Hermitcraft Season 8 - Crazy Copper Farm, Swag and GoatEmPoles #5

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docm77: Have a great weekend guys 🐐

Gaming With Dogs: mubo may not kill anything although his base killed yellow I think

keith gilham: Hey doc… I play on a multi player server and it’s updated to current version of the game but all our drowned are still dropping gold not copper… don’t suppose you have a idea why?

TheSkreeBat: I have always hated the zombies spawning more zombies, it is nothing but annoying when it feels like the spawn chance is 100% in single player

Send Help: I know a german accent when I hear one

ツcharles: potato boy

Diviknight: The most epic part was watching it lower then rise again. lol definitely a success even if a few goats got left behind.

NekoRekter Nightcore: OOoh I love this outro music. It’s catchy and it makes me wonder. What will the next episode bring?

NekoRekter Nightcore: OOoh I love this outro music. It’s catchy and it makes me wonder. What will the next episode bring?

Xero_C-137: Fire intro, Docm77

MerkDolf: The boat raising was fun thank you Doc.

Eenjaria _713: His laugh when he saw Scar was so cute. Brought a smile to my face. XD

99redragons: Free the fallen goats! They have escaped the chains of exalted servitude and deserve freedom from the pit!

Reishadowen: The Doc Knight Rises.

The brick gamer: It was quite pole-rising

Melanto: Make a place for the extra goats down at the bottom, and call it PurGOATory.

NotAGoat: 7:21 Yes! I always craft my extra broken bows into dispensers when I get the chance. It's much easier to craft a couple at a time every time you get a couple bows than to craft a ton at the same time when you need them. I don't know why more people don't do it.

Nido: Why not afk in a boad for no lose food?

* Футбольчик *: 👍

moocow4megrace: scar is def evil again lmao

Danish Verma: This is straight the best intro music I have ever heard on a video, could someone share the link to this please??

Grutar G: Raising of the Goatem Pole was definitely a success. It was nice to see you tackle another technical challenge.

Ben Goldberg: Scar's awesome looking hat is clearly cursed to make its wearer into an evil, greedy, business tycoon.

Julia B: other hermits intros: "hello there and welcome back to another episode on the hermitcraft server!" doc: *instant epic music*

The Major: I agree Etho is amazing Doc, I remember when you two started making Minecraft videos back in the days, the good old days, with Infrared, Scjoiner(I'm still subbed to him, although his content is different), I remember you building the EATS man times have changed. I remember Etho starting his Survival Island, those old days have a special place in my heart. Those were the days when I would play Minecraft everyday, with my friends, good old days.

Gondor: That intro though. Schiebt ordentlich! Also, great work on that octo-chunk

Yuki Nagato: A friend of mine said i sound exactly like you....and i gotta agree, it's scary lmao

AiónVK: I didn't know you like bb king, I just found a comment from you in one of his songs You have good taste in music

siddharth thammiraju: just for that intro u deserve 2 million likes

23f23: use pistons to line up the stragglers then rebuild the flying machine

Ramit Sadhukhan: THE INTRO OMG

Pepo Mtx: "The rising of the GOAT Hero" lol Hiya Doc! You could do a second rising, just for the bottom ones. They look kind sad being left "behind". That was really fun, thanks!

Beshara Daccashe: would a water bubble column push the boats up if they you added the water from the bottom up?

Blackened Demon: Liked purely for the intro 👌

Arvel Crynyd: Just make the Goatem Pole go from bedrock to build limit. That's what we all need.

Atle Andersson: That intro is gawd damn AWESOME!! :O

Creeper King616: He does that without thinking of a water elevator

hooded farmer: Instead of flying machines and chains why don't you use a water elevator with soul sand to float them up and to keep everything in place use glass blocks or glass panes I don't know which one would be better. Or the flying machine that you made in this video would work. And he thinks you got swindled because he's being a door to door salesman. 🤣. You guys come over the awesomeness thing.

hooded farmer: Instead of flying machines and chains why don't you use a water elevator with soul sand to float them up and to keep everything in place use glass blocks or glass panes I don't know which one would be better. I've seen the fly machine that you built you should have that boat and goat Pole back where it belongs. Otherwise my idea still up.

Experial83: Great intro man

SingerOfSongs: The metal fade in to your voice reminds me of Neil Peart’s books. One GOAT to another!!

RELSESWAT: Mumbo in the background 👀

WanderingImagination: Every farm doc makes is usually so effective it's lethal! Literally! Season six had a raid farm so good it could only be turned on at certain times, and even then it had to be short sessions! Goodness. Season seven doesn't count, he didn't have enough time to make a monster farm.

Matthieu Rainville: Move all the ones in the hole and have them going up by a bunch of chains coming out of the Walker and start stacking them on top of the walker to be higher

Keith Harvey: I didn't watch much of doc last season, but he has easily risen the ranks in my books and now I await future videos. Keep it going!

Joshua Hatfield: Couldn't you raise the top part up further then raise the lower ones?

