Fortnite Season 7 Bosses, Mythic Weapons Location Guide (Boss Dr Slone)

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cadyn the reaper: wait if use your code ill get the battle pass and your sure alllright

cadyn the reaper: yeah met the aliens in corny something

cadyn the reaper: um yesterday i played fortnite i saw a llama so what did you expect me to do loot it how ever i lost it

FC Jeffrin Kingslin: Pls support me in Fortnite User ID - insta_kalvin

Crax: hey post thanks for not being like guttu (clickbatter) (he is trash) post ur a goat keep up the good work

Harsha Suresh: Noice mate

Levelle Boyd: I did

Detective Mario: I really miss the mandalorian sniper. I usually carry one midrange weapon, like an AR, on long range weapon, like a sniper, and one close range weapon, like a shotgun. But with the mandalorians sniper it was an overpowered close range weapon when you don't aim and a really good sniper when you do aim. And I would also combine the hoprock dualies with it and it was a really good combo, hoprock dualies and mandalorian sniper.

🥦💚deku-kun💚🥦: Use code postboxpat

Richard Hammontree: Vis is my richie tees

Richard Hammontree: Can you give me the battle pass 🙏

Adison weekly: I miss mythic bosses soooo much

Dominik Mcgilvery: Thank you for not clickbaiting like “gattu” or “tamashabara” like they both say there is “keycards” and it’s really sad how like 4-6 year olds don’t know what clickbaiting is 😰 because they will watch gattu and tamashabara and see there is keycards for vaults for thumbnails and then they will fall for it and gattu and tamashabara will just not talk about keycards also the fact that they both clickbait kids younger then 5 and all of the kids subscribe to them and they get 2M subs 😡 I’m sick of this just moral. Thank you for not clickbaiting and you actually deserve the subscribers and support you get ❤️

green steveee: 0:07 is stark industries written on the boards

Jayce Balfour: I used your code while buying battle pass

yoo bros: Continue

DJ salami: I put in your code

Henry Jevne: Hi

Arta and Avash vlogs: I used the code

8-ball: GUCCImon

Prasad Posani: You missed a Lamma

Tango: hey post do u have a switch?

Michael Hill: U ment to say he's a boss not npc

Cybo Shan: sks

Sultan Zaman: no click bay

Dx Dx6: slone should drop her clone ability as well, looking similar to the predator mythic in looks, only that the clones are timed, also 4:47 well, beg to differ the railgun can shoot through builds, and is overall op

Stephanie Baxi: Ur a bad nerd

Mao: When the ship crashes there will be a vault

David Robinson: Thank you for all you do.

Merch Boi: Anti bunny? That's Guggimon from Superplastic.

Commando birds 1090: Fun fact if you use the recon scanner you can find the real slope the clones have a crown

Nene Nana: 4:05 pelly:(

Timmeh: YouTubers: Getting all battle pass tiers in one day! Me, who can only play 2 days a week during school time: *sadness noidrs*

AlwaysStayPositive: To everyone! You are beautiful just the way you look! You are important! You do have worth and meaning! I love you! You are important! You do not need to be skinny or have abs to be Beautiful! You are beautiful just the way you look! Never forget that! Always be loving and kind to everyone! Jesus loves you! Never forget that you are so beautiful and you do have meaning and worth! Everyone is beautiful! Never forget that! Always be nice and kind! Be loving! You are special! Never forget that you are beautiful and important and you have worth and meaning! Never forget that you are meaningful and never forget this message you saw today! Never forget it! Always love others! Alway love! Be positive! And nice! Never forget that! Cutie! ALways love and care! Be loving and positive! All the time! Stay positive and loving and caring

Switchy: Postboxpat will always be used by me. Keep up the good work.

