Fortnite Season 8 Bosses, Mythic Weapons Location Guide (Boss Cube Assassin)

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Herobrien: I love belgua music strats playing

Natopotato33: Slone’s burst is in the game right now! She’s is just outside dirty/the junkyard!!

Gabriel de Carvalho: @bypost I don't want to correct you but your saying symbiote wrong.

Spyder TheOne: oh he said it oops

Spyder TheOne: 7:58 the mythic is like the venom one in ch2 s4

Muchu Kaingu: Mythic weapons have never been easier to find

Doctorofwar1: Slones burst is out and she spawns just outside of dirty docks

nutshell_animation fanpage: Next to dirty docks doctor slone boss will be there

Кристиян Трънбашев: Why is nobody talking about the Mythic Burst?

Micheal Clark: I just killed someone and he had the slone mythic burst it does like 39 damage but I’m not sure how he got it

TAJ Liem: I can’t have battle pass can you gift maybe if yes gamertag: boenhian

RNGGamer: I didnt know u can upgrade the weapons past legendary

Azelayah Ventura: Let’s be fortnite buds my username is Azelayahh

Reuben Figueroa: THANKS PAT 💙

AJ Talon: I imagine we’ll also get a new edit style for Venom, being his movie appearance because it’ll be a great way to promote the new movie (and get more people to buy the skin of course) and it’ll also match Carnage.

TartaruX: Lol guess epic forgot to add slone.

Maxwell Barker: Season 8 is out

Maxwell Barker: Finally

Booby Egg: The actual queen will be the secret skin, not the cube assassin.

drexoxy: What about the other boss like venom ones?

The Muskagamer: I love 💘 this season so much

Shadow Cap: Ayyyyyyyyyy

God: Are vaults back?

Game Changer: You didnt show off Carnage though, why is he in the thumbnail?

Conor Wails: 4:14 did he say pack a punch?

Beastboy gameing : Hi post I suffered a lot of injuries lately thanks for making videos it is hard to walk talk and type right now

Shadow: Wait! Why is there star wars music!!!!!

Brady Cramer: Epic


Super MKGaming: Cube Assassin? Reminds me of the Spire Assassin.... 🤔

E: Hi post love the content thanks for the ♥️



Human Haker9: hello skedadudlers

yoyooo2008: well

eugene acosta: I'm first view

Cody Gallant: thanks needed this

no inods animation: Hi

Andy dogo: Thank for the advice

FloatingPenguin: Hello Post!

ItsYourBoiShadow13 YT: First

nom-nomstan: e

ShadowXT: so early there are more comments than views Edit: Hi Post

memes gaming: Well now I know


Chris Kelly: First view let's go

Mamba Harambe: Awesome

Cats are better than tiko: Your videos are very helpful

Danger noodle: Hi

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