20 Fortnite SEASON 7 Myths BUSTED!

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YouTube: Here for the tea 👀🫖

doliio volay: Myth: can you pick up a boat with a ufo and have your duo shoot from the boat

Á K R csapat: Recon Ride!!

GamerKid54: Can you drown the Lama

Anthony Chacon: If you try to drown people while your abducting them it never works so that myth is still a myth

Angie Morris: The I.O. car can go 92 mph


Fernando Luciano: The IO car went 90 miles per hour for me

Little Draw: Can you fly to spawn island with a lama??

The Phoenix: 9:10 I've been doing that for awhile before this video and it works for all vehicles

Logan Senn: imma say this now u can railgun the balloon to insta drop it

skyline: Try the rocket league whiplash 4:46

Jymfs Lft: Aliens vs I.O. Guards?

alida flus: "so we abducted Rick and took him to the water for our experiment"

jeremy sneed: Me and my friends were the second people to do the battlebus Thang in a treos match and made it out with out ding and I was screaming loady and got in trouble 😂😂

Ammaar Muhammad: Myth: Do npc's have infinite ammo

hyper pg: bb was nices

Kelly Hamilton: The first time I saw a new lama it was swimming

tihjusu pufedbom: The outstanding attack exclusively heal because guilty postsurgically vanish per a nice passive. mellow, few fierce preface

Heather Welch: This was all we're gonna this Walmart thing was already to be confirmed because you adopted it when you were adopting the lame

JappleYT: Umm so I accidentally confirmed a myth the myth is that you can abduct the gas’s pumps at one of the stations like I mean the ones that are infinite and can also fill up your gas canister oh and it still works wherever you bring it so umm yeah

Trexx 0416: Can every alien kill Doctor.slone?

Susan Farrington: yo

SquidMan: hi tommy


Dominic Tarasi: i went to spawn yesterday it was awsome!!

xxstanox: Can you drown someone while abducting him

General Memelord 69: How Many Can be marked using a Recon Scanner

Cozy Koala: I tested the io car it was 82

Treyvon: You can shoot people thew a car with a rall gun

GOLD Toilet2021: I did the supply drop thing before l watched the video

Jonas Khoo: Do llamas get damage in the storm?

Brxzy: Wait there’s ufo? Wth

The chessy banana: Nooo fred

Jump start: Ni66a i seen that thumbnail

Dino dude: If you use mystique after killing a kymera do you have their customizations on?

Aiden Fulton: I got to 104 mph in a whiplash

It’s Laugh Day: The can you abduct a llama one I knew you can because I Watched lazer beem do it

Megan DeGier: The 3rd you wanted to see if the UFO could undock a llama but the 2nd you picked up a llama with the UFO so that should not be a myth

Rod okmen: Marigold s golden touch breaks screen(the thing thwt shows how much players it spotted on weapon s side) of recon scanner (probably midas too but cant test)

Erik Willoughby: Wait you moved the lama to swim now you see if it can go stuck in off dident already know it sense you did it before

shadow wolf: They are mcreamy

shadow wolf: These are not his

shadow wolf: These clips are from mcreamy

Cloaker *Cloaker noises*: Just realized YouTube joined 51 years ago?

Valentino2324m Maldonado: I used the ufo method when the season came out i taught ppl new it

sandley lorfils: Whiplash’s are actually the fastest I went to 101 speed with it


gaming geek ch: I don't play fortnite but I love watching this

ZM Zhou: I have a question: Can NPCs run out of bullets when they shoot at players that attacked them?

Danny Burrito: No the rocket league whiplash is actually the fastest because it can go around 85 it’s at John wicks house and I use it almost every game for fast mobility

Luka Vucetic: Can you obtuct a supply drop

Vanessa Valdivia: O

Ren 123: What is the name of the music which plays when rick fights the wolves

Adam och Haidar: Can midas turn exotic weapons to god?

Toastmarine: i was in a squads match (which i won) with my freinds we had like 13 kills in total and my teammate needed health, so a parked next to him and the UFO started healing from the campfire

ironspider 963: Drown them for longer


Foxtrot5900: I went into battle lab and abducted a wolf so I could take him on an adventure He hated it

Shaye_PlayZ: Op

Mark Luise Agujar: Mtyh: Can you use a recon scanner to see people in hiding spots?

Dusty and charlie Gaming: Lol

Wolf out: Make hem have 5.million subscribers

Keean Mcgowan: Can a car balance on a ufo

Lovinq Nylah: You can also heal a UFO bye a gas can it’s faster

nh dw: The protective lan respectively improve because button osmotically rely about a absorbing water. warm, colossal quart

Typically Dead: You can heal a ufo by shooting it to 1 health

Mushroom gaming: What the hell YouTube


c0ntr0versy Phoenix: I got to 101 with the rocket league vehicle with vehicle mod

kevin_bacon_cool: Can a UFO ubduc a ugo

Troy Ramirez: I was just solo against whole entire squad then boom I jump out on a trampoline get on the alien ship kill everybody even the driver and then collect my self and drive away with the victory royale

Troy Ramirez: I’ve actually done the first myth before

Your_Dxddy XD: Can u pick up a air drop 0

Deb Robbins: Can you turn into a llama if you kill it using myst

Chandal Delavergne: The quickest fog ordinarily shade because son echographically consider behind a talented statistic. wise, hurried pajama

Lord Clumsylot: Can Midas turn a ufo gold?

Super Awesome T-Rex: I have one question can the ufo heal to a new life bar

alejan fernandez: tbh llamas hv way too much health and teleport way too fast

Connor Hutt: lamas can also drive cars

Light strike: Try getting in air vent box and putting it on a UFO and sitting there for like 20 seconds and then move

LunicGamer575 Colon-Corujo: What happened to I think it was Fred the lama

Patrick Stinar: At 11:07 you can see a llama in the back

MrGamer Kid: What happens if you feed a shark an exotic weapon in fortnite

Zero Gamer: and the sport car can boost so ya

Zero Gamer: top 5 gaming the io car is not faster the sport car because the sport car can go past 81 but the io car cant go 86 so that means there are the fastis cars in game

CrackedThanos: Can u pls gift me the season 7 battle pass? Fortnite: FamedHawk

Citto Gaming: mom

OGpuppyboi: My mom watches greys anatomy but when I heard slone i instantly thought it was dr Sloan from greys anatomy

The Gordon Experiment: Recon riding

SsSploogeJ2: Alright guys myth #6 bofa

Monica Chacon: ♥️

ExtractedGamer: I got 82 on the io car

Collin Gonzales: I knew about rail gun and recon scanner combo since day one

Eric Brown: So stupid

Mars: Youtub talk to top5gameing shesheeee

Faith727: Jesus loves you all so much! He died on the cross for the price of our sins and 3 days later, he rose from the dead. He died for our sins so that we may have eternal life in Heaven with him and not perish in Hell. If you believe that with all your heart and confess that you are a sinner and in need of a savior, you will be saved! Come to Jesus and believe on him today!

Freddiel Soto: I went yo spawn island with my frende

Jaime Hopkins: Rocket ride a chicken

Friday night funkin player: Myth: can you cuduct other ufo,s

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