Season 11 is Broken

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Jacky Wen: Fun fact: Nothing is broken when everything is broken

xnakama: Kha 6 needs nerf 😭

Foxity IV: Tbh, it isn’t always about the items. Champs like Yasuo, Yone and Samira are broken, Samira being the worst by far with that ult and projectile shield

Jmcshay: I built Draktharr and The Collector on Garen the other day. Never felt so busted in this game lmao. It was actually very stupid. #spin2win

Serpent -S: Predeator Skin For Kha'zix Confirmed ?

Kang Terobos: Malphite and Cho'gath use Sunfire Aegis That was a big HP

DBG: Tanks, in general, are absolutely braindead. While kind of useless early, jungle Poppy in late is just unkillable. When I play her, if I have a bad game in early game, I just remind my team Poppy is better at minute 30. When the time comes, she just won't die and one shot carries. And if they have dashes, it makes it 100% easier to carry.

Colin Brown: 0:42 Can we take a moment to talk about this Sett? Misses the stun for E despite minions being there. Doesn’t R (maybe he doesnt have at, sure). And then never hits the W button even when it gets fully charged.

gg King: This aint season 11, this is just Dota 3.0 XD

Mangekyou Sasuke: If you could ban an item in game, sunfire aegis would be yasuo 2.1

Mikey: Hope admin add Vietnamese subtitles for the previous videos. I need ad for Vietnamese subtitles for mid pro video. I want to watch that video but can't translate it

MunHing: ADC : deal damage but easily one shoted TANK : cant die and deal a lot of damage

GiThreePi: I hate this preseason

Jonasz Rybarczyk: And the other assasin item? The one THAT lets You jump And deal more damage? Try talon with it. Really you oneshot with q for half life

marl velius: yknow what rageblade isnt broken, its almost like they cant buff crit without the windshitter brothers running rampant with something that adcs take twice as long to make use of, i really like new rageblade, its not its fault these two bumblefucks get so much free shit for doing FUCKING NOTHING, and as long as their passives stay the same, they benefit and adcs suffer

Mythologia's End: Amumu was the most overpowered champion since Skarner in the juggernaut rework

Psycho Kern: I had Kha Zix one shot me for 2000 dmg and Rengar one shot me for almost 5000 crit damage....Very fun, specially when your jungle and top non stop feed their jungle...

Heraclon LoL: 0 15 sett

Lmao Gaming: so broken

Lobaguchi: rip rageblade yas

Majkel: fuck this season 11 i want season 10

free 2 play: literally S11 is one shot someone or get one shotted

「Regular User」: They nerfed Guinsoo

Wonback: Oh i fucking love when a character builds full tank and one shot u

Sezgin Hocaoğlu: Season 11: what the f u c k just happened?

KenSevus: when everyone can oneshot everyone it all comes down to being able to outplay your enemy

Edjo: They need to make mythic items available only after finishing your 1st or 2nd core items.

Piece - kun: Building anything other than sunfire on tanks feels awfull. I don't want to build sunfire...

Umimugo: actually the most annoying user of duskblade is Yi, especially when he builds full crit and navori's, then he's either invisible or in-alpha

K0sic: i had 800 armor on malphite

uwuist_uwu: "ap champs can't kill malphite if malphite builds this broken item" shows a clip of full MR malphite with sunfire. Ah yes, who would of thought the tank would build merc treads and force of nature vs the full ap team comp.

Miłosz Bubrowiecki: Imagine to have in 1 slot sunfire aegis and in 2 gorethirster or how this is called

WowItsFrosty Games: season 11 is not broken. all of these items can be easily fixed with a numbers adjustment. will it take a while to find that sweet spot? probably. but thats kind of why they decided to do in during preseason. seems like... idk.... a no brainer? lol. also i dont think we can count the shieldbow and samira thing. its the champion 100%. shes been doing that shit since before season 11. season 11 just made it possible on the first item. no other champion makes shieldbow look that broken.

