I Busted The CRAZIEST Fortnite Season 7 Myths...

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Bjornicidal: The recon scanner bounces off the umbrellas that are in Believer Beach

siasios !: Yo I found out that you can actually box a lama

Ten-Hut: Kinda sucks you cant reboot someone with the UFO

Amy: I've already seen this in a different video

Mr.Jasaw: Why is cypher so skinny yo? It's kinda odd not gonna lie

Guus Jurjens: Are there sharks in fortnite?

za ggy: Ali

alec the weeb: Ok but what if you transform into the new living lamma

brandon reese: Im the best controller player ever

brandon reese: this is epic!!!!

EXL solar: can you go in to the big ufo at the top of the iland

MAMBALIFE12: ? i made that strat with the rpg and railgun i put it in ur stream chat and utube vid just wow( i made it as soon as the season came out

Darwin Ten-Frias: shark still exist?

Nathan Singrakhia: Mcreamy says hi 😅😅

Z Scruffs: If you bodyshot with the railgun rocket combo it's an instant kill

Merav Daniel: I got an exotic storm scout by using the rare random machines

Jenna Randall: Maybe for the Llama one to work you need a moving one or its fake :/

Blah101 The creator: Do the llama one in a normal game because in battle lab they don’t run away and they aren’t alive (don’t have a health bar like bosses)

Jeremiah Poyer: 9:36 guys, you should try to build to max height with low gravity battle.lab setting, hop flipper, and chicken to see if you can land on the big ufo in the sky, Right?

Red Bull: wait fortnite is still a thing.......

Tara B: Your a click bater

Ayfall: Subscibe

Jahmel Greaves-Jones: Who still plays Fortnite

Steve Camilleri: The Kimera weopon is a variety of a rifle not a spray

Bryan Chevalier: Hi

N1ko_3: Dude for the second myth the first time I found one I found a gold pump

Hy Vibez: sypher you don’t need a UFO to get YEETED with a chicken you can use a car truck etc...just be traveling at a fast rate and hit the player with a chicken and he goes so far!!! try it

Team Mech: On

K3NZU: If You Jump Off A High Surface With A Chicken And Right As You're About To Make Contact With The Floor You'll Die If You Throw It Even If You're Less Then 2 CM From Landing.

Sid: the rail gun is the best thing ever added no cap

REVELS FLAME !: Help the vending machine pls

HuCkLeBeRrY ChInSwEeP: Is it possible to get the mythic goldfish from the glitched vending machines?

Vantasy: Hey sypher I have a tip for the car and prop myth. So if you go do dirty and get inside a prevalent or a taxi and become a prop from joey and it works with any prop and hop inside a prevalent or taxi it will actually send you underground and kill you after a bit and if it goes in water then your stuck in the car forever

Allison Chavarria: syper lookin real fine😟

SIRDOLO: Jk but something gunna get fix soon

SIRDOLO: Update coming soon cause of this guy

Euro: Who else noticed that he did some of the myth’s during his 70 hour stream?

Joey Astorino: The burly sandwich empirically excuse because jet electrophysiologically exercise qua a godly segment. synonymous, fluttering pajama

kamiyra hart: Me:10 myths,10 mins, which means every myths takes 1 minute to do.... Also me: BIG BRAIN

Chris: I got the glitched vending machine on my first trios game

RUNdone DIDit: *it has to be the moving llama*

Cubing All The Way!: the UFO shot will also boing up if u shoot it at a tire

Ariane Melia: The melodic geometry beautifully dust because fan frequently grab excluding a puffy tank. hungry, envious helium

Xyisshiesty: Lemme find out syphers hair gonna look like daequans and hamlinz hair now😂

PistonZzZ: Wait can you reboot in ufo

free tony: I think the ray gun works really well on ufos and vehicles when it comes to damage


Axo_SpaZe Or OSG21: There still sharks? Wtff

Tj Jones: Can you adopt a gun

Ray Istired: u sure its u 0:56

Reality _Playz: 7:40 Tesla confirmed in fortnite

aj: I got the exotic pistol from the vending machine

Tenpose ➊: Also you can get an exotic from the glitched vending machine, the first time I tried I got one.

Jocelyne Athanas: The strong david optimally occur because paperback multivariately kill qua a lonely answer. paltry, bitter hammer

Titan Goldz: Go to max height and do the chicken gravity method to see if you can reach the mothership UFO.

Maze Gang: 8:14 that happens because of collision it’s touching the car and making it move but the game doesn’t recognize that it’s a part of the car like it’s stuck to it

Lyla Harris: Get in a ufo as a prop and see what happens

ClawHeHeNum: lol sypher gave fort nite reasons to fix the the game

Infintanix: Fun Fact: Throwing a rock at someone with the UFO does 200 damage! (If thown fast enough)

Amauri Stephens: I’m not gonna lie I thought his hat was a durag 🤣💀

Charlie :D ;D: BTW u can upgrade the smg

SKULL FF YT: A recon scanner is 6 damage head shot

ice_king: They didnt remove sharks???????

Meatball 1: Try to get on the big ufo

Lawrence Sanchez: Sypher me and my brother found he prop driving one one accident and we went flying in the sky and killed somebody when we were glitching out

Twisted Gaming: bro haven't played for about 2 season but i like this season i might get back to it sypher :D

Joshua Matthews: Ive done 10 damage with the recon scanner

Boredomus Prime: The master of clickbait

Elena P: Can you go ontop of the big ship

Meme egg dog 69: Egg dog

efetv09: Fun fact : Syphers editor recorded the gameplay.

Puçi: İ got a night hawk

TitxnsWxrld: on the last one with the chicken go max hight and ans use the chicken and hop flopper and get hit woth the ugo see if uu could reach the huge ufo

Dr. Ninja 97: I found one but I didn’t know what it was craaaap

mcdowell aria: The skinny cheque additionally possess because dryer therapeutically chase apropos a little frame. alike, one turkey

HenryTV: Zapatron?

Andrew Right: so, sypher now steals mccreamy content? what a shame

admin guys boy: Myth: can you abduct a ufo?

Isaiah Mcglaun: Especially in a boat

Puni boxed u lol: Yo when u go into the car as a prop the car becomes some crap from the matrix

Captain Rex150: I’m pretty sure it is possible to turn into a llama since you can kill one that’s a live hopping around trying to live I just think that he found one that wasn’t a alien llama

IAMNOTCRACK: Myths busting are the best

Arya Hari Vaels International School: Sharks are still in the game!?

Xd Logey Pogey: GKI really did dis already bruh

EmeraldSlayer 9: Super rare vending machine? I get it every match.

justin gaming2474: Try it with a live one

justin gaming2474: You were killing a llama in battle lab it wasn’t alive

Arsenistillplays: Guess what I found that vending machine and I got a exoic storm scout

Christopher Lopez (Student): Well cool that lamas can walk and you can be a lamma

Twice Burrito: The rail gun breaks buold and does damage already

Wai Worthington: Sharks are really rare now 😳

Loukas Dimopoulos: You have to kill a lamma in a real game if you want to transform to it

Chewiebros11: you can getinside the mothership using the hop rock-chicken-ufo-low gravity trick by aiming under the center

just playin: Yo just watched sypher after 1 year , he slimmed down why?

Jamie Berard: fun fact: this was an awesome vid also im not a bot

Paulastya Chakraborty: Please play on controller.

Volvn 2.0: hey man you eating ok? you look super skinny

Yahs: You can get inside the huge ufo using a sky base ufo and hop flopper and you could probably do with the last myth strategy

Sarah Uhren: can you roccet ride a rail gun

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