Omar Khalili: You did not include the aliens they come out of ufos if you destroy them and they have new weapons

TheCool Batman21: Bro your a legend thx i subbed

Evoid Dogy: what about rick

Sai Shripad Gottipati: At the 5:26 time mark I saw a llama

Coolsnowboard -: Haha doctor slone more like doctor clone 😂

Mansi Chowdhary: My brother sow this it was crazy

Dylan France: This season is so much like the chapter 2 season 4 witch is my favorote

Raptor Jesus: fun fact: Despite what pat said the railgun is actually extremely op. Sorry pat you’re a bit of a bot…

It’s Jai: I love this video

Carl Davis: Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 Will be realeased September 13 2021 leaked

TkcopTDM VR: I would use your code but I have the crew lol

damian charrette: Season 7 is insane

Sam blox on crack: Zappatron = railgun

poop bum: I done it

Soam aryal gaming content: 4:56 hostile mob in minecraft wtf

Darwyn Barrett: Love the vids

William Cree: You can also stun the llamas by getting a headshot with the rail gun

Cryptic: I dont know why but spire guardian is still in battle labs if you could make Dr slone vs spire guardian I would really appreciate it pat and use the ufo you can just abducte the spire guardian or dr stone to either one

Isaac Bernal: I destroyed that girl in my first season seven round

Xghoulz: ⓘ ⓤⓢⓔ ⓒⓞⓓⓔ ⓟⓞⓢⓣⓑⓞⓧⓟⓐⓣ

Lightz Dark: I used your code : D

Highway: Rick was using a tractor beam-like weapon How do you get it

JayLT: Time stamps for each boss... Doctor Slone: 0:25 Llama - (Not a boss but it is featured): 3:32 Riot - (Hostile NPC): 4:51 Guggimon - (Hostile NPC): 6:30 Thank me later.

brian: No

Yt_ Cyclo: Post box pat sounds like jumbo jumbo change my mind

the deadly dylan: Fantastic

Brady O'Dell: its been so long i basicly forget how vaults work

Andrew Kelder: u deserve more love

Super MKGaming: Riot's dialogue practically confirms that both IO's and the Alien's weapons use the same energy, could it be Kevin's dark matter energy 🤔?

FN-EpikCroc: Are you good at Fortnite and also for telling the bosses locations

Thusk Ranger: Defeating all the bosses reminds me of defeat the robot masters/Mavericks from every megaman games.

Alex Smirnovs Pr4B: Idea: Spire Guardian vs Io guard. The spire Guardians are still in bl

Plushflix 12: If I could sub 1billon time he’s the best

isa jo: Hi postboxpat is great

fariyaad Shuu: Subscriber and lev a like and comment something nice about hem

Andrew Massery: Thanks really helped out

Verified: Imagine being a chapter 1 player still playing Fortnite 😂😂

George n Rebecca Richins: Use your code

chase&nala: Lachy pog

Hi Dlf: Very nice video! Thanks for the information!

kimboboy Gaming: You inspired me to start my YouTube channel please help me Grow

Nas Yas: شظفاا

peelybananaYT: Im gonna use your code when i buy the battle pass, :)

retta cauthen: I use the code

FBI: I’m so excited but I’m in California right now and I don’t have anything to play fortnite on .

Kerry Currens: I've been using your code

Playboi Dio: U sus

team midas gold and jules: I didn't really think of seeing this but my game is updating right now and I think I just saw a big UFO I'm not capping

Ronald Diaz: I thought we were gonna come back to season 4

camilo0013: I'm using your code

Dietdorito456: The rabbit looks like max from Sam and max

Katrina Barrett: Engage


NerdyPro: His name is riot lol. Riot games....

Orville Fischer: She should have dropped a vaulted card

Damian Diaciuc: hi and thank you

christian zgamer: Awsome

Dil FN ☑️: Hi

Daily Switch Play: I use you code man 👍

Rollercoaster Nerd: Their are like zero new poi’s

Sliver Jack: Fun Fact: The Bunny is a collab skin.

Alex Croft: At the farm you can get to the secret location through the door in the silo

Bodhi and his brother play Fortnite Together: Ji

CoolKid: Literally looks like frenzy farm

J-Gamer-x _700: Frenzy farm came back and fatal fields

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