ERASEHUMANITY: Isn't the guinsoo for yas kinda counteractive for the ult because you lose that 50% armor pen cus you don't crit anymore or is the benefits from guinsoo too good?

Nguyễn Trinh: That kayn clip in the baron pit feels like a scary movie, everybody is just getting murdered left and right with blood spraying everywhere but you don't know why it's happening

House Produções: coloca legenda !!! para portugues!!

Mr. Tropius: Good thing I quit at the right time 😅

Wowzzer: I mean yeah, everything is new so of course it will take time to balance.

S.Slayer 01: It's urf now lmfao they decided to make all league matches into urf

gudisliketurian: “wtf r we fighting with?” “i dont fucking know just shoot the trees!”

Veselar: New game + one of worst preseason for me

Crow Jester: it's tank meta all over again, how nice

Diisrupt: i mean they did make it easier to itemize. In my opinion yes things are irritating but not broken.

Hunter Isaac: Ah yes, season 11; sunfire assassin malphite

Satchillis: i just remember the time when kha'zix can enter bush and become invisible forever due to his passive

Mr_NoBoDY: S10 welcome to league of top and bot S11 welcome to league of mid and jungle

K Y: Reasons why i stop playing season 11 for a while 1.Twitch going brrr with ability item 2.All adc do insane damage and defended : immortal shieldbow + the collector 3. Some noob pick vayne top with new guinsoo + kraken slayer + the collector 4. The New omen item is no longer passive to counter this new adc item

Samael sama: This is why we need to quit playing

zhenjie xu: I was building nothing but tank item, and deal the most dmg In The game, riot fkin good job man

Lancaster: Bro have you even seen Eclipse Blue Kayn???

Rxon: Funny how not a single bruiser item was shown :D

TC LAW: And now they r nerfing sunfire ONLY

Nicolae: Everything is dealing too much damage. Game makes Dota 2 look underpowered

RYRY: 6/1 ashe lmao like that matters for yasuo? Yas shits on adcs with windwall especially ashe. So that doesnt really prove anything. Imo rageblade is trash on yasuo. Sure you do so much damage early game but late game you're useless you don't even get armor pen on your ult.

Abdo R. Mohamed: Players : God , Eve & Shaco are so annoying cause invisibility Rito : SAY NO MORE ! every one can have it now ...oh and MUMU CAN SOLO BARON !

jior6: G A M E I S G A R B A G E

Scorpion: This season is about oneshot or get oneshotted

Tsurugi Kyousuke: Nice no more skills just items, how fun =)

יואב מגידיש: Luden's tempest + horizon focus Lux is the most broken shit ever, with luden's you can just 1 burst literally anybody and get stupid amounts of MS, missing your E won't matter since luden's make sure you get a hit, and with horizon focus she will always mark you of you ain't 1 shotted and now you just do EQ and get a double

KiVi: Ko làm phụ đề nữa tiếc quá

sɪʟᴠᴇʀᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ: How to win as jungle Step 1: Pick a tank Step 2: Build Sunfire Aegis Step 3:

le hung: If every things is broken that mean the game is now balanced ?

Donnavan Bruce: Man mages have a rough life this patch holy shit

Jay Bayer: I literally just got out of a game against a yi, yasuo, and jhin on the same team and now I'm seriously considering uninstalling.

ginger boy: Rioter 1:Oh, this ítem Is broken, should we fix It? Rioter 2: let's make a broken ítem for every other role in the game instead

Kishane: Hope they remove these or make em less broken

jkz: The game is fucking unplayable i tought i've seen it all on this game, but this season.. nah fuck that i'm done with this shit.