HDsmokinjoker: This intro is a BANGER

Ivy: The intro music is always so good, no other mc tuber have made me want want to bang my head nevermind in the first 2 seconds of it starting

Justice Binder: Etho is great it’s fun hearing how others have been inspired by him

aGirl: 34:04 the top goat with the oar in it looks kind of like a goose 😂

EucalyptusFox: This is a very strange, yet very entertaining season of Hermitcraft! *All hail the Goatem Pole.*

Digi: Cool EGG Game Plan: I thought about it a lot the other day. I think that a really cool game plan for the egg game is this: Make a big room and in the middle of it, place the egg behind glass with a piston below one of the surrounding glasses. Then, around 20 blocks out from the glass, make a circle with the egg in the middle and place pressure plates on the edge (Kinda like hungergames). For example 10 pressure plates in total. With the red stone under the floor make it so that the piston will only retrect or push the glass away when all the pressure plates are on. Meaning you need for this example 10 different hermets in order to receive the egg. What makes this so fun in my opinion is that it is so psychological. It is a psychological game. Who will take the lead and gather all the hermits in order to pull it off. Who will remain at the pressure plates once the egg is accesable and who will betray their deal and go for the egg aswell? Of course you can do this with any amount of pressure plates. Also a nice feature would be that you make like a little very easy parkour to the room, so hermit can't cheat by bringing only them selves and a bunch of cows for example on leads. So the pressure plates can only get activates by hermits and not animals, therefor the little very easy parkour. What do you think?

Brigritte: 36 minutes from doc, yyyeeaahhhhhhhhh! greetings to your fam. (liebe grüße u spaß mit deiner fam.)

Hunter Wall: for when you're dying randomly in your farm - shouldn't you just have a dispenser spit out a steak or something at you once in a while? If you hold a stack of steaks, and have a dispenser spit a steak out onto a pressure plate, next to you, you'll pick it up when you eat once. Or, if you don't, it'll lose (at most) 1 steak per 5 minutes while it despawns and spits out a new one. That's a total of 1.5 stacks of food items LOST per 8 hour AFK session, absolute maximum.

Hunter Wall: @7:30 he says you can use broken bows to make dispensers? I didn't think that was possible?

Odayaka Animations: Vigenere is a Cipher!

Chad Ostler: The rest of the server: Hmm, no mobs!! Doc: umm...not sure why!

09Mayhem: Good ol heavy metal intro.

Ohh hey it's Eepoch: Doc your laughter is infectious bro

Torn Soul: Scar could sell ketchup popscicles to eskimos wearing white fur clothing and gloves.

Patrick Colwell: I’m loving the dark industrial look/sound/feel of the OctoChunk!!

Leah Nigus: “he probably could have sold me some timeshare in a swamp in kentucky are there swamps in kentucky?”

Nounejm 2: When Joakim meets Doc Doc: Wanna see my metal Machine? XD

rcohle: Octochunk is metal enough itself. You don't need the music

Ablakane: The editing of that intro got me pumped! Great job Doc!

Hoang MVP: I feel like everyday I comeback, the thumbnail change

Casey Tunturi: That intro is so badass!

Games,music and More: He is killing some minecraft. Things with machines "Epic music plays"

Tikosh: Talking is literally Scar's sales pitch. To quote him: Scar: What I found is if you don't stop talking they can't counter your offer and they just have to go along with it. Which is amazing. So we'll just never stop talking.

darknessblade: Goatempole solution 2. dig it all the way down, then build it up to build height. They cannot sink what is already sunken

Chris Shaw: What an intro

Will: Can you still use broken bows? I tried it last week and I could not. I had to use a repaired one.

Druwn: Grian: digs a hole under buncha goats in boats doc: and I took that personally

Ben Ball: and the award for best episode intro goes to.....

zinkerfall: Scar has eating so much copper thst he can conduct electricity full stop

Dr. mnbvcxy: .

Soumalya Ghosh: That intro was seek

Taylor: 🐐

ARTJOSEPH MAGANES: 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 I have a nice weekend.

Tim G: It seems that thorns can also kill the snowmen so hopefully you have access to replace them as needed.

Ivo Minikowski: I really got shivers down my spine when the goaten pole started rising!!

D_bouss: first video i have seen that was made by you. gotta say, that intro music was epic.

LagunaLullaby: I love the music in the background through out scar and your interaction

Drackar: Why raise the goatempole when you can lower it to bedrock, make a shrine, and rise it to build limit.

Manolo Gonzalez: What song did you use for the intro?

•COXI •: Best intro ever doc!

Tilrun: if you opend up the hole into the void an then strung goats on glass panes all the way down, it would look like all the goats were pulled out of the void in an endless chein of goats.....

SpiderHearts: Amazing intro! The fun thing about this season is just seeing Hermits that normally don't get to collab with others, like iJevin hanging out in the background. I'd definitely love to see a Doc/Etho collab. The question is, would you bring back the NHO, or do something new and fresh? Whatever you guys do, it'll be amazing! Keep up the great work!

Dominic Harley: Damn that intro!

James Denson: Great episode. Absolute success with the Goatem Pole!

JukoThe10Tails: Where are you getting this music from?

Evi: I bet Doc now owns a time share in a swamp in Kentucky

cobrafountain: There's a chance when fighting a drowned with an axolotl nearby for the axolotl to give the player regen, may solve your health problem

JimmyJJ 1996: i like how his german number system kicked in when he said 187 instead 178 still happendns to me from time to time xd

Je55terK1ng: I think you should push the goats that didn't move up over with pistons and variable width blocks and then push them up with glass pains with the rest of the goats

s.J2042: The intro remineds me of doom

frostyybytes: "time-share in kentucky" 🤣🤣🤣

Ebsolas: Success or failure doesn't matter with the Goatem pole. It's shenanigans.

Randi Scribner: Idk that there are really any swamps here in Kentucky but would love to have you visit!

Summer Flower: Love the light airy background music in this vid <3

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