt: I dont think that melon- and pumpkinblocks have to grow on dirt.

MC U: If the Hermits are lucky, maybe the rogue flying machine pushes the moon back where it came from, turning the mad scientist in the unexpected (and accidental) saviour of the server.

Cole: You can harvest warped stem and weeping vines

Aidan Meadows: you should make a slime block elevator that bounces you all around your lab

Skypig: Zed, if you want to pick up more items you could potentially stack multiple minecarts, or rest another one on the piston and funnel different types of items to it

Skypig: With the water, if you only put source blocks in the opposite corner then you should be able to make everything flow into the corner no matter where it starts

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