6/30/2021 - Hermitcraft Season 8 Action! Working on the slime farm (Stream Replay)

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Holphana Scott: the tree lag might have something to do with the new type of tree and how it generates 2 different leaf blocks for the same tree. There are now a lot of new blocks that can be altered in height as well which might have caused some changes to the generic code for all height based blocks. Sometimes this makes the height check for old stuff kinda funny. this is all a generic assumption though, I have no idea what the code looks like.

Wild Animals: 1:45:40 - Wait... Are we going get to see your legs finally? 0w0 thats lewd 😆

lordmord: Impulse, I highly recommend looking at the Ubiquity Unifi kit for your network. We started using it a couple of years ago and I’m so glad because it’s been rock solid during pandemic homeworking and homeschooling. With three kids and two working parents we stress the connections pretty hard at certain times in the day with video calling and 4K streaming.

LambiPlays: The duble take on that big donation really made my day not gonna lie

Sandy I will be in it: Who else has a impulse plush

Beatrice: impulses name is Simpulse Vsv

Rhianna Staker: Hey impulse! Not sure if you read these comments but people can still be gifted subs when not watching. Being in Australia, I'm often gifted subs whilst I'm sleeping, so many generous people in the community! Love your stuff and I hope your trial works for you and your family, such an exciting step!

dude82us: yea i dont know how that gift subs work..ive gotten gifted a sub when i wasmt even there..not very often but yea

Metal Monkey: I think one of the main reasons Skizz won't be a hermit is because he's too busy. His time on Legacy SMP was very short

Froggy Ruler: 29:17 or just attach a hopper and a chest so it goes into the chest and doesn’t get blocked

Poketrainer Jaden: Who else is watching these again and liking it just to encourage these streams in the future

Froggy Ruler: The start is so wholesome 🥰

Praburaj M: Video Stuttering only for me or everyone has it?

Jack Chang: The community is the best. Let's keep impulse full time. Thanks for uploading the stream. I appreciate something to watch during my late nights.

Wild Animals: 1 hour in - Impulse starts to notice his hair loss and about falls into a mental break down till... He is low enough and can see the shadow of what little hair is growing back... Me with full viking bear and hair past my shoulders after having it all shaved off 8 months ago from a little nasty wreck - I feel you pain... I feel your pain 😆 Keep up the awesome work and would love to see a longer " no shave " month/s stream from you and ( was it our Mr, Skizzle? ) P.S, my beard is about half way back down my cheast now ( I'm 6'5 so thats a bit of the ways down again now ) but use to have a beard like ZZ Top and the head hair to go with it. I'm from alaska and today was 110F above out where im at here... Sooo... Its not something that many are willing to do. I'm planning on moving down south soon and from what I have been able to see... The Temps are no better but the humidity is way lower down there. Hopping for less sweating in weird places and also helps to ease up on the ol' recovery actions of the body... 😆 Sorry little life story but also part of the reasoning behind why i would love to see another no shave stream 😆 Keep up the awesome work and hope your next 7 weeks go awesome for you! Much love from all of your community!

Vasculitis Sucks: Impulse: "I need about 10 stacks [of magma blocks] Tango: " ok. The magma blocks are to the west". 🤣

Tracy Nester: I watched the spoiler vid before this one.

Eddie Johnson: ok i know you want to cheap out on the blocks but at least do the out side cobble line in slate because you will see it that one block worth and that way it looks good from the center

signsabound: The last mumbojumbo stream I can see was July of 2020.

almost human: Impulses full name is simpulse vsv

Tracy Nester: Magma blocks remind me of pepperoni pizza.

Guck Doose: Can u explain how it spawns and stuff cus my slime chunks rarely spawn one

Clinton Flowers: skizz and logical would be amazing on hermit craft

Kathryn: Save the nether rack save the world. I watched the show Hero’s because you mentioned it on stream & I loved every second of it. I watched Hero’s Reborn, but it not know there was a show before it. Love the reference.

James Flesch: Have you seen the new aha commercial

TyranT76: Just say SV is for SuperVelocity. ;)

Darcos King: You need to publish a community post in your main channel for next stream, so to make sure we all know about it, ps not everyone is on JUST Twitter.

Fizzle: if you stare into the abyss long enough, will Timmy stare back at you?

TwistTimHansel: Copper Sus. Loving these stream rebroadcasts. Hoping you can keep living this dream!

sharleen: I love the raw gold block

kordell curl: The tree thing seems to be sever side because I don’t seem to have it in single player

laartje24: 3:54 My brain got too used to the creeper jump scares from Cleos stream. I didn't realise that was a real creeper XD

superandroid23: I miss ROW. That was such a great experience! The stream you had to miss was when I nailed Tango with exp turns into mobs off of some coal ore XD

Tyto Alba: Hermit plush gotta gettem all.

Matthew Jones: wait SV is your initials?? i htought it was just a super clever pun on impulsive

StarNanny: Lol....I call magma blocks “pizza blocks”...😆

Knot-E-Knuff: What don’t toy lower the bottom tier floor and make the inside a secret storage

Meg Smith: You should put some glass over the void hole. I can see someone falling in without wings and losing everything.

matin MM: Since I found out you were not a full time content creator yet you kept the content going perfectly, you just became my favorite hermit...keep up the great work o7

Liz C: The gold at 11:32!!!

Kenneth De Wever: After slime farm also nether cube farm?

Kenneth De Wever: Silk toucj tje nether gold then you can melt them for full bars, or does it give raw gold instead of the small pieces like before

Praburaj M: Minecraft keeps updating the minimum requirements for every update they come up with and it's not easy to upgrade the system every time it happens right??? #mojangsupport #minecraft

Ace: Was not able to watch livestream smoory broms

tubeler: The no-politics promise did not last long.

Praburaj M: Omg so much content! Love every second of it. #impulsesv #hermitcraft

Van Anh Vu: uh oh...Impulse is spoiling us with content recently, I don't think my heart can handle him going back to his 9-5 job anymore T^T

redknights2007: Not available for the live streams bit appreciate that you put them here on YouTube.

Cd767 Wais: Zedaph plushieee

Cara Parker Drabble: My sisters spend the first 6 months in the nicu after being born 15 weeks prem

darangen: Super complicated redstone requiring hours and hours of planning and methodical placement? Sure! Dual computer stream setup? Too complicated :D

Frank Gruszczynski: 1:11:38 $500 dono

Tango Head: Why am I kinky for your voice THIS IS SERIOUS /SRS

Randy Davis: Oh and congrats and going full time…I have started watching all the adds for a little extra revenue for you. GO SUNS! You got me cheering for them and I live in Austin TX

Boredboi: The Suns are looking good 🙈🙈

Rachit Jariwala: Yeeee, new stream due to time difference I can't watch his stream live but who is stopping me now

Fidchell Dark: Welp can't catch ur livestream on time but still enjoying it alot ^^

Caleb Kerby: Hey impulse. Got a suggestion hire cleo to make a armor stand mascot for the isoar shop with wings a derp mob head and trashy leather armor. pretty much just an eye sore of a mascot.

BearGod04: ayyyyyyy more stream replays!

TheGamerBoy !: Is this a stream

Juaansi: This full time trial is giving us so much content. Thanks, Impulse

Marty Brenner: Nice job impulse

jefferyexe: Yes thank you another great stream to listen to

Sky View: Thanks for the notification

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