Panda MilkShake: Everyone: Why do I hear boss music? *Late game Veigar and Nasus appear*

Gabriel St: Eh heavily disagree on guinso on yasuo and yone, yes it's a good cheese at the start, but later on mid - late it becomes a damage reduction more than a amplify. Honestly, terrible list altogether. Sunfire is not that strong tho, The players he vs (for example that jax that rushed bork...) are not a good example. For real broken you should try ezreal, he gets a insane perfect on hit build now that nukes everything while having lots of lifesteal and attack speed (i made it myself) the core is divine sunderer (10% max hp damage on anyone, it's insane and really counters all the tank builds with a 1.5 cd) then muramana, botrk and then based on situation, ravenous hydra and wit's ends are very good options (ravenous gives 65 ad, 20 ability haste and 15% omnivamp + your abilities does cleave now) and wit end heavily counters ap assasins burst damage while making you run faster when you hit Qs and also kite thanks to the very good passive. With full build you end up with lots of AD, lots of ability haste (reached 60) lots of on hit effects and also tankiness with a decent health bar. Oh and the cherry of the top is divine sunderer passive, +5 ad and ap penetration per mythic item. Ezreal kit is heavily mixed so it's perfect for him.

Shummy Buzzy: Duskblade + Shaco is also broken xD

Jester Xeno: Being invisible is the most powerful mechanic in League. Back in the day we had huge issues with it and now you can buy an item that does it?? Wow talk about not reading history.

Jester Xeno: Whoever thought this was a good idea needs to be stoned. They coppied the mytchic item system from dota 2 but made them 4 times more powerful. Bet you 20 bucks a secret shop will be added next. Or a mytchic item that steals your enemies credit card info when you kill them with it. So stupid. So many broken champs and mechanics in this game and they decide to change the items?????? Like 40 champs need a rework and buffs and another 40 need a nerf but hey lets change the items guys??????????????????

Fluuurple: your clips for yas yone show nothing. They arent even doing any sort of damage that would be considered OP. Just want to put that out there.

AlejandroRodriguezP: am i petty for quitting because of this?

hoyah hayoh: This shit makes season 10 look like a beautiful memory.

Brom: 0:30 is such a bad clip, yasuo has good dmg yes... but sett doesnt use his abilitys, ashe didnt buy yet so essentialy isnt even ahead... she is far behind yasuo, gets some autos denied by windwall and has no ult.

Çağan BUÇAN: Riot thinks "İf everythings are broken nothing is broken"

Tony Hunter 27: Balanced S11

Keegan Tompkins: A change on this massive of a scale was always going to break down the already delicate balance of League. I think the more prevalent question is going to be if RIOT can balance things in a reasonable amount of time.

Vènatus: "thou who tank shall also spank" - season 11 in a nutshell

Anubis Sama: What is the meaning of on hit effect? I am new at this game :)

Phạm Minh: Yi Draktharr

ProjeKt: Cobalt: This was a baaaad time to put my friends on this game

Marc Fauteux: Yasuo is somebody's lovechild at Riot. He is ridiculously powerful, and they keep buffing him and his dumb brother

Joshua Uy: I don't even know who to ban anymore...

Aleksander Szczepanski: You missed Akali with Riftmaker powerspike

Trọng Tín Huỳnh: Nhìn ỉa chảy vlon Sub: ewwwww

root admin: We should make the old items back....

Yurell De Torres: And when everyone is super No one is

tiziano Abt: Rengar before: one shot with tiamat active and ult Rengar now:bush and one shot with a piece of cardboard

K y o t o: League of one shot.

Toprak Şen: If everything is broken nothing is broken Riots ideas

Eren Yılmaz: best problem is DEALİNG BONUS DAMAGE WHİLE LOW HP !!!!!!!!!!!!!

IronGiant2790: Speaking of Duskblade, putting it on Yi is hilarious - you spend half the fight untargetable in alpha strike, and the other half invisible XD

Woody Fruity: Agreed

Andronimoid: Been playing league for about 8 years... Uninstalled it today

MEL VIRUS: Kha'zix + upgraded e + duskblade What can you do about this ???

Daniel Smith: Oh no, the 2/8 Akali can't 1v1 the 3/1 Malphite. This item is so broken!!!

KO Lee Sin: There is legit too much shit now in league.

Okratron 10,000: i like this season because it really makes the meta not so stale and predictable. i was so sick of these items go on this champ and that's the end all be all.

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